// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "base/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_test_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_bridge.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/test/testing_browser_process.h" #include "chrome/test/testing_profile.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" @interface BrowserWindowController (JustForTesting) // Already defined in BWC. - (void)saveWindowPositionToPrefs:(PrefService*)prefs; - (void)layoutSubviews; @end @interface BrowserWindowController (ExposedForTesting) // Implementations are below. - (NSView*)infoBarContainerView; - (NSView*)toolbarView; - (NSView*)bookmarkView; - (BOOL)bookmarkBarVisible; - (NSView*)extensionShelfView; @end @implementation BrowserWindowController (ExposedForTesting) - (NSView*)infoBarContainerView { return [infoBarContainerController_ view]; } - (NSView*)toolbarView { return [toolbarController_ view]; } - (NSView*)bookmarkView { return [bookmarkBarController_ view]; } - (NSView*)findBarView { return [findBarCocoaController_ view]; } - (BOOL)bookmarkBarVisible { return [bookmarkBarController_ isVisible]; } - (NSView*)extensionShelfView { return [extensionShelfController_ view]; } @end class BrowserWindowControllerTest : public testing::Test { virtual void SetUp() { controller_.reset([[BrowserWindowController alloc] initWithBrowser:browser_helper_.browser() takeOwnership:NO]); } public: // Order is very important here. We want the controller deleted // before the pool, and want the pool deleted before // BrowserTestHelper. CocoaTestHelper cocoa_helper_; BrowserTestHelper browser_helper_; base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool_; scoped_nsobject controller_; }; TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestSaveWindowPosition) { PrefService* prefs = browser_helper_.profile()->GetPrefs(); ASSERT_TRUE(prefs != NULL); // Check to make sure there is no existing pref for window placement. ASSERT_TRUE(prefs->GetDictionary(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement) == NULL); // Ask the window to save its position, then check that a preference // exists. We're technically passing in a pointer to the user prefs // and not the local state prefs, but a PrefService* is a // PrefService*, and this is a unittest. [controller_ saveWindowPositionToPrefs:prefs]; EXPECT_TRUE(prefs->GetDictionary(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement) != NULL); } @interface BrowserWindowControllerFakeFullscreen : BrowserWindowController { @private // We release the window ourselves, so we don't have to rely on the unittest // doing it for us. scoped_nsobject fullscreenWindow_; } @end @implementation BrowserWindowControllerFakeFullscreen // Override fullscreenWindow to return a dummy window. This isn't needed to // pass the test, but because the dummy window is only 100x100, it prevents the // real fullscreen window from flashing up and taking over the whole screen.. // We have to return an actual window because layoutSubviews: looks at the // window's frame. - (NSWindow*)fullscreenWindow { if (fullscreenWindow_.get()) return fullscreenWindow_.get(); fullscreenWindow_.reset( [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0,0,400,400) styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]); [fullscreenWindow_ setReleasedWhenClosed:NO]; return fullscreenWindow_.get(); } @end TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestFullscreen) { // Note use of "controller", not "controller_" scoped_nsobject controller; controller.reset([[BrowserWindowControllerFakeFullscreen alloc] initWithBrowser:browser_helper_.browser() takeOwnership:NO]); EXPECT_FALSE([controller isFullscreen]); [controller setFullscreen:YES]; EXPECT_TRUE([controller isFullscreen]); [controller setFullscreen:NO]; EXPECT_FALSE([controller isFullscreen]); // Confirm the real fullscreen command doesn't return nil EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ fullscreenWindow]); } TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestNormal) { // Force the bookmark bar to be shown. browser_helper_.profile()->GetPrefs()-> SetBoolean(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar, true); // Make sure a normal BrowserWindowController is, uh, normal. EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ isNormalWindow]); EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ isBookmarkBarVisible]); // And make sure a controller for a pop-up window is not normal. scoped_ptr popup_browser(Browser::CreateForPopup( browser_helper_.profile())); controller_.reset([[BrowserWindowController alloc] initWithBrowser:popup_browser.get() takeOwnership:NO]); EXPECT_FALSE([controller_ isNormalWindow]); EXPECT_FALSE([controller_ isBookmarkBarVisible]); // The created BrowserWindowController gets autoreleased, so make // sure we don't also release it. // (Confirmed with valgrind). controller_.release(); } @interface GTMTheme (BrowserThemeProviderInitialization) + (GTMTheme *)themeWithBrowserThemeProvider:(BrowserThemeProvider *)provider isOffTheRecord:(BOOL)isOffTheRecord; @end TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestTheme) { [controller_ userChangedTheme]; } TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, BookmarkBarControllerIndirection) { EXPECT_FALSE([controller_ isBookmarkBarVisible]); // Explicitly show the bar. Can't use bookmark_utils::ToggleWhenVisible() // because of the notification issues. browser_helper_.profile()->GetPrefs()-> SetBoolean(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar, true); [controller_ updateBookmarkBarVisibility]; EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ isBookmarkBarVisible]); } #if 0 // TODO(jrg): This crashes trying to create the BookmarkBarController, adding // an observer to the BookmarkModel. TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestIncognitoWidthSpace) { scoped_ptr incognito_profile(new TestingProfile()); incognito_profile->set_off_the_record(true); scoped_ptr browser(new Browser(Browser::TYPE_NORMAL, incognito_profile.get())); controller_.reset([[BrowserWindowController alloc] initWithBrowser:browser.get() takeOwnership:NO]); NSRect tabFrame = [[controller_ tabStripView] frame]; [controller_ installIncognitoBadge]; NSRect newTabFrame = [[controller_ tabStripView] frame]; EXPECT_GT(tabFrame.size.width, newTabFrame.size.width); controller_.release(); } #endif namespace { // Verifies that the toolbar, infobar, tab content area, download shelf, and // extension shelf completely fill their window's contentView. void CheckViewPositions(BrowserWindowController* controller) { NSRect contentView = [[[controller window] contentView] bounds]; NSRect toolbar = [[controller toolbarView] frame]; NSRect infobar = [[controller infoBarContainerView] frame]; NSRect contentArea = [[controller tabContentArea] frame]; NSRect download = [[[controller downloadShelf] view] frame]; NSRect extension = [[controller extensionShelfView] frame]; EXPECT_EQ(NSMinY(contentView), NSMinY(extension)); EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(extension), NSMinY(download)); EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(download), NSMinY(contentArea)); EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(contentArea), NSMinY(infobar)); // Bookmark bar frame is random memory when hidden. if ([controller bookmarkBarVisible]) { NSRect bookmark = [[controller bookmarkView] frame]; EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(infobar), NSMinY(bookmark)); EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(bookmark), NSMinY(toolbar)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(infobar), NSMinY(toolbar)); } EXPECT_EQ(NSMaxY(contentView), NSMaxY(toolbar)); } } // end namespace // Test to make sure resizing and relaying-out subviews works correctly. TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestResizeViews) { TabStripView* tabstrip = [controller_ tabStripView]; NSView* contentView = [[tabstrip window] contentView]; NSView* toolbar = [controller_ toolbarView]; NSView* infobar = [controller_ infoBarContainerView]; NSView* extensionShelf = [controller_ extensionShelfView]; // We need to muck with the views a bit to put us in a consistent state before // we start resizing. In particular, we need to move the tab strip to be // immediately above the content area, since we layout views to be directly // under the tab strip. We also explicitly set the contentView's frame to be // 800x600. [contentView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]; NSRect tabstripFrame = [tabstrip frame]; tabstripFrame.origin.y = NSMaxY([contentView frame]); [tabstrip setFrame:tabstripFrame]; // The download shelf is created lazily. Force-create it and set its initial // height to 0. NSView* download = [[controller_ downloadShelf] view]; [controller_ resizeView:download newHeight:0]; // Force a layout and check each view's frame. [controller_ layoutSubviews]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Add an extension shelf and recheck. [controller_ resizeView:extensionShelf newHeight:40]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Expand the infobar to 60px and recheck [controller_ resizeView:infobar newHeight:60]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Expand the toolbar to 64px and recheck [controller_ resizeView:toolbar newHeight:64]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Add a 30px download shelf and recheck [controller_ resizeView:download newHeight:30]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Shrink the infobar to 0px and toolbar to 39px and recheck [controller_ resizeView:infobar newHeight:0]; [controller_ resizeView:toolbar newHeight:39]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); } TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestResizeViewsWithBookmarkBar) { // Force a display of the bookmark bar. browser_helper_.profile()->GetPrefs()-> SetBoolean(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar, true); TabStripView* tabstrip = [controller_ tabStripView]; NSView* contentView = [[tabstrip window] contentView]; NSView* toolbar = [controller_ toolbarView]; NSView* bookmark = [controller_ bookmarkView]; NSView* infobar = [controller_ infoBarContainerView]; NSView* extensionShelf = [controller_ extensionShelfView]; // We need to muck with the views a bit to put us in a consistent state before // we start resizing. In particular, we need to move the tab strip to be // immediately above the content area, since we layout views to be directly // under the tab strip. We also explicitly set the contentView's frame to be // 800x600. [contentView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]; NSRect tabstripFrame = [tabstrip frame]; tabstripFrame.origin.y = NSMaxY([contentView frame]); [tabstrip setFrame:tabstripFrame]; // The download shelf is created lazily. Force-create it and set its initial // height to 0. NSView* download = [[controller_ downloadShelf] view]; [controller_ resizeView:download newHeight:0]; // Force a layout and check each view's frame. [controller_ layoutSubviews]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Add the bookmark bar and recheck. [controller_ resizeView:bookmark newHeight:40]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Add an extension shelf and recheck. [controller_ resizeView:extensionShelf newHeight:40]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Expand the infobar to 60px and recheck [controller_ resizeView:infobar newHeight:60]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Expand the toolbar to 64px and recheck [controller_ resizeView:toolbar newHeight:64]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Add a 30px download shelf and recheck [controller_ resizeView:download newHeight:30]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Remove the bookmark bar and recheck browser_helper_.profile()->GetPrefs()-> SetBoolean(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar, false); [controller_ resizeView:bookmark newHeight:0]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); // Shrink the infobar to 0px and toolbar to 39px and recheck [controller_ resizeView:infobar newHeight:0]; [controller_ resizeView:toolbar newHeight:39]; CheckViewPositions(controller_); } // Make sure, by default, the bookmark bar and the toolbar are the same width. TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, BookmarkBarIsSameWidth) { // Set the pref to the bookmark bar is visible when the toolbar is // first created. browser_helper_.profile()->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean( prefs::kShowBookmarkBar, true); // Make sure the bookmark bar is the same width as the toolbar NSView* bookmarkBarView = [controller_ bookmarkView]; NSView* toolbarView = [controller_ toolbarView]; EXPECT_EQ([toolbarView frame].size.width, [bookmarkBarView frame].size.width); } TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestTopLeftForBubble) { NSPoint p = [controller_ topLeftForBubble]; NSRect all = [[controller_ window] frame]; // As a sanity check make sure the point is vaguely in the top left // of the window. EXPECT_GT(p.y, all.origin.y + (all.size.height/2)); EXPECT_LT(p.x, all.origin.x + (all.size.width/2)); } // By the "zoom frame", we mean what Apple calls the "standard frame". TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestZoomFrame) { NSWindow* window = [controller_ window]; ASSERT_TRUE(window); NSRect screenFrame = [[window screen] visibleFrame]; ASSERT_FALSE(NSIsEmptyRect(screenFrame)); // Minimum zoomed width is the larger of 60% of available horizontal space or // 60% of available vertical space, subject to available horizontal space. CGFloat minZoomWidth = std::min(std::max((CGFloat)0.6 * screenFrame.size.width, (CGFloat)0.6 * screenFrame.size.height), screenFrame.size.width); // |testFrame| is the size of the window we start out with, and |zoomFrame| is // the one returned by |-windowWillUseStandardFrame:defaultFrame:|. NSRect testFrame; NSRect zoomFrame; // 1. Test a case where it zooms the window both horizontally and vertically, // and only moves it vertically. "+ 32", etc. are just arbitrary constants // used to check that the window is moved properly and not just to the origin; // they should be small enough to not shove windows off the screen. testFrame.size.width = 0.5 * minZoomWidth; testFrame.size.height = 0.5 * screenFrame.size.height; testFrame.origin.x = screenFrame.origin.x + 32; // See above. testFrame.origin.y = screenFrame.origin.y + 23; [window setFrame:testFrame display:NO]; zoomFrame = [controller_ windowWillUseStandardFrame:window defaultFrame:screenFrame]; EXPECT_LE(minZoomWidth, zoomFrame.size.width); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.size.height, zoomFrame.size.height); EXPECT_EQ(testFrame.origin.x, zoomFrame.origin.x); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.origin.y, zoomFrame.origin.y); // 2. Test a case where it zooms the window only horizontally, and only moves // it horizontally. testFrame.size.width = 0.5 * minZoomWidth; testFrame.size.height = screenFrame.size.height; testFrame.origin.x = screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.size.width - testFrame.size.width; testFrame.origin.y = screenFrame.origin.y; [window setFrame:testFrame display:NO]; zoomFrame = [controller_ windowWillUseStandardFrame:window defaultFrame:screenFrame]; EXPECT_LE(minZoomWidth, zoomFrame.size.width); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.size.height, zoomFrame.size.height); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.size.width - zoomFrame.size.width, zoomFrame.origin.x); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.origin.y, zoomFrame.origin.y); // 3. Test a case where it zooms the window only vertically, and only moves it // vertically. testFrame.size.width = std::min((CGFloat)1.1 * minZoomWidth, screenFrame.size.width); testFrame.size.height = 0.3 * screenFrame.size.height; testFrame.origin.x = screenFrame.origin.x + 32; // See above (in 1.). testFrame.origin.y = screenFrame.origin.y + 123; [window setFrame:testFrame display:NO]; zoomFrame = [controller_ windowWillUseStandardFrame:window defaultFrame:screenFrame]; // Use the actual width of the window frame, since it's subject to rounding. EXPECT_EQ([window frame].size.width, zoomFrame.size.width); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.size.height, zoomFrame.size.height); EXPECT_EQ(testFrame.origin.x, zoomFrame.origin.x); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.origin.y, zoomFrame.origin.y); // 4. Test a case where zooming should do nothing (i.e., we're already at a // zoomed frame). testFrame.size.width = std::min((CGFloat)1.1 * minZoomWidth, screenFrame.size.width); testFrame.size.height = screenFrame.size.height; testFrame.origin.x = screenFrame.origin.x + 32; // See above (in 1.). testFrame.origin.y = screenFrame.origin.y; [window setFrame:testFrame display:NO]; zoomFrame = [controller_ windowWillUseStandardFrame:window defaultFrame:screenFrame]; // Use the actual width of the window frame, since it's subject to rounding. EXPECT_EQ([window frame].size.width, zoomFrame.size.width); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.size.height, zoomFrame.size.height); EXPECT_EQ(testFrame.origin.x, zoomFrame.origin.x); EXPECT_EQ(screenFrame.origin.y, zoomFrame.origin.y); } TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestFindBarOnTop) { FindBarBridge bridge; [controller_.get() addFindBar:bridge.find_bar_cocoa_controller()]; // Test that the Z-order of the find bar is on top of everything. NSArray* subviews = [[[controller_.get() window] contentView] subviews]; NSUInteger findBar_index = [subviews indexOfObject:[controller_.get() findBarView]]; EXPECT_NE(NSNotFound, findBar_index); NSUInteger toolbar_index = [subviews indexOfObject:[controller_.get() toolbarView]]; EXPECT_NE(NSNotFound, toolbar_index); NSUInteger bookmark_index = [subviews indexOfObject:[controller_.get() bookmarkView]]; EXPECT_NE(NSNotFound, bookmark_index); EXPECT_GT(findBar_index, toolbar_index); EXPECT_GT(findBar_index, bookmark_index); } /* TODO(???): test other methods of BrowserWindowController */