// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <vector>

#import "base/chrome_application_mac.h"
#include "base/debug_util.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/mac_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#import "base/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
#import "base/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"

// Background windows normally will not display things such as focus
// rings.  This class allows -isKeyWindow to be manipulated to test
// such things.
@interface CocoaTestHelperWindow : NSWindow {
  BOOL pretendIsKeyWindow_;

// Init a borderless non-deferred window with a backing store.
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect;

// Init with a default frame.
- (id)init;

// Sets the responder passed in as first responder, and sets the window
// so that it will return "YES" if asked if it key window. It does not actually
// make the window key.
- (void)makePretendKeyWindowAndSetFirstResponder:(NSResponder*)responder;

// Clears the first responder duty for the window and returns the window
// to being non-key.
- (void)clearPretendKeyWindowAndFirstResponder;

// Set value to return for -isKeyWindow.
- (void)setPretendIsKeyWindow:(BOOL)isKeyWindow;

- (BOOL)isKeyWindow;


// A test class that all tests that depend on AppKit should inherit from.
// Sets up NSApplication and paths correctly, and makes sure that any windows
// created in the test are closed down properly by the test. If you need to
// inherit from a different test class, but need to set up the AppKit runtime
// environment, you can call BootstrapCocoa directly from your test class. You
// will have to deal with windows on your own though.
class CocoaTest : public PlatformTest {
  // Sets up AppKit and paths correctly for unit tests. If you can't inherit
  // from CocoaTest but are going to be using any AppKit features directly,
  // or indirectly, you should be calling this from the c'tor or SetUp methods
  // of your test class.
  static void BootstrapCocoa();

  virtual ~CocoaTest();

  // Must be called by subclasses that override TearDown. We verify that it
  // is called in our destructor. Takes care of making sure that all windows
  // are closed off correctly. If your tests open windows, they must be sure
  // to close them before CocoaTest::TearDown is called. A standard way of doing
  // this would be to create them in SetUp (after calling CocoaTest::Setup) and
  // then close them in TearDown before calling CocoaTest::TearDown.
  virtual void TearDown();

  // Retuns a test window that can be used by views and other UI objects
  // as part of their tests. Is created lazily, and will be closed correctly
  // in CocoaTest::TearDown. Note that it is a CocoaTestHelperWindow which
  // has special handling for being Key.
  CocoaTestHelperWindow* test_window();

  // Return a vector of currently open windows. Note that it is a vector
  // instead of an NSArray because we don't want any retains placed on the
  // windows in it and that the windows in this list may no longer be valid
  // NSWindows any time after this returns. You can only use the pointer values
  // in the vector for comparison purposes.
  static std::vector<NSWindow*> ApplicationWindows();

  bool called_tear_down_;
  base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool_;
  std::vector<NSWindow*> initial_windows_;
  // Strong. Lazily created. This isn't wrapped in a scoped_nsobject because
  // we want to call [close] to destroy it rather than calling [release]. We
  // want to verify that [close] is actually removing our window and that it's
  // not hanging around because releaseWhenClosed was set to "no" on the window.
  // It isn't wrapped in a different wrapper class to close it because we
  // need to close it at a very specific time; just before we enter our clean
  // up loop in TearDown.
  CocoaTestHelperWindow* test_window_;

// A macro defining a standard set of tests to run on a view. Since we can't
// inherit tests, this macro saves us a lot of duplicate code. Handles simply
// displaying the view to make sure it won't crash, as well as removing it
// from a window. All tests that work with NSView subclasses and/or
// NSViewController subclasses should use it.
#define TEST_VIEW(test_fixture, test_view) \
  TEST_F(test_fixture, AddRemove##test_fixture) { \
    scoped_nsobject<NSView> view([test_view retain]); \
    EXPECT_EQ([test_window() contentView], [view superview]); \
    [view removeFromSuperview]; \
    EXPECT_FALSE([view superview]); \
  } \
  TEST_F(test_fixture, Display##test_fixture) { \
    [test_view display]; \

// The classes below are deprecated and will be removed shortly. Do not write
// any tests based on them.

// A class that initializes Cocoa and sets up resources for many of our
// Cocoa controller unit tests. It does several key things:
//   - Creates and displays an empty Cocoa window for views to live in
//   - Loads the appropriate bundle so nib loading works. When loading the
//     nib in the class being tested, your must use |mac_util::MainAppBundle()|
//     as the bundle. If you do not specify a bundle, your test will likely
//     fail.
// It currently does not create an autorelease pool, though that can easily be
// added. If your test wants one, it can derive from PlatformTest instead of
// testing::Test.

// Provides the Cocoa goodness without the extraneous window.

// TODO(dmaclach): remove as soon as I can get my other CLs in that get rid
//                 of any dependencies on this. 10/30/09 at the latest.
class CocoaNoWindowTestHelper {
  CocoaNoWindowTestHelper() {

    // Set the duration of AppKit-evaluated animations (such as frame changes)
    // to zero for testing purposes. That way they take effect immediately.
    [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:0.0];

// TODO(dmaclach): remove as soon as I can get my other CLs in that get rid
//                 of any dependencies on this. 11/30/09 at the latest.
class CocoaTestHelper : public CocoaNoWindowTestHelper {
  CocoaTestHelper() {
    window_.reset([[CocoaTestHelperWindow alloc] init]);
    if (DebugUtil::BeingDebugged()) {
      [window_ orderFront:nil];
    } else {
      [window_ orderBack:nil];

  // Access the Cocoa window created for the test.
  NSWindow* window() const { return window_.get(); }
  NSView* contentView() const { return [window_ contentView]; }

  // Set |window_| to pretend to be key and make |aView| its
  // firstResponder.
  void makeFirstResponder(NSView* aView) {
    [window_ makeFirstResponder:aView];
    [window_ setPretendIsKeyWindow:YES];

  // Clear |window_| firstResponder and stop pretending to be key.
  void clearFirstResponder() {
    [window_ setPretendIsKeyWindow:NO];
    [window_ makeFirstResponder:nil];

  scoped_nsobject<CocoaTestHelperWindow> window_;