// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/extensions/extension_infobar_controller.h" #include #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/animatable_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/extensions/extension_action_context_menu.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/menu_button.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/infobar.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_icon_set.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_resource.h" #include "gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h" namespace { const CGFloat kAnimationDuration = 0.12; const CGFloat kBottomBorderHeightPx = 1.0; const CGFloat kButtonHeightPx = 26.0; const CGFloat kButtonLeftMarginPx = 2.0; const CGFloat kButtonWidthPx = 34.0; const CGFloat kDropArrowLeftMarginPx = 3.0; const CGFloat kToolbarMinHeightPx = 36.0; const CGFloat kToolbarMaxHeightPx = 72.0; } // namespace @interface ExtensionInfoBarController(Private) // Called when the extension's hosted NSView has been resized. - (void)extensionViewFrameChanged; // Returns the clamped height of the extension view to be within the min and max // values defined above. - (CGFloat)clampedExtensionViewHeight; // Adjusts the width of the extension's hosted view to match the window's width // and sets the proper height for it as well. - (void)adjustExtensionViewSize; // Sets the image to be used in the button on the left side of the infobar. - (void)setButtonImage:(NSImage*)image; @end // A helper class to bridge the asynchronous Skia bitmap loading mechanism to // the extension's button. class InfobarBridge : public ExtensionInfoBarDelegate::DelegateObserver, public ImageLoadingTracker::Observer { public: explicit InfobarBridge(ExtensionInfoBarController* owner) : owner_(owner), delegate_([owner delegate]->AsExtensionInfoBarDelegate()), tracker_(this) { delegate_->set_observer(this); LoadIcon(); } virtual ~InfobarBridge() { if (delegate_) delegate_->set_observer(NULL); } // Load the Extension's icon image. void LoadIcon() { const Extension* extension = delegate_->extension_host()->extension(); ExtensionResource icon_resource = extension->GetIconResource( Extension::EXTENSION_ICON_BITTY, ExtensionIconSet::MATCH_EXACTLY); if (!icon_resource.relative_path().empty()) { tracker_.LoadImage(extension, icon_resource, gfx::Size(Extension::EXTENSION_ICON_BITTY, Extension::EXTENSION_ICON_BITTY), ImageLoadingTracker::DONT_CACHE); } else { OnImageLoaded(NULL, icon_resource, 0); } } // ImageLoadingTracker::Observer implementation. // TODO(andybons): The infobar view implementations share a lot of the same // code. Come up with a strategy to share amongst them. virtual void OnImageLoaded( SkBitmap* image, ExtensionResource resource, int index) { if (!delegate_) return; // The delegate can go away while the image asynchronously loads. ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); // Fall back on the default extension icon on failure. SkBitmap* icon; if (!image || image->empty()) icon = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_EXTENSIONS_SECTION); else icon = image; SkBitmap* drop_image = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_APP_DROPARROW); const int image_size = Extension::EXTENSION_ICON_BITTY; scoped_ptr canvas( new gfx::CanvasSkia( image_size + kDropArrowLeftMarginPx + drop_image->width(), image_size, false)); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*icon, 0, 0, icon->width(), icon->height(), 0, 0, image_size, image_size, false); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*drop_image, image_size + kDropArrowLeftMarginPx, image_size / 2); [owner_ setButtonImage:gfx::SkBitmapToNSImage(canvas->ExtractBitmap())]; } // Overridden from ExtensionInfoBarDelegate::DelegateObserver: virtual void OnDelegateDeleted() { delegate_ = NULL; } private: // Weak. Owns us. ExtensionInfoBarController* owner_; // Weak. ExtensionInfoBarDelegate* delegate_; // Loads the extensions's icon on the file thread. ImageLoadingTracker tracker_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InfobarBridge); }; @implementation ExtensionInfoBarController - (id)initWithDelegate:(InfoBarDelegate*)delegate window:(NSWindow*)window { if ((self = [super initWithDelegate:delegate])) { window_ = window; dropdownButton_.reset([[MenuButton alloc] init]); ExtensionHost* extensionHost = delegate_->AsExtensionInfoBarDelegate()-> extension_host(); contextMenu_.reset([[ExtensionActionContextMenu alloc] initWithExtension:extensionHost->extension() profile:extensionHost->profile() extensionAction:NULL]); // See menu_button.h for documentation on why this is needed. NSMenuItem* dummyItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [contextMenu_ insertItem:dummyItem atIndex:0]; [dropdownButton_ setAttachedMenu:contextMenu_.get()]; bridge_.reset(new InfobarBridge(self)); } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)addAdditionalControls { [self removeButtons]; extensionView_ = delegate_->AsExtensionInfoBarDelegate()->extension_host()-> view()->native_view(); // Add the extension's RenderWidgetHostViewMac to the view hierarchy of the // InfoBar and make sure to place it below the Close button. [infoBarView_ addSubview:extensionView_ positioned:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:(NSView*)closeButton_]; // Add the context menu button to the hierarchy. [dropdownButton_ setShowsBorderOnlyWhileMouseInside:YES]; CGFloat buttonY = std::floor(NSMidY([infoBarView_ frame]) - (kButtonHeightPx / 2.0)) + kBottomBorderHeightPx; NSRect buttonFrame = NSMakeRect( kButtonLeftMarginPx, buttonY, kButtonWidthPx, kButtonHeightPx); [dropdownButton_ setFrame:buttonFrame]; [dropdownButton_ setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinYMargin | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [infoBarView_ addSubview:dropdownButton_]; // Because the parent view has a bottom border, account for it during // positioning. NSRect extensionFrame = [extensionView_ frame]; extensionFrame.origin.y = kBottomBorderHeightPx; [extensionView_ setFrame:extensionFrame]; // The extension's native view will only have a height that is non-zero if it // already has been loaded and rendered, which is the case when you switch // back to a tab with an extension infobar within it. The reason this is // needed is because the extension view's frame will not have changed in the // above case, so the NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification registered below will // never fire. if (NSHeight(extensionFrame) > 0.0) { NSSize infoBarSize = [[self view] frame].size; infoBarSize.height = [self clampedExtensionViewHeight] + kBottomBorderHeightPx; [[self view] setFrameSize:infoBarSize]; [infoBarView_ setFrameSize:infoBarSize]; } [self adjustExtensionViewSize]; // These two notification handlers are here to ensure the width of the // native extension view is the same as the browser window's width and that // the parent infobar view matches the height of the extension's native view. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(extensionViewFrameChanged) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:extensionView_]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(adjustWidthToFitWindow) name:NSWindowDidResizeNotification object:window_]; } - (void)extensionViewFrameChanged { [self adjustExtensionViewSize]; AnimatableView* view = [self animatableView]; NSRect infoBarFrame = [view frame]; CGFloat newHeight = [self clampedExtensionViewHeight] + kBottomBorderHeightPx; [infoBarView_ setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:NO]; infoBarFrame.size.height = newHeight; [infoBarView_ setFrame:infoBarFrame]; [infoBarView_ setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; [view animateToNewHeight:newHeight duration:kAnimationDuration]; } - (CGFloat)clampedExtensionViewHeight { return std::max(kToolbarMinHeightPx, std::min(NSHeight([extensionView_ frame]), kToolbarMaxHeightPx)); } - (void)adjustExtensionViewSize { [extensionView_ setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:NO]; NSSize extensionViewSize = [extensionView_ frame].size; extensionViewSize.width = NSWidth([window_ frame]); extensionViewSize.height = [self clampedExtensionViewHeight]; [extensionView_ setFrameSize:extensionViewSize]; [extensionView_ setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; } - (void)setButtonImage:(NSImage*)image { [dropdownButton_ setImage:image]; } @end InfoBar* ExtensionInfoBarDelegate::CreateInfoBar() { NSWindow* window = [(NSView*)tab_contents_->GetContentNativeView() window]; ExtensionInfoBarController* controller = [[ExtensionInfoBarController alloc] initWithDelegate:this window:window]; return new InfoBar(controller); }