// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import #include "base/mac_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_bar_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_cocoa.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_cocoa_controller.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_bridge.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_text_field.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_text_field_cell.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_pasteboard.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/focus_tracker.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMNSAnimation+Duration.h" namespace { const float kFindBarOpenDuration = 0.2; const float kFindBarCloseDuration = 0.15; } @interface FindBarCocoaController (PrivateMethods) // Returns the appropriate frame for a hidden find bar. - (NSRect)hiddenFindBarFrame; // Sets the frame of |findBarView_|. |duration| is ignored if |animate| is NO. - (void)setFindBarFrame:(NSRect)endFrame animate:(BOOL)animate duration:(float)duration; // Optionally stops the current search, puts |text| into the find bar, and // enables the buttons, but doesn't start a new search for |text|. - (void)prepopulateText:(NSString*)text stopSearch:(BOOL)stopSearch; @end @implementation FindBarCocoaController - (id)init { if ((self = [super initWithNibName:@"FindBar" bundle:mac_util::MainAppBundle()])) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(findPboardUpdated:) name:kFindPasteboardChangedNotification object:[FindPasteboard sharedInstance]]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { // All animations should be explicitly stopped by the TabContents before a tab // is closed. DCHECK(!currentAnimation_.get()); [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)setFindBarBridge:(FindBarBridge*)findBarBridge { DCHECK(!findBarBridge_); // should only be called once. findBarBridge_ = findBarBridge; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [findBarView_ setFrame:[self hiddenFindBarFrame]]; // Stopping the search requires a findbar controller, which isn't valid yet // during setup. Furthermore, there is no active search yet anyway. [self prepopulateText:[[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] findText] stopSearch:NO]; } - (IBAction)close:(id)sender { if (findBarBridge_) findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->EndFindSession( FindBarController::kKeepSelection); } - (IBAction)previousResult:(id)sender { if (findBarBridge_) findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->tab_contents()->StartFinding( base::SysNSStringToUTF16([findText_ stringValue]), false, false); } - (IBAction)nextResult:(id)sender { if (findBarBridge_) findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->tab_contents()->StartFinding( base::SysNSStringToUTF16([findText_ stringValue]), true, false); } - (void)findPboardUpdated:(NSNotification*)notification { if (suppressPboardUpdateActions_) return; [self prepopulateText:[[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] findText] stopSearch:YES]; } - (void)positionFindBarViewAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY maxWidth:(CGFloat)maxWidth { static const CGFloat kRightEdgeOffset = 25; NSView* containerView = [self view]; CGFloat containerHeight = NSHeight([containerView frame]); CGFloat containerWidth = NSWidth([containerView frame]); // Adjust where we'll actually place the find bar. CGFloat maxX = maxWidth - kRightEdgeOffset; DLOG_IF(WARNING, maxX < 0) << "Window too narrow for find bar"; maxY += 1; NSRect newFrame = NSMakeRect(maxX - containerWidth, maxY - containerHeight, containerWidth, containerHeight); [containerView setFrame:newFrame]; } // NSControl delegate method. - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification { if (!findBarBridge_) return; TabContents* tab_contents = findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->tab_contents(); if (!tab_contents) return; NSString* findText = [findText_ stringValue]; suppressPboardUpdateActions_ = YES; [[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] setFindText:findText]; suppressPboardUpdateActions_ = NO; if ([findText length] > 0) { tab_contents->StartFinding(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(findText), true, false); } else { // The textbox is empty so we reset. tab_contents->StopFinding(FindBarController::kClearSelection); [self updateUIForFindResult:tab_contents->find_result() withText:string16()]; } } // NSControl delegate method - (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control textView:(NSTextView*)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)command { if (command == @selector(insertNewline:)) { // Pressing Return NSEvent* event = [NSApp currentEvent]; if ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) [previousButton_ performClick:nil]; else [nextButton_ performClick:nil]; return YES; } else if (command == @selector(insertLineBreak:)) { // Pressing Ctrl-Return if (findBarBridge_) { findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->EndFindSession( FindBarController::kActivateSelection); } return YES; } else if (command == @selector(pageUp:) || command == @selector(pageUpAndModifySelection:) || command == @selector(scrollPageUp:) || command == @selector(pageDown:) || command == @selector(pageDownAndModifySelection:) || command == @selector(scrollPageDown:) || command == @selector(scrollToBeginningOfDocument:) || command == @selector(scrollToEndOfDocument:) || command == @selector(moveUp:) || command == @selector(moveDown:)) { TabContents* contents = findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->tab_contents(); if (!contents) return NO; // Sanity-check to make sure we got a keyboard event. NSEvent* event = [NSApp currentEvent]; if ([event type] != NSKeyDown && [event type] != NSKeyUp) return NO; // Forward the event to the renderer. // TODO(rohitrao): Should this call -[BaseView keyEvent:]? Is there code in // that function that we want to keep or avoid? Calling // |ForwardKeyboardEvent()| directly ignores edit commands, which breaks // cmd-up/down if we ever decide to include |moveToBeginningOfDocument:| in // the list above. RenderViewHost* render_view_host = contents->render_view_host(); render_view_host->ForwardKeyboardEvent(NativeWebKeyboardEvent(event)); return YES; } return NO; } // Methods from FindBar - (void)showFindBar:(BOOL)animate { // Save the currently-focused view. |findBarView_| is in the view // hierarchy by now. showFindBar can be called even when the // findbar is already open, so do not overwrite an already saved // view. if (!focusTracker_.get()) focusTracker_.reset( [[FocusTracker alloc] initWithWindow:[findBarView_ window]]); // Animate the view into place. NSRect frame = [findBarView_ frame]; frame.origin = NSMakePoint(0, 0); [self setFindBarFrame:frame animate:animate duration:kFindBarOpenDuration]; } - (void)hideFindBar:(BOOL)animate { NSRect frame = [self hiddenFindBarFrame]; [self setFindBarFrame:frame animate:animate duration:kFindBarCloseDuration]; } - (void)stopAnimation { if (currentAnimation_.get()) { [currentAnimation_ stopAnimation]; currentAnimation_.reset(nil); } } - (void)setFocusAndSelection { [[findText_ window] makeFirstResponder:findText_]; // Enable the buttons if the find text is non-empty. BOOL buttonsEnabled = ([[findText_ stringValue] length] > 0) ? YES : NO; [previousButton_ setEnabled:buttonsEnabled]; [nextButton_ setEnabled:buttonsEnabled]; } - (void)restoreSavedFocus { if (!(focusTracker_.get() && [focusTracker_ restoreFocusInWindow:[findBarView_ window]])) { // Fall back to giving focus to the tab contents. findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->tab_contents()->Focus(); } focusTracker_.reset(nil); } - (void)setFindText:(NSString*)findText { [findText_ setStringValue:findText]; // Make sure the text in the find bar always ends up in the find pasteboard // (and, via notifications, in the other find bars too). [[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] setFindText:findText]; } - (void)clearResults:(const FindNotificationDetails&)results { // Just call updateUIForFindResult, which will take care of clearing // the search text and the results label. [self updateUIForFindResult:results withText:string16()]; } - (void)updateUIForFindResult:(const FindNotificationDetails&)result withText:(const string16&)findText { // If we don't have any results and something was passed in, then // that means someone pressed Cmd-G while the Find box was // closed. In that case we need to repopulate the Find box with what // was passed in. if ([[findText_ stringValue] length] == 0 && !findText.empty()) { [findText_ setStringValue:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(findText)]; [findText_ selectText:self]; } // Make sure Find Next and Find Previous are enabled if we found any matches. BOOL buttonsEnabled = result.number_of_matches() > 0 ? YES : NO; [previousButton_ setEnabled:buttonsEnabled]; [nextButton_ setEnabled:buttonsEnabled]; // Update the results label. BOOL validRange = result.active_match_ordinal() != -1 && result.number_of_matches() != -1; NSString* searchString = [findText_ stringValue]; if ([searchString length] > 0 && validRange) { [[findText_ findBarTextFieldCell] setActiveMatch:result.active_match_ordinal() of:result.number_of_matches()]; } else { // If there was no text entered, we don't show anything in the results area. [[findText_ findBarTextFieldCell] clearResults]; } [findText_ resetFieldEditorFrameIfNeeded]; // If we found any results, reset the focus tracker, so we always // restore focus to the tab contents. if (result.number_of_matches() > 0) focusTracker_.reset(nil); } - (BOOL)isFindBarVisible { // Find bar is visible if any part of it is on the screen. return NSIntersectsRect([[self view] bounds], [findBarView_ frame]); } - (BOOL)isFindBarAnimating { return (currentAnimation_.get() != nil); } // NSAnimation delegate methods. - (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation { // Autorelease the animation (cannot use release because the animation object // is still on the stack. DCHECK(animation == currentAnimation_.get()); [currentAnimation_.release() autorelease]; // If the find bar is not visible, make it actually hidden, so it'll no longer // respond to key events. [findBarView_ setHidden:![self isFindBarVisible]]; } @end @implementation FindBarCocoaController (PrivateMethods) - (NSRect)hiddenFindBarFrame { NSRect frame = [findBarView_ frame]; NSRect containerBounds = [[self view] bounds]; frame.origin = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(containerBounds), NSMaxY(containerBounds)); return frame; } - (void)setFindBarFrame:(NSRect)endFrame animate:(BOOL)animate duration:(float)duration { // Save the current frame. NSRect startFrame = [findBarView_ frame]; // Stop any existing animations. [currentAnimation_ stopAnimation]; if (!animate) { [findBarView_ setFrame:endFrame]; [findBarView_ setHidden:![self isFindBarVisible]]; currentAnimation_.reset(nil); return; } // If animating, ensure that the find bar is not hidden. Hidden status will be // updated at the end of the animation. [findBarView_ setHidden:NO]; // Reset the frame to what was saved above. [findBarView_ setFrame:startFrame]; NSDictionary* dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: findBarView_, NSViewAnimationTargetKey, [NSValue valueWithRect:endFrame], NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey, nil]; currentAnimation_.reset( [[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:dict, nil]]); [currentAnimation_ gtm_setDuration:duration eventMask:NSLeftMouseDownMask]; [currentAnimation_ setDelegate:self]; [currentAnimation_ startAnimation]; } - (void)prepopulateText:(NSString*)text stopSearch:(BOOL)stopSearch{ [self setFindText:text]; // End the find session, hide the "x of y" text and disable the // buttons, but do not close the find bar or raise the window here. if (stopSearch && findBarBridge_) { TabContents* contents = findBarBridge_->GetFindBarController()->tab_contents(); if (contents) { contents->StopFinding(FindBarController::kClearSelection); findBarBridge_->ClearResults(contents->find_result()); } } // Has to happen after |ClearResults()| above. BOOL buttonsEnabled = [text length] > 0 ? YES : NO; [previousButton_ setEnabled:buttonsEnabled]; [nextButton_ setEnabled:buttonsEnabled]; } @end