// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/history_menu_bridge.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_test_helper.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" class HistoryMenuBridgeTest : public PlatformTest { public: // We are a friend of HistoryMenuBridge (and have access to // protected methods), but none of the classes generated by TEST_F() // are. Wraps common commands. void ClearMenuSection(HistoryMenuBridge* bridge, NSMenu* menu, NSInteger tag, unsigned int count) { bridge->ClearMenuSection(menu, tag, count); } void AddItemToBridgeMenu(HistoryMenuBridge* bridge, HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem& item, NSMenu* menu, NSInteger tag, NSInteger index) { bridge->AddItemToMenu(item, menu, tag, index); } NSMenuItem* AddItemToMenu(NSMenu* menu, NSString* title, SEL selector, int tag) { NSMenuItem* item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:title action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTag:tag]; if (selector) [item setAction:selector]; [menu addItem:item]; return item; } HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem CreateItem(const string16& title) { HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem item; item.title = title; item.url = GURL("http://google.com"); return item; } BrowserTestHelper browser_test_helper_; }; // Edge case test for clearing until the end of a menu. TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, TestClearHistoryMenuUntilEnd) { scoped_ptr bridge( new HistoryMenuBridge(browser_test_helper_.profile())); EXPECT_TRUE(bridge.get()); NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease]; NSInteger section_tag = 9990; AddItemToMenu(menu, @"HEADER", NULL, section_tag); NSInteger tag = section_tag; AddItemToMenu(menu, @"alpha", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); AddItemToMenu(menu, @"bravo", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); AddItemToMenu(menu, @"charlie", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); AddItemToMenu(menu, @"delta", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); ClearMenuSection(bridge.get(), menu, section_tag, 4); EXPECT_EQ(1, [menu numberOfItems]); EXPECT_EQ(@"HEADER", [[menu itemWithTag:section_tag] title]); } // Skip menu items that are not hooked up to |-openHistoryMenuItem:|. TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, TestClearHistoryMenuSkipping) { scoped_ptr bridge( new HistoryMenuBridge(browser_test_helper_.profile())); EXPECT_TRUE(bridge.get()); NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease]; NSInteger section_tag = 9990; AddItemToMenu(menu, @"HEADER", NULL, section_tag); NSInteger tag = section_tag; AddItemToMenu(menu, @"alpha", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); AddItemToMenu(menu, @"bravo", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); AddItemToMenu(menu, @"unhooked", NULL, ++tag); AddItemToMenu(menu, @"charlie", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), ++tag); ClearMenuSection(bridge.get(), menu, section_tag, 4); EXPECT_EQ(2, [menu numberOfItems]); EXPECT_EQ(@"HEADER", [[menu itemWithTag:section_tag] title]); EXPECT_EQ(@"unhooked", [[menu itemAtIndex:1] title]); } // Edge case test for clearing an empty menu. TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, TestClearHistoryMenuEmpty) { scoped_ptr bridge( new HistoryMenuBridge(browser_test_helper_.profile())); EXPECT_TRUE(bridge.get()); NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease]; NSInteger section_tag = 9990; AddItemToMenu(menu, @"HEADER", NULL, section_tag); ClearMenuSection(bridge.get(), menu, section_tag, 1); EXPECT_EQ(1, [menu numberOfItems]); EXPECT_EQ(@"HEADER", [[menu itemWithTag:section_tag] title]); } // Test that AddItemToMenu() properly adds HistoryItem objects as menus. TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, TestAddItemToMenu) { scoped_ptr bridge( new HistoryMenuBridge(browser_test_helper_.profile())); EXPECT_TRUE(bridge.get()); NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease]; string16 short_url = ASCIIToUTF16("http://foo/"); string16 long_url = ASCIIToUTF16("http://super-duper-long-url--." "that.cannot.possibly.fit.even-in-80-columns" "or.be.reasonably-displayed-in-a-menu" "without.looking-ridiculous.com/"); // 140 chars total HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem item1; item1.title = short_url; item1.url = GURL(short_url); AddItemToBridgeMenu(bridge.get(), item1, menu, 100, 0); HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem item2; item2.title = long_url; item2.url = GURL(long_url); AddItemToBridgeMenu(bridge.get(), item2, menu, 101, 1); EXPECT_EQ(2, [menu numberOfItems]); EXPECT_EQ(@selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), [[menu itemAtIndex:0] action]); EXPECT_EQ(@selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), [[menu itemAtIndex:1] action]); EXPECT_EQ(100, [[menu itemAtIndex:0] tag]); EXPECT_EQ(101, [[menu itemAtIndex:1] tag]); // Make sure a short title looks fine NSString* s = [[menu itemAtIndex:0] title]; EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(s), short_url); // Make sure a super-long title gets trimmed s = [[menu itemAtIndex:0] title]; EXPECT_TRUE([s length] < long_url.length()); // Confirm tooltips and confirm they are not trimmed (like the item // name might be). Add tolerance for URL fixer-upping; // e.g. http://foo becomes http://foo/) EXPECT_GE([[[menu itemAtIndex:0] toolTip] length], (2*short_url.length()-5)); EXPECT_GE([[[menu itemAtIndex:1] toolTip] length], (2*long_url.length()-5)); }