// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this // source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the // LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/menu_controller.h" #include "app/l10n_util_mac.h" #include "app/menus/simple_menu_model.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" @interface MenuController(Private) - (NSMenu*)menuFromModel:(menus::MenuModel*)model; - (void)addSeparatorToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(int)index; - (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(int)index fromModel:(menus::MenuModel*)model modelIndex:(int)modelIndex; @end @implementation MenuController - (id)initWithModel:(menus::MenuModel*)model useWithPopUpButtonCell:(BOOL)useWithCell { if ((self = [super init])) { menu_.reset([[self menuFromModel:model] retain]); // If this is to be used with a NSPopUpButtonCell, add an item at the 0th // position that's empty. Doing it after the menu has been constructed won't // complicate creation logic, and since the tags are model indexes, they // are unaffected by the extra item. if (useWithCell) { scoped_nsobject<NSMenuItem> blankItem( [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]); [menu_ insertItem:blankItem atIndex:0]; } } return self; } // Creates a NSMenu from the given model. If the model has submenus, this can // be invoked recursively. - (NSMenu*)menuFromModel:(menus::MenuModel*)model { NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""] autorelease]; // The indices may not always start at zero (the windows system menu is one // example where this is used) so just make sure we can handle it. // SimpleMenuModel currently always starts at 0. int firstItemIndex = model->GetFirstItemIndex(menu); DCHECK(firstItemIndex == 0); const int count = model->GetItemCount(); for (int index = firstItemIndex; index < firstItemIndex + count; index++) { int modelIndex = index - firstItemIndex; if (model->GetTypeAt(modelIndex) == menus::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR) { [self addSeparatorToMenu:menu atIndex:index]; } else { [self addItemToMenu:menu atIndex:index fromModel:model modelIndex:modelIndex]; } } return menu; } // Adds a separator item at the given index. As the separator doesn't need // anything from the model, this method doesn't need the model index as the // other method below does. - (void)addSeparatorToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(int)index { NSMenuItem* separator = [NSMenuItem separatorItem]; [menu insertItem:separator atIndex:index]; } // Adds an item or a hierarchical menu to the item at the |index|, // associated with the entry in the model indentifed by |modelIndex|. - (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(int)index fromModel:(menus::MenuModel*)model modelIndex:(int)modelIndex { NSString* label = l10n_util::FixUpWindowsStyleLabel(model->GetLabelAt(modelIndex)); scoped_nsobject<NSMenuItem> item( [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:label action:@selector(itemSelected:) keyEquivalent:@""]); menus::MenuModel::ItemType type = model->GetTypeAt(modelIndex); if (type == menus::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU) { // Recursively build a submenu from the sub-model at this index. [item setTarget:nil]; [item setAction:nil]; menus::MenuModel* submenuModel = model->GetSubmenuModelAt(modelIndex); NSMenu* submenu = [self menuFromModel:(menus::SimpleMenuModel*)submenuModel]; [item setSubmenu:submenu]; } else { // The MenuModel works on indexes so we can't just set the command id as the // tag like we do in other menus. Also set the represented object to be // the model so hierarchical menus check the correct index in the correct // model. Setting the target to |self| allows this class to participate // in validation of the menu items. [item setTag:modelIndex]; [item setTarget:self]; NSValue* modelObject = [NSValue valueWithPointer:model]; [item setRepresentedObject:modelObject]; // Retains |modelObject|. } [menu insertItem:item atIndex:index]; } // Called before the menu is to be displayed to update the state (enabled, // radio, etc) of each item in the menu. Also will update the title if // the item is marked as "dynamic". - (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item { SEL action = [item action]; if (action != @selector(itemSelected:)) return NO; NSInteger modelIndex = [item tag]; menus::MenuModel* model = static_cast<menus::MenuModel*>( [[(id)item representedObject] pointerValue]); DCHECK(model); if (model) { BOOL checked = model->IsItemCheckedAt(modelIndex); DCHECK([(id)item isKindOfClass:[NSMenuItem class]]); [(id)item setState:(checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; if (model->IsLabelDynamicAt(modelIndex)) { NSString* label = l10n_util::FixUpWindowsStyleLabel(model->GetLabelAt(modelIndex)); [(id)item setTitle:label]; } return model->IsEnabledAt(modelIndex); } return NO; } // Called when the user chooses a particular menu item. |sender| is the menu // item chosen. - (void)itemSelected:(id)sender { NSInteger modelIndex = [sender tag]; menus::MenuModel* model = static_cast<menus::MenuModel*>( [[sender representedObject] pointerValue]); DCHECK(model); if (model); model->ActivatedAt(modelIndex); } - (NSMenu*)menu { return menu_.get(); } @end