// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/status_bubble_mac.h" #include "app/gfx/text_elider.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMNSBezierPath+RoundRect.h" namespace { const int kWindowHeight = 18; // The width of the bubble in relation to the width of the parent window. const float kWindowWidthPercent = 1.0f/3.0f; // How close the mouse can get to the infobubble before it starts sliding // off-screen. const int kMousePadding = 20; const int kTextPadding = 3; const int kTextPositionX = 4; const int kTextPositionY = 2; const float kWindowFill = 0.8f; const float kWindowEdge = 0.7f; // The roundedness of the edges of our bubble. const int kBubbleCornerRadius = 4.0f; // How long each fade should last for. const int kShowFadeDuration = 0.120f; const int kHideFadeDuration = 0.200f; } // TODO(avi): // - do display delay enum BubbleStyle { STYLE_BOTTOM, // Hanging off the bottom of the parent window STYLE_FLOATING, // Between BOTTOM and STANDARD STYLE_STANDARD // Nestled in the corner of the parent window }; @interface StatusBubbleViewCocoa : NSView { @private NSString* content_; BubbleStyle style_; } - (void)setContent:(NSString*)content; - (void)setStyle:(BubbleStyle)style; - (NSFont*)font; @end StatusBubbleMac::StatusBubbleMac(NSWindow* parent, id delegate) : parent_(parent), delegate_(delegate), window_(nil), status_text_(nil), url_text_(nil), is_download_shelf_visible_(false) { } StatusBubbleMac::~StatusBubbleMac() { Hide(); } void StatusBubbleMac::SetStatus(const std::wstring& status) { Create(); NSString* status_ns = base::SysWideToNSString(status); SetStatus(status_ns, false); } void StatusBubbleMac::SetURL(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& languages) { Create(); NSRect frame = [window_ frame]; int text_width = static_cast<int>(frame.size.width - kTextPositionX - kTextPadding); NSFont* font = [[window_ contentView] font]; gfx::Font font_chr = gfx::Font::CreateFont(base::SysNSStringToWide([font fontName]), [font pointSize]); std::wstring status = gfx::ElideUrl(url, font_chr, text_width, languages); NSString* status_ns = base::SysWideToNSString(status); SetStatus(status_ns, true); } void StatusBubbleMac::SetStatus(NSString* status, bool is_url) { NSString** main; NSString** backup; if (is_url) { main = &url_text_; backup = &status_text_; } else { main = &status_text_; backup = &url_text_; } if ([status isEqualToString:*main]) return; [*main release]; *main = [status retain]; if ([*main length] > 0) { [[window_ contentView] setContent:*main]; } else if ([*backup length] > 0) { [[window_ contentView] setContent:*backup]; } else { Hide(); } FadeIn(); } void StatusBubbleMac::Hide() { FadeOut(); if (window_) { [parent_ removeChildWindow:window_]; [window_ release]; window_ = nil; } [status_text_ release]; status_text_ = nil; [url_text_ release]; url_text_ = nil; } void StatusBubbleMac::MouseMoved() { if (!window_) return; NSPoint cursor_location = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; --cursor_location.y; // docs say the y coord starts at 1 not 0; don't ask why // Get the normal position of the frame. NSRect window_frame = [window_ frame]; window_frame.origin = [parent_ frame].origin; // Get the cursor position relative to the popup. cursor_location.x -= NSMaxX(window_frame); cursor_location.y -= NSMaxY(window_frame); // If the mouse is in a position where we think it would move the // status bubble, figure out where and how the bubble should be moved. if (cursor_location.y < kMousePadding && cursor_location.x < kMousePadding) { int offset = kMousePadding - cursor_location.y; // Make the movement non-linear. offset = offset * offset / kMousePadding; // When the mouse is entering from the right, we want the offset to be // scaled by how horizontally far away the cursor is from the bubble. if (cursor_location.x > 0) { offset = offset * ((kMousePadding - cursor_location.x) / kMousePadding); } // Cap the offset and change the visual presentation of the bubble // depending on where it ends up (so that rounded corners square off // and mate to the edges of the tab content). if (offset >= NSHeight(window_frame)) { offset = NSHeight(window_frame); [[window_ contentView] setStyle:STYLE_BOTTOM]; } else if (offset > 0) { [[window_ contentView] setStyle:STYLE_FLOATING]; } else { [[window_ contentView] setStyle:STYLE_STANDARD]; } offset_ = offset; window_frame.origin.y -= offset; } else { offset_ = 0; [[window_ contentView] setStyle:STYLE_STANDARD]; } // |delegate_| can be nil during unit tests. if (is_download_shelf_visible_) { if ([delegate_ respondsToSelector:@selector(verticalOffsetForStatusBubble)]) window_frame.origin.y += [delegate_ verticalOffsetForStatusBubble]; } [window_ setFrame:window_frame display:YES]; } void StatusBubbleMac::UpdateDownloadShelfVisibility(bool visible) { is_download_shelf_visible_ = visible; } void StatusBubbleMac::Create() { if (window_) return; NSRect rect = [parent_ frame]; rect.size.height = kWindowHeight; rect.size.width = static_cast<int>(kWindowWidthPercent * rect.size.width); // TODO(avi):fix this for RTL window_ = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES]; [window_ setMovableByWindowBackground:NO]; [window_ setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]]; [window_ setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel]; [window_ setOpaque:NO]; [window_ setHasShadow:NO]; StatusBubbleViewCocoa* view = [[[StatusBubbleViewCocoa alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect] autorelease]; [window_ setContentView:view]; [parent_ addChildWindow:window_ ordered:NSWindowAbove]; [window_ setAlphaValue:0.0f]; offset_ = 0; [view setStyle:STYLE_STANDARD]; MouseMoved(); } void StatusBubbleMac::FadeIn() { [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping]; [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:kShowFadeDuration]; [[window_ animator] setAlphaValue:1.0f]; [NSAnimationContext endGrouping]; } void StatusBubbleMac::FadeOut() { [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping]; [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:kHideFadeDuration]; [[window_ animator] setAlphaValue:0.0f]; [NSAnimationContext endGrouping]; } @implementation StatusBubbleViewCocoa - (void)dealloc { [content_ release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)setContent:(NSString*)content { [content_ autorelease]; content_ = [content copy]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (void)setStyle:(BubbleStyle)style { style_ = style; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (NSFont*)font { return [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect { float tl_radius, tr_radius, bl_radius, br_radius; switch (style_) { case STYLE_BOTTOM: tl_radius = 0.0f; tr_radius = 0.0f; bl_radius = kBubbleCornerRadius; br_radius = kBubbleCornerRadius; break; case STYLE_FLOATING: tl_radius = 0.0f; tr_radius = kBubbleCornerRadius; bl_radius = kBubbleCornerRadius; br_radius = kBubbleCornerRadius; break; case STYLE_STANDARD: tl_radius = 0.0f; tr_radius = kBubbleCornerRadius; bl_radius = 0.0f; br_radius = 0.0f; break; default: NOTREACHED(); tl_radius = 0.0f; tr_radius = 0.0f; bl_radius = 0.0f; br_radius = 0.0f; } // Background / Edge NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; NSBezierPath *border = [NSBezierPath gtm_bezierPathWithRoundRect:bounds topLeftCornerRadius:tl_radius topRightCornerRadius:tr_radius bottomLeftCornerRadius:bl_radius bottomRightCornerRadius:br_radius]; [[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:kWindowFill alpha:1.0f] set]; [border fill]; border = [NSBezierPath gtm_bezierPathWithRoundRect:bounds topLeftCornerRadius:tl_radius topRightCornerRadius:tr_radius bottomLeftCornerRadius:bl_radius bottomRightCornerRadius:br_radius]; [[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:kWindowEdge alpha:1.0f] set]; [border stroke]; // Text NSFont* textFont = [self font]; NSShadow* textShadow = [[[NSShadow alloc] init] autorelease]; [textShadow setShadowBlurRadius:1.5f]; [textShadow setShadowColor:[NSColor whiteColor]]; [textShadow setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0.0f, -1.0f)]; NSDictionary* textDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: textFont, NSFontAttributeName, textShadow, NSShadowAttributeName, nil]; [content_ drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(kTextPositionX, kTextPositionY) withAttributes:textDict]; } @end