// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/cocoa/status_bubble_mac.h"

#include <limits>

#include "app/gfx/text_elider.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bubble_view.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMNSBezierPath+RoundRect.h"
#import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMNSColor+Luminance.h"
#import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMTheme.h"

namespace {

const int kWindowHeight = 18;

// The width of the bubble in relation to the width of the parent window.
const double kWindowWidthPercent = 1.0 / 3.0;

// How close the mouse can get to the infobubble before it starts sliding
// off-screen.
const int kMousePadding = 20;

const int kTextPadding = 3;

// The animation key used for fade-in and fade-out transitions.
const NSString* kFadeAnimationKey = @"alphaValue";

// The status bubble's maximum opacity, when fully faded in.
const CGFloat kBubbleOpacity = 1.0;

// Delay before showing or hiding the bubble after a SetStatus or SetURL call.
const int64 kShowDelayMilliseconds = 80;
const int64 kHideDelayMilliseconds = 250;

// How long each fade should last.
const NSTimeInterval kShowFadeInDurationSeconds = 0.120;
const NSTimeInterval kHideFadeOutDurationSeconds = 0.200;

// The minimum representable time interval.  This can be used as the value
// passed to +[NSAnimationContext setDuration:] to stop an in-progress
// animation as quickly as possible.
const NSTimeInterval kMinimumTimeInterval =

}  // namespace

@interface StatusBubbleAnimationDelegate : NSObject {
  StatusBubbleMac* statusBubble_;  // weak; owns us indirectly

- (id)initWithStatusBubble:(StatusBubbleMac*)statusBubble;

// Invalidates this object so that no further calls will be made to
// statusBubble_.  This should be called when statusBubble_ is released, to
// prevent attempts to call into the released object.
- (void)invalidate;

// CAAnimation delegate method
- (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation*)animation finished:(BOOL)finished;

@implementation StatusBubbleAnimationDelegate

- (id)initWithStatusBubble:(StatusBubbleMac*)statusBubble {
  if ((self = [super init])) {
    statusBubble_ = statusBubble;

  return self;

- (void)invalidate {
  statusBubble_ = NULL;

- (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation*)animation finished:(BOOL)finished {
  if (statusBubble_)
    statusBubble_->AnimationDidStop(animation, finished ? true : false);


StatusBubbleMac::StatusBubbleMac(NSWindow* parent, id delegate)
    : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(timer_factory_(this)),
      immediate_(false) {

StatusBubbleMac::~StatusBubbleMac() {

  if (window_) {
    [[[window_ animationForKey:kFadeAnimationKey] delegate] invalidate];
    [parent_ removeChildWindow:window_];
    [window_ release];
    window_ = nil;

void StatusBubbleMac::SetStatus(const std::wstring& status) {

  SetText(status, false);

void StatusBubbleMac::SetURL(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& languages) {

  NSRect frame = [window_ frame];
  int text_width = static_cast<int>(frame.size.width -
                                    kBubbleViewTextPositionX -
  NSFont* font = [[window_ contentView] font];
  gfx::Font font_chr =
      gfx::Font::CreateFont(base::SysNSStringToWide([font fontName]),
                            [font pointSize]);

  std::wstring status = gfx::ElideUrl(url, font_chr, text_width, languages);

  SetText(status, true);

void StatusBubbleMac::SetText(const std::wstring& text, bool is_url) {
  // The status bubble allows the status and URL strings to be set
  // independently.  Whichever was set non-empty most recently will be the
  // value displayed.  When both are empty, the status bubble hides.

  NSString* text_ns = base::SysWideToNSString(text);

  NSString** main;
  NSString** backup;

  if (is_url) {
    main = &url_text_;
    backup = &status_text_;
  } else {
    main = &status_text_;
    backup = &url_text_;

  // Don't return from this function early.  It's important to make sure that
  // all calls to StartShowing and StartHiding are made, so that all delays
  // are observed properly.  Specifically, if the state is currently
  // kBubbleShowingTimer, the timer will need to be restarted even if
  // [text_ns isEqualToString:*main] is true.

  [*main autorelease];
  *main = [text_ns retain];

  bool show = true;
  if ([*main length] > 0)
    [[window_ contentView] setContent:*main];
  else if ([*backup length] > 0)
    [[window_ contentView] setContent:*backup];
    show = false;

  if (show)

void StatusBubbleMac::Hide() {

  bool fade_out = false;
  if (state_ == kBubbleHidingFadeOut || state_ == kBubbleShowingFadeIn) {

    if (!immediate_) {
      // An animation is in progress.  Cancel it by starting a new animation.
      // Use kMinimumTimeInterval to set the opacity as rapidly as possible.
      fade_out = true;
      [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
      [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:kMinimumTimeInterval];
      [[window_ animator] setAlphaValue:0.0];
      [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];

  if (!fade_out) {
    // No animation is in progress, so the opacity can be set directly.
    [window_ setAlphaValue:0.0];

  [status_text_ release];
  status_text_ = nil;
  [url_text_ release];
  url_text_ = nil;

void StatusBubbleMac::MouseMoved() {
  if (!window_)

  NSPoint cursor_location = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
  --cursor_location.y;  // docs say the y coord starts at 1 not 0; don't ask why

  // Get the normal position of the frame.
  NSRect window_frame = [window_ frame];
  window_frame.origin = [parent_ frame].origin;

  // Adjust the position to sit on top of download and extension shelves.
  // |delegate_| can be nil during unit tests.
  if ([delegate_ respondsToSelector:@selector(verticalOffsetForStatusBubble)])
    window_frame.origin.y += [delegate_ verticalOffsetForStatusBubble];

  // Get the cursor position relative to the popup.
  cursor_location.x -= NSMaxX(window_frame);
  cursor_location.y -= NSMaxY(window_frame);

  // If the mouse is in a position where we think it would move the
  // status bubble, figure out where and how the bubble should be moved.
  if (cursor_location.y < kMousePadding &&
      cursor_location.x < kMousePadding) {
    int offset = kMousePadding - cursor_location.y;

    // Make the movement non-linear.
    offset = offset * offset / kMousePadding;

    // When the mouse is entering from the right, we want the offset to be
    // scaled by how horizontally far away the cursor is from the bubble.
    if (cursor_location.x > 0) {
      offset = offset * ((kMousePadding - cursor_location.x) / kMousePadding);

    // Cap the offset and change the visual presentation of the bubble
    // depending on where it ends up (so that rounded corners square off
    // and mate to the edges of the tab content).
    if (offset >= NSHeight(window_frame)) {
      offset = NSHeight(window_frame);
      [[window_ contentView] setCornerFlags:
          kRoundedBottomLeftCorner | kRoundedBottomRightCorner];
    } else if (offset > 0) {
      [[window_ contentView] setCornerFlags:
          kRoundedTopRightCorner | kRoundedBottomLeftCorner |
    } else {
      [[window_ contentView] setCornerFlags:kRoundedTopRightCorner];

    window_frame.origin.y -= offset;
  } else {
    [[window_ contentView] setCornerFlags:kRoundedTopRightCorner];

  [window_ setFrame:window_frame display:YES];

void StatusBubbleMac::UpdateDownloadShelfVisibility(bool visible) {

void StatusBubbleMac::Create() {
  if (window_)

  // TODO(avi):fix this for RTL
  window_ = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:CalculateWindowFrame()
  [window_ setMovableByWindowBackground:NO];
  [window_ setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
  [window_ setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
  [window_ setOpaque:NO];
  [window_ setHasShadow:NO];

  // We do not need to worry about the bubble outliving |parent_| because our
  // teardown sequence in BWC guarantees that |parent_| outlives the status
  // bubble and that the StatusBubble is torn down completely prior to the
  // window going away.
  scoped_nsobject<BubbleView> view(
      [[BubbleView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect themeProvider:parent_]);
  [window_ setContentView:view];

  [window_ setAlphaValue:0.0];

  // Set a delegate for the fade-in and fade-out transitions to be notified
  // when fades are complete.  The ownership model is for window_ to own
  // animation_dictionary, which owns animation, which owns
  // animation_delegate.
  CAAnimation* animation = [[window_ animationForKey:kFadeAnimationKey] copy];
  [animation autorelease];
  StatusBubbleAnimationDelegate* animation_delegate =
      [[StatusBubbleAnimationDelegate alloc] initWithStatusBubble:this];
  [animation_delegate autorelease];
  [animation setDelegate:animation_delegate];
  NSMutableDictionary* animation_dictionary =
      [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[window_ animations]];
  [animation_dictionary setObject:animation forKey:kFadeAnimationKey];
  [window_ setAnimations:animation_dictionary];


  [view setCornerFlags:kRoundedTopRightCorner];

void StatusBubbleMac::Attach() {
  // If the parent window is offscreen when the child is added, the child will
  // never be displayed, even when the parent moves on-screen.  This method
  // may be called several times during the process of creating or showing a
  // status bubble to attach the bubble to its parent window.
  if (![window_ parentWindow] && [parent_ isVisible])
    [parent_ addChildWindow:window_ ordered:NSWindowAbove];

void StatusBubbleMac::AnimationDidStop(CAAnimation* animation, bool finished) {
  DCHECK(state_ == kBubbleShowingFadeIn || state_ == kBubbleHidingFadeOut);

  if (finished) {
    // Because of the mechanism used to interrupt animations, this is never
    // actually called with finished set to false.  If animations ever become
    // directly interruptible, the check will ensure that state_ remains
    // properly synchronized.
    if (state_ == kBubbleShowingFadeIn) {
      DCHECK_EQ([[window_ animator] alphaValue], kBubbleOpacity);
      state_ = kBubbleShown;
    } else {
      DCHECK_EQ([[window_ animator] alphaValue], 0.0);
      state_ = kBubbleHidden;

void StatusBubbleMac::SetState(StatusBubbleState state) {
  if (state == state_)

  if ([delegate_ respondsToSelector:@selector(statusBubbleWillEnterState:)])
    [delegate_ statusBubbleWillEnterState:state];

  state_ = state;

void StatusBubbleMac::Fade(bool show) {
  StatusBubbleState fade_state = kBubbleShowingFadeIn;
  StatusBubbleState target_state = kBubbleShown;
  NSTimeInterval full_duration = kShowFadeInDurationSeconds;
  CGFloat opacity = kBubbleOpacity;

  if (!show) {
    fade_state = kBubbleHidingFadeOut;
    target_state = kBubbleHidden;
    full_duration = kHideFadeOutDurationSeconds;
    opacity = 0.0;

  DCHECK(state_ == fade_state || state_ == target_state);

  if (state_ == target_state)


  if (immediate_) {
    [window_ setAlphaValue:opacity];

  // If an incomplete transition has left the opacity somewhere between 0 and
  // kBubbleOpacity, the fade rate is kept constant by shortening the duration.
  NSTimeInterval duration =
      full_duration *
      fabs(opacity - [[window_ animator] alphaValue]) / kBubbleOpacity;

  // 0.0 will not cancel an in-progress animation.
  if (duration == 0.0)
    duration = kMinimumTimeInterval;

  // This will cancel an in-progress transition and replace it with this fade.
  [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
  [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:duration];
  [[window_ animator] setAlphaValue:opacity];
  [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];

void StatusBubbleMac::StartTimer(int64 delay_ms) {
  DCHECK(state_ == kBubbleShowingTimer || state_ == kBubbleHidingTimer);

  if (immediate_) {

  // There can only be one running timer.


void StatusBubbleMac::CancelTimer() {
  if (!timer_factory_.empty())

void StatusBubbleMac::TimerFired() {
  DCHECK(state_ == kBubbleShowingTimer || state_ == kBubbleHidingTimer);

  if (state_ == kBubbleShowingTimer) {
  } else {

void StatusBubbleMac::StartShowing() {

  if (state_ == kBubbleHidden) {
    // Arrange to begin fading in after a delay.
  } else if (state_ == kBubbleHidingFadeOut) {
    // Cancel the fade-out in progress and replace it with a fade in.
  } else if (state_ == kBubbleHidingTimer) {
    // The bubble was already shown but was waiting to begin fading out.  It's
    // given a stay of execution.
  } else if (state_ == kBubbleShowingTimer) {
    // The timer was already running but nothing was showing yet.  Reaching
    // this point means that there is a new request to show something.  Start
    // over again by resetting the timer, effectively invalidating the earlier
    // request.

  // If the state is kBubbleShown or kBubbleShowingFadeIn, leave everything
  // alone.

void StatusBubbleMac::StartHiding() {
  if (state_ == kBubbleShown) {
    // Arrange to begin fading out after a delay.
  } else if (state_ == kBubbleShowingFadeIn) {
    // Cancel the fade-in in progress and replace it with a fade out.
  } else if (state_ == kBubbleShowingTimer) {
    // The bubble was already hidden but was waiting to begin fading in.  Too
    // bad, it won't get the opportunity now.

  // If the state is kBubbleHidden, kBubbleHidingFadeOut, or
  // kBubbleHidingTimer, leave everything alone.  The timer is not reset as
  // with kBubbleShowingTimer in StartShowing() because a subsequent request
  // to hide something while one is already in flight does not invalidate the
  // earlier request.

void StatusBubbleMac::UpdateSizeAndPosition() {
  if (!window_)

  [window_ setFrame:CalculateWindowFrame() display:YES];

NSRect StatusBubbleMac::CalculateWindowFrame() {

  NSRect rect = [parent_ frame];
  rect.size.height = kWindowHeight;
  rect.size.width = static_cast<int>(kWindowWidthPercent * rect.size.width);
  return rect;