// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/nsimage_cache.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_window_controller.h" // Constants for inset and control points for tab shape. static const CGFloat kInsetMultiplier = 2.0/3.0; static const CGFloat kControlPoint1Multiplier = 1.0/3.0; static const CGFloat kControlPoint2Multiplier = 3.0/8.0; static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationShowDuration = 0.2; static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4; @implementation TabView @synthesize state = state_; @synthesize hoverAlpha = hoverAlpha_; - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame { self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; if (self) { chromeIsVisible_ = YES; [self setShowsDivider:NO]; // TODO(alcor): register for theming, either here or the cell // [self gtm_registerForThemeNotifications]; } return self; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [self setShowsDivider:NO]; // Set up the tracking rect for the close button mouseover. Add it // to the |closeButton_| view, but we'll handle the message ourself. // The mouseover is always enabled, because the close button works // regardless of key/main/active status. closeTrackingArea_.reset( [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[closeButton_ bounds] options:NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveAlways owner:self userInfo:nil]); [closeButton_ addTrackingArea:closeTrackingArea_.get()]; } - (void)dealloc { // [self gtm_unregisterForThemeNotifications]; [closeButton_ removeTrackingArea:closeTrackingArea_.get()]; [super dealloc]; } // Overridden so that mouse clicks come to this view (the parent of the // hierarchy) first. We want to handle clicks and drags in this class and // leave the background button for display purposes only. - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent { return YES; } - (void)adjustHoverValue { NSTimeInterval thisUpdate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; NSTimeInterval elapsed = thisUpdate - lastHoverUpdate_; CGFloat opacity = [self hoverAlpha]; if (isMouseInside_) { opacity += elapsed / kAnimationShowDuration; } else { opacity -= elapsed / kAnimationHideDuration; } if (!isMouseInside_ && opacity < 0) { opacity = 0; } else if (isMouseInside_ && opacity > 1) { opacity = 1; } else { [self performSelector:_cmd withObject:nil afterDelay:0.02]; } lastHoverUpdate_ = thisUpdate; [self setHoverAlpha:opacity]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if ([theEvent trackingArea] == closeTrackingArea_) { [closeButton_ setImage:nsimage_cache::ImageNamed(@"close_bar_h.pdf")]; } else { lastHoverUpdate_ = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; isMouseInside_ = YES; [self adjustHoverValue]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent { hoverPoint_ = [self convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if ([theEvent trackingArea] == closeTrackingArea_) { [closeButton_ setImage:nsimage_cache::ImageNamed(@"close_bar.pdf")]; } else { lastHoverUpdate_ = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; isMouseInside_ = NO; [self adjustHoverValue]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } // Determines which view a click in our frame actually hit. It's either this // view or our child close button. - (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint { NSPoint viewPoint = [self convertPoint:aPoint fromView:[self superview]]; NSRect frame = [self frame]; // Reduce the width of the hit rect slightly to remove the overlap // between adjacent tabs. The drawing code in TabCell has the top // corners of the tab inset by height*2/3, so we inset by half of // that here. This doesn't completely eliminate the overlap, but it // works well enough. NSRect hitRect = NSInsetRect(frame, frame.size.height / 3.0f, 0); if (![closeButton_ isHidden]) if (NSPointInRect(viewPoint, [closeButton_ frame])) return closeButton_; if (NSPointInRect(aPoint, hitRect)) return self; return nil; } // Returns |YES| if this tab can be torn away into a new window. - (BOOL)canBeDragged { NSWindowController *controller = [sourceWindow_ windowController]; if ([controller isKindOfClass:[TabWindowController class]]) { TabWindowController* realController = static_cast(controller); return [realController isTabDraggable:self]; } return YES; } // Handle clicks and drags in this button. We get here because we have // overridden acceptsFirstMouse: and the click is within our bounds. // TODO(pinkerton/alcor): This routine needs *a lot* of work to marry Cole's // ideas of dragging cocoa views between windows and how the Browser and // TabStrip models want to manage tabs. static const CGFloat kTearDistance = 36.0; static const NSTimeInterval kTearDuration = 0.333; // This is used to judge whether the mouse has moved during rapid closure; if it // has moved less than the threshold, we want to close the tab. static const CGFloat kRapidCloseDist = 2.5; - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { NSPoint downLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow]; // During the tab closure animation (in particular, during rapid tab closure), // we may get incorrectly hit with a mouse down. If it should have gone to the // close button, we send it there -- it should then track the mouse, so we // don't have to worry about mouse ups. if ([controller_ inRapidClosureMode]) { NSPoint hitLocation = [[self superview] convertPoint:downLocation fromView:nil]; if ([self hitTest:hitLocation] == closeButton_) { [closeButton_ mouseDown:theEvent]; return; } } // Fire the action to select the tab. if ([[controller_ target] respondsToSelector:[controller_ action]]) [[controller_ target] performSelector:[controller_ action] withObject:self]; // Resolve overlay back to original window. sourceWindow_ = [self window]; if ([sourceWindow_ isKindOfClass:[NSPanel class]]) { sourceWindow_ = [sourceWindow_ parentWindow]; } sourceWindowFrame_ = [sourceWindow_ frame]; sourceTabFrame_ = [self frame]; sourceController_ = [sourceWindow_ windowController]; draggedController_ = nil; dragWindow_ = nil; dragOverlay_ = nil; targetController_ = nil; tabWasDragged_ = NO; tearTime_ = 0.0; draggingWithinTabStrip_ = YES; // We don't want to "tear off" a tab if there's only one in the window. Treat // it like we're dragging around a tab we've already detached. Note that // unit tests might have |-numberOfTabs| reporting zero since the model // won't be fully hooked up. We need to be prepared for that and not send // them into the "magnetic" codepath. moveWindowOnDrag_ = [sourceController_ numberOfTabs] <= 1 || ![self canBeDragged]; dragOrigin_ = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; // Because we move views between windows, we need to handle the event loop // ourselves. Ideally we should use the standard event loop. while (1) { theEvent = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; NSPoint thisPoint = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; NSEventType type = [theEvent type]; if (type == NSLeftMouseDragged) { [self mouseDragged:theEvent]; } else { // Mouse Up NSPoint upLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow]; CGFloat dx = upLocation.x - downLocation.x; CGFloat dy = upLocation.y - downLocation.y; // During rapid tab closure (mashing tab close buttons), we may get hit // with a mouse down. As long as the mouse up is over the close button, // and the mouse hasn't moved too much, we close the tab. if ((dx*dx + dy*dy) <= kRapidCloseDist*kRapidCloseDist && [controller_ inRapidClosureMode]) { NSPoint hitLocation = [[self superview] convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; if ([self hitTest:hitLocation] == closeButton_) { [controller_ closeTab:self]; break; } } [self mouseUp:theEvent]; break; } } } - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { // Special-case this to keep the logic below simpler. if (moveWindowOnDrag_) { NSPoint thisPoint = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; NSPoint origin = sourceWindowFrame_.origin; origin.x += (thisPoint.x - dragOrigin_.x); origin.y += (thisPoint.y - dragOrigin_.y); [sourceWindow_ setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(origin.x, origin.y)]; return; } // First, go through the magnetic drag cycle. We break out of this if // "stretchiness" ever exceeds a set amount. tabWasDragged_ = YES; if (draggingWithinTabStrip_) { NSRect frame = [self frame]; NSPoint thisPoint = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; CGFloat stretchiness = thisPoint.y - dragOrigin_.y; stretchiness = copysign(sqrtf(fabs(stretchiness))/sqrtf(kTearDistance), stretchiness) / 2.0; CGFloat offset = thisPoint.x - dragOrigin_.x; if (fabsf(offset) > 100) stretchiness = 0; [sourceController_ insertPlaceholderForTab:self frame:NSOffsetRect(sourceTabFrame_, offset, 0) yStretchiness:stretchiness]; CGFloat tearForce = fabs(thisPoint.y - dragOrigin_.y); if (tearForce > kTearDistance) { draggingWithinTabStrip_ = NO; // When you finally leave the strip, we treat that as the origin. dragOrigin_.x = thisPoint.x; } else { return; } } NSPoint lastPoint = [[theEvent window] convertBaseToScreen:[theEvent locationInWindow]]; // Do not start dragging until the user has "torn" the tab off by // moving more than 3 pixels. NSDate* targetDwellDate = nil; // The date this target was first chosen NSMutableArray* targets = [NSMutableArray array]; NSPoint thisPoint = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; // Find all the windows that could be a target. It has to be of the // appropriate class, and visible (obviously). if (![targets count]) { for (NSWindow* window in [NSApp windows]) { if (window == dragWindow_) continue; if (![window isVisible]) continue; NSWindowController *controller = [window windowController]; if ([controller isKindOfClass:[TabWindowController class]]) { TabWindowController* realController = static_cast(controller); if ([realController canReceiveFrom:sourceController_]) { [targets addObject:controller]; } } } } // Iterate over possible targets checking for the one the mouse is in. // The mouse can be in either the tab or window frame. TabWindowController* newTarget = nil; for (TabWindowController* target in targets) { NSRect windowFrame = [[target window] frame]; if (NSPointInRect(thisPoint, windowFrame)) { NSRect tabStripFrame = [[target tabStripView] frame]; tabStripFrame.origin = [[target window] convertBaseToScreen:tabStripFrame.origin]; if (NSPointInRect(thisPoint, tabStripFrame)) { newTarget = target; } break; } } // If we're now targeting a new window, re-layout the tabs in the old // target and reset how long we've been hovering over this new one. if (targetController_ != newTarget) { targetDwellDate = [NSDate date]; [targetController_ removePlaceholder]; targetController_ = newTarget; if (!newTarget) { tearTime_ = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; tearOrigin_ = [dragWindow_ frame].origin; } } // Create or identify the dragged controller. if (!draggedController_) { // Detach from the current window and put it in a new window. draggedController_ = [sourceController_ detachTabToNewWindow:self]; dragWindow_ = [draggedController_ window]; [dragWindow_ setAlphaValue:0.0]; // If dragging the tab only moves the current window, do not show overlay // so that sheets stay on top of the window. // Bring the target window to the front and make sure it has a border. [dragWindow_ setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel]; [dragWindow_ orderFront:nil]; [dragWindow_ makeMainWindow]; [draggedController_ showOverlay]; dragOverlay_ = [draggedController_ overlayWindow]; // Force the new tab button to be hidden. We'll reset it on mouse up. [draggedController_ showNewTabButton:NO]; //if (![targets count]) // [dragOverlay_ setHasShadow:NO]; tearTime_ = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; tearOrigin_ = sourceWindowFrame_.origin; } float tearProgress = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - tearTime_; tearProgress /= kTearDuration; tearProgress = sqrtf(MAX(MIN(tearProgress, 1.0), 0.0)); // Move the dragged window to the right place on the screen. NSPoint origin = sourceWindowFrame_.origin; origin.x += (thisPoint.x - dragOrigin_.x); origin.y += (thisPoint.y - dragOrigin_.y); if (tearProgress < 1) { // If the tear animation is not complete, call back to ourself with the // same event to animate even if the mouse isn't moving. [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self]; [self performSelector:@selector(mouseDragged:) withObject:theEvent afterDelay:1.0f/30.0f]; origin.x = (1 - tearProgress) * tearOrigin_.x + tearProgress * origin.x; origin.y = (1 - tearProgress) * tearOrigin_.y + tearProgress * origin.y; } if (targetController_) { // In order to "snap" two windows of different sizes together at their // toolbar, we can't just use the origin of the target frame. We also have // to take into consideration the difference in height. NSRect targetFrame = [[targetController_ window] frame]; NSRect sourceFrame = [dragWindow_ frame]; origin.y = NSMinY(targetFrame) + (NSHeight(targetFrame) - NSHeight(sourceFrame)); } [dragWindow_ setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(origin.x, origin.y)]; // If we're not hovering over any window, make the window is fully // opaque. Otherwise, find where the tab might be dropped and insert // a placeholder so it appears like it's part of that window. if (targetController_) { if (![[targetController_ window] isKeyWindow]) { // && ([targetDwellDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < -REQUIRED_DWELL)) { [[targetController_ window] orderFront:nil]; [targets removeAllObjects]; targetDwellDate = nil; } // Compute where placeholder should go and insert it into the // destination tab strip. NSRect dropTabFrame = [[targetController_ tabStripView] frame]; TabView *draggedTabView = (TabView *)[draggedController_ selectedTabView]; NSRect tabFrame = [draggedTabView frame]; tabFrame.origin = [dragWindow_ convertBaseToScreen:tabFrame.origin]; tabFrame.origin = [[targetController_ window] convertScreenToBase:tabFrame.origin]; tabFrame = [[targetController_ tabStripView] convertRectFromBase:tabFrame]; NSPoint point = [sourceWindow_ convertBaseToScreen: [draggedTabView convertPointToBase:NSZeroPoint]]; [targetController_ insertPlaceholderForTab:self frame:tabFrame yStretchiness:0]; [targetController_ layoutTabs]; } else { [dragWindow_ makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } BOOL chromeShouldBeVisible = targetController_ == nil; if (chromeIsVisible_ != chromeShouldBeVisible) { [dragWindow_ setHasShadow:YES]; if (targetController_) { [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping]; [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:0.00001]; [[dragWindow_ animator] setAlphaValue:0.0]; [NSAnimationContext endGrouping]; [[draggedController_ overlayWindow] setHasShadow:YES]; [[[draggedController_ overlayWindow] animator] setAlphaValue:1.0]; } else { [[draggedController_ overlayWindow] setAlphaValue:1.0]; [[draggedController_ overlayWindow] setHasShadow:NO]; [[dragWindow_ animator] setAlphaValue:0.5]; } chromeIsVisible_ = chromeShouldBeVisible; } } - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent { // The drag/click is done. If the user dragged the mouse, finalize the drag // and clean up. // Special-case this to keep the logic below simpler. if (moveWindowOnDrag_) return; // We are now free to re-display the new tab button in the window we're // dragging. It will show when the next call to -layoutTabs (which happens // indrectly by several of the calls below, such as removing the placeholder). [draggedController_ showNewTabButton:YES]; if (draggingWithinTabStrip_) { if (tabWasDragged_) { // Move tab to new location. TabWindowController* dropController = sourceController_; [dropController moveTabView:[dropController selectedTabView] fromController:nil]; } } else if (targetController_) { // Move between windows. If |targetController_| is nil, we're not dropping // into any existing window. NSView* draggedTabView = [draggedController_ selectedTabView]; [draggedController_ removeOverlay]; [targetController_ moveTabView:draggedTabView fromController:draggedController_]; [targetController_ showWindow:nil]; } else { // Tab dragging did move window only. [dragWindow_ setAlphaValue:1.0]; [dragOverlay_ setHasShadow:NO]; [dragWindow_ setHasShadow:YES]; [draggedController_ removeOverlay]; [dragWindow_ makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [[draggedController_ window] setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel]; [draggedController_ removePlaceholder]; } [sourceController_ removePlaceholder]; chromeIsVisible_ = YES; } - (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent*)theEvent { // Support middle-click-to-close. if ([theEvent buttonNumber] == 2) { [controller_ closeTab:self]; } } - (NSPoint)patternPhase { NSPoint phase = NSZeroPoint; phase.x -= [self convertRect:[self bounds] toView:nil].origin.x; // offset to start pattern in upper left corner phase.y += NSHeight([self bounds]) - 1; return phase; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect { [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState]; rect = [self bounds]; BOOL active = [[self window] isKeyWindow] || [[self window] isMainWindow]; BOOL selected = [(NSButton *)self state]; // Inset by 0.5 in order to draw on pixels rather than on borders (which would // cause blurry pixels). Decrease height by 1 in order to move away from the // edge for the dark shadow. rect = NSInsetRect(rect, -0.5, -0.5); rect.origin.y -= 1; NSPoint bottomLeft = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect), NSMinY(rect) + 2); NSPoint bottomRight = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect), NSMinY(rect) + 2); NSPoint topRight = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect) - kInsetMultiplier * NSHeight(rect), NSMaxY(rect)); NSPoint topLeft = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect) + kInsetMultiplier * NSHeight(rect), NSMaxY(rect)); float baseControlPointOutset = NSHeight(rect) * kControlPoint1Multiplier; float bottomControlPointInset = NSHeight(rect) * kControlPoint2Multiplier; // Outset many of these values by 1 to cause the fill to bleed outside the // clip area. NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath]; [path moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(bottomLeft.x - 1, bottomLeft.y - 2)]; [path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(bottomLeft.x - 1, bottomLeft.y)]; [path lineToPoint:bottomLeft]; [path curveToPoint:topLeft controlPoint1:NSMakePoint(bottomLeft.x + baseControlPointOutset, bottomLeft.y) controlPoint2:NSMakePoint(topLeft.x - bottomControlPointInset, topLeft.y)]; [path lineToPoint:topRight]; [path curveToPoint:bottomRight controlPoint1:NSMakePoint(topRight.x + bottomControlPointInset, topRight.y) controlPoint2:NSMakePoint(bottomRight.x - baseControlPointOutset, bottomRight.y)]; [path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(bottomRight.x + 1, bottomRight.y)]; [path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(bottomRight.x + 1, bottomRight.y - 2)]; GTMTheme *theme = [self gtm_theme]; if (!selected) { NSColor *windowColor = [theme backgroundPatternColorForStyle:GTMThemeStyleWindow state:GTMThemeStateActiveWindow]; if (windowColor) { [windowColor set]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setPatternPhase:[self patternPhase]]; } else { NSPoint phase = [self patternPhase]; phase.y += 1; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setPatternPhase:phase]; [[NSColor windowBackgroundColor] set]; } [path fill]; NSColor *tabColor = [theme backgroundPatternColorForStyle:GTMThemeStyleTabBarDeselected state:GTMThemeStateActiveWindow]; if (tabColor) { [tabColor set]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setPatternPhase:[self patternPhase]]; } else { [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:0.3] set]; } [path fill]; } [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState]; [path addClip]; if (selected || hoverAlpha_ > 0) { // Draw the background. CGFloat backgroundAlpha = hoverAlpha_ * 0.5; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState]; CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)([[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]); CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(context, 0); if (!selected) CGContextSetAlpha(context, backgroundAlpha); [path addClip]; [super drawRect:rect]; // Draw a mouse hover gradient for the default themes if (!selected) { if (![theme backgroundImageForStyle:GTMThemeStyleTabBarDeselected state:GTMThemeStateActiveWindow]) { scoped_nsobject glow([NSGradient alloc]); [glow initWithStartingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:1.0 * hoverAlpha_] endingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:0.0]]; NSPoint point = hoverPoint_; point.y = NSHeight(rect); [glow drawFromCenter:point radius:0 toCenter:point radius:NSWidth(rect)/3 options:NSGradientDrawsBeforeStartingLocation]; [glow drawInBezierPath:path relativeCenterPosition:hoverPoint_]; } } CGContextEndTransparencyLayer(context); [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState]; } // Draw the top inner highlight. NSAffineTransform* highlightTransform = [NSAffineTransform transform]; [highlightTransform translateXBy:1 yBy:-1]; scoped_nsobject highlightPath([path copy]); [highlightPath transformUsingAffineTransform:highlightTransform]; [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2 + 0.3 * hoverAlpha_] setStroke]; [highlightPath stroke]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState]; // Draw the top stroke. [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState]; if (selected) { [[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.0 alpha:active ? 0.3 : 0.15] set]; } else { [[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.0 alpha:active ? 0.2 : 0.15] set]; [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:NSOffsetRect(rect, 0, 2.5)] addClip]; } [path setLineWidth:1.0]; [path stroke]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState]; // Draw the bottom border. if (!selected) { [path addClip]; NSRect borderRect, contentRect; NSDivideRect(rect, &borderRect, &contentRect, 2.5, NSMinYEdge); [[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.0 alpha:active ? 0.3 : 0.15] set]; NSRectFillUsingOperation(borderRect, NSCompositeSourceOver); } [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState]; } // Called when the user hits the right mouse button (or control-clicks) to // show a context menu. - (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent*)theEvent { [NSMenu popUpContextMenu:[self menu] withEvent:theEvent forView:self]; } @end