// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h" #include "base/mac_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/location_bar_view_mac.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/nsimage_cache.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/toolbar_model.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_details.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_type.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" // Names of images in the bundle for the star icon (normal and 'starred'). static NSString* const kStarImageName = @"star_Template.pdf"; static NSString* const kStarredImageName = @"starred.pdf"; @implementation LocationBarFieldEditor - (void)copy:(id)sender { NSPasteboard* pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [self performCopy:pb]; } - (void)cut:(id)sender { NSPasteboard* pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [self performCut:pb]; } - (void)performCopy:(NSPasteboard*)pb { [pb declareTypes:[NSArray array] owner:nil]; [self writeSelectionToPasteboard:pb types: [NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]; } - (void)performCut:(NSPasteboard*)pb { [self performCopy:pb]; [self delete:nil]; } @end @interface ToolbarController(Private) - (void)initCommandStatus:(CommandUpdater*)commands; - (void)prefChanged:(std::wstring*)prefName; @end namespace ToolbarControllerInternal { // A C++ class registered for changes in preferences. Bridges the // notification back to the ToolbarController. class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver { public: PrefObserverBridge(ToolbarController* controller) : controller_(controller) { } // Overridden from NotificationObserver: virtual void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED) [controller_ prefChanged:Details(details).ptr()]; } private: ToolbarController* controller_; // weak, owns us }; } // namespace @implementation ToolbarController - (id)initWithModel:(ToolbarModel*)model commands:(CommandUpdater*)commands profile:(Profile*)profile webContentView:(NSView*)webContentView bookmarkDelegate:(id)delegate { DCHECK(model && commands && profile); if ((self = [super initWithNibName:@"Toolbar" bundle:mac_util::MainAppBundle()])) { toolbarModel_ = model; commands_ = commands; profile_ = profile; bookmarkBarDelegate_ = delegate; webContentView_ = webContentView; // Register for notifications about state changes for the toolbar buttons commandObserver_.reset(new CommandObserverBridge(self, commands)); commandObserver_->ObserveCommand(IDC_BACK); commandObserver_->ObserveCommand(IDC_FORWARD); commandObserver_->ObserveCommand(IDC_RELOAD); commandObserver_->ObserveCommand(IDC_HOME); commandObserver_->ObserveCommand(IDC_STAR); } return self; } // Called after the view is done loading and the outlets have been hooked up. // Now we can hook up bridges that rely on UI objects such as the location // bar and button state. - (void)awakeFromNib { [self initCommandStatus:commands_]; locationBarView_.reset(new LocationBarViewMac(locationBar_, commands_, toolbarModel_, profile_)); [locationBar_ setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]]]; // Register pref observers for the optional home and page/options buttons // and then add them to the toolbar them based on those prefs. prefObserver_.reset(new ToolbarControllerInternal::PrefObserverBridge(self)); PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs(); showHomeButton_.Init(prefs::kShowHomeButton, prefs, prefObserver_.get()); showPageOptionButtons_.Init(prefs::kShowPageOptionsButtons, prefs, prefObserver_.get()); [self showOptionalHomeButton]; [self showOptionalPageWrenchButtons]; // Create a sub-controller for the bookmark bar. bookmarkBarController_.reset([[BookmarkBarController alloc] initWithProfile:profile_ parentView:[self view] webContentView:webContentView_ delegate:bookmarkBarDelegate_]); // Add bookmark bar to the view hierarchy. This also triggers the // nib load. The bookmark bar is defined (in the nib) to be // bottom-aligned to it's parent view (among other things), so // position and resize properties don't need to be set. [[self view] addSubview:[bookmarkBarController_ view]]; } - (LocationBar*)locationBar { return locationBarView_.get(); } - (void)focusLocationBar { if (locationBarView_.get()) { locationBarView_->FocusLocation(); } } // Called when the state for a command changes to |enabled|. Update the // corresponding UI element. - (void)enabledStateChangedForCommand:(NSInteger)command enabled:(BOOL)enabled { NSButton* button = nil; switch (command) { case IDC_BACK: button = backButton_; break; case IDC_FORWARD: button = forwardButton_; break; case IDC_HOME: button = homeButton_; break; case IDC_STAR: button = starButton_; break; } [button setEnabled:enabled]; } // Init the enabled state of the buttons on the toolbar to match the state in // the controller. - (void)initCommandStatus:(CommandUpdater*)commands { [backButton_ setEnabled:commands->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_BACK) ? YES : NO]; [forwardButton_ setEnabled:commands->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_FORWARD) ? YES : NO]; [reloadButton_ setEnabled:commands->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_RELOAD) ? YES : NO]; [homeButton_ setEnabled:commands->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_HOME) ? YES : NO]; [starButton_ setEnabled:commands->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_STAR) ? YES : NO]; } - (void)updateToolbarWithContents:(TabContents*)tab shouldRestoreState:(BOOL)shouldRestore { locationBarView_->Update(tab, shouldRestore ? true : false); } - (void)setStarredState:(BOOL)isStarred { NSString* starImageName = kStarImageName; BOOL isTemplate = YES; if (isStarred) { starImageName = kStarredImageName; isTemplate = NO; } NSImage* starImage = nsimage_cache::ImageNamed(starImageName); if (isTemplate) [starImage setTemplate:YES]; [starButton_ setImage:starImage]; } - (void)setIsLoading:(BOOL)isLoading { NSString* imageName = @"go_Template.pdf"; NSInteger tag = IDC_GO; if (isLoading) { imageName = @"stop_Template.pdf"; tag = IDC_STOP; } NSImage* stopStartImage = nsimage_cache::ImageNamed(imageName); [stopStartImage setTemplate:YES]; [goButton_ setImage:stopStartImage]; [goButton_ setTag:tag]; } - (BookmarkBarController*)bookmarkBarController { return bookmarkBarController_.get(); } - (id)customFieldEditorForObject:(id)obj { if (obj == locationBar_) { // Lazilly construct Field editor, Cocoa UI code always runs on the // same thread, so there shoudn't be a race condition here. if (locationBarFieldEditor_.get() == nil) { locationBarFieldEditor_.reset([[LocationBarFieldEditor alloc] init]); } // This needs to be called every time, otherwise notifications // aren't sent correctly. DCHECK(locationBarFieldEditor_.get()); [locationBarFieldEditor_.get() setFieldEditor:YES]; return locationBarFieldEditor_.get(); } return nil; } // Returns an array of views in the order of the outlets above. - (NSArray*)toolbarViews { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:backButton_, forwardButton_, reloadButton_, homeButton_, starButton_, goButton_, pageButton_, wrenchButton_, locationBar_, nil]; } // Moves |rect| to the right by |delta|, keeping the right side fixed by // shrinking the width to compensate. Passing a negative value for |deltaX| // moves to the left and increases the width. - (NSRect)adjustRect:(NSRect)rect byAmount:(float)deltaX { NSRect frame = NSOffsetRect(rect, deltaX, 0); frame.size.width -= deltaX; return frame; } // Computes the padding between the buttons that should have a separation from // the positions in the nib. Since the forward and reload buttons are always // visible, we use those buttons as the canonical spacing. - (float)interButtonSpacing { NSRect forwardFrame = [forwardButton_ frame]; NSRect reloadFrame = [reloadButton_ frame]; DCHECK(NSMinX(reloadFrame) > NSMaxX(forwardFrame)); return NSMinX(reloadFrame) - NSMaxX(forwardFrame); } // Show or hide the home button based on the pref. - (void)showOptionalHomeButton { BOOL hide = showHomeButton_.GetValue() ? NO : YES; if (hide == [homeButton_ isHidden]) return; // Nothing to do, view state matches pref state. // Always shift the star and text field by the width of the home button plus // the appropriate gap width. If we're hiding the button, we have to // reverse the direction of the movement (to the left). float moveX = [self interButtonSpacing] + [homeButton_ frame].size.width; if (hide) moveX *= -1; // Reverse the direction of the move. [starButton_ setFrame:NSOffsetRect([starButton_ frame], moveX, 0)]; [locationBar_ setFrame:[self adjustRect:[locationBar_ frame] byAmount:moveX]]; [homeButton_ setHidden:hide]; } // Show or hide the page and wrench buttons based on the pref. - (void)showOptionalPageWrenchButtons { DCHECK([pageButton_ isHidden] == [wrenchButton_ isHidden]); BOOL hide = showPageOptionButtons_.GetValue() ? NO : YES; if (hide == [pageButton_ isHidden]) return; // Nothing to do, view state matches pref state. // Shift the go button and resize the text field by the width of the // page/wrench buttons plus two times the gap width. If we're showing the // buttons, we have to reverse the direction of movement (to the left). Unlike // the home button above, we only ever have to resize the text field, we don't // have to move it. float moveX = 2 * [self interButtonSpacing] + NSWidth([pageButton_ frame]) + NSWidth([wrenchButton_ frame]); if (!hide) moveX *= -1; // Reverse the direction of the move. [goButton_ setFrame:NSOffsetRect([goButton_ frame], moveX, 0)]; NSRect locationFrame = [locationBar_ frame]; locationFrame.size.width += moveX; [locationBar_ setFrame:locationFrame]; [pageButton_ setHidden:hide]; [wrenchButton_ setHidden:hide]; } - (void)prefChanged:(std::wstring*)prefName { if (!prefName) return; if (*prefName == prefs::kShowHomeButton) { [self showOptionalHomeButton]; } else if (*prefName == prefs::kShowPageOptionsButtons) { [self showOptionalPageWrenchButtons]; } } - (IBAction)showPageMenu:(id)sender { [NSMenu popUpContextMenu:pageMenu_ withEvent:[NSApp currentEvent] forView:pageButton_]; } - (IBAction)showWrenchMenu:(id)sender { [NSMenu popUpContextMenu:wrenchMenu_ withEvent:[NSApp currentEvent] forView:wrenchButton_]; } @end