// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/translate_infobar.h" #include "base/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" // For translate menu command ids. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_infobars_delegates.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" namespace { // All states the translate toolbar can assume. TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TranslateState kTranslateToolbarStates[] = { TranslateInfoBarDelegate::kBeforeTranslate, TranslateInfoBarDelegate::kTranslating, TranslateInfoBarDelegate::kAfterTranslate}; class MockTranslateInfoBarDelegate : public TranslateInfoBarDelegate { public: MockTranslateInfoBarDelegate() { // Start out in the "Before Translate" state. UpdateState(kBeforeTranslate, TranslateErrors::NONE); } virtual string16 GetDisplayNameForLocale(const std::string& language_code) { return ASCIIToUTF16("Foo"); } virtual bool IsLanguageBlacklisted() { return false; } virtual bool IsSiteBlacklisted() { return false; } virtual bool ShouldAlwaysTranslate() { return false; } MOCK_METHOD0(Translate, void()); MOCK_METHOD0(TranslationDeclined, void()); MOCK_METHOD0(ToggleLanguageBlacklist, void()); MOCK_METHOD0(ToggleSiteBlacklist, void()); MOCK_METHOD0(ToggleAlwaysTranslate, void()); }; class TranslationBarInfoTest : public CocoaTest { public: scoped_ptr infobar_delegate; scoped_nsobject infobar_controller; public: // Each test gets a single Mock translate delegate for the lifetime of // the test. virtual void SetUp() { CocoaTest::SetUp(); infobar_delegate.reset(new MockTranslateInfoBarDelegate); } void CreateInfoBar() { CreateInfoBar(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::kBeforeTranslate); } void CreateInfoBar(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TranslateState initial_state) { infobar_delegate->UpdateState(initial_state, TranslateErrors::NONE); [[infobar_controller view] removeFromSuperview]; infobar_controller.reset( [[TranslateInfoBarController alloc] initWithDelegate:infobar_delegate.get()]); // Need to call this to get the view to load from nib. [[test_window() contentView] addSubview:[infobar_controller view]]; } }; // Check that we can instantiate a Translate Infobar correctly. TEST_F(TranslationBarInfoTest, Instantiate) { CreateInfoBar(); ASSERT_TRUE(infobar_controller.get()); } // Check that clicking the Translate button calls Translate(). TEST_F(TranslationBarInfoTest, TranslateCalledOnButtonPress) { CreateInfoBar(); EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, Translate()) .Times(1); [infobar_controller ok:nil]; } // Check that UI is layed out correctly as we transition synchronously through // toolbar states. TEST_F(TranslationBarInfoTest, StateTransitions) { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, Translate()) .Times(0); CreateInfoBar(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTranslateToolbarStates); ++i) { infobar_delegate->UpdateState(kTranslateToolbarStates[i], TranslateErrors::NONE); // First time around, the toolbar should already be layed out. if (i != 0) [infobar_controller updateState]; bool result = [infobar_controller verifyLayout:kTranslateToolbarStates[i]]; EXPECT_TRUE(result) << "Layout wrong, for state #" << i; } } // Check that items in the options menu are hooked up correctly. TEST_F(TranslationBarInfoTest, OptionsMenuItemsHookedUp) { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, Translate()) .Times(0); CreateInfoBar(); [infobar_controller rebuildOptionsMenu]; NSMenu* optionsMenu = [infobar_controller optionsMenu]; NSArray* optionsMenuItems = [optionsMenu itemArray]; EXPECT_EQ([optionsMenuItems count], 5U); // First item is the options menu button's title, so there's no need to test // that the target on that is setup correctly. for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < [optionsMenuItems count]; ++i) { NSMenuItem* item = [optionsMenuItems objectAtIndex:i]; EXPECT_EQ([item target], infobar_controller.get()); } NSMenuItem* alwaysTranslateLanguateItem = [optionsMenuItems objectAtIndex:1]; NSMenuItem* neverTranslateLanguateItem = [optionsMenuItems objectAtIndex:2]; NSMenuItem* neverTranslateSiteItem = [optionsMenuItems objectAtIndex:3]; NSMenuItem* aboutTranslateItem = [optionsMenuItems objectAtIndex:4]; { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, ToggleAlwaysTranslate()) .Times(1); [infobar_controller menuItemSelected:alwaysTranslateLanguateItem]; } { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, ToggleLanguageBlacklist()) .Times(1); [infobar_controller menuItemSelected:neverTranslateLanguateItem]; } { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, ToggleSiteBlacklist()) .Times(1); [infobar_controller menuItemSelected:neverTranslateSiteItem]; } { // Can't mock this effectively, so just check that the tag is set correctly. EXPECT_EQ([aboutTranslateItem tag], IDC_TRANSLATE_OPTIONS_ABOUT); } } // Check that selecting a new item from the "Source Language" popup in "before // translate" mode doesn't trigger a translation or change state. // http://crbug.com/36666 TEST_F(TranslationBarInfoTest, Bug36666) { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, Translate()) .Times(0); CreateInfoBar(); int arbitrary_index = 2; [infobar_controller sourceLanguageModified:arbitrary_index]; EXPECT_EQ(infobar_delegate->state(), TranslateInfoBarDelegate::kBeforeTranslate); } // Check that the infobar lays itself out correctly when instantiated in // each of the states. // http://crbug.com/36895 TEST_F(TranslationBarInfoTest, Bug36895) { EXPECT_CALL(*infobar_delegate, Translate()) .Times(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTranslateToolbarStates); ++i) { CreateInfoBar(kTranslateToolbarStates[i]); EXPECT_TRUE( [infobar_controller verifyLayout:kTranslateToolbarStates[i]]) << "Layout wrong, for state #" << i; } } } // namespace