// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/wrench_menu_controller.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/menus/menu_model.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/menu_tracked_root_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/wrench_menu_model.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_source.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_type.h" #include "grit/chromium_strings.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" @interface WrenchMenuController (Private) - (void)adjustPositioning; - (void)performCommandDispatch:(NSNumber*)tag; - (NSButton*)zoomDisplay; @end namespace WrenchMenuControllerInternal { class ZoomLevelObserver : public NotificationObserver { public: explicit ZoomLevelObserver(WrenchMenuController* controller) : controller_(controller) { registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::ZOOM_LEVEL_CHANGED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK_EQ(type.value, NotificationType::ZOOM_LEVEL_CHANGED); WrenchMenuModel* wrenchMenuModel = [controller_ wrenchMenuModel]; wrenchMenuModel->UpdateZoomControls(); const string16 level = wrenchMenuModel->GetLabelForCommandId(IDC_ZOOM_PERCENT_DISPLAY); [[controller_ zoomDisplay] setTitle:SysUTF16ToNSString(level)]; } private: NotificationRegistrar registrar_; WrenchMenuController* controller_; // Weak; owns this. }; } // namespace WrenchMenuControllerInternal @implementation WrenchMenuController - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { observer_.reset(new WrenchMenuControllerInternal::ZoomLevelObserver(self)); } return self; } - (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(NSInteger)index fromModel:(menus::MenuModel*)model modelIndex:(int)modelIndex { // Non-button item types should be built as normal items. menus::MenuModel::ItemType type = model->GetTypeAt(modelIndex); if (type != menus::MenuModel::TYPE_BUTTON_ITEM) { [super addItemToMenu:menu atIndex:index fromModel:model modelIndex:modelIndex]; return; } // Handle the special-cased menu items. int command_id = model->GetCommandIdAt(modelIndex); scoped_nsobject<NSMenuItem> customItem( [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]); switch (command_id) { case IDC_EDIT_MENU: DCHECK(editItem_); [customItem setView:editItem_]; [editItem_ setMenuItem:customItem]; break; case IDC_ZOOM_MENU: DCHECK(zoomItem_); [customItem setView:zoomItem_]; [zoomItem_ setMenuItem:customItem]; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } [self adjustPositioning]; [menu insertItem:customItem.get() atIndex:index]; } - (NSMenu*)menu { NSMenu* menu = [super menu]; if (![menu delegate]) { [menu setDelegate:self]; } return menu; } - (void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu*)menu { NSString* title = base::SysUTF16ToNSString( [self wrenchMenuModel]->GetLabelForCommandId(IDC_ZOOM_PERCENT_DISPLAY)); [[zoomItem_ viewWithTag:IDC_ZOOM_PERCENT_DISPLAY] setTitle:title]; NSImage* icon = [self wrenchMenuModel]->browser()->window()->IsFullscreen() ? [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameExitFullScreenTemplate] : [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate]; [zoomFullScreen_ setImage:icon]; } // Used to dispatch commands from the Wrench menu. The custom items within the // menu cannot be hooked up directly to First Responder because the window in // which the controls reside is not the BrowserWindowController, but a // NSCarbonMenuWindow; this screws up the typical |-commandDispatch:| system. - (IBAction)dispatchWrenchMenuCommand:(id)sender { NSInteger tag = [sender tag]; if (sender == zoomPlus_ || sender == zoomMinus_) { // Do a direct dispatch rather than scheduling on the outermost run loop, // which would not get hit until after the menu had closed. [self performCommandDispatch:[NSNumber numberWithInt:tag]]; // The zoom buttons should not close the menu if opened sticky. if ([sender respondsToSelector:@selector(isTracking)] && [sender performSelector:@selector(isTracking)]) { [menu_ cancelTracking]; } } else { // The custom views within the Wrench menu are abnormal and keep the menu // open after a target-action. Close the menu manually. [menu_ cancelTracking]; [self dispatchCommandInternal:tag]; } } - (void)dispatchCommandInternal:(NSInteger)tag { // Executing certain commands from the nested run loop of the menu can lead // to wonky behavior (e.g. http://crbug.com/49716). To avoid this, schedule // the dispatch on the outermost run loop. [self performSelector:@selector(performCommandDispatch:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:tag] afterDelay:0.0]; } // Used to perform the actual dispatch on the outermost runloop. - (void)performCommandDispatch:(NSNumber*)tag { [self wrenchMenuModel]->ExecuteCommand([tag intValue]); } - (WrenchMenuModel*)wrenchMenuModel { return static_cast<WrenchMenuModel*>(model_); } // Fit the localized strings into the Cut/Copy/Paste control, then resize the // whole menu item accordingly. - (void)adjustPositioning { const CGFloat kButtonPadding = 12; CGFloat delta = 0; // Go through the three buttons from right-to-left, adjusting the size to fit // the localized strings while keeping them all aligned on their horizontal // edges. const size_t kAdjustViewCount = 3; NSButton* views[kAdjustViewCount] = { editPaste_, editCopy_, editCut_ }; for (size_t i = 0; i < kAdjustViewCount; ++i) { NSButton* button = views[i]; CGFloat originalWidth = NSWidth([button frame]); // Do not let |-sizeToFit| change the height of the button. NSSize size = [button frame].size; [button sizeToFit]; size.width = [button frame].size.width + kButtonPadding; [button setFrameSize:size]; CGFloat newWidth = size.width; delta += newWidth - originalWidth; NSRect frame = [button frame]; frame.origin.x -= delta; [button setFrame:frame]; } // Resize the menu item by the total amound the buttons changed so that the // spacing between the buttons and the title remains the same. NSRect itemFrame = [editItem_ frame]; itemFrame.size.width += delta; [editItem_ setFrame:itemFrame]; // Also resize the superview of the buttons, which is an NSView used to slide // when the item title is too big and GTM resizes it. NSRect parentFrame = [[editCut_ superview] frame]; parentFrame.size.width += delta; parentFrame.origin.x -= delta; [[editCut_ superview] setFrame:parentFrame]; } - (NSButton*)zoomDisplay { return zoomDisplay_; } @end // @implementation WrenchMenuController