// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/component_updater_service.h" #include #include #include #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/component_unpacker.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/component_updater_ping_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/component_updater_utils.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_update_item.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/update_checker.h" #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/update_response.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/resource_controller.h" #include "content/public/browser/resource_throttle.h" #include "url/gurl.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace component_updater { // The component updater is designed to live until process shutdown, so // base::Bind() calls are not refcounted. namespace { // Returns true if the |proposed| version is newer than |current| version. bool IsVersionNewer(const Version& current, const std::string& proposed) { Version proposed_ver(proposed); return proposed_ver.IsValid() && current.CompareTo(proposed_ver) < 0; } // Returns true if a differential update is available, it has not failed yet, // and the configuration allows it. bool CanTryDiffUpdate(const CrxUpdateItem* update_item, const ComponentUpdateService::Configurator& config) { return HasDiffUpdate(update_item) && !update_item->diff_update_failed && config.DeltasEnabled(); } void AppendDownloadMetrics( const std::vector& source, std::vector* destination) { destination->insert(destination->end(), source.begin(), source.end()); } } // namespace CrxUpdateItem::CrxUpdateItem() : status(kNew), on_demand(false), diff_update_failed(false), error_category(0), error_code(0), extra_code1(0), diff_error_category(0), diff_error_code(0), diff_extra_code1(0) { } CrxUpdateItem::~CrxUpdateItem() { } CrxComponent::CrxComponent() : installer(NULL), allow_background_download(true) { } CrxComponent::~CrxComponent() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // In charge of blocking url requests until the |crx_id| component has been // updated. This class is touched solely from the IO thread. The UI thread // can post tasks to it via weak pointers. By default the request is blocked // unless the CrxUpdateService calls Unblock(). // The lifetime is controlled by Chrome's resource loader so the component // updater cannot touch objects from this class except via weak pointers. class CUResourceThrottle : public content::ResourceThrottle, public base::SupportsWeakPtr { public: explicit CUResourceThrottle(const net::URLRequest* request); virtual ~CUResourceThrottle(); // Overriden from ResourceThrottle. virtual void WillStartRequest(bool* defer) OVERRIDE; virtual void WillRedirectRequest(const GURL& new_url, bool* defer) OVERRIDE; virtual const char* GetNameForLogging() const OVERRIDE; // Component updater calls this function via PostTask to unblock the request. void Unblock(); typedef std::vector > WeakPtrVector; private: enum State { NEW, BLOCKED, UNBLOCKED }; State state_; }; void UnblockResourceThrottle(base::WeakPtr rt) { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CUResourceThrottle::Unblock, rt)); } void UnblockandReapAllThrottles(CUResourceThrottle::WeakPtrVector* throttles) { CUResourceThrottle::WeakPtrVector::iterator it; for (it = throttles->begin(); it != throttles->end(); ++it) UnblockResourceThrottle(*it); throttles->clear(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only implementation of the ComponentUpdateService interface. In // charge of running the show. The main method is ProcessPendingItems() which // is called periodically to do the upgrades/installs or the update checks. // An important consideration here is to be as "low impact" as we can to the // rest of the browser, so even if we have many components registered and // eligible for update, we only do one thing at a time with pauses in between // the tasks. Also when we do network requests there is only one |url_fetcher_| // in flight at a time. // There are no locks in this code, the main structure |work_items_| is mutated // only from the UI thread. The unpack and installation is done in a blocking // pool thread. The network requests are done in the IO thread or in the file // thread. class CrxUpdateService : public ComponentUpdateService, public OnDemandUpdater { public: explicit CrxUpdateService(ComponentUpdateService::Configurator* config); virtual ~CrxUpdateService(); // Overrides for ComponentUpdateService. virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual Status Start() OVERRIDE; virtual Status Stop() OVERRIDE; virtual Status RegisterComponent(const CrxComponent& component) OVERRIDE; virtual std::vector GetComponentIDs() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetComponentDetails(const std::string& component_id, CrxUpdateItem* item) const OVERRIDE; virtual OnDemandUpdater& GetOnDemandUpdater() OVERRIDE; // Overrides for OnDemandUpdater. virtual content::ResourceThrottle* GetOnDemandResourceThrottle( net::URLRequest* request, const std::string& crx_id) OVERRIDE; virtual Status OnDemandUpdate(const std::string& component_id) OVERRIDE; // Context for a crx download url request. struct CRXContext { ComponentInstaller* installer; std::vector pk_hash; std::string id; std::string fingerprint; CRXContext() : installer(NULL) {} }; private: enum ErrorCategory { kErrorNone = 0, kNetworkError, kUnpackError, kInstallError, }; enum StepDelayInterval { kStepDelayShort = 0, kStepDelayMedium, kStepDelayLong, }; void UpdateCheckComplete(int error, const std::string& error_message, const UpdateResponse::Results& results); void OnUpdateCheckSucceeded(const UpdateResponse::Results& results); void OnUpdateCheckFailed(int error, const std::string& error_message); void DownloadProgress(const std::string& component_id, const CrxDownloader::Result& download_result); void DownloadComplete(scoped_ptr crx_context, const CrxDownloader::Result& download_result); Status OnDemandUpdateInternal(CrxUpdateItem* item); Status OnDemandUpdateWithCooldown(CrxUpdateItem* item); void ProcessPendingItems(); // Find a component that is ready to update. CrxUpdateItem* FindReadyComponent() const; // Prepares the components for an update check and initiates the request. // Returns true if an update check request has been made. Returns false if // no update check was needed or an error occured. bool CheckForUpdates(); void UpdateComponent(CrxUpdateItem* workitem); void ScheduleNextRun(StepDelayInterval step_delay); void ParseResponse(const std::string& xml); void Install(scoped_ptr context, const base::FilePath& crx_path); void EndUnpacking(const std::string& component_id, const base::FilePath& crx_path, ComponentUnpacker::Error error, int extended_error); void DoneInstalling(const std::string& component_id, ComponentUnpacker::Error error, int extended_error); void ChangeItemState(CrxUpdateItem* item, CrxUpdateItem::Status to); size_t ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::Status from, CrxUpdateItem::Status to); CrxUpdateItem* FindUpdateItemById(const std::string& id) const; void NotifyObservers(Observer::Events event, const std::string& id); bool HasOnDemandItems() const; void OnNewResourceThrottle(base::WeakPtr rt, const std::string& crx_id); Status GetServiceStatus(const CrxUpdateItem::Status status); scoped_ptr config_; scoped_ptr update_checker_; scoped_ptr ping_manager_; scoped_refptr unpacker_; scoped_ptr crx_downloader_; // A collection of every work item. typedef std::vector UpdateItems; UpdateItems work_items_; base::OneShotTimer timer_; scoped_refptr blocking_task_runner_; const Version chrome_version_; bool running_; ObserverList observer_list_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CrxUpdateService); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CrxUpdateService::CrxUpdateService(ComponentUpdateService::Configurator* config) : config_(config), ping_manager_( new PingManager(config->PingUrl(), config->RequestContext())), blocking_task_runner_( BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()-> GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior( BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()->GetSequenceToken(), base::SequencedWorkerPool::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN)), chrome_version_(chrome::VersionInfo().Version()), running_(false) { } CrxUpdateService::~CrxUpdateService() { // Because we are a singleton, at this point only the UI thread should be // alive, this simplifies the management of the work that could be in // flight in other threads. Stop(); STLDeleteElements(&work_items_); } void CrxUpdateService::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); observer_list_.AddObserver(observer); } void CrxUpdateService::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); observer_list_.RemoveObserver(observer); } ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::Start() { // Note that RegisterComponent will call Start() when the first // component is registered, so it can be called twice. This way // we avoid scheduling the timer if there is no work to do. VLOG(1) << "CrxUpdateService starting up"; running_ = true; if (work_items_.empty()) return kOk; NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_UPDATER_STARTED, ""); VLOG(1) << "First update attempt will take place in " << config_->InitialDelay() << " seconds"; timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(config_->InitialDelay()), this, &CrxUpdateService::ProcessPendingItems); return kOk; } // Stop the main check + update loop. In flight operations will be // completed. ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::Stop() { VLOG(1) << "CrxUpdateService stopping"; running_ = false; timer_.Stop(); return kOk; } bool CrxUpdateService::HasOnDemandItems() const { class Helper { public: static bool IsOnDemand(CrxUpdateItem* item) { return item->on_demand; } }; return std::find_if(work_items_.begin(), work_items_.end(), Helper::IsOnDemand) != work_items_.end(); } // This function sets the timer which will call ProcessPendingItems() or // ProcessRequestedItem() if there is an on_demand item. There // are three kinds of waits: // - a short delay, when there is immediate work to be done. // - a medium delay, when there are updates to be applied within the current // update cycle, or there are components that are still unchecked. // - a long delay when a full check/update cycle has completed for all // components. void CrxUpdateService::ScheduleNextRun(StepDelayInterval step_delay) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(!update_checker_); CHECK(!timer_.IsRunning()); // It could be the case that Stop() had been called while a url request // or unpacking was in flight, if so we arrive here but |running_| is // false. In that case do not loop again. if (!running_) return; // Keep the delay short if in the middle of an update (step_delay), // or there are new requested_work_items_ that have not been processed yet. int64 delay_seconds = 0; if (!HasOnDemandItems()) { switch (step_delay) { case kStepDelayShort: delay_seconds = config_->StepDelay(); break; case kStepDelayMedium: delay_seconds = config_->StepDelayMedium(); break; case kStepDelayLong: delay_seconds = config_->NextCheckDelay(); break; } } else { delay_seconds = config_->StepDelay(); } if (step_delay != kStepDelayShort) { NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_UPDATER_SLEEPING, ""); // Zero is only used for unit tests. if (0 == delay_seconds) return; } VLOG(1) << "Scheduling next run to occur in " << delay_seconds << " seconds"; timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(delay_seconds), this, &CrxUpdateService::ProcessPendingItems); } // Given a extension-like component id, find the associated component. CrxUpdateItem* CrxUpdateService::FindUpdateItemById( const std::string& id) const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); CrxUpdateItem::FindById finder(id); UpdateItems::const_iterator it = std::find_if(work_items_.begin(), work_items_.end(), finder); return it != work_items_.end() ? *it : NULL; } // Changes a component's status, clearing on_demand and firing notifications as // necessary. By convention, this is the only function that can change a // CrxUpdateItem's |status|. // TODO(waffles): Do we want to add DCHECKS for valid state transitions here? void CrxUpdateService::ChangeItemState(CrxUpdateItem* item, CrxUpdateItem::Status to) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); if (to == CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate || to == CrxUpdateItem::kUpdated || to == CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate) { item->on_demand = false; } item->status = to; switch (to) { case CrxUpdateItem::kCanUpdate: NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_UPDATE_FOUND, item->id); break; case CrxUpdateItem::kUpdatingDiff: case CrxUpdateItem::kUpdating: NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_UPDATE_READY, item->id); break; case CrxUpdateItem::kUpdated: NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_UPDATED, item->id); break; case CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate: case CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate: NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_NOT_UPDATED, item->id); break; case CrxUpdateItem::kNew: case CrxUpdateItem::kChecking: case CrxUpdateItem::kDownloading: case CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff: case CrxUpdateItem::kLastStatus: // No notification for these states. break; } // Free possible pending network requests. if ((to == CrxUpdateItem::kUpdated) || (to == CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate) || (to == CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate)) { UnblockandReapAllThrottles(&item->throttles); } } // Changes all the components in |work_items_| that have |from| status to // |to| status and returns how many have been changed. size_t CrxUpdateService::ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::Status from, CrxUpdateItem::Status to) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); size_t count = 0; for (UpdateItems::iterator it = work_items_.begin(); it != work_items_.end(); ++it) { CrxUpdateItem* item = *it; if (item->status == from) { ChangeItemState(item, to); ++count; } } return count; } // Adds a component to be checked for upgrades. If the component exists it // it will be replaced and the return code is kReplaced. ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::RegisterComponent( const CrxComponent& component) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); if (component.pk_hash.empty() || !component.version.IsValid() || !component.installer) return kError; std::string id(GetCrxComponentID(component)); CrxUpdateItem* uit = FindUpdateItemById(id); if (uit) { uit->component = component; return kReplaced; } uit = new CrxUpdateItem; uit->id.swap(id); uit->component = component; work_items_.push_back(uit); // If this is the first component registered we call Start to // schedule the first timer. Otherwise, reset the timer to trigger another // pass over the work items, if the component updater is sleeping, fact // indicated by a running timer. If the timer is not running, it means that // the service is busy updating something, and in that case, this component // will be picked up at the next pass. if (running_) { if (work_items_.size() == 1) { Start(); } else if (timer_.IsRunning()) { timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(config_->InitialDelay()), this, &CrxUpdateService::ProcessPendingItems); } } return kOk; } std::vector CrxUpdateService::GetComponentIDs() const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); std::vector component_ids; for (UpdateItems::const_iterator it = work_items_.begin(); it != work_items_.end(); ++it) { const CrxUpdateItem* item = *it; component_ids.push_back(item->id); } return component_ids; } bool CrxUpdateService::GetComponentDetails(const std::string& component_id, CrxUpdateItem* item) const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); const CrxUpdateItem* crx_update_item(FindUpdateItemById(component_id)); if (crx_update_item) *item = *crx_update_item; return crx_update_item != NULL; } OnDemandUpdater& CrxUpdateService::GetOnDemandUpdater() { return *this; } // This is the main loop of the component updater. It updates one component // at a time if updates are available. Otherwise, it does an update check or // takes a long sleep until the loop runs again. void CrxUpdateService::ProcessPendingItems() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); CrxUpdateItem* ready_upgrade = FindReadyComponent(); if (ready_upgrade) { UpdateComponent(ready_upgrade); return; } if (!CheckForUpdates()) ScheduleNextRun(kStepDelayLong); } CrxUpdateItem* CrxUpdateService::FindReadyComponent() const { class Helper { public: static bool IsReadyOnDemand(CrxUpdateItem* item) { return item->on_demand && IsReady(item); } static bool IsReady(CrxUpdateItem* item) { return item->status == CrxUpdateItem::kCanUpdate; } }; std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find_if( work_items_.begin(), work_items_.end(), Helper::IsReadyOnDemand); if (it != work_items_.end()) return *it; it = std::find_if(work_items_.begin(), work_items_.end(), Helper::IsReady); if (it != work_items_.end()) return *it; return NULL; } // Prepares the components for an update check and initiates the request. // On demand components are always included in the update check request. // Otherwise, only include components that have not been checked recently. bool CrxUpdateService::CheckForUpdates() { const base::TimeDelta minimum_recheck_wait_time = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(config_->MinimumReCheckWait()); const base::Time now(base::Time::Now()); std::vector items_to_check; for (size_t i = 0; i != work_items_.size(); ++i) { CrxUpdateItem* item = work_items_[i]; DCHECK(item->status == CrxUpdateItem::kNew || item->status == CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate || item->status == CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate || item->status == CrxUpdateItem::kUpdated); const base::TimeDelta time_since_last_checked(now - item->last_check); if (!item->on_demand && time_since_last_checked < minimum_recheck_wait_time) { VLOG(1) << "Skipping check for component update: id=" << item->id << ", time_since_last_checked=" << time_since_last_checked.InSeconds() << " seconds: too soon to check for an update"; continue; } VLOG(1) << "Scheduling update check for component id=" << item->id << ", time_since_last_checked=" << time_since_last_checked.InSeconds() << " seconds"; ChangeItemState(item, CrxUpdateItem::kChecking); item->last_check = now; item->crx_urls.clear(); item->crx_diffurls.clear(); item->previous_version = item->component.version; item->next_version = Version(); item->previous_fp = item->component.fingerprint; item->next_fp.clear(); item->diff_update_failed = false; item->error_category = 0; item->error_code = 0; item->extra_code1 = 0; item->diff_error_category = 0; item->diff_error_code = 0; item->diff_extra_code1 = 0; item->download_metrics.clear(); items_to_check.push_back(item); } if (items_to_check.empty()) return false; update_checker_ = UpdateChecker::Create(config_->UpdateUrl(), config_->RequestContext(), base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::UpdateCheckComplete, base::Unretained(this))).Pass(); return update_checker_->CheckForUpdates(items_to_check, config_->ExtraRequestParams()); } void CrxUpdateService::UpdateComponent(CrxUpdateItem* workitem) { scoped_ptr crx_context(new CRXContext); crx_context->pk_hash = workitem->component.pk_hash; crx_context->id = workitem->id; crx_context->installer = workitem->component.installer; crx_context->fingerprint = workitem->next_fp; const std::vector* urls = NULL; bool allow_background_download = false; if (CanTryDiffUpdate(workitem, *config_)) { urls = &workitem->crx_diffurls; ChangeItemState(workitem, CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff); } else { // Background downloads are enabled only for selected components and // only for full downloads (see issue 340448). allow_background_download = workitem->component.allow_background_download; urls = &workitem->crx_urls; ChangeItemState(workitem, CrxUpdateItem::kDownloading); } // On demand component updates are always downloaded in foreground. const bool is_background_download = !workitem->on_demand && allow_background_download && config_->UseBackgroundDownloader(); crx_downloader_.reset(CrxDownloader::Create(is_background_download, config_->RequestContext(), blocking_task_runner_)); crx_downloader_->set_progress_callback( base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::DownloadProgress, base::Unretained(this), crx_context->id)); crx_downloader_->StartDownload(*urls, base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::DownloadComplete, base::Unretained(this), base::Passed(&crx_context))); } void CrxUpdateService::UpdateCheckComplete( int error, const std::string& error_message, const UpdateResponse::Results& results) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); update_checker_.reset(); if (!error) OnUpdateCheckSucceeded(results); else OnUpdateCheckFailed(error, error_message); } // Handles a valid Omaha update check response by matching the results with // the registered components which were checked for updates. // If updates are found, prepare the components for the actual version upgrade. // One of these components will be drafted for the upgrade next time // ProcessPendingItems is called. void CrxUpdateService::OnUpdateCheckSucceeded( const UpdateResponse::Results& results) { size_t num_updates_pending = 0; DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); VLOG(1) << "Update check succeeded."; std::vector::const_iterator it; for (it = results.list.begin(); it != results.list.end(); ++it) { CrxUpdateItem* crx = FindUpdateItemById(it->extension_id); if (!crx) continue; if (crx->status != CrxUpdateItem::kChecking) { NOTREACHED(); continue; // Not updating this component now. } if (it->manifest.version.empty()) { // No version means no update available. ChangeItemState(crx, CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate); VLOG(1) << "No update available for component: " << crx->id; continue; } if (!IsVersionNewer(crx->component.version, it->manifest.version)) { // The component is up to date. ChangeItemState(crx, CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate); VLOG(1) << "Component already up-to-date: " << crx->id; continue; } if (!it->manifest.browser_min_version.empty()) { if (IsVersionNewer(chrome_version_, it->manifest.browser_min_version)) { // The component is not compatible with this Chrome version. VLOG(1) << "Ignoring incompatible component: " << crx->id; ChangeItemState(crx, CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate); continue; } } if (it->manifest.packages.size() != 1) { // Assume one and only one package per component. VLOG(1) << "Ignoring multiple packages for component: " << crx->id; ChangeItemState(crx, CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate); continue; } // Parse the members of the result and queue an upgrade for this component. crx->next_version = Version(it->manifest.version); VLOG(1) << "Update found for component: " << crx->id; typedef UpdateResponse::Result::Manifest::Package Package; const Package& package(it->manifest.packages[0]); crx->next_fp = package.fingerprint; // Resolve the urls by combining the base urls with the package names. for (size_t i = 0; i != it->crx_urls.size(); ++i) { const GURL url(it->crx_urls[i].Resolve(package.name)); if (url.is_valid()) crx->crx_urls.push_back(url); } for (size_t i = 0; i != it->crx_diffurls.size(); ++i) { const GURL url(it->crx_diffurls[i].Resolve(package.namediff)); if (url.is_valid()) crx->crx_diffurls.push_back(url); } ChangeItemState(crx, CrxUpdateItem::kCanUpdate); ++num_updates_pending; } // All components that are not included in the update response are // considered up to date. ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kChecking, CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate); // If there are updates pending we do a short wait, otherwise we take // a longer delay until we check the components again. ScheduleNextRun(num_updates_pending > 0 ? kStepDelayShort : kStepDelayLong); } void CrxUpdateService::OnUpdateCheckFailed(int error, const std::string& error_message) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(error); size_t count = ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kChecking, CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate); DCHECK_GT(count, 0ul); VLOG(1) << "Update check failed."; ScheduleNextRun(kStepDelayLong); } // Called when progress is being made downloading a CRX. The progress may // not monotonically increase due to how the CRX downloader switches between // different downloaders and fallback urls. void CrxUpdateService::DownloadProgress( const std::string& component_id, const CrxDownloader::Result& download_result) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); NotifyObservers(Observer::COMPONENT_UPDATE_DOWNLOADING, component_id); } // Called when the CRX package has been downloaded to a temporary location. // Here we fire the notifications and schedule the component-specific installer // to be called in the file thread. void CrxUpdateService::DownloadComplete( scoped_ptr crx_context, const CrxDownloader::Result& download_result) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); CrxUpdateItem* crx = FindUpdateItemById(crx_context->id); DCHECK(crx->status == CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff || crx->status == CrxUpdateItem::kDownloading); AppendDownloadMetrics(crx_downloader_->download_metrics(), &crx->download_metrics); crx_downloader_.reset(); if (download_result.error) { if (crx->status == CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff) { crx->diff_error_category = kNetworkError; crx->diff_error_code = download_result.error; crx->diff_update_failed = true; size_t count = ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff, CrxUpdateItem::kCanUpdate); DCHECK_EQ(count, 1ul); ScheduleNextRun(kStepDelayShort); return; } crx->error_category = kNetworkError; crx->error_code = download_result.error; size_t count = ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kDownloading, CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate); DCHECK_EQ(count, 1ul); // At this point, since both the differential and the full downloads failed, // the update for this component has finished with an error. ping_manager_->OnUpdateComplete(crx); // Move on to the next update, if there is one available. ScheduleNextRun(kStepDelayMedium); } else { size_t count = 0; if (crx->status == CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff) { count = ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff, CrxUpdateItem::kUpdatingDiff); } else { count = ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kDownloading, CrxUpdateItem::kUpdating); } DCHECK_EQ(count, 1ul); // Why unretained? See comment at top of file. blocking_task_runner_->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::Install, base::Unretained(this), base::Passed(&crx_context), download_result.response), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(config_->StepDelay())); } } // Install consists of digital signature verification, unpacking and then // calling the component specific installer. All that is handled by the // |unpacker_|. If there is an error this function is in charge of deleting // the files created. void CrxUpdateService::Install(scoped_ptr context, const base::FilePath& crx_path) { // This function owns the file at |crx_path| and the |context| object. unpacker_ = new ComponentUnpacker(context->pk_hash, crx_path, context->fingerprint, context->installer, config_->InProcess(), blocking_task_runner_); unpacker_->Unpack(base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::EndUnpacking, base::Unretained(this), context->id, crx_path)); } void CrxUpdateService::EndUnpacking(const std::string& component_id, const base::FilePath& crx_path, ComponentUnpacker::Error error, int extended_error) { if (!DeleteFileAndEmptyParentDirectory(crx_path)) NOTREACHED() << crx_path.value(); BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::DoneInstalling, base::Unretained(this), component_id, error, extended_error), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(config_->StepDelay())); // Reset the unpacker last, otherwise we free our own arguments. unpacker_ = NULL; } // Installation has been completed. Adjust the component status and // schedule the next check. Schedule a short delay before trying the full // update when the differential update failed. void CrxUpdateService::DoneInstalling(const std::string& component_id, ComponentUnpacker::Error error, int extra_code) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); ErrorCategory error_category = kErrorNone; switch (error) { case ComponentUnpacker::kNone: break; case ComponentUnpacker::kInstallerError: error_category = kInstallError; break; default: error_category = kUnpackError; break; } const bool is_success = error == ComponentUnpacker::kNone; CrxUpdateItem* item = FindUpdateItemById(component_id); if (item->status == CrxUpdateItem::kUpdatingDiff && !is_success) { item->diff_error_category = error_category; item->diff_error_code = error; item->diff_extra_code1 = extra_code; item->diff_update_failed = true; size_t count = ChangeItemStatus(CrxUpdateItem::kUpdatingDiff, CrxUpdateItem::kCanUpdate); DCHECK_EQ(count, 1ul); ScheduleNextRun(kStepDelayShort); return; } if (is_success) { ChangeItemState(item, CrxUpdateItem::kUpdated); item->component.version = item->next_version; item->component.fingerprint = item->next_fp; } else { ChangeItemState(item, CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate); item->error_category = error_category; item->error_code = error; item->extra_code1 = extra_code; } ping_manager_->OnUpdateComplete(item); // Move on to the next update, if there is one available. ScheduleNextRun(kStepDelayMedium); } void CrxUpdateService::NotifyObservers(Observer::Events event, const std::string& id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observer_list_, OnEvent(event, id)); } content::ResourceThrottle* CrxUpdateService::GetOnDemandResourceThrottle( net::URLRequest* request, const std::string& crx_id) { // We give the raw pointer to the caller, who will delete it at will // and we keep for ourselves a weak pointer to it so we can post tasks // from the UI thread without having to track lifetime directly. CUResourceThrottle* rt = new CUResourceThrottle(request); BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CrxUpdateService::OnNewResourceThrottle, base::Unretained(this), rt->AsWeakPtr(), crx_id)); return rt; } void CrxUpdateService::OnNewResourceThrottle( base::WeakPtr rt, const std::string& crx_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // Check if we can on-demand update, else unblock the request anyway. CrxUpdateItem* item = FindUpdateItemById(crx_id); Status status = OnDemandUpdateWithCooldown(item); if (status == kOk || status == kInProgress) { item->throttles.push_back(rt); return; } UnblockResourceThrottle(rt); } // Start the process of checking for an update, for a particular component // that was previously registered. // |component_id| is a value returned from GetCrxComponentID(). ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::OnDemandUpdate( const std::string& component_id) { return OnDemandUpdateInternal(FindUpdateItemById(component_id)); } ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::OnDemandUpdateWithCooldown( CrxUpdateItem* uit) { if (!uit) return kError; // Check if the request is too soon. base::TimeDelta delta = base::Time::Now() - uit->last_check; if (delta < base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(config_->OnDemandDelay())) return kError; return OnDemandUpdateInternal(uit); } ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::OnDemandUpdateInternal( CrxUpdateItem* uit) { if (!uit) return kError; Status service_status = GetServiceStatus(uit->status); // If the item is already in the process of being updated, there is // no point in this call, so return kInProgress. if (service_status == kInProgress) return service_status; // Otherwise the item was already checked a while back (or it is new), // set its status to kNew to give it a slightly higher priority. ChangeItemState(uit, CrxUpdateItem::kNew); uit->on_demand = true; // In case the current delay is long, set the timer to a shorter value // to get the ball rolling. if (timer_.IsRunning()) { timer_.Stop(); timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(config_->StepDelay()), this, &CrxUpdateService::ProcessPendingItems); } return kOk; } ComponentUpdateService::Status CrxUpdateService::GetServiceStatus( CrxUpdateItem::Status status) { switch (status) { case CrxUpdateItem::kChecking: case CrxUpdateItem::kCanUpdate: case CrxUpdateItem::kDownloadingDiff: case CrxUpdateItem::kDownloading: case CrxUpdateItem::kUpdatingDiff: case CrxUpdateItem::kUpdating: return kInProgress; case CrxUpdateItem::kNew: case CrxUpdateItem::kUpdated: case CrxUpdateItem::kUpToDate: case CrxUpdateItem::kNoUpdate: return kOk; case CrxUpdateItem::kLastStatus: NOTREACHED() << status; } return kError; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CUResourceThrottle::CUResourceThrottle(const net::URLRequest* request) : state_(NEW) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); } CUResourceThrottle::~CUResourceThrottle() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); } void CUResourceThrottle::WillStartRequest(bool* defer) { if (state_ != UNBLOCKED) { state_ = BLOCKED; *defer = true; } else { *defer = false; } } void CUResourceThrottle::WillRedirectRequest(const GURL& new_url, bool* defer) { WillStartRequest(defer); } const char* CUResourceThrottle::GetNameForLogging() const { return "ComponentUpdateResourceThrottle"; } void CUResourceThrottle::Unblock() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); if (state_ == BLOCKED) controller()->Resume(); state_ = UNBLOCKED; } // The component update factory. Using the component updater as a singleton // is the job of the browser process. ComponentUpdateService* ComponentUpdateServiceFactory( ComponentUpdateService::Configurator* config) { DCHECK(config); return new CrxUpdateService(config); } } // namespace component_updater