// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <algorithm> #include "chrome/browser/controller.h" #include "base/logging.h" CommandController::CommandController(CommandHandler* handler) : handler_(handler) { } CommandController::~CommandController() { // The button controllers are command observers hence this list // must be deleted before the commands below. std::vector<ButtonController*>::iterator bc_iter; for (bc_iter = managed_button_controllers_.begin(); bc_iter != managed_button_controllers_.end(); ++bc_iter) delete *bc_iter; CommandMap::iterator command; for (command = commands_.begin(); command != commands_.end(); ++command) { DCHECK(command->second); delete command->second->observers; delete command->second; } } bool CommandController::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const { const CommandMap::const_iterator command(commands_.find(id)); if (command == commands_.end()) return false; DCHECK(command->second); return command->second->enabled; } bool CommandController::SupportsCommand(int id) const { return commands_.find(id) != commands_.end(); } bool CommandController::GetContextualLabel(int id, std::wstring* out) const { return handler_->GetContextualLabel(id, out); } void CommandController::ExecuteCommand(int id) { if (IsCommandEnabled(id)) handler_->ExecuteCommand(id); } void CommandController::UpdateCommandEnabled(int id, bool enabled) { Command* command = GetCommand(id, true); if (command->enabled == enabled) return; // Nothing to do. command->enabled = enabled; CommandObserverList* list = command->observers; // FIXME: If Update calls RemoveCommandObserver, the iterator will be // invalidated. Darin says he's working on a new ObserverList // class that will handle this properly. For right now, don't // do that! CommandObserverList::const_iterator end = list->end(); CommandObserverList::iterator observer = list->begin(); while (observer != end) (*observer++)->SetEnabled(enabled); } Command* CommandController::GetCommand(int id, bool create) { Command* command = NULL; bool supported = SupportsCommand(id); if (supported) { command = commands_[id]; } else if (create) { command = new Command; DCHECK(command) << "Controller::GetCommand - OOM!"; command->observers = new CommandObserverList; DCHECK(command->observers) << "Controller::GetCommand - OOM!"; command->enabled = false; commands_[id] = command; } return command; } void CommandController::AddCommandObserver(int id, CommandObserver* observer) { Command* command = GetCommand(id, true); CommandObserverList* list = command->observers; CommandObserverList::const_iterator end = list->end(); CommandObserverList::iterator existing = find(list->begin(), list->end(), observer); if (existing != end) return; list->push_back(observer); } void CommandController::RemoveCommandObserver(int id, CommandObserver* observer) { Command* command = GetCommand(id, false); if (!command) return; CommandObserverList* list = command->observers; CommandObserverList::const_iterator end = list->end(); CommandObserverList::iterator existing = find(list->begin(), list->end(), observer); if (existing != end) list->erase(existing); } void CommandController::AddManagedButton(views::Button* b, int command) { ButtonController* bc = new ButtonController(b, this, command); managed_button_controllers_.push_back(bc); }