// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "app/tree_node_model.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/cookie_monster.h"

class CookiesTreeModel;
class CookieTreeCookieNode;
class CookieTreeCookiesNode;
class CookieTreeOriginNode;
class Profile;

// CookieTreeNode -------------------------------------------------------------
// The base node type in the Cookies + Local Storage options view, from which
// all other types are derived. Specialized from TreeNode in that it has a
// notion of deleting objects stored in the profile, and being able to have
// its children do the same.
class CookieTreeNode : public TreeNode<CookieTreeNode> {
  // Used to pull out information for the InfoView (the details display below
  // the tree control.)
  struct DetailedInfo {
    // NodeType corresponds to the various CookieTreeNode types.
    enum NodeType {
      TYPE_ROOT,  // This is used for CookieTreeRootNode nodes.
      TYPE_ORIGIN,  // This is used for CookieTreeOriginNode nodes.
      TYPE_COOKIES,  // This is used for CookieTreeCookiesNode nodes.
      TYPE_COOKIE  // This is used for CookieTreeCookieNode nodes.

    DetailedInfo(const std::wstring& origin, NodeType node_type,
        const net::CookieMonster::CookieListPair* cookie)
        : origin(origin),
          cookie(cookie) {}

    std::wstring origin;
    NodeType node_type;
    const net::CookieMonster::CookieListPair* cookie;

  CookieTreeNode() {}
  explicit CookieTreeNode(const std::wstring& title)
      : TreeNode<CookieTreeNode>(title) {}

  // Delete backend storage for this node, and any children nodes. (E.g. delete
  // the cookie from CookieMonster, clear the database, and so forth.)
  virtual void DeleteStoredObjects();

  // Gets a pointer back to the associated model for the tree we are in.
  virtual CookiesTreeModel* GetModel() const;

  // Returns a struct with detailed information used to populate the details
  // part of the view.
  virtual DetailedInfo GetDetailedInfo() const = 0;



// CookieTreeRootNode ---------------------------------------------------------
// The node at the root of the CookieTree that gets inserted into the view.
class CookieTreeRootNode : public CookieTreeNode {
  explicit CookieTreeRootNode(CookiesTreeModel* model) : model_(model) {}
  virtual ~CookieTreeRootNode() {}

  CookieTreeOriginNode* GetOrCreateOriginNode(const std::wstring& origin);

  // CookieTreeNode methods:
  virtual CookiesTreeModel* GetModel() const { return model_; }
  virtual DetailedInfo GetDetailedInfo() const {
    return DetailedInfo(std::wstring(), DetailedInfo::TYPE_ROOT, NULL);

  CookiesTreeModel* model_;


// CookieTreeOriginNode -------------------------------------------------------
class CookieTreeOriginNode : public CookieTreeNode {
  explicit CookieTreeOriginNode(const std::wstring& origin)
      : CookieTreeNode(origin), cookies_child_(NULL) {}
  virtual ~CookieTreeOriginNode() {}

  // CookieTreeNode methods:
  virtual DetailedInfo GetDetailedInfo() const {
    return DetailedInfo(GetTitle(), DetailedInfo::TYPE_ORIGIN, NULL);

  // CookieTreeOriginNode methods:
  CookieTreeCookiesNode* GetOrCreateCookiesNode();

  // A pointer to the COOKIES node. Eventually we will also have database,
  // appcache, local storage, ..., and when we build up the tree we need to
  // quickly get a reference to the COOKIES node to add children. Checking each
  // child and interrogating them to see if they are a COOKIES, APPCACHES,
  // DATABASES etc node seems less preferable than storing an extra pointer per
  // origin.
  CookieTreeCookiesNode* cookies_child_;


// CookieTreeCookiesNode ------------------------------------------------------
class CookieTreeCookiesNode : public CookieTreeNode {
  virtual ~CookieTreeCookiesNode() {}

  // CookieTreeNode methods:
  virtual DetailedInfo GetDetailedInfo() const {
    return DetailedInfo(GetParent()->GetTitle(), DetailedInfo::TYPE_COOKIES,

  // CookieTreeCookiesNode methods:
  void AddCookieNode(CookieTreeCookieNode* child);


class CookieTreeCookieNode : public CookieTreeNode {
  friend class CookieTreeCookiesNode;

  // Does not take ownership of cookie, and cookie should remain valid at least
  // as long as the CookieTreeCookieNode is valid.
  explicit CookieTreeCookieNode(net::CookieMonster::CookieListPair* cookie);
  virtual ~CookieTreeCookieNode() {}

  // CookieTreeNode methods:
  virtual void DeleteStoredObjects();
  virtual DetailedInfo GetDetailedInfo() const {
    return DetailedInfo(GetParent()->GetParent()->GetTitle(),
                        DetailedInfo::TYPE_COOKIE, cookie_);

  // Comparator functor, takes CookieTreeNode so that we can use it in
  // lower_bound using children()'s iterators, which are CookieTreeNode*.
  class CookieNodeComparator {
    bool operator() (const CookieTreeNode* lhs, const CookieTreeNode* rhs);

  // Cookie_ is not owned by the node, and is expected to remain valid as long
  // as the CookieTreeCookieNode is valid.
  net::CookieMonster::CookieListPair* cookie_;


class CookiesTreeModel : public TreeNodeModel<CookieTreeNode> {
  explicit CookiesTreeModel(Profile* profile);
  virtual ~CookiesTreeModel() {}

  // TreeModel methods:
  // Returns the set of icons for the nodes in the tree. You only need override
  // this if you don't want to use the default folder icons.
  virtual void GetIcons(std::vector<SkBitmap>* icons);

  // Returns the index of the icon to use for |node|. Return -1 to use the
  // default icon. The index is relative to the list of icons returned from
  // GetIcons.
  virtual int GetIconIndex(TreeModelNode* node);

  // CookiesTreeModel methods:
  void DeleteCookie(const net::CookieMonster::CookieListPair& cookie);
  void DeleteAllCookies();
  void DeleteCookieNode(CookieTreeNode* cookie_node);

  // Filter the origins to only display matched results.
  void UpdateSearchResults(const std::wstring& filter);

  enum CookieIconIndex {
    ORIGIN = 0,
    COOKIE = 1
  typedef net::CookieMonster::CookieList CookieList;
  typedef std::vector<net::CookieMonster::CookieListPair*> CookiePtrList;

  void LoadCookies();
  void LoadCookiesWithFilter(const std::wstring& filter);

  // The profile from which this model sources cookies.
  Profile* profile_;
  CookieList all_cookies_;
