// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

class Value;

namespace dom_ui_util {

// Convenience routine to get the response string from an argument
// list.  Typically used when supporting a DOMUI and getting calls
// from the hosted code.  Content must be a ListValue with at least
// one entry in it, and that first entry must be a string, which is
// returned.  The parameter is a Value for convenience.  Returns an
// empty string on error or if the parameter is not a ListValue.
std::string GetJsonResponseFromFirstArgumentInList(const Value* content);

// Convenience routine to get one of the response strings from an
// argument list.  content must be a ListValue, with at least
// (list_index+1) entries in it.  list_index is the 0-based index of
// the entry to pull from that list, and that entry must be a string,
// which is returned.  The parameter is a Value for convenience.
// Returns an empty string on error or if the parameter is not a
// ListValue.
std::string GetJsonResponseFromArgumentList(const Value* content,
                                            size_t list_index);

}  // end of namespace