// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_HISTORY_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_HISTORY_H_ #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "chrome/browser/common/cancelable_request.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history.h" class Profile; namespace base { class Time; } namespace content { class DownloadItem; } // Interacts with the HistoryService on behalf of the download subsystem. class DownloadHistory { public: typedef base::Callback VisitedBeforeDoneCallback; explicit DownloadHistory(Profile* profile); ~DownloadHistory(); // Retrieves the next_id counter from the sql meta_table. // Should be much faster than Load so that we may delay downloads until after // this call with minimal performance penalty. void GetNextId(const HistoryService::DownloadNextIdCallback& callback); // Retrieves DownloadCreateInfos saved in the history. void Load(const HistoryService::DownloadQueryCallback& callback); // Checks whether |referrer_url| has been visited before today. This takes // ownership of |callback|. void CheckVisitedReferrerBefore(int32 download_id, const GURL& referrer_url, const VisitedBeforeDoneCallback& callback); // Adds a new entry for a download to the history database. void AddEntry(content::DownloadItem* download_item, const HistoryService::DownloadCreateCallback& callback); // Updates the history entry for |download_item|. void UpdateEntry(content::DownloadItem* download_item); // Updates the download path for |download_item| to |new_path|. void UpdateDownloadPath(content::DownloadItem* download_item, const FilePath& new_path); // Removes |download_item| from the history database. void RemoveEntry(content::DownloadItem* download_item); // Removes download-related history entries in the given time range. void RemoveEntriesBetween(const base::Time remove_begin, const base::Time remove_end); // Returns a new unique database handle which will not collide with real ones. int64 GetNextFakeDbHandle(); private: typedef std::map VisitedBeforeRequestsMap; void OnGotVisitCountToHost(HistoryService::Handle handle, bool found_visits, int count, base::Time first_visit); Profile* profile_; // In case we don't have a valid db_handle, we use |fake_db_handle_| instead. // This is useful for incognito mode or when the history database is offline. // Downloads are expected to have unique handles, so we decrement the next // fake handle value on every use. int64 next_fake_db_handle_; CancelableRequestConsumer history_consumer_; // The outstanding requests made by CheckVisitedReferrerBefore(). VisitedBeforeRequestsMap visited_before_requests_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DownloadHistory); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_HISTORY_H_