// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/download/download_item.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_extensions.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_file_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_history.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_prefs.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/download_create_info.h" #include "chrome/browser/platform_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" namespace { // Update frequency (milliseconds). const int kUpdateTimeMs = 1000; void DeleteDownloadedFile(const FilePath& path) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); // Make sure we only delete files. if (!file_util::DirectoryExists(path)) file_util::Delete(path, false); } const char* DebugSafetyStateString(DownloadItem::SafetyState state) { switch (state) { case DownloadItem::SAFE: return "SAFE"; case DownloadItem::DANGEROUS: return "DANGEROUS"; case DownloadItem::DANGEROUS_BUT_VALIDATED: return "DANGEROUS_BUT_VALIDATED"; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unknown safety state " << state; return "unknown"; }; } const char* DebugDownloadStateString(DownloadItem::DownloadState state) { switch (state) { case DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS: return "IN_PROGRESS"; case DownloadItem::COMPLETE: return "COMPLETE"; case DownloadItem::CANCELLED: return "CANCELLED"; case DownloadItem::REMOVING: return "REMOVING"; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unknown download state " << state; return "unknown"; }; } } // namespace // Constructor for reading from the history service. DownloadItem::DownloadItem(DownloadManager* download_manager, const DownloadCreateInfo& info) : id_(-1), full_path_(info.path), path_uniquifier_(0), url_(info.url), original_url_(info.original_url), referrer_url_(info.referrer_url), mime_type_(info.mime_type), original_mime_type_(info.original_mime_type), total_bytes_(info.total_bytes), received_bytes_(info.received_bytes), start_tick_(base::TimeTicks()), state_(static_cast(info.state)), start_time_(info.start_time), db_handle_(info.db_handle), download_manager_(download_manager), is_paused_(false), open_when_complete_(false), safety_state_(SAFE), auto_opened_(false), target_name_(info.original_name), render_process_id_(-1), request_id_(-1), save_as_(false), is_otr_(false), is_extension_install_(info.is_extension_install), name_finalized_(false), is_temporary_(false), opened_(false) { if (state_ == IN_PROGRESS) state_ = CANCELLED; Init(false /* don't start progress timer */); } // Constructing for a regular download: DownloadItem::DownloadItem(DownloadManager* download_manager, const DownloadCreateInfo& info, bool is_otr) : id_(info.download_id), full_path_(info.path), path_uniquifier_(info.path_uniquifier), url_(info.url), original_url_(info.original_url), referrer_url_(info.referrer_url), mime_type_(info.mime_type), original_mime_type_(info.original_mime_type), total_bytes_(info.total_bytes), received_bytes_(0), start_tick_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), state_(IN_PROGRESS), start_time_(info.start_time), db_handle_(DownloadHistory::kUninitializedHandle), download_manager_(download_manager), is_paused_(false), open_when_complete_(false), safety_state_(info.is_dangerous ? DANGEROUS : SAFE), auto_opened_(false), target_name_(info.original_name), render_process_id_(info.child_id), request_id_(info.request_id), save_as_(info.prompt_user_for_save_location), is_otr_(is_otr), is_extension_install_(info.is_extension_install), name_finalized_(false), is_temporary_(!info.save_info.file_path.empty()), opened_(false) { Init(true /* start progress timer */); } // Constructing for the "Save Page As..." feature: DownloadItem::DownloadItem(DownloadManager* download_manager, const FilePath& path, const GURL& url, bool is_otr) : id_(1), full_path_(path), path_uniquifier_(0), url_(url), original_url_(url), referrer_url_(GURL()), mime_type_(std::string()), original_mime_type_(std::string()), total_bytes_(0), received_bytes_(0), start_tick_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), state_(IN_PROGRESS), start_time_(base::Time::Now()), db_handle_(DownloadHistory::kUninitializedHandle), download_manager_(download_manager), is_paused_(false), open_when_complete_(false), safety_state_(SAFE), auto_opened_(false), render_process_id_(-1), request_id_(-1), save_as_(false), is_otr_(is_otr), is_extension_install_(false), name_finalized_(false), is_temporary_(false), opened_(false) { Init(true /* start progress timer */); } DownloadItem::~DownloadItem() { state_ = REMOVING; UpdateObservers(); } void DownloadItem::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void DownloadItem::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void DownloadItem::UpdateObservers() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDownloadUpdated(this)); } void DownloadItem::NotifyObserversDownloadFileCompleted() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDownloadFileCompleted(this)); } bool DownloadItem::CanOpenDownload() { return !Extension::IsExtension(target_name_); } bool DownloadItem::ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension() { return download_manager_->ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension( GetUserVerifiedFilePath()); } void DownloadItem::OpenFilesBasedOnExtension(bool open) { DownloadPrefs* prefs = download_manager_->download_prefs(); if (open) prefs->EnableAutoOpenBasedOnExtension(GetUserVerifiedFilePath()); else prefs->DisableAutoOpenBasedOnExtension(GetUserVerifiedFilePath()); } void DownloadItem::OpenDownload() { if (state() == DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) { open_when_complete_ = !open_when_complete_; } else if (state() == DownloadItem::COMPLETE) { opened_ = true; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDownloadOpened(this)); if (is_extension_install()) { download_util::OpenChromeExtension(download_manager_->profile(), download_manager_, *this); return; } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Mac OS X requires opening downloads on the UI thread. platform_util::OpenItem(full_path()); #else BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&platform_util::OpenItem, full_path())); #endif } } void DownloadItem::ShowDownloadInShell() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Mac needs to run this operation on the UI thread. platform_util::ShowItemInFolder(full_path()); #else BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&platform_util::ShowItemInFolder, full_path())); #endif } void DownloadItem::DangerousDownloadValidated() { download_manager_->DangerousDownloadValidated(this); } void DownloadItem::UpdateSize(int64 bytes_so_far) { received_bytes_ = bytes_so_far; // If we've received more data than we were expecting (bad server info?), // revert to 'unknown size mode'. if (received_bytes_ > total_bytes_) total_bytes_ = 0; } void DownloadItem::StartProgressTimer() { update_timer_.Start(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kUpdateTimeMs), this, &DownloadItem::UpdateObservers); } void DownloadItem::StopProgressTimer() { update_timer_.Stop(); } // Updates from the download thread may have been posted while this download // was being cancelled in the UI thread, so we'll accept them unless we're // complete. void DownloadItem::Update(int64 bytes_so_far) { if (state_ == COMPLETE) { NOTREACHED(); return; } UpdateSize(bytes_so_far); UpdateObservers(); } // Triggered by a user action. void DownloadItem::Cancel(bool update_history) { VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download = " << DebugString(true); if (state_ != IN_PROGRESS) { // Small downloads might be complete before this method has a chance to run. return; } state_ = CANCELLED; UpdateObservers(); StopProgressTimer(); if (update_history) download_manager_->DownloadCancelled(id_); } void DownloadItem::OnAllDataSaved(int64 size) { state_ = COMPLETE; UpdateSize(size); StopProgressTimer(); } void DownloadItem::Finished() { // Handle chrome extensions explicitly and skip the shell execute. if (is_extension_install()) { download_util::OpenChromeExtension(download_manager_->profile(), download_manager_, *this); auto_opened_ = true; } else if (open_when_complete() || download_manager_->ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension( GetUserVerifiedFilePath()) || is_temporary()) { // If the download is temporary, like in drag-and-drop, do not open it but // we still need to set it auto-opened so that it can be removed from the // download shelf. if (!is_temporary()) OpenDownload(); auto_opened_ = true; } // Notify our observers that we are complete (the call to OnAllDataSaved() // set the state to complete but did not notify). UpdateObservers(); // The download file is meant to be completed if both the filename is // finalized and the file data is downloaded. The ordering of these two // actions is indeterministic. Thus, if the filename is not finalized yet, // delay the notification. if (name_finalized()) { NotifyObserversDownloadFileCompleted(); download_manager_->RemoveFromActiveList(id()); } } void DownloadItem::Remove(bool delete_on_disk) { Cancel(true); state_ = REMOVING; if (delete_on_disk) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&DeleteDownloadedFile, full_path_)); } download_manager_->RemoveDownload(db_handle_); // We have now been deleted. } bool DownloadItem::TimeRemaining(base::TimeDelta* remaining) const { if (total_bytes_ <= 0) return false; // We never received the content_length for this download. int64 speed = CurrentSpeed(); if (speed == 0) return false; *remaining = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds((total_bytes_ - received_bytes_) / speed); return true; } int64 DownloadItem::CurrentSpeed() const { if (is_paused_) return 0; base::TimeDelta diff = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_tick_; int64 diff_ms = diff.InMilliseconds(); return diff_ms == 0 ? 0 : received_bytes_ * 1000 / diff_ms; } int DownloadItem::PercentComplete() const { int percent = -1; if (total_bytes_ > 0) percent = static_cast(received_bytes_ * 100.0 / total_bytes_); return percent; } void DownloadItem::Rename(const FilePath& full_path) { VLOG(20) << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " full_path = " << full_path.value() << DebugString(true); DCHECK(!full_path.empty()); full_path_ = full_path; } void DownloadItem::TogglePause() { DCHECK(state_ == IN_PROGRESS); download_manager_->PauseDownload(id_, !is_paused_); is_paused_ = !is_paused_; UpdateObservers(); } void DownloadItem::OnNameFinalized() { name_finalized_ = true; // The download file is meant to be completed if both the filename is // finalized and the file data is downloaded. The ordering of these two // actions is indeterministic. Thus, if we are still in downloading the // file, delay the notification. if (state() == DownloadItem::COMPLETE) { NotifyObserversDownloadFileCompleted(); download_manager_->RemoveFromActiveList(id()); } } void DownloadItem::OnSafeDownloadFinished(DownloadFileManager* file_manager) { DCHECK_EQ(SAFE, safety_state()); DCHECK(file_manager); if (NeedsRename()) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( file_manager, &DownloadFileManager::OnFinalDownloadName, id(), GetTargetFilePath(), false, make_scoped_refptr(download_manager_))); return; } Finished(); } void DownloadItem::OnDownloadRenamedToFinalName(const FilePath& full_path) { VLOG(20) << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " full_path = " << full_path.value(); bool needed_rename = NeedsRename(); Rename(full_path); OnNameFinalized(); if (needed_rename && safety_state() == SAFE) { // This was called from OnSafeDownloadFinished; continue to call // DownloadFinished. Finished(); } } bool DownloadItem::MatchesQuery(const string16& query) const { if (query.empty()) return true; DCHECK_EQ(query, l10n_util::ToLower(query)); string16 url_raw(l10n_util::ToLower(UTF8ToUTF16(url_.spec()))); if (url_raw.find(query) != string16::npos) return true; // TODO(phajdan.jr): write a test case for the following code. // A good test case would be: // "/\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", // L"/\x4f60\x597d\x4f60\x597d", // "/%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD" PrefService* prefs = download_manager_->profile()->GetPrefs(); std::string languages(prefs->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages)); string16 url_formatted(l10n_util::ToLower(net::FormatUrl(url_, languages))); if (url_formatted.find(query) != string16::npos) return true; string16 path(l10n_util::ToLower(WideToUTF16(full_path().ToWStringHack()))); if (path.find(query) != std::wstring::npos) return true; return false; } void DownloadItem::SetFileCheckResults(const FilePath& path, bool is_dangerous, int path_uniquifier, bool prompt, bool is_extension_install, const FilePath& original_name) { VLOG(20) << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " path = \"" << path.value() << "\"" << " is_dangerous = " << is_dangerous << " path_uniquifier = " << path_uniquifier << " prompt = " << prompt << " is_extension_install = " << is_extension_install << " path = \"" << path.value() << "\"" << " original_name = \"" << original_name.value() << "\"" << " " << DebugString(true); // Make sure the initial file name is set only once. DCHECK(full_path_.empty()); DCHECK(!path.empty()); full_path_ = path; safety_state_ = is_dangerous ? DANGEROUS : SAFE; path_uniquifier_ = path_uniquifier; save_as_ = prompt; is_extension_install_ = is_extension_install; target_name_ = original_name; if (target_name_.value().empty()) target_name_ = full_path_.BaseName(); } FilePath DownloadItem::GetTargetFilePath() const { return full_path_.DirName().Append(target_name_); } FilePath DownloadItem::GetFileNameToReportUser() const { if (path_uniquifier_ > 0) { FilePath name(target_name_); download_util::AppendNumberToPath(&name, path_uniquifier_); return name; } return target_name_; } FilePath DownloadItem::GetUserVerifiedFilePath() const { if (safety_state_ == DownloadItem::SAFE) return GetTargetFilePath(); return full_path_; } void DownloadItem::Init(bool start_timer) { if (target_name_.value().empty()) target_name_ = full_path_.BaseName(); if (start_timer) StartProgressTimer(); VLOG(20) << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "() " << DebugString(true); } std::string DownloadItem::DebugString(bool verbose) const { std::string description = base::StringPrintf("{ id_ = %d" " state = %s", id_, DebugDownloadStateString(state())); if (verbose) { description += base::StringPrintf( " db_handle = %" PRId64 " total_bytes = %" PRId64 " is_paused = " "%c" " is_extension_install = " "%c" " is_otr = " "%c" " safety_state = " "%s" " url = " "\"%s\"" " target_name_ = \"%" PRFilePath "\"" " full_path = \"%" PRFilePath "\"", db_handle(), total_bytes(), is_paused() ? 'T' : 'F', is_extension_install() ? 'T' : 'F', is_otr() ? 'T' : 'F', DebugSafetyStateString(safety_state()), url().spec().c_str(), target_name_.value().c_str(), full_path().value().c_str()); } else { description += base::StringPrintf(" url = \"%s\"", url().spec().c_str()); } description += " }"; return description; }