// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/download/download_query.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h" #include "base/i18n/string_search.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_item.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "third_party/icu/public/i18n/unicode/regex.h" using content::DownloadDangerType; using content::DownloadItem; namespace { // Templatized base::Value::GetAs*(). template bool GetAs(const base::Value& in, T* out); template<> bool GetAs(const base::Value& in, bool* out) { return in.GetAsBoolean(out); } template<> bool GetAs(const base::Value& in, int* out) { return in.GetAsInteger(out); } template<> bool GetAs(const base::Value& in, std::string* out) { return in.GetAsString(out); } template<> bool GetAs(const base::Value& in, string16* out) { return in.GetAsString(out); } // The next several functions are helpers for making Callbacks that access // DownloadItem fields. static bool MatchesQuery(const string16& query, const DownloadItem& item) { if (query.empty()) return true; DCHECK_EQ(query, base::i18n::ToLower(query)); string16 url_raw(UTF8ToUTF16(item.GetOriginalUrl().spec())); if (base::i18n::StringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents( query, url_raw, NULL, NULL)) { return true; } string16 url_formatted = url_raw; if (item.GetBrowserContext()) { url_formatted = net::FormatUrl( item.GetOriginalUrl(), content::GetContentClient()->browser()->GetAcceptLangs( item.GetBrowserContext())); } if (base::i18n::StringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents( query, url_formatted, NULL, NULL)) { return true; } string16 path(item.GetTargetFilePath().LossyDisplayName()); return base::i18n::StringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents( query, path, NULL, NULL); } static int64 GetStartTimeMsEpoch(const DownloadItem& item) { return (item.GetStartTime() - base::Time::UnixEpoch()).InMilliseconds(); } static int64 GetEndTimeMsEpoch(const DownloadItem& item) { return (item.GetEndTime() - base::Time::UnixEpoch()).InMilliseconds(); } std::string TimeToISO8601(const base::Time& t) { base::Time::Exploded exploded; t.UTCExplode(&exploded); return base::StringPrintf( "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ", exploded.year, exploded.month, exploded.day_of_month, exploded.hour, exploded.minute, exploded.second, exploded.millisecond); } static std::string GetStartTime(const DownloadItem& item) { return TimeToISO8601(item.GetStartTime()); } static std::string GetEndTime(const DownloadItem& item) { return TimeToISO8601(item.GetEndTime()); } static bool GetDangerAccepted(const DownloadItem& item) { return (item.GetDangerType() == content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_USER_VALIDATED); } static bool GetExists(const DownloadItem& item) { return !item.GetFileExternallyRemoved(); } static string16 GetFilename(const DownloadItem& item) { // This filename will be compared with strings that could be passed in by the // user, who only sees LossyDisplayNames. return item.GetTargetFilePath().LossyDisplayName(); } static std::string GetFilenameUTF8(const DownloadItem& item) { return UTF16ToUTF8(GetFilename(item)); } static std::string GetUrl(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.GetOriginalUrl().spec(); } static DownloadItem::DownloadState GetState(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.GetState(); } static DownloadDangerType GetDangerType(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.GetDangerType(); } static int GetReceivedBytes(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.GetReceivedBytes(); } static int GetTotalBytes(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.GetTotalBytes(); } static std::string GetMimeType(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.GetMimeType(); } static bool IsPaused(const DownloadItem& item) { return item.IsPaused(); } enum ComparisonType {LT, EQ, GT}; // Returns true if |item| matches the filter specified by |value|, |cmptype|, // and |accessor|. |accessor| is conceptually a function that takes a // DownloadItem and returns one of its fields, which is then compared to // |value|. template static bool FieldMatches( const ValueType& value, ComparisonType cmptype, const base::Callback& accessor, const DownloadItem& item) { switch (cmptype) { case LT: return accessor.Run(item) < value; case EQ: return accessor.Run(item) == value; case GT: return accessor.Run(item) > value; } NOTREACHED(); return false; } // Helper for building a Callback to FieldMatches<>(). template DownloadQuery::FilterCallback BuildFilter( const base::Value& value, ComparisonType cmptype, ValueType (*accessor)(const DownloadItem&)) { ValueType cpp_value; if (!GetAs(value, &cpp_value)) return DownloadQuery::FilterCallback(); return base::Bind(&FieldMatches, cpp_value, cmptype, base::Bind(accessor)); } // Returns true if |accessor.Run(item)| matches |pattern|. static bool FindRegex( icu::RegexPattern* pattern, const base::Callback& accessor, const DownloadItem& item) { icu::UnicodeString input(accessor.Run(item).c_str()); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; scoped_ptr matcher(pattern->matcher(input, status)); return matcher->find() == TRUE; // Ugh, VS complains bool != UBool. } // Helper for building a Callback to FindRegex(). DownloadQuery::FilterCallback BuildRegexFilter( const base::Value& regex_value, std::string (*accessor)(const DownloadItem&)) { std::string regex_str; if (!GetAs(regex_value, ®ex_str)) return DownloadQuery::FilterCallback(); UParseError re_err; UErrorCode re_status = U_ZERO_ERROR; scoped_ptr pattern(icu::RegexPattern::compile( icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(regex_str.c_str()), re_err, re_status)); if (!U_SUCCESS(re_status)) return DownloadQuery::FilterCallback(); return base::Bind(&FindRegex, base::Owned(pattern.release()), base::Bind(accessor)); } // Returns a ComparisonType to indicate whether a field in |left| is less than, // greater than or equal to the same field in |right|. template static ComparisonType Compare( const base::Callback& accessor, const DownloadItem& left, const DownloadItem& right) { ValueType left_value = accessor.Run(left); ValueType right_value = accessor.Run(right); if (left_value > right_value) return GT; if (left_value < right_value) return LT; DCHECK_EQ(left_value, right_value); return EQ; } } // anonymous namespace DownloadQuery::DownloadQuery() : limit_(kuint32max) { } DownloadQuery::~DownloadQuery() { } // AddFilter() pushes a new FilterCallback to filters_. Most FilterCallbacks are // Callbacks to FieldMatches<>(). Search() iterates over given DownloadItems, // discarding items for which any filter returns false. A DownloadQuery may have // zero or more FilterCallbacks. bool DownloadQuery::AddFilter(const DownloadQuery::FilterCallback& value) { if (value.is_null()) return false; filters_.push_back(value); return true; } void DownloadQuery::AddFilter(DownloadItem::DownloadState state) { AddFilter(base::Bind(&FieldMatches, state, EQ, base::Bind(&GetState))); } void DownloadQuery::AddFilter(DownloadDangerType danger) { AddFilter(base::Bind(&FieldMatches, danger, EQ, base::Bind(&GetDangerType))); } bool DownloadQuery::AddFilter(DownloadQuery::FilterType type, const base::Value& value) { switch (type) { case FILTER_BYTES_RECEIVED: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetReceivedBytes)); case FILTER_DANGER_ACCEPTED: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetDangerAccepted)); case FILTER_EXISTS: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetExists)); case FILTER_FILENAME: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetFilename)); case FILTER_FILENAME_REGEX: return AddFilter(BuildRegexFilter(value, &GetFilenameUTF8)); case FILTER_MIME: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetMimeType)); case FILTER_PAUSED: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &IsPaused)); case FILTER_QUERY: { string16 query; return GetAs(value, &query) && AddFilter(base::Bind(&MatchesQuery, query)); } case FILTER_ENDED_AFTER: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, GT, &GetEndTime)); case FILTER_ENDED_BEFORE: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, LT, &GetEndTime)); case FILTER_END_TIME: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetEndTime)); case FILTER_STARTED_AFTER: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, GT, &GetStartTime)); case FILTER_STARTED_BEFORE: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, LT, &GetStartTime)); case FILTER_START_TIME: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetStartTime)); case FILTER_TOTAL_BYTES: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetTotalBytes)); case FILTER_TOTAL_BYTES_GREATER: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, GT, &GetTotalBytes)); case FILTER_TOTAL_BYTES_LESS: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, LT, &GetTotalBytes)); case FILTER_URL: return AddFilter(BuildFilter(value, EQ, &GetUrl)); case FILTER_URL_REGEX: return AddFilter(BuildRegexFilter(value, &GetUrl)); } return false; } bool DownloadQuery::Matches(const DownloadItem& item) const { for (FilterCallbackVector::const_iterator filter = filters_.begin(); filter != filters_.end(); ++filter) { if (!filter->Run(item)) return false; } return true; } // AddSorter() creates a Sorter and pushes it onto sorters_. A Sorter is a // direction and a Callback to Compare<>(). After filtering, Search() makes a // DownloadComparator functor from the sorters_ and passes the // DownloadComparator to std::partial_sort. std::partial_sort calls the // DownloadComparator with different pairs of DownloadItems. DownloadComparator // iterates over the sorters until a callback returns ComparisonType LT or GT. // DownloadComparator returns true or false depending on that ComparisonType and // the sorter's direction in order to indicate to std::partial_sort whether the // left item is after or before the right item. If all sorters return EQ, then // DownloadComparator compares GetId. A DownloadQuery may have zero or more // Sorters, but there is one DownloadComparator per call to Search(). struct DownloadQuery::Sorter { typedef base::Callback SortType; template static Sorter Build(DownloadQuery::SortDirection adirection, ValueType (*accessor)(const DownloadItem&)) { return Sorter(adirection, base::Bind(&Compare, base::Bind(accessor))); } Sorter(DownloadQuery::SortDirection adirection, const SortType& asorter) : direction(adirection), sorter(asorter) { } ~Sorter() {} DownloadQuery::SortDirection direction; SortType sorter; }; class DownloadQuery::DownloadComparator { public: explicit DownloadComparator(const DownloadQuery::SorterVector& terms) : terms_(terms) { } // Returns true if |left| sorts before |right|. bool operator() (const DownloadItem* left, const DownloadItem* right); private: const DownloadQuery::SorterVector& terms_; // std::sort requires this class to be copyable. }; bool DownloadQuery::DownloadComparator::operator() ( const DownloadItem* left, const DownloadItem* right) { for (DownloadQuery::SorterVector::const_iterator term = terms_.begin(); term != terms_.end(); ++term) { switch (term->sorter.Run(*left, *right)) { case LT: return term->direction == DownloadQuery::ASCENDING; case GT: return term->direction == DownloadQuery::DESCENDING; case EQ: break; // break the switch but not the loop } } CHECK_NE(left->GetId(), right->GetId()); return left->GetId() < right->GetId(); } void DownloadQuery::AddSorter(DownloadQuery::SortType type, DownloadQuery::SortDirection direction) { switch (type) { case SORT_END_TIME: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetEndTimeMsEpoch)); break; case SORT_START_TIME: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetStartTimeMsEpoch)); break; case SORT_URL: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetUrl)); break; case SORT_FILENAME: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetFilename)); break; case SORT_DANGER: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build( direction, &GetDangerType)); break; case SORT_DANGER_ACCEPTED: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetDangerAccepted)); break; case SORT_EXISTS: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetExists)); break; case SORT_STATE: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build( direction, &GetState)); break; case SORT_PAUSED: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &IsPaused)); break; case SORT_MIME: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetMimeType)); break; case SORT_BYTES_RECEIVED: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetReceivedBytes)); break; case SORT_TOTAL_BYTES: sorters_.push_back(Sorter::Build(direction, &GetTotalBytes)); break; } } void DownloadQuery::FinishSearch(DownloadQuery::DownloadVector* results) const { if (!sorters_.empty()) std::partial_sort(results->begin(), results->begin() + std::min(limit_, results->size()), results->end(), DownloadComparator(sorters_)); if (results->size() > limit_) results->resize(limit_); }