// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"

class BaseDownloadItemModel;
class DownloadItem;
class TabContents;

// DownloadShelf is an interface for platform-specific download shelves to
// implement. It also contains some shared logic. This class should not be
// instantiated directly, but rather created via a call to Create().
class DownloadShelf {
  explicit DownloadShelf(TabContents* tab_contents)
      : tab_contents_(tab_contents) { }

  virtual ~DownloadShelf() { }

  // Creates a platform-specific DownloadShelf, passing ownership to the caller.
  static DownloadShelf* Create(TabContents* tab_contents);

  // A new download has started, so add it to our shelf. This object will
  // take ownership of |download_model|.
  virtual void AddDownload(BaseDownloadItemModel* download_model) = 0;

  // Invoked when the user clicks the 'show all downloads' link button.
  void ShowAllDownloads();

  // Invoked when the download shelf is migrated from one tab contents to a new
  // one.
  void ChangeTabContents(TabContents* old_contents, TabContents* new_contents);

  // The browser view needs to know when we are going away to properly return
  // the resize corner size to WebKit so that we don't draw on top of it.
  // This returns the showing state of our animation which is set to false at
  // the beginning Show and true at the beginning of a Hide.
  virtual bool IsShowing() const = 0;

  TabContents* tab_contents_;


// Logic for the download shelf context menu. Platform specific subclasses are
// responsible for creating and running the menu.
class DownloadShelfContextMenu {
  virtual ~DownloadShelfContextMenu();

  explicit DownloadShelfContextMenu(BaseDownloadItemModel* download_model);

  enum ContextMenuCommands {
    SHOW_IN_FOLDER = 1,  // Open a file explorer window with the item selected
    OPEN_WHEN_COMPLETE,  // Open the download when it's finished
    ALWAYS_OPEN_TYPE,    // Default this file extension to always open
    CANCEL,              // Cancel the download

  bool ItemIsChecked(int id) const;
  bool ItemIsDefault(int id) const;
  std::wstring GetItemLabel(int id) const;
  bool IsItemCommandEnabled(int id) const;
  void ExecuteItemCommand(int id);

  // Information source.
  DownloadItem* download_;

  // A model to control the cancel behavior.
  BaseDownloadItemModel* model_;
