// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/browser/download_tab_view.h" #include #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/time_format.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/download_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/download_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/user_metrics.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_font.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h" #include "chrome/common/time_format.h" #include "chrome/views/background.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "generated_resources.h" // Approximate spacing, in pixels, taken from initial UI mock up screens static const int kVerticalPadding = 5; static const int kHorizontalButtonPadding = 15; // For vertical and horizontal element spacing static const int kSpacer = 20; // Horizontal space between the left edge of the entries and the // left edge of the view. static const int kLeftMargin = 38; // x-position of the icon (massage this so it visually matches // kDestinationSearchOffset in native_ui_contents.cc static const int kDownloadIconOffset = 132; // Padding between the progress icon and the title, url static const int kInfoPadding = 16; // Horizontal distance from the left window edge to the left icon edge static const int kDateSize = 132; // Maximum size of the text for the file name or URL static const int kFilenameSize = 350; // Maximum size of the progress text during download, which is taken // out of kFilenameSize static const int kProgressSize = 170; // Status label color (grey) static const SkColor kStatusColor = SkColorSetRGB(128, 128, 128); // URL label color (green) static const SkColor kUrlColor = SkColorSetRGB(0, 128, 0); // Paused download indicator (red) static const SkColor kPauseColor = SkColorSetRGB(128, 0, 0); // Selected item background color static const SkColor kSelectedItemColor = SkColorSetRGB(215, 232, 255); // State key used to identify search text. static const wchar_t kSearchTextKey[] = L"st"; // The size of the icon displayed. static const int kIconSize = download_util::GetProgressIconSize(download_util::BIG); // Size of the progress halo icon. static const int kProgressIconSize = download_util::GetProgressIconSize(download_util::BIG); // Centering the icon in the progress bitmaps static const int kIconOffset = download_util::GetProgressIconOffset(download_util::BIG); // Sorting functor for DownloadItem -------------------------------------------- // Sort DownloadItems into ascending order by their start time. class DownloadItemSorter : public std::binary_function { public: bool operator()(const DownloadItem* lhs, const DownloadItem* rhs) { return lhs->start_time() < rhs->start_time(); } }; // DownloadItemTabView implementation ------------------------------------------ DownloadItemTabView::DownloadItemTabView() : model_(NULL), parent_(NULL) { // Create our element views using empty strings for now, // set them based on the model's state in Layout(). since_ = new ChromeViews::Label(L""); ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); ChromeFont font = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::WebFont); since_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); since_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(since_); date_ = new ChromeViews::Label(L""); date_->SetColor(kStatusColor); date_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); date_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(date_); // file_name_ is enabled once the download has finished and we can open // it via ShellExecute. file_name_ = new ChromeViews::Link(L""); file_name_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); file_name_->SetController(this); file_name_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(file_name_); // Set our URL name download_url_ = new ChromeViews::Label(L""); download_url_->SetColor(kUrlColor); download_url_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); download_url_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(download_url_); // Set our time remaining time_remaining_ = new ChromeViews::Label(L""); time_remaining_->SetColor(kStatusColor); time_remaining_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); time_remaining_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(time_remaining_); // Set our download progress download_progress_ = new ChromeViews::Label(L""); download_progress_->SetColor(kStatusColor); download_progress_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); download_progress_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(download_progress_); // Set our 'Pause', 'Cancel' and 'Show in folder' links using // actual strings, since these are constant pause_ = new ChromeViews::Link(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_LINK_PAUSE)); pause_->SetController(this); pause_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(pause_); cancel_ = new ChromeViews::Link( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_LINK_CANCEL)); cancel_->SetController(this); cancel_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(cancel_); show_ = new ChromeViews::Link(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_LINK_SHOW)); show_->SetController(this); show_->SetFont(font); AddChildView(show_); } DownloadItemTabView::~DownloadItemTabView() { } void DownloadItemTabView::SetModel(DownloadItem* model, DownloadTabView* parent) { DCHECK(model && parent); model_ = model; parent_ = parent; parent_->LookupIcon(model_); } void DownloadItemTabView::GetPreferredSize(CSize* out) { CSize pause_size; pause_->GetPreferredSize(&pause_size); CSize cancel_size; cancel_->GetPreferredSize(&cancel_size); CSize show_size; show_->GetPreferredSize(&show_size); out->cx = kProgressIconSize + 2 * kSpacer + kHorizontalButtonPadding + kFilenameSize + std::max(pause_size.cx + cancel_size.cx + kHorizontalButtonPadding, show_size.cx); out->cy = kProgressIconSize; } // Each DownloadItemTabView has reasonably complex layout requirements // that are based on the state of its model. To make the code much simpler // to read, Layout() is split into state specific code which will result // in some redundant code. void DownloadItemTabView::Layout() { DCHECK(model_); switch (model_->state()) { case DownloadItem::COMPLETE: LayoutComplete(); break; case DownloadItem::CANCELLED: LayoutCancelled(); break; case DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS: LayoutInProgress(); break; case DownloadItem::REMOVING: break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } // Only display the date if the download is the last that occurred // on a given day. void DownloadItemTabView::LayoutDate() { if (!parent_->ShouldDrawDateForDownload(model_)) { since_->SetVisible(false); date_->SetVisible(false); return; } CSize since_size; since_->SetText(TimeFormat::RelativeDate(model_->start_time(), NULL)); since_->GetPreferredSize(&since_size); since_->SetBounds(kLeftMargin, kIconOffset, kDateSize, since_size.cy); since_->SetVisible(true); CSize date_size; date_->SetText(base::TimeFormatShortDate(model_->start_time())); date_->GetPreferredSize(&date_size); date_->SetBounds(kLeftMargin, since_size.cy + kVerticalPadding + kIconOffset, kDateSize, date_size.cy); date_->SetVisible(true); } // DownloadItem::COMPLETE state layout void DownloadItemTabView::LayoutComplete() { // Hide unused UI elements pause_->SetVisible(false); pause_->SetEnabled(false); cancel_->SetVisible(false); cancel_->SetEnabled(false); time_remaining_->SetVisible(false); download_progress_->SetVisible(false); LayoutDate(); int dx = kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset + kProgressIconSize + kInfoPadding; // File name and URL CSize file_name_size; file_name_->SetText(model_->file_name()); file_name_->GetPreferredSize(&file_name_size); file_name_->SetBounds(dx, kIconOffset, std::min(kFilenameSize, static_cast(file_name_size.cx)), file_name_size.cy); file_name_->SetVisible(true); file_name_->SetEnabled(true); GURL url(model_->url()); download_url_->SetURL(url); CSize url_size; download_url_->GetPreferredSize(&url_size); download_url_->SetBounds(dx, file_name_size.cy + kVerticalPadding + kIconOffset, std::min(kFilenameSize, static_cast(GetWidth() - dx)), url_size.cy); download_url_->SetVisible(true); dx += kFilenameSize + kSpacer; // Action button (text is constant and set in constructor) CSize show_size; show_->GetPreferredSize(&show_size); show_->SetBounds(dx, ((file_name_size.cy + url_size.cy) / 2) + kIconOffset, show_size.cx, show_size.cy); show_->SetVisible(true); show_->SetEnabled(true); } // DownloadItem::CANCELLED state layout void DownloadItemTabView::LayoutCancelled() { // Hide unused UI elements show_->SetVisible(false); show_->SetEnabled(false); pause_->SetVisible(false); pause_->SetEnabled(false); cancel_->SetVisible(false); cancel_->SetEnabled(false); LayoutDate(); int dx = kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset + kProgressIconSize + kInfoPadding; // File name and URL, truncated to show cancelled status CSize file_name_size; file_name_->SetText(model_->file_name()); file_name_->GetPreferredSize(&file_name_size); file_name_->SetBounds(dx, kIconOffset, kFilenameSize - kProgressSize - kSpacer, file_name_size.cy); file_name_->SetVisible(true); file_name_->SetEnabled(false); GURL url(model_->url()); download_url_->SetURL(url); CSize url_size; download_url_->GetPreferredSize(&url_size); download_url_->SetBounds(dx, file_name_size.cy + kVerticalPadding + kIconOffset, std::min(kFilenameSize - kProgressSize - kSpacer, static_cast(GetWidth() - dx)), url_size.cy); download_url_->SetVisible(true); dx += kFilenameSize - kProgressSize; // Display cancelled status CSize cancel_size; time_remaining_->SetColor(kStatusColor); time_remaining_->SetText(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_TAB_CANCELLED)); time_remaining_->GetPreferredSize(&cancel_size); time_remaining_->SetBounds(dx, kIconOffset, kProgressSize, cancel_size.cy); time_remaining_->SetVisible(true); // Display received size, we may not know the total size if the server didn't // provide a content-length. int64 total = model_->total_bytes(); int64 size = model_->received_bytes(); DataUnits amount_units = GetByteDisplayUnits(size); std::wstring received_size = FormatBytes(size, amount_units, true); std::wstring amount = received_size; // We don't know which string we'll end up using for constructing the final // progress string so we need to adjust both strings for the locale // direction. std::wstring amount_localized; if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(amount, &amount_localized)) { amount.assign(amount_localized); received_size.assign(amount_localized); } if (total > 0) { amount_units = GetByteDisplayUnits(total); std::wstring total_text = FormatBytes(total, amount_units, true); std::wstring total_text_localized; if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(total_text, &total_text_localized)) total_text.assign(total_text_localized); // Note that there is no need to adjust the new amount string for the // locale direction as ChromeViews::Label does that for us. amount = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_DOWNLOAD_TAB_PROGRESS_SIZE, received_size, total_text); } CSize byte_size; download_progress_->SetText(amount); download_progress_->GetPreferredSize(&byte_size); download_progress_->SetBounds(dx, file_name_size.cy + kVerticalPadding + kIconOffset, kProgressSize, byte_size.cy); download_progress_->SetVisible(true); } // DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS state layout void DownloadItemTabView::LayoutInProgress() { // Hide unused UI elements show_->SetVisible(false); show_->SetEnabled(false); LayoutDate(); int dx = kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset + kProgressIconSize + kInfoPadding; // File name and URL, truncated to show progress status CSize file_name_size; file_name_->SetText(model_->file_name()); file_name_->GetPreferredSize(&file_name_size); file_name_->SetBounds(dx, kIconOffset, kFilenameSize - kProgressSize - kSpacer, file_name_size.cy); file_name_->SetVisible(true); file_name_->SetEnabled(false); GURL url(model_->url()); download_url_->SetURL(url); CSize url_size; download_url_->GetPreferredSize(&url_size); download_url_->SetBounds(dx, file_name_size.cy + kVerticalPadding + kIconOffset, std::min(kFilenameSize - kProgressSize - kSpacer, static_cast(GetWidth() - dx)), url_size.cy); download_url_->SetVisible(true); dx += kFilenameSize - kProgressSize; // Set the time remaining and progress display strings. This can // be complicated by not having received the total download size // In that case, we can't calculate time remaining so we just // display speed and received size. // Size int64 total = model_->total_bytes(); int64 size = model_->received_bytes(); DataUnits amount_units = GetByteDisplayUnits(size); std::wstring received_size = FormatBytes(size, amount_units, true); std::wstring amount = received_size; // Adjust both strings for the locale direction since we don't yet know which // string we'll end up using for constructing the final progress string. std::wstring amount_localized; if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(amount, &amount_localized)) { amount.assign(amount_localized); received_size.assign(amount_localized); } if (total > 0) { amount_units = GetByteDisplayUnits(total); std::wstring total_text = FormatBytes(total, amount_units, true); std::wstring total_text_localized; if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(total_text, &total_text_localized)) total_text.assign(total_text_localized); amount = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_DOWNLOAD_TAB_PROGRESS_SIZE, received_size, total_text); // We adjust the 'amount' string in case we use it as part of the progress // text. if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(amount, &amount_localized)) amount.assign(amount_localized); } // Speed int64 speed = model_->CurrentSpeed(); std::wstring progress = amount; if (!model_->is_paused() && speed > 0) { amount_units = GetByteDisplayUnits(speed); std::wstring speed_text = FormatSpeed(speed, amount_units, true); std::wstring speed_text_localized; if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(speed_text, &speed_text_localized)) speed_text.assign(speed_text_localized); progress = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_DOWNLOAD_TAB_PROGRESS_SPEED, speed_text, amount); // For some reason, the appearance of the dash character ('-') in a string // causes Windows to ignore the 'LRE'/'RLE'/'PDF' Unicode formatting // characters within the string and this causes the string to be displayed // incorrectly on RTL UIs. Therefore, we add the Unicode right-to-left // override character (U+202E) if the locale is RTL in order to fix this // problem. if (l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) progress.insert(0, L"\x202E"); } // Time remaining int y_pos = file_name_size.cy + kVerticalPadding + kIconOffset; CSize time_size; time_remaining_->SetColor(kStatusColor); if (model_->is_paused()) { time_remaining_->SetColor(kPauseColor); time_remaining_->SetText( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_PAUSED)); time_remaining_->GetPreferredSize(&time_size); time_remaining_->SetBounds(dx, kIconOffset, kProgressSize, time_size.cy); time_remaining_->SetVisible(true); } else if (total > 0) { TimeDelta remaining; if (model_->TimeRemaining(&remaining)) time_remaining_->SetText(TimeFormat::TimeRemaining(remaining)); time_remaining_->GetPreferredSize(&time_size); time_remaining_->SetBounds(dx, kIconOffset, kProgressSize, time_size.cy); time_remaining_->SetVisible(true); } else { time_remaining_->SetText(L""); y_pos = ((file_name_size.cy + url_size.cy) / 2) + kIconOffset; } CSize byte_size; download_progress_->SetText(progress); download_progress_->GetPreferredSize(&byte_size); download_progress_->SetBounds(dx, y_pos, kProgressSize, byte_size.cy); download_progress_->SetVisible(true); dx += kProgressSize + kSpacer; y_pos = ((file_name_size.cy + url_size.cy) / 2) + kIconOffset; // Pause (or Resume) / Cancel buttons. if (model_->is_paused()) pause_->SetText(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_LINK_RESUME)); else pause_->SetText(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_LINK_PAUSE)); CSize pause_size; pause_->SetVisible(true); pause_->SetEnabled(true); pause_->GetPreferredSize(&pause_size); pause_->SetBounds(dx, y_pos, pause_size.cx, pause_size.cy); dx += pause_size.cx + kHorizontalButtonPadding; CSize cancel_size; cancel_->GetPreferredSize(&cancel_size); cancel_->SetBounds(dx, y_pos, cancel_size.cx, cancel_size.cy); cancel_->SetVisible(true); cancel_->SetEnabled(true); } void DownloadItemTabView::Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { PaintBackground(canvas); if (model_->state() == DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) { download_util::PaintDownloadProgress(canvas, this, kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset, 0, parent_->start_angle(), model_->PercentComplete(), download_util::BIG); } // Most of the UI elements in the DownloadItemTabView are represented as // child Views and therefore they get mirrored automatically in // right-to-left UIs. The download item icon is not contained within a child // View so we need to mirror it manually if the locale is RTL. SkBitmap* icon = parent_->LookupIcon(model_); if (icon) { gfx::Rect icon_bounds(kDownloadIconOffset, kIconOffset, icon->width(), icon->height()); icon_bounds.set_x(MirroredLeftPointForRect(icon_bounds)); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*icon, icon_bounds.x(), icon_bounds.y()); } } void DownloadItemTabView::PaintBackground(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { if (parent_->ItemIsSelected(model_)) { // Before we paint the border and the focus rect, we need to mirror the // highlighted area if the View is using a right-to-left UI layout. We need // to explicitly mirror the position because the highlighted area is // directly painted on the canvas (as opposed to being represented as a // child View like the rest of the UI elements in DownloadItemTabView). gfx::Rect highlighted_bounds(kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset, 0, kProgressIconSize + kInfoPadding + kFilenameSize, kProgressIconSize); highlighted_bounds.set_x(MirroredLeftPointForRect(highlighted_bounds)); canvas->FillRectInt(kSelectedItemColor, highlighted_bounds.x(), highlighted_bounds.y(), highlighted_bounds.width(), highlighted_bounds.height()); canvas->DrawFocusRect(highlighted_bounds.x(), highlighted_bounds.y(), highlighted_bounds.width(), highlighted_bounds.height()); } } void DownloadItemTabView::DidChangeBounds(const CRect& previous, const CRect& current) { Layout(); } bool DownloadItemTabView::OnMousePressed(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& event) { CPoint point(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); // If the click is in the highlight region, then highlight this download. // Otherwise, remove the highlighting from any download. CRect select_rect(kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset, 0, kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset + kProgressIconSize + kInfoPadding + kFilenameSize, kProgressIconSize); // The position of the highlighted region does not take into account the // View's UI layout so we have to manually mirror the position if the View is // using a right-to-left UI layout. gfx::Rect mirrored_rect(select_rect); select_rect.MoveToX(MirroredLeftPointForRect(mirrored_rect)); if (select_rect.PtInRect(point)) { parent_->ItemBecameSelected(model_); if (event.IsRightMouseButton()) { ChromeViews::View::ConvertPointToScreen(this, &point); download_util::DownloadDestinationContextMenu menu( model_, GetViewContainer()->GetHWND(), point); } } else { parent_->ItemBecameSelected(NULL); } return true; } // Handle drag (file copy) operations. bool DownloadItemTabView::OnMouseDragged(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& event) { if (model_->state() != DownloadItem::COMPLETE) return false; CPoint point(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); // In order to make sure drag and drop works as expected when the UI is // mirrored, we can either flip the mouse X coordinate or flip the X position // of the drag rectangle. Flipping the mouse X coordinate is easier. point.x = MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(point.x); CRect drag_rect(kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset, 0, kDownloadIconOffset - kIconOffset + kProgressIconSize + kInfoPadding + kFilenameSize, kProgressIconSize); if (drag_rect.PtInRect(point)) { SkBitmap* icon = parent_->LookupIcon(model_); if (icon) download_util::DragDownload(model_, icon); } return true; } void DownloadItemTabView::LinkActivated(ChromeViews::Link* source, int event_flags) { // There are several links in our view that could have been clicked: if (source == file_name_) { ChromeViews::ViewContainer* container = this->GetViewContainer(); HWND parent_window = container ? container->GetHWND() : NULL; model_->manager()->OpenDownloadInShell(model_, parent_window); } else if (source == pause_) { model_->TogglePause(); } else if (source == cancel_) { model_->Cancel(true /* update history service */); } else if (source == show_) { model_->manager()->ShowDownloadInShell(model_); } else { NOTREACHED(); } parent_->ItemBecameSelected(model_); } // DownloadTabView implementation ---------------------------------------------- DownloadTabView::DownloadTabView(DownloadManager* model) : model_(model), progress_timer_(NULL), progress_task_(NULL), start_angle_(download_util::kStartAngleDegrees), scroll_helper_(kSpacer, kProgressIconSize + kSpacer), selected_index_(-1) { DCHECK(model_); } DownloadTabView::~DownloadTabView() { StopDownloadProgress(); model_->RemoveObserver(this); // DownloadManager owns the contents. downloads_.clear(); ClearDownloadInProgress(); icon_consumer_.CancelAllRequests(); } void DownloadTabView::Initialize() { model_->AddObserver(this); } // Start progress animation timers when we get our first (in-progress) download. void DownloadTabView::StartDownloadProgress() { if (progress_task_ || progress_timer_) return; progress_task_ = new download_util::DownloadProgressTask(this); progress_timer_ = MessageLoop::current()->timer_manager()-> StartTimer(download_util::kProgressRateMs, progress_task_, true); } // Stop progress animation when there are no more in-progress downloads. void DownloadTabView::StopDownloadProgress() { if (progress_timer_) { DCHECK(progress_task_); MessageLoop::current()->timer_manager()->StopTimer(progress_timer_); delete progress_timer_; progress_timer_ = NULL; delete progress_task_; progress_task_ = NULL; } } // Update our animations. void DownloadTabView::UpdateDownloadProgress() { start_angle_ = (start_angle_ + download_util::kUnknownIncrementDegrees) % download_util::kMaxDegrees; SchedulePaint(); } void DownloadTabView::DidChangeBounds(const CRect& previous, const CRect& current) { Layout(); } void DownloadTabView::Layout() { CRect r; DetachAllFloatingViews(); View* v = GetParent(); if (v) { v->GetLocalBounds(&r, true); int x = GetX(); int y = GetY(); int w = v->GetWidth(); int h = static_cast(downloads_.size()) * (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer) + kSpacer; SetBounds(x, y, w, h); } } // Paint our scrolled region void DownloadTabView::Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { ChromeViews::View::Paint(canvas); if (kIconSize == 0 || downloads_.size() == 0) return; SkRect clip; if (canvas->getClipBounds(&clip)) { int row_start = (SkScalarRound(clip.fTop) - kSpacer) / (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer); int row_stop = SkScalarRound(clip.fBottom) / (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer); SkRect download_rect; for (int i = row_start; i <= row_stop; ++i) { int y = i * (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer) + kSpacer; if (HasFloatingViewForPoint(0, y)) continue; download_rect.set(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(y), SkIntToScalar(GetWidth()), SkIntToScalar(y + kProgressIconSize)); if (SkRect::Intersects(clip, download_rect)) { // The DownloadManager stores downloads earliest first, but this // view displays latest first, so adjust the index: int index = static_cast(downloads_.size()) - 1 - i; download_renderer_.SetModel(downloads_[index], this); PaintFloatingView(canvas, &download_renderer_, 0, y, GetWidth(), kProgressIconSize); } } } } // Draw the DownloadItemTabView for the current position. bool DownloadTabView::GetFloatingViewIDForPoint(int x, int y, int* id) { if (y < kSpacer || y > (kSpacer + kProgressIconSize) * static_cast(downloads_.size())) return false; // Are we hovering over a download or the spacer? If we're over the // download, create a floating view for it. if ((y - kSpacer) % (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer) < kProgressIconSize) { int row = y / (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer); *id = static_cast(downloads_.size()) - 1 - row; return true; } return false; } ChromeViews::View* DownloadTabView::CreateFloatingViewForIndex(int index) { if (index >= static_cast(downloads_.size())) { // It's possible that the downloads have been cleared via the "Clear // Browsing Data" command, so this index is gone. return NULL; } DownloadItemTabView* dl = new DownloadItemTabView(); dl->SetModel(downloads_[index], this); int row = static_cast(downloads_.size()) - 1 - index; int y_pos = row * (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer) + kSpacer; dl->SetBounds(0, y_pos, GetWidth(), kProgressIconSize); dl->Layout(); AttachFloatingView(dl, index); return dl; } bool DownloadTabView::EnumerateFloatingViews( ChromeViews::View::FloatingViewPosition position, int starting_id, int* id) { DCHECK(id); return View::EnumerateFloatingViewsForInterval( 0, static_cast(downloads_.size()), false, position, starting_id, id); } ChromeViews::View* DownloadTabView::ValidateFloatingViewForID(int id) { return CreateFloatingViewForIndex(id); } void DownloadTabView::OnDownloadUpdated(DownloadItem* download) { switch (download->state()) { case DownloadItem::COMPLETE: case DownloadItem::CANCELLED: { stdext::hash_set::iterator d = in_progress_.find(download); if (d != in_progress_.end()) { (*d)->RemoveObserver(this); in_progress_.erase(d); } if (in_progress_.empty()) StopDownloadProgress(); LoadIcon(download); break; } case DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS: { // If all IN_PROGRESS downloads are paused, don't waste CPU issuing any // further progress updates until at least one download is active again. if (download->is_paused()) { bool continue_update = false; stdext::hash_set::iterator it = in_progress_.begin(); for (; it != in_progress_.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->is_paused()) { continue_update = true; break; } } if (!continue_update) StopDownloadProgress(); } else { StartDownloadProgress(); } break; } case DownloadItem::REMOVING: // Handled below. break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } OrderedDownloads::iterator it = find(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), download); if (it == downloads_.end()) return; const int index = static_cast(it - downloads_.begin()); DownloadItemTabView* view = static_cast(RetrieveFloatingViewForID(index)); if (view) { if (download->state() != DownloadItem::REMOVING) { view->Layout(); SchedulePaintForViewAtIndex(index); } else if (selected_index_ == index) { selected_index_ = -1; } } } // A download has started or been deleted. Query our DownloadManager for the // current set of downloads, which will call us back in SetDownloads once it // has retrieved them. void DownloadTabView::ModelChanged() { downloads_.clear(); ClearDownloadInProgress(); DetachAllFloatingViews(); // Issue the query. model_->GetDownloads(this, search_text_); } void DownloadTabView::SetDownloads(std::vector& downloads) { // Stop progress timers. StopDownloadProgress(); // Clear out old state and remove self as observer for each download. downloads_.clear(); ClearDownloadInProgress(); // Swap new downloads in. downloads_.swap(downloads); sort(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), DownloadItemSorter()); // Scan for any in progress downloads and add ourself to them as an observer. for (OrderedDownloads::iterator it = downloads_.begin(); it != downloads_.end(); ++it) { DownloadItem* download = *it; if (download->state() == DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) { download->AddObserver(this); in_progress_.insert(download); } } // Start any progress timers if required. if (!in_progress_.empty()) StartDownloadProgress(); // Update the UI. selected_index_ = -1; GetParent()->GetParent()->Layout(); SchedulePaint(); } // If we have the icon in our cache, then return it. If not, look it up via the // IconManager. Ignore in progress requests (duplicates). SkBitmap* DownloadTabView::LookupIcon(DownloadItem* download) { IconManager* im = g_browser_process->icon_manager(); // Fast look up. SkBitmap* icon = im->LookupIcon(download->full_path(), IconLoader::NORMAL); // Expensive look up. if (!icon) LoadIcon(download); return icon; } // Bypass the caches and perform the Icon extraction directly. This is useful in // the case where the download has completed and we want to re-check the file // to see if it has an embedded icon (which we couldn't do at download start). void DownloadTabView::LoadIcon(DownloadItem* download) { IconManager* im = g_browser_process->icon_manager(); IconManager::Handle h = im->LoadIcon(download->full_path(), IconLoader::NORMAL, &icon_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &DownloadTabView::OnExtractIconComplete)); icon_consumer_.SetClientData(im, h, download); } void DownloadTabView::ClearDownloadInProgress() { for (stdext::hash_set::iterator it = in_progress_.begin(); it != in_progress_.end(); ++it) (*it)->RemoveObserver(this); in_progress_.clear(); } // Check to see if the download is the latest download on a given day. // We use this to determine when to draw the date next to a particular // download view: if the DownloadItem is the latest download on a given // day, the date gets drawn. bool DownloadTabView::ShouldDrawDateForDownload(DownloadItem* download) { DCHECK(download); OrderedDownloads::iterator it = find(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), download); DCHECK(it != downloads_.end()); const int index = static_cast(it - downloads_.begin()); // If download is the last or only download, it draws the date. if (downloads_.size() - 1 == index) return true; const DownloadItem* next = downloads_[index + 1]; Time next_midnight = next->start_time().LocalMidnight(); Time curr_midnight = download->start_time().LocalMidnight(); if (next_midnight == curr_midnight) { // 'next' happened today: let it draw the date so we don't have to. return false; } return true; } int DownloadTabView::GetPageScrollIncrement( ChromeViews::ScrollView* scroll_view, bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive) { return scroll_helper_.GetPageScrollIncrement(scroll_view, is_horizontal, is_positive); } int DownloadTabView::GetLineScrollIncrement( ChromeViews::ScrollView* scroll_view, bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive) { return scroll_helper_.GetLineScrollIncrement(scroll_view, is_horizontal, is_positive); } void DownloadTabView::ItemBecameSelected(const DownloadItem* download) { int index = -1; if (download != NULL) { OrderedDownloads::const_iterator it = find(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), download); DCHECK(it != downloads_.end()); index = static_cast(it - downloads_.begin()); if (index == selected_index_) return; // Avoid unnecessary paint. } if (selected_index_ >= 0) SchedulePaintForViewAtIndex(selected_index_); if (index >= 0) SchedulePaintForViewAtIndex(index); selected_index_ = index; } bool DownloadTabView::ItemIsSelected(DownloadItem* download) { OrderedDownloads::iterator it = find(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), download); if (it != downloads_.end()) return selected_index_ == static_cast(it - downloads_.begin()); return false; } void DownloadTabView::SchedulePaintForViewAtIndex(int index) { int y = GetYPositionForIndex(index); SchedulePaint(0, y, GetWidth(), kProgressIconSize); } int DownloadTabView::GetYPositionForIndex(int index) { int row = static_cast(downloads_.size()) - 1 - index; return row * (kProgressIconSize + kSpacer) + kSpacer; } void DownloadTabView::SetSearchText(const std::wstring& search_text) { search_text_ = search_text; model_->GetDownloads(this, search_text_); } // The 'icon_bitmap' is ignored here, since it is cached by the IconManager. // When the paint message runs, we'll use the fast IconManager lookup API to // retrieve it. void DownloadTabView::OnExtractIconComplete(IconManager::Handle handle, SkBitmap* icon_bitmap) { IconManager* im = g_browser_process->icon_manager(); DownloadItem* download = icon_consumer_.GetClientData(im, handle); OrderedDownloads::iterator it = find(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), download); if (it != downloads_.end()) { const int index = static_cast(it - downloads_.begin()); SchedulePaintForViewAtIndex(index); } } // DownloadTabUIFactory ------------------------------------------------------ class DownloadTabUIFactory : public NativeUIFactory { public: DownloadTabUIFactory() {} virtual ~DownloadTabUIFactory() {} virtual NativeUI* CreateNativeUIForURL(const GURL& url, NativeUIContents* contents) { return new DownloadTabUI(contents); } private: DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(DownloadTabUIFactory); }; // DownloadTabUI ------------------------------------------------------------- DownloadTabUI::DownloadTabUI(NativeUIContents* contents) #pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // Okay to pass "this" here. : searchable_container_(this), download_tab_view_(NULL), contents_(contents) { DownloadManager* dlm = contents_->profile()->GetDownloadManager(); download_tab_view_ = new DownloadTabView(dlm); searchable_container_.SetContents(download_tab_view_); download_tab_view_->Initialize(); NotificationService* ns = NotificationService::current(); ns->AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_START, NotificationService::AllSources()); ns->AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_STOP, NotificationService::AllSources()); // Spin the throbber if there are active downloads, since we may have been // created after the NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_START was sent. If the download manager // has not been created, don't bother since it will negatively impact start // up time with history requests. Profile* profile = contents_->profile(); if (profile && profile->HasCreatedDownloadManager() && profile->GetDownloadManager()->in_progress_count() > 0) contents_->SetIsLoading(true, NULL); } DownloadTabUI::~DownloadTabUI() { NotificationService* ns = NotificationService::current(); ns->RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_START, NotificationService::AllSources()); ns->RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_STOP, NotificationService::AllSources()); } const std::wstring DownloadTabUI::GetTitle() const { return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_TITLE); } const int DownloadTabUI::GetFavIconID() const { return IDR_DOWNLOADS_FAVICON; } const int DownloadTabUI::GetSectionIconID() const { return IDR_DOWNLOADS_SECTION; } const std::wstring DownloadTabUI::GetSearchButtonText() const { return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_SEARCH_BUTTON); } ChromeViews::View* DownloadTabUI::GetView() { return &searchable_container_; } void DownloadTabUI::WillBecomeVisible(NativeUIContents* parent) { UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"Destination_Downloads", parent->profile()); } void DownloadTabUI::WillBecomeInvisible(NativeUIContents* parent) { } void DownloadTabUI::Navigate(const PageState& state) { std::wstring search_text; state.GetProperty(kSearchTextKey, &search_text); download_tab_view_->SetSearchText(search_text); searchable_container_.GetSearchField()->SetText(search_text); } bool DownloadTabUI::SetInitialFocus() { searchable_container_.GetSearchField()->RequestFocus(); return true; } // static GURL DownloadTabUI::GetURL() { std::string spec(NativeUIContents::GetScheme()); spec.append("://downloads"); return GURL(spec); } // static NativeUIFactory* DownloadTabUI::GetNativeUIFactory() { return new DownloadTabUIFactory(); } void DownloadTabUI::DoSearch(const std::wstring& new_text) { download_tab_view_->SetSearchText(new_text); PageState* page_state = contents_->page_state().Copy(); page_state->SetProperty(kSearchTextKey, new_text); contents_->SetPageState(page_state); } void DownloadTabUI::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_START: case NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_STOP: DCHECK(profile()->HasCreatedDownloadManager()); contents_->SetIsLoading( profile()->GetDownloadManager()->in_progress_count() > 0, NULL); break; default: break; } }