// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" const std::wstring Extension::kFormatVersionKey(L"format_version"); const std::wstring Extension::kIdKey(L"id"); const std::wstring Extension::kNameKey(L"name"); const std::wstring Extension::kDescriptionKey(L"description"); const std::wstring Extension::kContentScriptsKey(L"content_scripts"); const std::wstring Extension::kInvalidFormatVersionError( StringPrintf(L"Required key '%ls' is missing or invalid", kFormatVersionKey.c_str())); const std::wstring Extension::kInvalidIdError( StringPrintf(L"Required key '%ls' is missing or invalid.", kIdKey.c_str())); const std::wstring Extension::kInvalidNameError( StringPrintf(L"Required key '%ls' is missing or has invalid type.", kNameKey.c_str())); const std::wstring Extension::kInvalidDescriptionError( StringPrintf(L"Invalid type for '%ls' key.", kDescriptionKey.c_str())); const std::wstring Extension::kInvalidContentScriptsListError( StringPrintf(L"Invalid type for '%ls' key.", kContentScriptsKey.c_str())); const std::wstring Extension::kInvalidContentScriptError( StringPrintf(L"Invalid type for %ls at index ", kContentScriptsKey.c_str())); bool Extension::InitFromValue(const DictionaryValue& source, std::wstring* error) { // Check format version. int format_version = 0; if (!source.GetInteger(kFormatVersionKey, &format_version) || format_version != kExpectedFormatVersion) { *error = kInvalidFormatVersionError; return false; } // Initialize id. if (!source.GetString(kIdKey, &id_)) { *error = kInvalidIdError; return false; } // Initialize name. if (!source.GetString(kNameKey, &name_)) { *error = kInvalidNameError; return false; } // Initialize description (optional). Value* value = NULL; if (source.Get(kDescriptionKey, &value)) { if (!value->GetAsString(&description_)) { *error = kInvalidDescriptionError; return false; } } // Initialize content scripts (optional). if (source.Get(kContentScriptsKey, &value)) { ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_LIST) { *error = kInvalidContentScriptsListError; return false; } else { list_value = static_cast(value); } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { std::wstring content_script; if (!list_value->Get(i, &value) || !value->GetAsString(&content_script)) { *error = kInvalidContentScriptError; *error += IntToWString(i); return false; } content_scripts_.push_back(content_script); } } return true; } void Extension::CopyToValue(DictionaryValue* destination) { // Set format version destination->SetInteger(kFormatVersionKey, kExpectedFormatVersion); // Copy id. destination->SetString(kIdKey, id_); // Copy name. destination->SetString(kNameKey, name_); // Copy description (optional). if (description_.size() > 0) destination->SetString(kDescriptionKey, description_); // Copy content scripts (optional). if (content_scripts_.size() > 0) { ListValue* list_value = new ListValue(); destination->Set(kContentScriptsKey, list_value); for (size_t i = 0; i < content_scripts_.size(); ++i) { list_value->Set(i, Value::CreateStringValue(content_scripts_[i])); } } }