// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_module.h" #include "base/json_writer.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_codec.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_utils.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_module_constants.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_message_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" namespace keys = extension_bookmarks_module_constants; // Helper functions. class ExtensionBookmarks { public: // Convert |node| into a JSON value. static DictionaryValue* GetNodeDictionary(const BookmarkNode* node, bool recurse) { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger(keys::kIdKey, node->id()); const BookmarkNode* parent = node->GetParent(); if (parent) dict->SetInteger(keys::kParentIdKey, parent->id()); if (!node->is_folder()) { dict->SetString(keys::kUrlKey, node->GetURL().spec()); } else { // Javascript Date wants milliseconds since the epoch, ToDoubleT is // seconds. base::Time t = node->date_group_modified(); if (!t.is_null()) dict->SetReal(keys::kDateGroupModifiedKey, floor(t.ToDoubleT() * 1000)); } dict->SetString(keys::kTitleKey, node->GetTitle()); if (!node->date_added().is_null()) { // Javascript Date wants milliseconds since the epoch, ToDoubleT is // seconds. dict->SetReal(keys::kDateAddedKey, floor(node->date_added().ToDoubleT() * 1000)); } if (recurse) { int childCount = node->GetChildCount(); ListValue* children = new ListValue(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { const BookmarkNode* child = node->GetChild(i); DictionaryValue* dict = GetNodeDictionary(child, true); children->Append(dict); } dict->Set(keys::kChildrenKey, children); } return dict; } // Add a JSON representation of |node| to the JSON |list|. static void AddNode(const BookmarkNode* node, ListValue* list, bool recurse) { DictionaryValue* dict = GetNodeDictionary(node, recurse); list->Append(dict); } static bool RemoveNode(BookmarkModel* model, int id, bool recursive, std::string* error) { const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id); if (!node) { *error = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } if (node == model->root_node() || node == model->other_node() || node == model->GetBookmarkBarNode()) { *error = keys::kModifySpecialError; return false; } if (node->is_folder() && node->GetChildCount() > 0 && !recursive) { *error = keys::kFolderNotEmptyError; return false; } const BookmarkNode* parent = node->GetParent(); int index = parent->IndexOfChild(node); model->Remove(parent, index); return true; } private: ExtensionBookmarks(); }; void BookmarksFunction::Run() { // TODO(erikkay) temporary hack until adding an event listener can notify the // browser. BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); if (!model->IsLoaded()) { // Bookmarks are not ready yet. We'll wait. registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::BOOKMARK_MODEL_LOADED, NotificationService::AllSources()); AddRef(); // Balanced in Observe(). return; } ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter* event_router = ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::GetSingleton(); event_router->Observe(model); SendResponse(RunImpl()); } void BookmarksFunction::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK(type == NotificationType::BOOKMARK_MODEL_LOADED); DCHECK(profile()->GetBookmarkModel()->IsLoaded()); Run(); Release(); // Balanced in Run(). } // static ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter* ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::GetSingleton() { return Singleton::get(); } ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter() { } ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::~ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter() { } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::Observe(BookmarkModel* model) { if (models_.find(model) == models_.end()) { model->AddObserver(this); models_.insert(model); } } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::DispatchEvent(Profile *profile, const char* event_name, const std::string json_args) { ExtensionMessageService::GetInstance(profile->GetRequestContext())-> DispatchEventToRenderers(event_name, json_args); } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::Loaded(BookmarkModel* model) { // TODO(erikkay): Perhaps we should send this event down to the extension // so they know when it's safe to use the API? } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeMoved( BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* old_parent, int old_index, const BookmarkNode* new_parent, int new_index) { ListValue args; const BookmarkNode* node = new_parent->GetChild(new_index); args.Append(new FundamentalValue(node->id())); DictionaryValue* object_args = new DictionaryValue(); object_args->SetInteger(keys::kParentIdKey, new_parent->id()); object_args->SetInteger(keys::kIndexKey, new_index); object_args->SetInteger(keys::kOldParentIdKey, old_parent->id()); object_args->SetInteger(keys::kOldIndexKey, old_index); args.Append(object_args); std::string json_args; JSONWriter::Write(&args, false, &json_args); DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkMoved, json_args); } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* parent, int index) { ListValue args; const BookmarkNode* node = parent->GetChild(index); args.Append(new FundamentalValue(node->id())); DictionaryValue* obj = ExtensionBookmarks::GetNodeDictionary(node, false); // Remove id since it's already being passed as the first argument. obj->Remove(keys::kIdKey, NULL); args.Append(obj); std::string json_args; JSONWriter::Write(&args, false, &json_args); DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkAdded, json_args); } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeRemoved( BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* parent, int index) { // TODO(erikkay) can this version ever be called? NOTREACHED(); } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeRemoved( BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* parent, int index, const BookmarkNode* node) { ListValue args; args.Append(new FundamentalValue(node->id())); DictionaryValue* object_args = new DictionaryValue(); object_args->SetInteger(keys::kParentIdKey, parent->id()); object_args->SetInteger(keys::kIndexKey, index); args.Append(object_args); std::string json_args; JSONWriter::Write(&args, false, &json_args); DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkRemoved, json_args); } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeChanged( BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* node) { ListValue args; args.Append(new FundamentalValue(node->id())); // TODO(erikkay) The only two things that BookmarkModel sends this // notification for are title and favicon. Since we're currently ignoring // favicon and since the notification doesn't say which one anyway, for now // we only include title. The ideal thing would be to change BookmarkModel // to indicate what changed. DictionaryValue* object_args = new DictionaryValue(); object_args->SetString(keys::kTitleKey, node->GetTitle()); args.Append(object_args); std::string json_args; JSONWriter::Write(&args, false, &json_args); DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkChanged, json_args); } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeFavIconLoaded( BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* node) { // TODO(erikkay) anything we should do here? } void ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered( BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* node) { ListValue args; args.Append(new FundamentalValue(node->id())); int childCount = node->GetChildCount(); ListValue* children = new ListValue(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { const BookmarkNode* child = node->GetChild(i); Value* child_id = new FundamentalValue(child->id()); children->Append(child_id); } args.Append(children); std::string json_args; JSONWriter::Write(&args, false, &json_args); DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkChildrenReordered, json_args); } bool GetBookmarksFunction::RunImpl() { BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); scoped_ptr json(new ListValue()); if (args_->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)) { ListValue* ids = static_cast(args_); size_t count = ids->GetSize(); EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(count > 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int id = 0; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(ids->GetInteger(i, &id)); const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id); if (!node) { error_ = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } else { ExtensionBookmarks::AddNode(node, json.get(), false); } } } else { int id; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetAsInteger(&id)); const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id); if (!node) { error_ = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } ExtensionBookmarks::AddNode(node, json.get(), false); } result_.reset(json.release()); return true; } bool GetBookmarkChildrenFunction::RunImpl() { BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); int id; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetAsInteger(&id)); scoped_ptr json(new ListValue()); const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id); if (!node) { error_ = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } int child_count = node->GetChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) { const BookmarkNode* child = node->GetChild(i); ExtensionBookmarks::AddNode(child, json.get(), false); } result_.reset(json.release()); return true; } bool GetBookmarkTreeFunction::RunImpl() { BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); scoped_ptr json(new ListValue()); const BookmarkNode* node = model->root_node(); ExtensionBookmarks::AddNode(node, json.get(), true); result_.reset(json.release()); return true; } bool SearchBookmarksFunction::RunImpl() { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->IsType(Value::TYPE_STRING)); std::wstring query; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetAsString(&query)); BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); ListValue* json = new ListValue(); std::wstring lang = profile()->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages); std::vector nodes; bookmark_utils::GetBookmarksContainingText(model, query, 50, lang, &nodes); std::vector::iterator i = nodes.begin(); for (; i != nodes.end(); ++i) { const BookmarkNode* node = *i; ExtensionBookmarks::AddNode(node, json, false); } result_.reset(json); return true; } bool RemoveBookmarkFunction::RunImpl() { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); const ListValue* args = static_cast(args_); bool recursive = false; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args->GetBoolean(1, &recursive)); BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); int id; if (args->GetInteger(0, &id)) { return ExtensionBookmarks::RemoveNode(model, id, recursive, &error_); } else { ListValue* ids; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args->GetList(0, &ids)); size_t count = ids->GetSize(); EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(count > 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(ids->GetInteger(i, &id)); if (!ExtensionBookmarks::RemoveNode(model, id, recursive, &error_)) return false; } return true; } } bool CreateBookmarkFunction::RunImpl() { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)); DictionaryValue* json = static_cast(args_); BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); int parentId; if (!json->HasKey(keys::kParentIdKey)) { // Optional, default to "other bookmarks". parentId = model->other_node()->id(); } else { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(json->GetInteger(keys::kParentIdKey, &parentId)); } const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetNodeByID(parentId); if (!parent) { error_ = keys::kNoParentError; return false; } if (parent->GetParent() == NULL) { // Can't create children of the root. error_ = keys::kNoParentError; return false; } int index; if (!json->HasKey(keys::kIndexKey)) { // Optional (defaults to end). index = parent->GetChildCount(); } else { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(json->GetInteger(keys::kIndexKey, &index)); if (index > parent->GetChildCount() || index < 0) { error_ = keys::kInvalidIndexError; return false; } } std::wstring title; json->GetString(keys::kTitleKey, &title); // Optional. std::string url_string; json->GetString(keys::kUrlKey, &url_string); // Optional. GURL url(url_string); if (!url.is_empty() && !url.is_valid()) { error_ = keys::kInvalidUrlError; return false; } const BookmarkNode* node; if (url_string.length()) node = model->AddURL(parent, index, title, url); else node = model->AddGroup(parent, index, title); DCHECK(node); if (!node) { error_ = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } DictionaryValue* ret = ExtensionBookmarks::GetNodeDictionary(node, false); result_.reset(ret); return true; } bool MoveBookmarkFunction::RunImpl() { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); const ListValue* args = static_cast(args_); int id; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args->GetInteger(0, &id)); DictionaryValue* destination; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args->GetDictionary(1, &destination)); BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id); if (!node) { error_ = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } if (node == model->root_node() || node == model->other_node() || node == model->GetBookmarkBarNode()) { error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError; return false; } const BookmarkNode* parent; if (!destination->HasKey(keys::kParentIdKey)) { // Optional, defaults to current parent. parent = node->GetParent(); } else { int parentId; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(destination->GetInteger(keys::kParentIdKey, &parentId)); parent = model->GetNodeByID(parentId); } if (!parent) { error_ = keys::kNoParentError; // TODO(erikkay) return an error message. return false; } if (parent == model->root_node()) { error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError; return false; } int index; if (destination->HasKey(keys::kIndexKey)) { // Optional (defaults to end). EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(destination->GetInteger(keys::kIndexKey, &index)); if (index > parent->GetChildCount() || index < 0) { error_ = keys::kInvalidIndexError; return false; } } else { index = parent->GetChildCount(); } model->Move(node, parent, index); return true; } bool SetBookmarkTitleFunction::RunImpl() { EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)); DictionaryValue* json = static_cast(args_); std::wstring title; json->GetString(keys::kTitleKey, &title); // Optional (empty is clear). BookmarkModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkModel(); int id = 0; EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(json->GetInteger(keys::kIdKey, &id)); const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id); if (!node) { error_ = keys::kNoNodeError; return false; } if (node == model->root_node() || node == model->other_node() || node == model->GetBookmarkBarNode()) { error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError; return false; } model->SetTitle(node, title); return true; }