// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_file_util.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "net/base/file_stream.h" namespace extension_file_util { const char kInstallDirectoryName[] = "Extensions"; const char kCurrentVersionFileName[] = "Current Version"; bool MoveDirSafely(const FilePath& source_dir, const FilePath& dest_dir) { if (file_util::PathExists(dest_dir)) { if (!file_util::Delete(dest_dir, true)) return false; } else { FilePath parent = dest_dir.DirName(); if (!file_util::DirectoryExists(parent)) { if (!file_util::CreateDirectory(parent)) return false; } } if (!file_util::Move(source_dir, dest_dir)) return false; return true; } bool SetCurrentVersion(const FilePath& dest_dir, const std::string& version, std::string* error) { // Write out the new CurrentVersion file. // /Extension//CurrentVersion FilePath current_version = dest_dir.AppendASCII(kCurrentVersionFileName); FilePath current_version_old = current_version.InsertBeforeExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("_old")); if (file_util::PathExists(current_version_old)) { if (!file_util::Delete(current_version_old, false)) { *error = "Couldn't remove CurrentVersion_old file."; return false; } } if (file_util::PathExists(current_version)) { if (!file_util::Move(current_version, current_version_old)) { *error = "Couldn't move CurrentVersion file."; return false; } } net::FileStream stream; int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::PLATFORM_FILE_WRITE; if (stream.Open(current_version, flags) != 0) return false; if (stream.Write(version.c_str(), version.size(), NULL) < 0) { // Restore the old CurrentVersion. if (file_util::PathExists(current_version_old)) { if (!file_util::Move(current_version_old, current_version)) { LOG(WARNING) << "couldn't restore " << current_version_old.value() << " to " << current_version.value(); // TODO(erikkay): This is an ugly state to be in. Try harder? } } *error = "Couldn't create CurrentVersion file."; return false; } return true; } bool ReadCurrentVersion(const FilePath& dir, std::string* version_string) { FilePath current_version = dir.AppendASCII(kCurrentVersionFileName); if (file_util::PathExists(current_version)) { if (file_util::ReadFileToString(current_version, version_string)) { TrimWhitespace(*version_string, TRIM_ALL, version_string); return true; } } return false; } Extension::InstallType CompareToInstalledVersion( const FilePath& install_directory, const std::string& id, const std::string& new_version_str, std::string *current_version_str) { CHECK(current_version_str); FilePath dir(install_directory.AppendASCII(id.c_str())); if (!ReadCurrentVersion(dir, current_version_str)) return Extension::NEW_INSTALL; scoped_ptr current_version( Version::GetVersionFromString(*current_version_str)); scoped_ptr new_version( Version::GetVersionFromString(new_version_str)); int comp = new_version->CompareTo(*current_version); if (comp > 0) return Extension::UPGRADE; else if (comp == 0) return Extension::REINSTALL; else return Extension::DOWNGRADE; } bool SanityCheckExtension(const FilePath& dir) { // Verify that the directory actually exists. // TODO(erikkay): A further step would be to verify that the extension // has actually loaded successfully. FilePath manifest_file(dir.AppendASCII(Extension::kManifestFilename)); return file_util::PathExists(dir) && file_util::PathExists(manifest_file); } bool InstallExtension(const FilePath& src_dir, const FilePath& extensions_dir, const std::string& extension_id, const std::string& extension_version, FilePath* version_dir, Extension::InstallType* install_type, std::string* error) { FilePath dest_dir = extensions_dir.AppendASCII(extension_id); *version_dir = dest_dir.AppendASCII(extension_version); std::string current_version; *install_type = CompareToInstalledVersion( extensions_dir, extension_id, extension_version, ¤t_version); // Do not allow downgrade. if (*install_type == Extension::DOWNGRADE) return true; if (*install_type == Extension::REINSTALL) { if (!SanityCheckExtension(*version_dir)) { // Treat corrupted existing installation as new install case. *install_type = Extension::NEW_INSTALL; } else { return true; } } // If anything fails after this, we want to delete the extension dir. ScopedTempDir scoped_version_dir; scoped_version_dir.Set(*version_dir); if (!MoveDirSafely(src_dir, *version_dir)) { *error = "Could not move extension directory into profile."; return false; } if (!SetCurrentVersion(dest_dir, extension_version, error)) return false; scoped_version_dir.Take(); return true; } Extension* LoadExtension(const FilePath& extension_path, bool require_key, std::string* error) { FilePath manifest_path = extension_path.AppendASCII(Extension::kManifestFilename); if (!file_util::PathExists(manifest_path)) { *error = extension_manifest_errors::kInvalidManifest; return NULL; } JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(manifest_path); scoped_ptr root(serializer.Deserialize(error)); if (!root.get()) return NULL; if (!root->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { *error = extension_manifest_errors::kInvalidManifest; return NULL; } scoped_ptr extension(new Extension(extension_path)); if (!extension->InitFromValue(*static_cast(root.get()), require_key, error)) return NULL; // Validate icons exist. for (std::map::const_iterator iter = extension->icons().begin(); iter != extension->icons().end(); ++iter) { if (!file_util::PathExists(extension->GetResourcePath(iter->second))) { *error = StringPrintf("Could not load extension icon '%s'.", iter->second.c_str()); return NULL; } } // Theme resource validation. if (extension->IsTheme()) { DictionaryValue* images_value = extension->GetThemeImages(); if (images_value) { for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = images_value->begin_keys(); iter != images_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { std::string val; if (images_value->GetString(*iter, &val)) { FilePath image_path = extension->path().AppendASCII(val); if (!file_util::PathExists(image_path)) { *error = StringPrintf( "Could not load '%s' for theme.", WideToUTF8(image_path.ToWStringHack()).c_str()); return NULL; } } } } // Themes cannot contain other extension types. return extension.release(); } // Validate that claimed script resources actually exist. for (size_t i = 0; i < extension->content_scripts().size(); ++i) { const UserScript& script = extension->content_scripts()[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < script.js_scripts().size(); j++) { const FilePath& path = script.js_scripts()[j].path(); if (!file_util::PathExists(path)) { *error = StringPrintf("Could not load '%s' for content script.", WideToUTF8(path.ToWStringHack()).c_str()); return NULL; } } for (size_t j = 0; j < script.css_scripts().size(); j++) { const FilePath& path = script.css_scripts()[j].path(); if (!file_util::PathExists(path)) { *error = StringPrintf("Could not load '%s' for content script.", WideToUTF8(path.ToWStringHack()).c_str()); return NULL; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < extension->plugins().size(); ++i) { const Extension::PluginInfo& plugin = extension->plugins()[i]; if (!file_util::PathExists(plugin.path)) { *error = StringPrintf("Could not load '%s' for plugin.", WideToUTF8(plugin.path.ToWStringHack()).c_str()); return NULL; } } // Validate icon location for page actions. const PageActionMap& page_actions = extension->page_actions(); for (PageActionMap::const_iterator i(page_actions.begin()); i != page_actions.end(); ++i) { PageAction* page_action = i->second; const std::vector& icon_paths = page_action->icon_paths(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = icon_paths.begin(); iter != icon_paths.end(); ++iter) { if (!file_util::PathExists(extension->GetResourcePath(*iter))) { *error = StringPrintf("Could not load icon '%s' for page action.", iter->c_str()); return NULL; } } } return extension.release(); } void UninstallExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& extensions_dir) { // First, delete the Current Version file. If the directory delete fails, then // at least the extension won't be loaded again. FilePath extension_root = extensions_dir.AppendASCII(id); if (!file_util::PathExists(extension_root)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Asked to remove a non-existent extension " << id; return; } FilePath current_version_file = extension_root.AppendASCII( kCurrentVersionFileName); if (!file_util::PathExists(current_version_file)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Extension " << id << " does not have a Current Version file."; } else { if (!file_util::Delete(current_version_file, false)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not delete Current Version file for extension " << id; return; } } // OK, now try and delete the entire rest of the directory. One major place // this can fail is if the extension contains a plugin (stupid plugins). It's // not a big deal though, because we'll notice next time we startup that the // Current Version file is gone and finish the delete then. if (!file_util::Delete(extension_root, true)) LOG(WARNING) << "Could not delete directory for extension " << id; } void GarbageCollectExtensions(const FilePath& install_directory) { // Nothing to clean up if it doesn't exist. if (!file_util::DirectoryExists(install_directory)) return; LOG(INFO) << "Loading installed extensions..."; file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator(install_directory, false, // Not recursive. file_util::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES); FilePath extension_path; for (extension_path = enumerator.Next(); !extension_path.value().empty(); extension_path = enumerator.Next()) { std::string extension_id = WideToASCII( extension_path.BaseName().ToWStringHack()); // If there is no Current Version file, just delete the directory and move // on. This can legitimately happen when an uninstall does not complete, for // example, when a plugin is in use at uninstall time. FilePath current_version_path = extension_path.AppendASCII( kCurrentVersionFileName); if (!file_util::PathExists(current_version_path)) { LOG(INFO) << "Deleting incomplete install for directory " << WideToASCII(extension_path.ToWStringHack()) << "."; file_util::Delete(extension_path, true); // Recursive. continue; } // Ignore directories that aren't valid IDs. if (!Extension::IdIsValid(extension_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid extension ID encountered in extensions " "directory: " << extension_id; LOG(INFO) << "Deleting invalid extension directory " << WideToASCII(extension_path.ToWStringHack()) << "."; file_util::Delete(extension_path, true); // Recursive. continue; } } } } // extensionfile_util