// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_INSTALL_PROMPT_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_INSTALL_PROMPT_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_message.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" class ExtensionInstallPromptShowParams; class Profile; namespace base { class DictionaryValue; class MessageLoop; } // namespace base namespace content { class BrowserContext; class WebContents; } namespace extensions { class BundleInstaller; class CrxInstallError; class Extension; class ExtensionInstallUI; class PermissionSet; } // namespace extensions namespace gfx { class ImageSkia; } // Displays all the UI around extension installation. class ExtensionInstallPrompt { public: // This enum is associated with Extensions.InstallPrompt_Type UMA histogram. // Do not modify existing values and add new values only to the end. enum PromptType { UNSET_PROMPT_TYPE = -1, INSTALL_PROMPT = 0, INLINE_INSTALL_PROMPT, BUNDLE_INSTALL_PROMPT, RE_ENABLE_PROMPT, PERMISSIONS_PROMPT, EXTERNAL_INSTALL_PROMPT, POST_INSTALL_PERMISSIONS_PROMPT, LAUNCH_PROMPT_DEPRECATED, REMOTE_INSTALL_PROMPT, REPAIR_PROMPT, DELEGATED_PERMISSIONS_PROMPT, DELEGATED_BUNDLE_PERMISSIONS_PROMPT, NUM_PROMPT_TYPES }; // The last prompt type to display; only used for testing. static PromptType g_last_prompt_type_for_tests; // Enumeration for permissions and retained files details. enum DetailsType { PERMISSIONS_DETAILS = 0, WITHHELD_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS, RETAINED_FILES_DETAILS, RETAINED_DEVICES_DETAILS, }; // This enum is used to differentiate regular and withheld permissions for // segregation in the install prompt. enum PermissionsType { REGULAR_PERMISSIONS = 0, WITHHELD_PERMISSIONS, ALL_PERMISSIONS, }; static std::string PromptTypeToString(PromptType type); // Extra information needed to display an installation or uninstallation // prompt. Gets populated with raw data and exposes getters for formatted // strings so that the GTK/views/Cocoa install dialogs don't have to repeat // that logic. class Prompt { public: explicit Prompt(PromptType type); ~Prompt(); void SetPermissions(const extensions::PermissionMessages& permissions, PermissionsType permissions_type); void SetIsShowingDetails(DetailsType type, size_t index, bool is_showing_details); void SetWebstoreData(const std::string& localized_user_count, bool show_user_count, double average_rating, int rating_count); PromptType type() const { return type_; } void set_type(PromptType type) { type_ = type; } // Getters for UI element labels. base::string16 GetDialogTitle() const; int GetDialogButtons() const; // Returns the empty string when there should be no "accept" button. base::string16 GetAcceptButtonLabel() const; base::string16 GetAbortButtonLabel() const; base::string16 GetPermissionsHeading( PermissionsType permissions_type) const; base::string16 GetRetainedFilesHeading() const; base::string16 GetRetainedDevicesHeading() const; bool ShouldShowPermissions() const; bool ShouldUseTabModalDialog() const; // Getters for webstore metadata. Only populated when the type is // INLINE_INSTALL_PROMPT, EXTERNAL_INSTALL_PROMPT, or REPAIR_PROMPT. // The star display logic replicates the one used by the webstore (from // components.ratingutils.setFractionalYellowStars). Callers pass in an // "appender", which will be repeatedly called back with the star images // that they append to the star display area. typedef void(*StarAppender)(const gfx::ImageSkia*, void*); void AppendRatingStars(StarAppender appender, void* data) const; base::string16 GetRatingCount() const; base::string16 GetUserCount() const; size_t GetPermissionCount(PermissionsType permissions_type) const; size_t GetPermissionsDetailsCount(PermissionsType permissions_type) const; base::string16 GetPermission(size_t index, PermissionsType permissions_type) const; base::string16 GetPermissionsDetails( size_t index, PermissionsType permissions_type) const; bool GetIsShowingDetails(DetailsType type, size_t index) const; size_t GetRetainedFileCount() const; base::string16 GetRetainedFile(size_t index) const; size_t GetRetainedDeviceCount() const; base::string16 GetRetainedDeviceMessageString(size_t index) const; // Populated for BUNDLE_INSTALL_PROMPT and // DELEGATED_BUNDLE_PERMISSIONS_PROMPT. const extensions::BundleInstaller* bundle() const { return bundle_; } void set_bundle(const extensions::BundleInstaller* bundle) { bundle_ = bundle; } // Populated for all other types. const extensions::Extension* extension() const { return extension_; } void set_extension(const extensions::Extension* extension) { extension_ = extension; } // May be populated for POST_INSTALL_PERMISSIONS_PROMPT. void set_retained_files(const std::vector& retained_files) { retained_files_ = retained_files; } void set_retained_device_messages( const std::vector& retained_device_messages) { retained_device_messages_ = retained_device_messages; } const std::string& delegated_username() const { return delegated_username_; } void set_delegated_username(const std::string& delegated_username) { delegated_username_ = delegated_username; } const gfx::Image& icon() const { return icon_; } void set_icon(const gfx::Image& icon) { icon_ = icon; } bool has_webstore_data() const { return has_webstore_data_; } private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; struct InstallPromptPermissions { InstallPromptPermissions(); ~InstallPromptPermissions(); std::vector permissions; std::vector details; std::vector is_showing_details; }; bool ShouldDisplayRevokeButton() const; // Returns the InstallPromptPermissions corresponding to // |permissions_type|. InstallPromptPermissions& GetPermissionsForType( PermissionsType permissions_type); const InstallPromptPermissions& GetPermissionsForType( PermissionsType permissions_type) const; bool ShouldDisplayRevokeFilesButton() const; PromptType type_; // Permissions that are being requested (may not be all of an extension's // permissions if only additional ones are being requested) InstallPromptPermissions prompt_permissions_; // Permissions that will be withheld upon install. InstallPromptPermissions withheld_prompt_permissions_; bool is_showing_details_for_retained_files_; bool is_showing_details_for_retained_devices_; // The extension or bundle being installed. const extensions::Extension* extension_; const extensions::BundleInstaller* bundle_; std::string delegated_username_; // The icon to be displayed. gfx::Image icon_; // These fields are populated only when the prompt type is // INLINE_INSTALL_PROMPT // Already formatted to be locale-specific. std::string localized_user_count_; // Range is kMinExtensionRating to kMaxExtensionRating double average_rating_; int rating_count_; // Whether we should display the user count (we anticipate this will be // false if localized_user_count_ represents the number zero). bool show_user_count_; // Whether or not this prompt has been populated with data from the // webstore. bool has_webstore_data_; std::vector retained_files_; std::vector retained_device_messages_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Prompt); }; static const int kMinExtensionRating = 0; static const int kMaxExtensionRating = 5; enum class Result { ACCEPTED, USER_CANCELED, ABORTED, }; using DoneCallback = base::Callback; typedef base::Callback)> ShowDialogCallback; // Callback to show the default extension install dialog. // The implementations of this function are platform-specific. static ShowDialogCallback GetDefaultShowDialogCallback(); // Returns the appropriate prompt type for the given |extension|. // TODO(devlin): This method is yucky - callers probably only care about one // prompt type. We just need to comb through and figure out what it is. static PromptType GetReEnablePromptTypeForExtension( content::BrowserContext* context, const extensions::Extension* extension); // Creates a dummy extension from the |manifest|, replacing the name and // description with the localizations if provided. static scoped_refptr GetLocalizedExtensionForDisplay( const base::DictionaryValue* manifest, int flags, // Extension::InitFromValueFlags const std::string& id, const std::string& localized_name, const std::string& localized_description, std::string* error); // Creates a prompt with a parent web content. explicit ExtensionInstallPrompt(content::WebContents* contents); // Creates a prompt with a profile and a native window. The most recently // active browser window (or a new browser window if there are no browser // windows) is used if a new tab needs to be opened. ExtensionInstallPrompt(Profile* profile, gfx::NativeWindow native_window); virtual ~ExtensionInstallPrompt(); extensions::ExtensionInstallUI* install_ui() const { return install_ui_.get(); } // Starts the process to show the install dialog. Loads the icon (if |icon| is // null), sets up the Prompt, and calls |show_dialog_callback| when ready to // show. // |extension| can be null in the case of a bndle install. // If |icon| is null, this will attempt to load the extension's icon. // |prompt| is used to pass in a prompt with additional data (like retained // device permissions) or a different type. If not provided, |prompt| will // be created as an INSTALL_PROMPT. // |custom_permissions| will be used if provided; otherwise, the extensions // current permissions are used. // // The |install_callback| *MUST* eventually be called. void ShowDialog(const DoneCallback& install_callback, const extensions::Extension* extension, const SkBitmap* icon, const ShowDialogCallback& show_dialog_callback); void ShowDialog(const DoneCallback& install_callback, const extensions::Extension* extension, const SkBitmap* icon, scoped_ptr prompt, const ShowDialogCallback& show_dialog_callback); // Declared virtual for testing purposes. // Note: if all you want to do is automatically confirm or cancel, prefer // ScopedTestDialogAutoConfirm from extension_dialog_auto_confirm.h virtual void ShowDialog( const DoneCallback& install_callback, const extensions::Extension* extension, const SkBitmap* icon, scoped_ptr prompt, scoped_ptr custom_permissions, const ShowDialogCallback& show_dialog_callback); // Installation was successful. This is declared virtual for testing. virtual void OnInstallSuccess(const extensions::Extension* extension, SkBitmap* icon); // Installation failed. This is declared virtual for testing. virtual void OnInstallFailure(const extensions::CrxInstallError& error); bool did_call_show_dialog() const { return did_call_show_dialog_; } private: // Sets the icon that will be used in any UI. If |icon| is NULL, or contains // an empty bitmap, then a default icon will be used instead. void SetIcon(const SkBitmap* icon); // ImageLoader callback. void OnImageLoaded(const gfx::Image& image); // Starts the process of showing a confirmation UI, which is split into two. // 1) Set off a 'load icon' task. // 2) Handle the load icon response and show the UI (OnImageLoaded). void LoadImageIfNeeded(); // Shows the actual UI (the icon should already be loaded). void ShowConfirmation(); Profile* profile_; base::MessageLoop* ui_loop_; // The extensions installation icon. SkBitmap icon_; // The extension we are showing the UI for, if type is not // BUNDLE_INSTALL_PROMPT or DELEGATED_BUNDLE_PERMISSIONS_PROMPT. const extensions::Extension* extension_; // A custom set of permissions to show in the install prompt instead of the // extension's active permissions. scoped_ptr custom_permissions_; // The object responsible for doing the UI specific actions. scoped_ptr install_ui_; // Parameters to show the confirmation UI. scoped_ptr show_params_; // The callback to run with the result. DoneCallback done_callback_; // A pre-filled prompt. scoped_ptr prompt_; // Used to show the confirm dialog. ShowDialogCallback show_dialog_callback_; // Whether or not the |show_dialog_callback_| was called. bool did_call_show_dialog_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionInstallPrompt); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_INSTALL_PROMPT_H_