// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_INSTALL_UI_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_INSTALL_UI_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/image_loading_tracker.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/url_pattern.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" class Browser; class Extension; class ExtensionPermissionSet; class MessageLoop; class Profile; class InfoBarDelegate; class TabContentsWrapper; // Displays all the UI around extension installation. class ExtensionInstallUI : public ImageLoadingTracker::Observer { public: enum PromptType { UNSET_PROMPT_TYPE = -1, INSTALL_PROMPT = 0, INLINE_INSTALL_PROMPT, RE_ENABLE_PROMPT, PERMISSIONS_PROMPT, NUM_PROMPT_TYPES }; // Extra information needed to display an installation or uninstallation // prompt. Gets populated with raw data and exposes getters for formatted // strings so that the GTK/views/Cocoa install dialogs don't have to repeat // that logic. class Prompt { public: explicit Prompt(PromptType type); ~Prompt(); void SetPermissions(std::vector permissions); void SetInlineInstallWebstoreData(std::string localized_user_count, double average_rating, int rating_count); PromptType type() const { return type_; } // Getters for UI element labels. string16 GetDialogTitle(const Extension* extension) const; string16 GetHeading(std::string extension_name) const; string16 GetAcceptButtonLabel() const; bool HasAbortButtonLabel() const; string16 GetAbortButtonLabel() const; string16 GetPermissionsHeader() const; // Getters for webstore metadata. Only populated when the type is // INLINE_INSTALL_PROMPT. // The star display logic replicates the one used by the webstore (from // components.ratingutils.setFractionalYellowStars). Callers pass in an // "appender", which will be repeatedly called back with the star images // that they append to the star display area. typedef void(*StarAppender)(const SkBitmap*, void*); void AppendRatingStars(StarAppender appender, void* data) const; string16 GetRatingCount() const; string16 GetUserCount() const; size_t GetPermissionCount() const; string16 GetPermission(int index) const; private: PromptType type_; // Permissions that are being requested (may not be all of an extension's // permissions if only additional ones are being requested) std::vector permissions_; // These fields are populated only when the prompt type is // INLINE_INSTALL_PROMPT // Already formatted to be locale-specific. std::string localized_user_count_; // Range is kMinExtensionRating to kMaxExtensionRating double average_rating_; int rating_count_; }; static const int kMinExtensionRating = 0; static const int kMaxExtensionRating = 5; class Delegate { public: // We call this method to signal that the installation should continue. virtual void InstallUIProceed() = 0; // We call this method to signal that the installation should stop, with // |user_initiated| true if the installation was stopped by the user. virtual void InstallUIAbort(bool user_initiated) = 0; protected: virtual ~Delegate() {} }; explicit ExtensionInstallUI(Profile* profile); virtual ~ExtensionInstallUI(); // TODO(asargent) Normally we navigate to the new tab page when an app is // installed, but we're experimenting with instead showing a bubble when // an app is installed which points to the new tab button. This may become // the default behavior in the future. void set_use_app_installed_bubble(bool use_bubble) { use_app_installed_bubble_ = use_bubble; } // Whether or not to show the default UI after completing the installation. void set_skip_post_install_ui(bool is_bundle) { skip_post_install_ui_ = is_bundle; } // This is called by the installer to verify whether the installation should // proceed. This is declared virtual for testing. // // We *MUST* eventually call either Proceed() or Abort() on |delegate|. virtual void ConfirmInstall(Delegate* delegate, const Extension* extension); // This is called by the app handler launcher to verify whether the app // should be re-enabled. This is declared virtual for testing. // // We *MUST* eventually call either Proceed() or Abort() on |delegate|. virtual void ConfirmReEnable(Delegate* delegate, const Extension* extension); // This is called by the extension permissions API to verify whether an // extension may be granted additional permissions. // // We *MUST* eventually call either Proceed() or Abort() on |delegate|. virtual void ConfirmPermissions(Delegate* delegate, const Extension* extension, const ExtensionPermissionSet* permissions); // Installation was successful. This is declared virtual for testing. virtual void OnInstallSuccess(const Extension* extension, SkBitmap* icon); // Installation failed. This is declared virtual for testing. virtual void OnInstallFailure(const std::string& error); // ImageLoadingTracker::Observer: virtual void OnImageLoaded( SkBitmap* image, const ExtensionResource& resource, int index) OVERRIDE; // Opens a new tab page and animates the app icon for the app with id // |app_id|. static void OpenAppInstalledNTP(Browser* browser, const std::string& app_id); protected: friend class ExtensionWebstorePrivateApiTest; friend class WebstoreInlineInstallUnpackFailureTest; // Disables showing UI (ErrorBox, etc.) for install failures. To be used only // in tests. static void DisableFailureUIForTests(); private: friend class GalleryInstallApiTestObserver; // Show an infobar for a newly-installed theme. previous_theme_id // should be empty if the previous theme was the system/default // theme. static void ShowThemeInfoBar( const std::string& previous_theme_id, bool previous_using_native_theme, const Extension* new_theme, Profile* profile); // Sets the icon that will be used in any UI. If |icon| is NULL, or contains // an empty bitmap, then a default icon will be used instead. void SetIcon(SkBitmap* icon); // Starts the process of showing a confirmation UI, which is split into two. // 1) Set off a 'load icon' task. // 2) Handle the load icon response and show the UI (OnImageLoaded). void ShowConfirmation(PromptType prompt_type); // Returns the delegate to control the browser's info bar. This is // within its own function due to its platform-specific nature. static InfoBarDelegate* GetNewThemeInstalledInfoBarDelegate( TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents, const Extension* new_theme, const std::string& previous_theme_id, bool previous_using_native_theme); Profile* profile_; MessageLoop* ui_loop_; // Used to undo theme installation. std::string previous_theme_id_; bool previous_using_native_theme_; // The extensions installation icon. SkBitmap icon_; // The extension we are showing the UI for. const Extension* extension_; // The permissions being prompted for. scoped_refptr permissions_; // The delegate we will call Proceed/Abort on after confirmation UI. Delegate* delegate_; // The type of prompt we are going to show. PromptType prompt_type_; // Keeps track of extension images being loaded on the File thread for the // purpose of showing the install UI. ImageLoadingTracker tracker_; // Whether to show an installed bubble on app install, or use the default // action of opening a new tab page. bool use_app_installed_bubble_; // Whether or not to show the default UI after completing the installation. bool skip_post_install_ui_; }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_INSTALL_UI_H_