// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_menu_manager.h" #include #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_event_names.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_event_router.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_tab_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_tab_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/state_store.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "content/public/common/context_menu_params.h" #include "ui/base/text/text_elider.h" #include "ui/gfx/favicon_size.h" using content::WebContents; namespace { // Keys for serialization to and from Value to store in the preferences. const char kContextMenusKey[] = "context_menus"; const char kCheckedKey[] = "checked"; const char kContextsKey[] = "contexts"; const char kDocumentURLPatternsKey[] = "document_url_patterns"; const char kEnabledKey[] = "enabled"; const char kIncognitoKey[] = "incognito"; const char kParentUIDKey[] = "parent_uid"; const char kStringUIDKey[] = "string_uid"; const char kTargetURLPatternsKey[] = "target_url_patterns"; const char kTitleKey[] = "title"; const char kTypeKey[] = "type"; void SetIdKeyValue(base::DictionaryValue* properties, const char* key, const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& id) { if (id.uid == 0) properties->SetString(key, id.string_uid); else properties->SetInteger(key, id.uid); } ExtensionMenuItem::List MenuItemsFromValue(const std::string& extension_id, base::Value* value) { ExtensionMenuItem::List items; base::ListValue* list = NULL; if (!value || !value->GetAsList(&list)) return items; for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetSize(); ++i) { base::DictionaryValue* dict = NULL; if (!list->GetDictionary(i, &dict)) continue; ExtensionMenuItem* item = ExtensionMenuItem::Populate( extension_id, *dict, NULL); if (!item) continue; items.push_back(item); } return items; } scoped_ptr MenuItemsToValue( const ExtensionMenuItem::List& items) { scoped_ptr list(new ListValue()); for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) list->Append(items[i]->ToValue().release()); return scoped_ptr(list.release()); } } // namespace ExtensionMenuItem::ExtensionMenuItem(const Id& id, const std::string& title, bool checked, bool enabled, Type type, const ContextList& contexts) : id_(id), title_(title), type_(type), checked_(checked), enabled_(enabled), contexts_(contexts), parent_id_(0) { } ExtensionMenuItem::~ExtensionMenuItem() { STLDeleteElements(&children_); } ExtensionMenuItem* ExtensionMenuItem::ReleaseChild(const Id& child_id, bool recursive) { for (List::iterator i = children_.begin(); i != children_.end(); ++i) { ExtensionMenuItem* child = NULL; if ((*i)->id() == child_id) { child = *i; children_.erase(i); return child; } else if (recursive) { child = (*i)->ReleaseChild(child_id, recursive); if (child) return child; } } return NULL; } void ExtensionMenuItem::GetFlattenedSubtree(ExtensionMenuItem::List* list) { list->push_back(this); for (List::iterator i = children_.begin(); i != children_.end(); ++i) (*i)->GetFlattenedSubtree(list); } std::set ExtensionMenuItem::RemoveAllDescendants() { std::set result; for (List::iterator i = children_.begin(); i != children_.end(); ++i) { ExtensionMenuItem* child = *i; result.insert(child->id()); std::set removed = child->RemoveAllDescendants(); result.insert(removed.begin(), removed.end()); } STLDeleteElements(&children_); return result; } string16 ExtensionMenuItem::TitleWithReplacement( const string16& selection, size_t max_length) const { string16 result = UTF8ToUTF16(title_); // TODO(asargent) - Change this to properly handle %% escaping so you can // put "%s" in titles that won't get substituted. ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&result, 0, ASCIIToUTF16("%s"), selection); if (result.length() > max_length) result = ui::TruncateString(result, max_length); return result; } bool ExtensionMenuItem::SetChecked(bool checked) { if (type_ != CHECKBOX && type_ != RADIO) return false; checked_ = checked; return true; } void ExtensionMenuItem::AddChild(ExtensionMenuItem* item) { item->parent_id_.reset(new Id(id_)); children_.push_back(item); } scoped_ptr ExtensionMenuItem::ToValue() const { scoped_ptr value(new DictionaryValue); // Should only be called for extensions with event pages, which only have // string IDs for items. DCHECK_EQ(0, id_.uid); value->SetString(kStringUIDKey, id_.string_uid); value->SetBoolean(kIncognitoKey, id_.incognito); value->SetInteger(kTypeKey, type_); if (type_ != SEPARATOR) value->SetString(kTitleKey, title_); if (type_ == CHECKBOX || type_ == RADIO) value->SetBoolean(kCheckedKey, checked_); value->SetBoolean(kEnabledKey, enabled_); value->Set(kContextsKey, contexts_.ToValue().release()); if (parent_id_.get()) { DCHECK_EQ(0, parent_id_->uid); value->SetString(kParentUIDKey, parent_id_->string_uid); } value->Set(kDocumentURLPatternsKey, document_url_patterns_.ToValue().release()); value->Set(kTargetURLPatternsKey, target_url_patterns_.ToValue().release()); return value.Pass(); } // static ExtensionMenuItem* ExtensionMenuItem::Populate(const std::string& extension_id, const DictionaryValue& value, std::string* error) { bool incognito = false; if (!value.GetBoolean(kIncognitoKey, &incognito)) return NULL; Id id(incognito, extension_id); if (!value.GetString(kStringUIDKey, &id.string_uid)) return NULL; int type_int; Type type; if (!value.GetInteger(kTypeKey, &type_int)) return NULL; type = static_cast(type_int); std::string title; if (type != SEPARATOR && !value.GetString(kTitleKey, &title)) return NULL; bool checked; if ((type == CHECKBOX || type == RADIO) && !value.GetBoolean(kCheckedKey, &checked)) { return NULL; } bool enabled = true; if (!value.GetBoolean(kEnabledKey, &enabled)) return NULL; ContextList contexts; Value* contexts_value = NULL; if (!value.Get(kContextsKey, &contexts_value)) return NULL; if (!contexts.Populate(*contexts_value)) return NULL; scoped_ptr result(new ExtensionMenuItem( id, title, checked, enabled, type, contexts)); if (!result->PopulateURLPatterns( value, kDocumentURLPatternsKey, kTargetURLPatternsKey, error)) return NULL; // parent_id is filled in from the value, but it might not be valid. It's left // to be validated upon being added (via AddChildItem) to the menu manager. scoped_ptr parent_id(new Id(incognito, extension_id)); if (value.HasKey(kParentUIDKey)) { if (!value.GetString(kParentUIDKey, &parent_id->string_uid)) return NULL; result->parent_id_.swap(parent_id); } return result.release(); } bool ExtensionMenuItem::PopulateURLPatterns( const DictionaryValue& properties, const char* document_url_patterns_key, const char* target_url_patterns_key, std::string* error) { if (properties.HasKey(document_url_patterns_key)) { ListValue* list = NULL; if (!properties.GetList(document_url_patterns_key, &list)) return false; if (!document_url_patterns_.Populate( *list, URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL, true, error)) { return false; } } if (properties.HasKey(target_url_patterns_key)) { ListValue* list = NULL; if (!properties.GetList(target_url_patterns_key, &list)) return false; if (!target_url_patterns_.Populate( *list, URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL, true, error)) { return false; } } return true; } ExtensionMenuManager::ExtensionMenuManager(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile) { registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_LOADED, content::Source(profile)); registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UNLOADED, content::Source(profile)); extensions::StateStore* store = ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->state_store(); if (store) store->RegisterKey(kContextMenusKey); } ExtensionMenuManager::~ExtensionMenuManager() { MenuItemMap::iterator i; for (i = context_items_.begin(); i != context_items_.end(); ++i) { STLDeleteElements(&(i->second)); } } std::set ExtensionMenuManager::ExtensionIds() { std::set id_set; for (MenuItemMap::const_iterator i = context_items_.begin(); i != context_items_.end(); ++i) { id_set.insert(i->first); } return id_set; } const ExtensionMenuItem::List* ExtensionMenuManager::MenuItems( const std::string& extension_id) { MenuItemMap::iterator i = context_items_.find(extension_id); if (i != context_items_.end()) { return &(i->second); } return NULL; } bool ExtensionMenuManager::AddContextItem( const extensions::Extension* extension, ExtensionMenuItem* item) { const std::string& extension_id = item->extension_id(); // The item must have a non-empty extension id, and not have already been // added. if (extension_id.empty() || ContainsKey(items_by_id_, item->id())) return false; DCHECK_EQ(extension->id(), extension_id); bool first_item = !ContainsKey(context_items_, extension_id); context_items_[extension_id].push_back(item); items_by_id_[item->id()] = item; if (item->type() == ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) { if (item->checked()) RadioItemSelected(item); else SanitizeRadioList(context_items_[extension_id]); } // If this is the first item for this extension, start loading its icon. if (first_item) icon_manager_.LoadIcon(extension); return true; } bool ExtensionMenuManager::AddChildItem(const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& parent_id, ExtensionMenuItem* child) { ExtensionMenuItem* parent = GetItemById(parent_id); if (!parent || parent->type() != ExtensionMenuItem::NORMAL || parent->incognito() != child->incognito() || parent->extension_id() != child->extension_id() || ContainsKey(items_by_id_, child->id())) return false; parent->AddChild(child); items_by_id_[child->id()] = child; if (child->type() == ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) SanitizeRadioList(parent->children()); return true; } bool ExtensionMenuManager::DescendantOf( ExtensionMenuItem* item, const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& ancestor_id) { // Work our way up the tree until we find the ancestor or NULL. ExtensionMenuItem::Id* id = item->parent_id(); while (id != NULL) { DCHECK(*id != item->id()); // Catch circular graphs. if (*id == ancestor_id) return true; ExtensionMenuItem* next = GetItemById(*id); if (!next) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } id = next->parent_id(); } return false; } bool ExtensionMenuManager::ChangeParent( const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& child_id, const ExtensionMenuItem::Id* parent_id) { ExtensionMenuItem* child = GetItemById(child_id); ExtensionMenuItem* new_parent = parent_id ? GetItemById(*parent_id) : NULL; if ((parent_id && (child_id == *parent_id)) || !child || (!new_parent && parent_id != NULL) || (new_parent && (DescendantOf(new_parent, child_id) || child->incognito() != new_parent->incognito() || child->extension_id() != new_parent->extension_id()))) return false; ExtensionMenuItem::Id* old_parent_id = child->parent_id(); if (old_parent_id != NULL) { ExtensionMenuItem* old_parent = GetItemById(*old_parent_id); if (!old_parent) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } ExtensionMenuItem* taken = old_parent->ReleaseChild(child_id, false /* non-recursive search*/); DCHECK(taken == child); SanitizeRadioList(old_parent->children()); } else { // This is a top-level item, so we need to pull it out of our list of // top-level items. MenuItemMap::iterator i = context_items_.find(child->extension_id()); if (i == context_items_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } ExtensionMenuItem::List& list = i->second; ExtensionMenuItem::List::iterator j = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), child); if (j == list.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } list.erase(j); SanitizeRadioList(list); } if (new_parent) { new_parent->AddChild(child); SanitizeRadioList(new_parent->children()); } else { context_items_[child->extension_id()].push_back(child); child->parent_id_.reset(NULL); SanitizeRadioList(context_items_[child->extension_id()]); } return true; } bool ExtensionMenuManager::RemoveContextMenuItem( const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& id) { if (!ContainsKey(items_by_id_, id)) return false; ExtensionMenuItem* menu_item = GetItemById(id); DCHECK(menu_item); std::string extension_id = menu_item->extension_id(); MenuItemMap::iterator i = context_items_.find(extension_id); if (i == context_items_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool result = false; std::set items_removed; ExtensionMenuItem::List& list = i->second; ExtensionMenuItem::List::iterator j; for (j = list.begin(); j < list.end(); ++j) { // See if the current top-level item is a match. if ((*j)->id() == id) { items_removed = (*j)->RemoveAllDescendants(); items_removed.insert(id); delete *j; list.erase(j); result = true; SanitizeRadioList(list); break; } else { // See if the item to remove was found as a descendant of the current // top-level item. ExtensionMenuItem* child = (*j)->ReleaseChild(id, true /* recursive */); if (child) { items_removed = child->RemoveAllDescendants(); items_removed.insert(id); SanitizeRadioList(GetItemById(*child->parent_id())->children()); delete child; result = true; break; } } } DCHECK(result); // The check at the very top should have prevented this. // Clear entries from the items_by_id_ map. std::set::iterator removed_iter; for (removed_iter = items_removed.begin(); removed_iter != items_removed.end(); ++removed_iter) { items_by_id_.erase(*removed_iter); } if (list.empty()) { context_items_.erase(extension_id); icon_manager_.RemoveIcon(extension_id); } return result; } void ExtensionMenuManager::RemoveAllContextItems( const std::string& extension_id) { ExtensionMenuItem::List::iterator i; for (i = context_items_[extension_id].begin(); i != context_items_[extension_id].end(); ++i) { ExtensionMenuItem* item = *i; items_by_id_.erase(item->id()); // Remove descendants from this item and erase them from the lookup cache. std::set removed_ids = item->RemoveAllDescendants(); std::set::const_iterator j; for (j = removed_ids.begin(); j != removed_ids.end(); ++j) { items_by_id_.erase(*j); } } STLDeleteElements(&context_items_[extension_id]); context_items_.erase(extension_id); icon_manager_.RemoveIcon(extension_id); } ExtensionMenuItem* ExtensionMenuManager::GetItemById( const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& id) const { std::map::const_iterator i = items_by_id_.find(id); if (i != items_by_id_.end()) return i->second; else return NULL; } void ExtensionMenuManager::RadioItemSelected(ExtensionMenuItem* item) { // If this is a child item, we need to get a handle to the list from its // parent. Otherwise get a handle to the top-level list. const ExtensionMenuItem::List* list = NULL; if (item->parent_id()) { ExtensionMenuItem* parent = GetItemById(*item->parent_id()); if (!parent) { NOTREACHED(); return; } list = &(parent->children()); } else { if (context_items_.find(item->extension_id()) == context_items_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } list = &context_items_[item->extension_id()]; } // Find where |item| is in the list. ExtensionMenuItem::List::const_iterator item_location; for (item_location = list->begin(); item_location != list->end(); ++item_location) { if (*item_location == item) break; } if (item_location == list->end()) { NOTREACHED(); // We should have found the item. return; } // Iterate backwards from |item| and uncheck any adjacent radio items. ExtensionMenuItem::List::const_iterator i; if (item_location != list->begin()) { i = item_location; do { --i; if ((*i)->type() != ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) break; (*i)->SetChecked(false); } while (i != list->begin()); } // Now iterate forwards from |item| and uncheck any adjacent radio items. for (i = item_location + 1; i != list->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->type() != ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) break; (*i)->SetChecked(false); } } static void AddURLProperty(DictionaryValue* dictionary, const std::string& key, const GURL& url) { if (!url.is_empty()) dictionary->SetString(key, url.possibly_invalid_spec()); } void ExtensionMenuManager::ExecuteCommand( Profile* profile, WebContents* web_contents, const content::ContextMenuParams& params, const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& menu_item_id) { ExtensionEventRouter* event_router = profile->GetExtensionEventRouter(); if (!event_router) return; ExtensionMenuItem* item = GetItemById(menu_item_id); if (!item) return; // ExtensionService/Extension can be NULL in unit tests :( ExtensionService* service = ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->extension_service(); const extensions::Extension* extension = service ? service->extensions()->GetByID(menu_item_id.extension_id) : NULL; if (item->type() == ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) RadioItemSelected(item); ListValue args; DictionaryValue* properties = new DictionaryValue(); SetIdKeyValue(properties, "menuItemId", item->id()); if (item->parent_id()) SetIdKeyValue(properties, "parentMenuItemId", item->id()); switch (params.media_type) { case WebKit::WebContextMenuData::MediaTypeImage: properties->SetString("mediaType", "image"); break; case WebKit::WebContextMenuData::MediaTypeVideo: properties->SetString("mediaType", "video"); break; case WebKit::WebContextMenuData::MediaTypeAudio: properties->SetString("mediaType", "audio"); break; default: {} // Do nothing. } AddURLProperty(properties, "linkUrl", params.unfiltered_link_url); AddURLProperty(properties, "srcUrl", params.src_url); AddURLProperty(properties, "pageUrl", params.page_url); AddURLProperty(properties, "frameUrl", params.frame_url); if (params.selection_text.length() > 0) properties->SetString("selectionText", params.selection_text); properties->SetBoolean("editable", params.is_editable); args.Append(properties); // Add the tab info to the argument list. // Note: web_contents only NULL in unit tests :( if (web_contents) args.Append(ExtensionTabUtil::CreateTabValue(web_contents)); else args.Append(new DictionaryValue()); if (item->type() == ExtensionMenuItem::CHECKBOX || item->type() == ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) { bool was_checked = item->checked(); properties->SetBoolean("wasChecked", was_checked); // RADIO items always get set to true when you click on them, but CHECKBOX // items get their state toggled. bool checked = (item->type() == ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) ? true : !was_checked; item->SetChecked(checked); properties->SetBoolean("checked", item->checked()); if (extension) WriteToStorage(extension); } TabContents* tab_contents = web_contents ? TabContents::FromWebContents(web_contents) : NULL; if (tab_contents && extension) { tab_contents->extension_tab_helper()->active_tab_permission_manager()-> GrantIfRequested(extension); } std::string json_args; base::JSONWriter::Write(&args, &json_args); event_router->DispatchEventToExtension( item->extension_id(), extension_event_names::kOnContextMenus, json_args, profile, GURL(), ExtensionEventRouter::USER_GESTURE_ENABLED); event_router->DispatchEventToExtension( item->extension_id(), extension_event_names::kOnContextMenuClicked, json_args, profile, GURL(), ExtensionEventRouter::USER_GESTURE_ENABLED); } void ExtensionMenuManager::SanitizeRadioList( const ExtensionMenuItem::List& item_list) { ExtensionMenuItem::List::const_iterator i = item_list.begin(); while (i != item_list.end()) { if ((*i)->type() != ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) { ++i; break; } // Uncheck any checked radio items in the run, and at the end reset // the appropriate one to checked. If no check radio items were found, // then check the first radio item in the run. ExtensionMenuItem::List::const_iterator last_checked = item_list.end(); ExtensionMenuItem::List::const_iterator radio_run_iter; for (radio_run_iter = i; radio_run_iter != item_list.end(); ++radio_run_iter) { if ((*radio_run_iter)->type() != ExtensionMenuItem::RADIO) { break; } if ((*radio_run_iter)->checked()) { last_checked = radio_run_iter; (*radio_run_iter)->SetChecked(false); } } if (last_checked != item_list.end()) (*last_checked)->SetChecked(true); else (*i)->SetChecked(true); i = radio_run_iter; } } bool ExtensionMenuManager::ItemUpdated(const ExtensionMenuItem::Id& id) { if (!ContainsKey(items_by_id_, id)) return false; ExtensionMenuItem* menu_item = GetItemById(id); DCHECK(menu_item); if (menu_item->parent_id()) { SanitizeRadioList(GetItemById(*menu_item->parent_id())->children()); } else { std::string extension_id = menu_item->extension_id(); MenuItemMap::iterator i = context_items_.find(extension_id); if (i == context_items_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } SanitizeRadioList(i->second); } return true; } void ExtensionMenuManager::WriteToStorage( const extensions::Extension* extension) { if (!extension->has_lazy_background_page()) return; const ExtensionMenuItem::List* top_items = MenuItems(extension->id()); ExtensionMenuItem::List all_items; if (top_items) { for (ExtensionMenuItem::List::const_iterator i = top_items->begin(); i != top_items->end(); ++i) { (*i)->GetFlattenedSubtree(&all_items); } } extensions::StateStore* store = ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->state_store(); if (store) store->SetExtensionValue(extension->id(), kContextMenusKey, MenuItemsToValue(all_items)); } void ExtensionMenuManager::ReadFromStorage(const std::string& extension_id, scoped_ptr value) { const extensions::Extension* extension = ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->extension_service()->extensions()-> GetByID(extension_id); if (!extension) return; ExtensionMenuItem::List items = MenuItemsFromValue(extension_id, value.get()); for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { if (items[i]->parent_id()) { // Parent IDs are stored in the parent_id field for convenience, but // they have not yet been validated. Separate them out here. // Because of the order in which we store items in the prefs, parents will // precede children, so we should already know about any parent items. scoped_ptr parent_id; parent_id.swap(items[i]->parent_id_); AddChildItem(*parent_id, items[i]); } else { AddContextItem(extension, items[i]); } } } void ExtensionMenuManager::Observe( int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UNLOADED) { // Remove menu items for disabled/uninstalled extensions. const extensions::Extension* extension = content::Details(details)->extension; if (ContainsKey(context_items_, extension->id())) { RemoveAllContextItems(extension->id()); } } else if (type == chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_LOADED) { const extensions::Extension* extension = content::Details(details).ptr(); extensions::StateStore* store = ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->state_store(); if (store && extension->has_lazy_background_page()) { store->GetExtensionValue(extension->id(), kContextMenusKey, base::Bind(&ExtensionMenuManager::ReadFromStorage, AsWeakPtr(), extension->id())); } } } const SkBitmap& ExtensionMenuManager::GetIconForExtension( const std::string& extension_id) { return icon_manager_.GetIcon(extension_id); } ExtensionMenuItem::Id::Id() : incognito(false), extension_id(""), uid(0), string_uid("") { } ExtensionMenuItem::Id::Id(bool incognito, const std::string& extension_id) : incognito(incognito), extension_id(extension_id), uid(0), string_uid("") { } ExtensionMenuItem::Id::~Id() { } bool ExtensionMenuItem::Id::operator==(const Id& other) const { return (incognito == other.incognito && extension_id == other.extension_id && uid == other.uid && string_uid == other.string_uid); } bool ExtensionMenuItem::Id::operator!=(const Id& other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool ExtensionMenuItem::Id::operator<(const Id& other) const { if (incognito < other.incognito) return true; if (incognito == other.incognito) { if (extension_id < other.extension_id) return true; if (extension_id == other.extension_id) { if (uid < other.uid) return true; if (uid == other.uid) return string_uid < other.string_uid; } } return false; }