// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_tabs_module_constants.h"

namespace extension_tabs_module_constants {

const wchar_t kDataKey[] = L"data";
const wchar_t kFavIconUrlKey[] = L"favIconUrl";
const wchar_t kFocusedKey[] = L"focused";
const wchar_t kFromIndexKey[] = L"fromIndex";
const wchar_t kHeightKey[] = L"height";
const wchar_t kIdKey[] = L"id";
const wchar_t kIndexKey[] = L"index";
const wchar_t kLeftKey[] = L"left";
const wchar_t kNewPositionKey[] = L"newPosition";
const wchar_t kNewWindowIdKey[] = L"newWindowId";
const wchar_t kOldPositionKey[] = L"oldPosition";
const wchar_t kOldWindowIdKey[] = L"oldWindowId";
const wchar_t kPageActionIdKey[] = L"pageActionId";
const wchar_t kSelectedKey[] = L"selected";
const wchar_t kStatusKey[] = L"status";
const wchar_t kTabIdKey[] = L"tabId";
const wchar_t kTabsKey[] = L"tabs";
const wchar_t kTabUrlKey[] = L"tabUrl";
const wchar_t kTitleKey[] = L"title";
const wchar_t kToIndexKey[] = L"toIndex";
const wchar_t kTopKey[] = L"top";
const wchar_t kUrlKey[] = L"url";
const wchar_t kWidthKey[] = L"width";
const wchar_t kWindowIdKey[] = L"windowId";

const char kStatusValueComplete[] = "complete";
const char kStatusValueLoading[] = "loading";

const char kNoCurrentWindowError[] = "No current window";
const char kNoLastFocusedWindowError[] = "No last-focused window";
const char kWindowNotFoundError[] = "No window with id: *.";
const char kTabNotFoundError[] = "No tab with id: *.";
const char kNoSelectedTabError[] = "No selected tab";
const char kInvalidUrlError[] = "Invalid url: \"*\".";
const char kInternalVisibleTabCaptureError[] = 
    "Internal error while trying to capture visible region of the current tab";
const char kNotImplementedError[] = "This call is not yet implemented";

const char kGetWindowFunction[] = "windows.get";
const char kGetCurrentWindowFunction[] = "windows.getCurrent";
const char kGetLastFocusedWindowFunction[] = "windows.getLastFocused";
const char kGetAllWindowsFunction[] = "windows.getAll";
const char kCreateWindowFunction[] = "windows.create";
const char kUpdateWindowFunction[] = "windows.update";
const char kRemoveWindowFunction[] = "windows.remove";

const char kGetTabFunction[] = "tabs.get";
const char kGetSelectedTabFunction[] = "tabs.getSelected";
const char kGetAllTabsInWindowFunction[] = "tabs.getAllInWindow";
const char kCreateTabFunction[] = "tabs.create";
const char kUpdateTabFunction[] = "tabs.update";
const char kMoveTabFunction[] = "tabs.move";
const char kRemoveTabFunction[] = "tabs.remove";
const char kDetectTabLanguageFunction[] = "tabs.detectLanguage";
const char kCaptureVisibleTabFunction[] = "tabs.captureVisibleTab";

}  // namespace extension_tabs_module_constants