// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <map> #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_updater.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/test_url_fetcher_factory.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_error_reporter.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "libxml/globals.h" // Do-nothing base class for further specialized test classes. class MockService : public ExtensionUpdateService { public: MockService() {} virtual ~MockService() {} virtual const ExtensionList* extensions() const { EXPECT_TRUE(false); return NULL; } virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& extension_path) { EXPECT_TRUE(false); } virtual Extension* GetExtensionById(const std::string& id) { EXPECT_TRUE(false); return NULL; } virtual void UpdateExtensionBlacklist( const std::vector<std::string>& blacklist) { EXPECT_TRUE(false); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockService); }; // Class that contains a PrefService and handles cleanup of a temporary file // backing it. class ScopedTempPrefService { public: ScopedTempPrefService() { // Make sure different tests won't use the same prefs file. It will cause // problem when different tests are running in parallel. temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir(); FilePath pref_file = temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("prefs"); prefs_.reset(new PrefService(pref_file, NULL)); } ~ScopedTempPrefService() {} PrefService* get() { return prefs_.get(); } private: // Ordering matters, we want |prefs_| to be destroyed before |temp_dir_|. ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; scoped_ptr<PrefService> prefs_; }; const char* kIdPrefix = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; // Creates test extensions and inserts them into list. The name and // version are all based on their index. If |update_url| is non-null, it // will be used as the update_url for each extension. void CreateTestExtensions(int count, ExtensionList *list, const std::string* update_url) { for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { DictionaryValue input; Extension* e = new Extension(); input.SetString(extension_manifest_keys::kVersion, StringPrintf("%d.0.0.0", i)); input.SetString(extension_manifest_keys::kName, StringPrintf("Extension %d", i)); if (update_url) input.SetString(extension_manifest_keys::kUpdateURL, *update_url); std::string error; EXPECT_TRUE(e->InitFromValue(input, false, &error)); list->push_back(e); } } class ServiceForManifestTests : public MockService { public: ServiceForManifestTests() {} virtual ~ServiceForManifestTests() {} virtual Extension* GetExtensionById(const std::string& id) { for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = extensions_.begin(); iter != extensions_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->id() == id) { return *iter; } } return NULL; } virtual const ExtensionList* extensions() const { return &extensions_; } void set_extensions(ExtensionList extensions) { extensions_ = extensions; } private: ExtensionList extensions_; }; class ServiceForDownloadTests : public MockService { public: virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& extension_path) { extension_id_ = id; install_path_ = extension_path; } virtual Extension* GetExtensionById(const std::string& id) { last_inquired_extension_id_ = id; return NULL; } const std::string& extension_id() { return extension_id_; } const FilePath& install_path() { return install_path_; } const std::string& last_inquired_extension_id() { return last_inquired_extension_id_; } private: std::string extension_id_; FilePath install_path_; // The last extension_id that GetExtensionById was called with. std::string last_inquired_extension_id_; }; class ServiceForBlacklistTests : public MockService { public: ServiceForBlacklistTests() : MockService(), processed_blacklist_(false) { } virtual void UpdateExtensionBlacklist( const std::vector<std::string>& blacklist) { processed_blacklist_ = true; return; } bool processed_blacklist() { return processed_blacklist_; } const std::string& extension_id() { return extension_id_; } private: bool processed_blacklist_; std::string extension_id_; FilePath install_path_; }; static const int kUpdateFrequencySecs = 15; // Takes a string with KEY=VALUE parameters separated by '&' in |params| and // puts the key/value pairs into |result|. For keys with no value, the empty // string is used. So for "a=1&b=foo&c", result would map "a" to "1", "b" to // "foo", and "c" to "". static void ExtractParameters(const std::string& params, std::map<std::string, std::string>* result) { std::vector<std::string> pairs; SplitString(params, '&', &pairs); for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) { std::vector<std::string> key_val; SplitString(pairs[i], '=', &key_val); if (key_val.size() > 0) { std::string key = key_val[0]; EXPECT_TRUE(result->find(key) == result->end()); (*result)[key] = (key_val.size() == 2) ? key_val[1] : ""; } else { NOTREACHED(); } } } // All of our tests that need to use private APIs of ExtensionUpdater live // inside this class (which is a friend to ExtensionUpdater). class ExtensionUpdaterTest : public testing::Test { public: static void SimulateTimerFired(ExtensionUpdater* updater) { EXPECT_TRUE(updater->timer_.IsRunning()); updater->timer_.Stop(); updater->TimerFired(); } // Adds a Result with the given data to results. static void AddParseResult( const std::string& id, const std::string& version, const std::string& url, std::vector<UpdateManifest::Result>* results) { UpdateManifest::Result result; result.extension_id = id; result.version = version; result.crx_url = GURL(url); results->push_back(result); } static void TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests() { // Create an extension with an update_url. ServiceForManifestTests service; ExtensionList tmp; std::string update_url("http://foo.com/bar"); CreateTestExtensions(1, &tmp, &update_url); service.set_extensions(tmp); // Setup and start the updater. TestURLFetcherFactory factory; URLFetcher::set_factory(&factory); MessageLoop message_loop; ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), 60*60*24, NULL, NULL); updater->Start(); // Tell the update that it's time to do update checks. SimulateTimerFired(updater.get()); // Get the url our mock fetcher was asked to fetch. TestURLFetcher* fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kManifestFetcherId); const GURL& url = fetcher->original_url(); EXPECT_FALSE(url.is_empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(url.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(url.SchemeIs("http")); EXPECT_EQ("foo.com", url.host()); EXPECT_EQ("/bar", url.path()); // Validate the extension request parameters in the query. It should // look something like "?x=id%3D<id>%26v%3D<version>%26uc". EXPECT_TRUE(url.has_query()); std::vector<std::string> parts; SplitString(url.query(), '=', &parts); EXPECT_EQ(2u, parts.size()); EXPECT_EQ("x", parts[0]); std::string decoded = UnescapeURLComponent(parts[1], UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS); std::map<std::string, std::string> params; ExtractParameters(decoded, ¶ms); EXPECT_EQ(tmp[0]->id(), params["id"]); EXPECT_EQ(tmp[0]->VersionString(), params["v"]); EXPECT_EQ("", params["uc"]); STLDeleteElements(&tmp); } static void TestBlacklistUpdateCheckRequests() { ServiceForManifestTests service; // Setup and start the updater. TestURLFetcherFactory factory; URLFetcher::set_factory(&factory); MessageLoop message_loop; ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), 60*60*24, NULL, NULL); updater->Start(); // Tell the updater that it's time to do update checks. SimulateTimerFired(updater.get()); // Get the url our mock fetcher was asked to fetch. TestURLFetcher* fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kManifestFetcherId); const GURL& url = fetcher->original_url(); EXPECT_FALSE(url.is_empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(url.is_valid()); EXPECT_TRUE(url.SchemeIs("https")); EXPECT_EQ("clients2.google.com", url.host()); EXPECT_EQ("/service/update2/crx", url.path()); // Validate the extension request parameters in the query. It should // look something like "?x=id%3D<id>%26v%3D<version>%26uc". EXPECT_TRUE(url.has_query()); std::vector<std::string> parts; SplitString(url.query(), '=', &parts); EXPECT_EQ(2u, parts.size()); EXPECT_EQ("x", parts[0]); std::string decoded = UnescapeURLComponent(parts[1], UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS); std::map<std::string, std::string> params; ExtractParameters(decoded, ¶ms); EXPECT_EQ("com.google.crx.blacklist", params["id"]); EXPECT_EQ("0", params["v"]); EXPECT_EQ("", params["uc"]); } static void TestDetermineUpdates() { // Create a set of test extensions ServiceForManifestTests service; ExtensionList tmp; CreateTestExtensions(3, &tmp, NULL); service.set_extensions(tmp); MessageLoop message_loop; ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), kUpdateFrequencySecs, NULL, NULL); // Check passing an empty list of parse results to DetermineUpdates std::vector<UpdateManifest::Result> updates; std::vector<int> updateable = updater->DetermineUpdates(updates); EXPECT_TRUE(updateable.empty()); // Create two updates - expect that DetermineUpdates will return the first // one (v1.0 installed, v1.1 available) but not the second one (both // installed and available at v2.0). scoped_ptr<Version> one(Version::GetVersionFromString("1.0")); EXPECT_TRUE(tmp[0]->version()->Equals(*one)); AddParseResult(tmp[0]->id(), "1.1", "http://localhost/e1_1.1.crx", &updates); AddParseResult(tmp[1]->id(), tmp[1]->VersionString(), "http://localhost/e2_2.0.crx", &updates); updateable = updater->DetermineUpdates(updates); EXPECT_EQ(1u, updateable.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0, updateable[0]); STLDeleteElements(&tmp); } static void TestMultipleManifestDownloading() { TestURLFetcherFactory factory; TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL; URLFetcher::set_factory(&factory); ServiceForDownloadTests service; MessageLoop ui_loop; base::Thread file_thread("File Thread"); file_thread.Start(); base::Thread io_thread("IO Thread"); io_thread.Start(); ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), kUpdateFrequencySecs, file_thread.message_loop(), io_thread.message_loop()); GURL url1("http://localhost/manifest1"); GURL url2("http://localhost/manifest2"); // Request 2 update checks - the first should begin immediately and the // second one should be queued up. updater->StartUpdateCheck(url1); updater->StartUpdateCheck(url2); std::string invalid_xml = "invalid xml"; fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kManifestFetcherId); EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL); fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete( fetcher, url1, URLRequestStatus(), 200, ResponseCookies(), invalid_xml); // Now that the first request is complete, make sure the second one has // been started. const std::string kValidXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" "<gupdate xmlns='http://www.google.com/update2/response'" " protocol='2.0'>" " <app appid='12345'>" " <updatecheck codebase='http://example.com/extension_1.2.3.4.crx'" " version='' prodversionmin='' />" " </app>" "</gupdate>"; fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kManifestFetcherId); EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL); fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete( fetcher, url2, URLRequestStatus(), 200, ResponseCookies(), kValidXml); // This should run the manifest parsing, then we want to make sure that our // service was called with GetExtensionById with the matching id from // kValidXml. file_thread.Stop(); io_thread.Stop(); ui_loop.RunAllPending(); EXPECT_EQ("12345", service.last_inquired_extension_id()); xmlCleanupGlobals(); } static void TestSingleExtensionDownloading() { MessageLoop ui_loop; base::Thread file_thread("File Thread"); file_thread.Start(); TestURLFetcherFactory factory; TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL; URLFetcher::set_factory(&factory); ServiceForDownloadTests service; ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), kUpdateFrequencySecs, file_thread.message_loop(), NULL); GURL test_url("http://localhost/extension.crx"); std::string id = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; std::string hash = ""; std::string version = "0.0.1"; updater->FetchUpdatedExtension(id, test_url, hash, version); // Call back the ExtensionUpdater with a 200 response and some test data std::string extension_data("whatever"); fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kExtensionFetcherId); EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL); fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete( fetcher, test_url, URLRequestStatus(), 200, ResponseCookies(), extension_data); file_thread.Stop(); ui_loop.RunAllPending(); // Expect that ExtensionUpdater asked the mock extensions service to install // a file with the test data for the right id. EXPECT_EQ(id, service.extension_id()); FilePath tmpfile_path = service.install_path(); EXPECT_FALSE(tmpfile_path.empty()); std::string file_contents; EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(tmpfile_path, &file_contents)); EXPECT_TRUE(extension_data == file_contents); file_util::Delete(tmpfile_path, false); URLFetcher::set_factory(NULL); } static void TestBlacklistDownloading() { MessageLoop message_loop; TestURLFetcherFactory factory; TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL; URLFetcher::set_factory(&factory); ServiceForBlacklistTests service; ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), kUpdateFrequencySecs, NULL, NULL); prefs.get()-> RegisterStringPref(prefs::kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion, L"0"); GURL test_url("http://localhost/extension.crx"); std::string id = "com.google.crx.blacklist"; std::string hash = "2CE109E9D0FAF820B2434E166297934E6177B65AB9951DBC3E204CAD4689B39C"; std::string version = "0.0.1"; updater->FetchUpdatedExtension(id, test_url, hash, version); // Call back the ExtensionUpdater with a 200 response and some test data std::string extension_data("aaabbb"); fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kExtensionFetcherId); EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL); fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete( fetcher, test_url, URLRequestStatus(), 200, ResponseCookies(), extension_data); message_loop.RunAllPending(); // The updater should have called extension service to process the // blacklist. EXPECT_TRUE(service.processed_blacklist()); EXPECT_EQ(version, WideToASCII(prefs.get()-> GetString(prefs::kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion))); URLFetcher::set_factory(NULL); } static void TestMultipleExtensionDownloading() { MessageLoopForUI message_loop; TestURLFetcherFactory factory; TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL; URLFetcher::set_factory(&factory); ServiceForDownloadTests service; ScopedTempPrefService prefs; scoped_refptr<ExtensionUpdater> updater = new ExtensionUpdater(&service, prefs.get(), kUpdateFrequencySecs, &message_loop, NULL); GURL url1("http://localhost/extension1.crx"); GURL url2("http://localhost/extension2.crx"); std::string id1 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; std::string id2 = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"; std::string hash1 = ""; std::string hash2 = ""; std::string version1 = "0.1"; std::string version2 = "0.1"; // Start two fetches updater->FetchUpdatedExtension(id1, url1, hash1, version1); updater->FetchUpdatedExtension(id2, url2, hash2, version2); // Make the first fetch complete. std::string extension_data1("whatever"); fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kExtensionFetcherId); EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL); fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete( fetcher, url1, URLRequestStatus(), 200, ResponseCookies(), extension_data1); message_loop.RunAllPending(); // Expect that the service was asked to do an install with the right data. FilePath tmpfile_path = service.install_path(); EXPECT_FALSE(tmpfile_path.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(id1, service.extension_id()); message_loop.RunAllPending(); file_util::Delete(tmpfile_path, false); // Make sure the second fetch finished and asked the service to do an // update. std::string extension_data2("whatever2"); fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionUpdater::kExtensionFetcherId); EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL); fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete( fetcher, url2, URLRequestStatus(), 200, ResponseCookies(), extension_data2); message_loop.RunAllPending(); EXPECT_EQ(id2, service.extension_id()); EXPECT_FALSE(service.install_path().empty()); // Make sure the correct crx contents were passed for the update call. std::string file_contents; EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(service.install_path(), &file_contents)); EXPECT_TRUE(extension_data2 == file_contents); file_util::Delete(service.install_path(), false); } }; // Because we test some private methods of ExtensionUpdater, it's easer for the // actual test code to live in ExtenionUpdaterTest methods instead of TEST_F // subclasses where friendship with ExtenionUpdater is not inherited. TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests(); } TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestBlacklistUpdateCheckRequests) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestBlacklistUpdateCheckRequests(); } TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestDetermineUpdates) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestDetermineUpdates(); } TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestMultipleManifestDownloading) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestMultipleManifestDownloading(); } TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestSingleExtensionDownloading) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestSingleExtensionDownloading(); } TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestBlacklistDownloading) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestBlacklistDownloading(); } TEST(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestMultipleExtensionDownloading) { ExtensionUpdaterTest::TestMultipleExtensionDownloading(); } // TODO(asargent) - (http://crbug.com/12780) add tests for: // -prodversionmin (shouldn't update if browser version too old) // -manifests & updates arriving out of order / interleaved // -Profile::GetDefaultRequestContext() returning null // (should not crash, but just do check later) // -malformed update url (empty, file://, has query, has a # fragment, etc.) // -An extension gets uninstalled while updates are in progress (so it doesn't // "come back from the dead") // -An extension gets manually updated to v3 while we're downloading v2 (ie // you don't get downgraded accidentally) // -An update manifest mentions multiple updates