// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_updater.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/blacklist.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/pending_extension_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_downloader.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_set.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "crypto/sha2.h" using base::RandDouble; using base::RandInt; using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; using content::BrowserThread; using prefs::kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion; using prefs::kLastExtensionsUpdateCheck; using prefs::kNextExtensionsUpdateCheck; typedef extensions::ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::Error Error; typedef extensions::ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::PingResult PingResult; namespace { // Wait at least 5 minutes after browser startup before we do any checks. If you // change this value, make sure to update comments where it is used. const int kStartupWaitSeconds = 60 * 5; // For sanity checking on update frequency - enforced in release mode only. const int kMinUpdateFrequencySeconds = 30; const int kMaxUpdateFrequencySeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 days // Require at least 5 seconds between consecutive non-succesful extension update // checks. const int kMinUpdateThrottleTime = 5; // When we've computed a days value, we want to make sure we don't send a // negative value (due to the system clock being set backwards, etc.), since -1 // is a special sentinel value that means "never pinged", and other negative // values don't make sense. int SanitizeDays(int days) { if (days < 0) return 0; return days; } // Calculates the value to use for the ping days parameter. int CalculatePingDays(const Time& last_ping_day) { int days = extensions::ManifestFetchData::kNeverPinged; if (!last_ping_day.is_null()) { days = SanitizeDays((Time::Now() - last_ping_day).InDays()); } return days; } int CalculateActivePingDays(const Time& last_active_ping_day, bool hasActiveBit) { if (!hasActiveBit) return 0; if (last_active_ping_day.is_null()) return extensions::ManifestFetchData::kNeverPinged; return SanitizeDays((Time::Now() - last_active_ping_day).InDays()); } } // namespace namespace extensions { ExtensionUpdater::CheckParams::CheckParams() : check_blacklist(true), install_immediately(false) {} ExtensionUpdater::CheckParams::~CheckParams() {} ExtensionUpdater::FetchedCRXFile::FetchedCRXFile( const std::string& i, const base::FilePath& p, const GURL& u, const std::set& request_ids) : extension_id(i), path(p), download_url(u), request_ids(request_ids) {} ExtensionUpdater::FetchedCRXFile::FetchedCRXFile() : path(), download_url() {} ExtensionUpdater::FetchedCRXFile::~FetchedCRXFile() {} ExtensionUpdater::InProgressCheck::InProgressCheck() : install_immediately(false) {} ExtensionUpdater::InProgressCheck::~InProgressCheck() {} struct ExtensionUpdater::ThrottleInfo { ThrottleInfo() : in_progress(true), throttle_delay(kMinUpdateThrottleTime), check_start(Time::Now()) {} bool in_progress; int throttle_delay; Time check_start; }; ExtensionUpdater::ExtensionUpdater(ExtensionServiceInterface* service, ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs, PrefService* prefs, Profile* profile, Blacklist* blacklist, int frequency_seconds) : alive_(false), weak_ptr_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), service_(service), frequency_seconds_(frequency_seconds), will_check_soon_(false), extension_prefs_(extension_prefs), prefs_(prefs), profile_(profile), blacklist_(blacklist), next_request_id_(0), crx_install_is_running_(false) { DCHECK_GE(frequency_seconds_, 5); DCHECK_LE(frequency_seconds_, kMaxUpdateFrequencySeconds); #ifdef NDEBUG // In Release mode we enforce that update checks don't happen too often. frequency_seconds_ = std::max(frequency_seconds_, kMinUpdateFrequencySeconds); #endif frequency_seconds_ = std::min(frequency_seconds_, kMaxUpdateFrequencySeconds); registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_INSTALLED, content::NotificationService::AllBrowserContextsAndSources()); } ExtensionUpdater::~ExtensionUpdater() { Stop(); } // The overall goal here is to balance keeping clients up to date while // avoiding a thundering herd against update servers. TimeDelta ExtensionUpdater::DetermineFirstCheckDelay() { DCHECK(alive_); // If someone's testing with a quick frequency, just allow it. if (frequency_seconds_ < kStartupWaitSeconds) return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(frequency_seconds_); // If we've never scheduled a check before, start at frequency_seconds_. if (!prefs_->HasPrefPath(kNextExtensionsUpdateCheck)) return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(frequency_seconds_); // If it's been a long time since our last actual check, we want to do one // relatively soon. Time now = Time::Now(); Time last = Time::FromInternalValue(prefs_->GetInt64( kLastExtensionsUpdateCheck)); int days = (now - last).InDays(); if (days >= 30) { // Wait 5-10 minutes. return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(RandInt(kStartupWaitSeconds, kStartupWaitSeconds * 2)); } else if (days >= 14) { // Wait 10-20 minutes. return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(RandInt(kStartupWaitSeconds * 2, kStartupWaitSeconds * 4)); } else if (days >= 3) { // Wait 20-40 minutes. return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(RandInt(kStartupWaitSeconds * 4, kStartupWaitSeconds * 8)); } // Read the persisted next check time, and use that if it isn't too soon. // Otherwise pick something random. Time saved_next = Time::FromInternalValue(prefs_->GetInt64( kNextExtensionsUpdateCheck)); Time earliest = now + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kStartupWaitSeconds); if (saved_next >= earliest) { return saved_next - now; } else { return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(RandInt(kStartupWaitSeconds, frequency_seconds_)); } } void ExtensionUpdater::Start() { DCHECK(!alive_); // If these are NULL, then that means we've been called after Stop() // has been called. DCHECK(service_); DCHECK(extension_prefs_); DCHECK(prefs_); DCHECK(profile_); DCHECK(!weak_ptr_factory_.HasWeakPtrs()); alive_ = true; // Make sure our prefs are registered, then schedule the first check. ScheduleNextCheck(DetermineFirstCheckDelay()); } void ExtensionUpdater::Stop() { weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); alive_ = false; service_ = NULL; extension_prefs_ = NULL; prefs_ = NULL; profile_ = NULL; timer_.Stop(); will_check_soon_ = false; downloader_.reset(); } void ExtensionUpdater::ScheduleNextCheck(const TimeDelta& target_delay) { DCHECK(alive_); DCHECK(!timer_.IsRunning()); DCHECK(target_delay >= TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); // Add +/- 10% random jitter. double delay_ms = target_delay.InMillisecondsF(); double jitter_factor = (RandDouble() * .2) - 0.1; delay_ms += delay_ms * jitter_factor; TimeDelta actual_delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds( static_cast(delay_ms)); // Save the time of next check. Time next = Time::Now() + actual_delay; prefs_->SetInt64(kNextExtensionsUpdateCheck, next.ToInternalValue()); timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, actual_delay, this, &ExtensionUpdater::TimerFired); } void ExtensionUpdater::TimerFired() { DCHECK(alive_); CheckNow(default_params_); // If the user has overridden the update frequency, don't bother reporting // this. if (frequency_seconds_ == ExtensionService::kDefaultUpdateFrequencySeconds) { Time last = Time::FromInternalValue(prefs_->GetInt64( kLastExtensionsUpdateCheck)); if (last.ToInternalValue() != 0) { // Use counts rather than time so we can use minutes rather than millis. UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Extensions.UpdateCheckGap", (Time::Now() - last).InMinutes(), TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kStartupWaitSeconds).InMinutes(), TimeDelta::FromDays(40).InMinutes(), 50); // 50 buckets seems to be the default. } } // Save the last check time, and schedule the next check. int64 now = Time::Now().ToInternalValue(); prefs_->SetInt64(kLastExtensionsUpdateCheck, now); ScheduleNextCheck(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(frequency_seconds_)); } void ExtensionUpdater::CheckSoon() { DCHECK(alive_); if (will_check_soon_) return; if (BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ExtensionUpdater::DoCheckSoon, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) { will_check_soon_ = true; } else { NOTREACHED(); } } bool ExtensionUpdater::WillCheckSoon() const { return will_check_soon_; } void ExtensionUpdater::DoCheckSoon() { DCHECK(will_check_soon_); CheckNow(default_params_); will_check_soon_ = false; } void ExtensionUpdater::AddToDownloader( const ExtensionSet* extensions, const std::list& pending_ids, int request_id) { InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[request_id]; for (ExtensionSet::const_iterator extension_iter = extensions->begin(); extension_iter != extensions->end(); ++extension_iter) { const Extension& extension = **extension_iter; if (!Manifest::IsAutoUpdateableLocation(extension.location())) { VLOG(2) << "Extension " << extension.id() << " is not auto updateable"; continue; } // An extension might be overwritten by policy, and have its update url // changed. Make sure existing extensions aren't fetched again, if a // pending fetch for an extension with the same id already exists. std::list::const_iterator pending_id_iter = std::find( pending_ids.begin(), pending_ids.end(), extension.id()); if (pending_id_iter == pending_ids.end()) { if (downloader_->AddExtension(extension, request_id)) request.in_progress_ids_.push_back(extension.id()); } } } void ExtensionUpdater::CheckNow(const CheckParams& params) { int request_id = next_request_id_++; VLOG(2) << "Starting update check " << request_id; if (params.ids.empty()) NotifyStarted(); DCHECK(alive_); InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[request_id]; request.callback = params.callback; request.install_immediately = params.install_immediately; if (!downloader_.get()) { downloader_.reset( new ExtensionDownloader(this, profile_->GetRequestContext())); } // Add fetch records for extensions that should be fetched by an update URL. // These extensions are not yet installed. They come from group policy // and external install sources. const PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager = service_->pending_extension_manager(); std::list pending_ids; if (params.ids.empty()) { // If no extension ids are specified, check for updates for all extensions. pending_extension_manager->GetPendingIdsForUpdateCheck(&pending_ids); std::list::const_iterator iter; for (iter = pending_ids.begin(); iter != pending_ids.end(); ++iter) { const PendingExtensionInfo* info = pending_extension_manager->GetById( *iter); if (!Manifest::IsAutoUpdateableLocation(info->install_source())) { VLOG(2) << "Extension " << *iter << " is not auto updateable"; continue; } if (downloader_->AddPendingExtension(*iter, info->update_url(), request_id)) request.in_progress_ids_.push_back(*iter); } AddToDownloader(service_->extensions(), pending_ids, request_id); AddToDownloader(service_->disabled_extensions(), pending_ids, request_id); } else { for (std::list::const_iterator it = params.ids.begin(); it != params.ids.end(); ++it) { const Extension* extension = service_->GetExtensionById(*it, true); DCHECK(extension); if (downloader_->AddExtension(*extension, request_id)) request.in_progress_ids_.push_back(extension->id()); } } // Start a fetch of the blacklist if needed. if (params.check_blacklist) { ManifestFetchData::PingData ping_data; ping_data.rollcall_days = CalculatePingDays(extension_prefs_->BlacklistLastPingDay()); request.in_progress_ids_.push_back(ExtensionDownloader::kBlacklistAppID); downloader_->StartBlacklistUpdate( prefs_->GetString(kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion), ping_data, request_id); } // StartAllPending() might call OnExtensionDownloadFailed/Finished before // it returns, which would cause NotifyIfFinished to incorrectly try to // send out a notification. So check before we call StartAllPending if any // extensions are going to be updated, and use that to figure out if // NotifyIfFinished should be called. bool noChecks = request.in_progress_ids_.empty(); // StartAllPending() will call OnExtensionDownloadFailed or // OnExtensionDownloadFinished for each extension that was checked. downloader_->StartAllPending(); if (noChecks) NotifyIfFinished(request_id); } bool ExtensionUpdater::CheckExtensionSoon(const std::string& extension_id, const FinishedCallback& callback) { bool have_throttle_info = ContainsKey(throttle_info_, extension_id); ThrottleInfo& info = throttle_info_[extension_id]; if (have_throttle_info) { // We already had a ThrottleInfo object for this extension, check if the // update check request should be allowed. // If another check is in progress, don't start a new check. if (info.in_progress) return false; Time now = Time::Now(); Time last = info.check_start; // If somehow time moved back, we don't want to infinitely keep throttling. if (now < last) { last = now; info.check_start = now; } Time earliest = last + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(info.throttle_delay); // If check is too soon, throttle. if (now < earliest) return false; // TODO(mek): Somehow increase time between allowing checks when checks // are repeatedly throttled and don't result in updates being installed. // It's okay to start a check, update values. info.check_start = now; info.in_progress = true; } CheckParams params; params.ids.push_back(extension_id); params.check_blacklist = false; params.callback = base::Bind(&ExtensionUpdater::ExtensionCheckFinished, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), extension_id, callback); CheckNow(params); return true; } void ExtensionUpdater::ExtensionCheckFinished( const std::string& extension_id, const FinishedCallback& callback) { std::map::iterator it = throttle_info_.find(extension_id); if (it != throttle_info_.end()) { it->second.in_progress = false; } callback.Run(); } void ExtensionUpdater::OnExtensionDownloadFailed( const std::string& id, Error error, const PingResult& ping, const std::set& request_ids) { DCHECK(alive_); UpdatePingData(id, ping); bool install_immediately = false; for (std::set::const_iterator it = request_ids.begin(); it != request_ids.end(); ++it) { InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[*it]; install_immediately |= request.install_immediately; request.in_progress_ids_.remove(id); NotifyIfFinished(*it); } // This method is called if no updates were found. However a previous update // check might have queued an update for this extension already. If a // current update check has |install_immediately| set the previously // queued update should be installed now. if (install_immediately && service_->GetPendingExtensionUpdate(id)) service_->FinishDelayedInstallation(id); } void ExtensionUpdater::OnExtensionDownloadFinished( const std::string& id, const base::FilePath& path, const GURL& download_url, const std::string& version, const PingResult& ping, const std::set& request_ids) { DCHECK(alive_); UpdatePingData(id, ping); VLOG(2) << download_url << " written to " << path.value(); FetchedCRXFile fetched(id, path, download_url, request_ids); fetched_crx_files_.push(fetched); // MaybeInstallCRXFile() removes extensions from |in_progress_ids_| after // starting the crx installer. MaybeInstallCRXFile(); } void ExtensionUpdater::OnBlacklistDownloadFinished( const std::string& data, const std::string& package_hash, const std::string& version, const PingResult& ping, const std::set& request_ids) { DCHECK(alive_); UpdatePingData(ExtensionDownloader::kBlacklistAppID, ping); for (std::set::const_iterator it = request_ids.begin(); it != request_ids.end(); ++it) { InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[*it]; request.in_progress_ids_.remove(ExtensionDownloader::kBlacklistAppID); NotifyIfFinished(*it); } // Verify sha256 hash value. char sha256_hash_value[crypto::kSHA256Length]; crypto::SHA256HashString(data, sha256_hash_value, crypto::kSHA256Length); std::string hash_in_hex = base::HexEncode(sha256_hash_value, crypto::kSHA256Length); if (package_hash != hash_in_hex) { NOTREACHED() << "Fetched blacklist checksum is not as expected. " << "Expected: " << package_hash << " Actual: " << hash_in_hex; return; } std::vector blacklist; base::SplitString(data, '\n', &blacklist); blacklist_->SetFromUpdater(blacklist, version); } bool ExtensionUpdater::GetPingDataForExtension( const std::string& id, ManifestFetchData::PingData* ping_data) { DCHECK(alive_); ping_data->rollcall_days = CalculatePingDays( extension_prefs_->LastPingDay(id)); ping_data->is_enabled = service_->IsExtensionEnabled(id); ping_data->active_days = CalculateActivePingDays(extension_prefs_->LastActivePingDay(id), extension_prefs_->GetActiveBit(id)); return true; } std::string ExtensionUpdater::GetUpdateUrlData(const std::string& id) { DCHECK(alive_); return extension_prefs_->GetUpdateUrlData(id); } bool ExtensionUpdater::IsExtensionPending(const std::string& id) { DCHECK(alive_); return service_->pending_extension_manager()->IsIdPending(id); } bool ExtensionUpdater::GetExtensionExistingVersion(const std::string& id, std::string* version) { DCHECK(alive_); if (id == ExtensionDownloader::kBlacklistAppID) { *version = prefs_->GetString(kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion); return true; } const Extension* extension = service_->GetExtensionById(id, true); if (!extension) return false; const Extension* update = service_->GetPendingExtensionUpdate(id); if (update) *version = update->VersionString(); else *version = extension->VersionString(); return true; } void ExtensionUpdater::UpdatePingData(const std::string& id, const PingResult& ping_result) { DCHECK(alive_); if (ping_result.did_ping) { if (id == ExtensionDownloader::kBlacklistAppID) { extension_prefs_->SetBlacklistLastPingDay(ping_result.day_start); } else if (service_->GetExtensionById(id, true) != NULL) { extension_prefs_->SetLastPingDay(id, ping_result.day_start); } } if (extension_prefs_->GetActiveBit(id)) { extension_prefs_->SetActiveBit(id, false); extension_prefs_->SetLastActivePingDay(id, ping_result.day_start); } } void ExtensionUpdater::MaybeInstallCRXFile() { if (crx_install_is_running_ || fetched_crx_files_.empty()) return; std::set request_ids; while (!fetched_crx_files_.empty() && !crx_install_is_running_) { const FetchedCRXFile& crx_file = fetched_crx_files_.top(); VLOG(2) << "updating " << crx_file.extension_id << " with " << crx_file.path.value(); // The ExtensionService is now responsible for cleaning up the temp file // at |crx_file.path|. CrxInstaller* installer = NULL; if (service_->UpdateExtension(crx_file.extension_id, crx_file.path, crx_file.download_url, &installer)) { crx_install_is_running_ = true; current_crx_file_ = crx_file; for (std::set::const_iterator it = crx_file.request_ids.begin(); it != crx_file.request_ids.end(); ++it) { InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[*it]; if (request.install_immediately) { installer->set_install_wait_for_idle(false); break; } } // Source parameter ensures that we only see the completion event for the // the installer we started. registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_CRX_INSTALLER_DONE, content::Source(installer)); } else { for (std::set::const_iterator it = crx_file.request_ids.begin(); it != crx_file.request_ids.end(); ++it) { InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[*it]; request.in_progress_ids_.remove(crx_file.extension_id); } request_ids.insert(crx_file.request_ids.begin(), crx_file.request_ids.end()); } fetched_crx_files_.pop(); } for (std::set::const_iterator it = request_ids.begin(); it != request_ids.end(); ++it) { NotifyIfFinished(*it); } } void ExtensionUpdater::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case chrome::NOTIFICATION_CRX_INSTALLER_DONE: { // No need to listen for CRX_INSTALLER_DONE anymore. registrar_.Remove(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_CRX_INSTALLER_DONE, source); crx_install_is_running_ = false; const FetchedCRXFile& crx_file = current_crx_file_; for (std::set::const_iterator it = crx_file.request_ids.begin(); it != crx_file.request_ids.end(); ++it) { InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[*it]; request.in_progress_ids_.remove(crx_file.extension_id); NotifyIfFinished(*it); } // If any files are available to update, start one. MaybeInstallCRXFile(); break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_INSTALLED: { const Extension* extension = content::Details(details).ptr(); if (extension) throttle_info_.erase(extension->id()); break; } default: NOTREACHED(); } } void ExtensionUpdater::NotifyStarted() { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UPDATING_STARTED, content::Source(profile_), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void ExtensionUpdater::NotifyIfFinished(int request_id) { DCHECK(ContainsKey(requests_in_progress_, request_id)); const InProgressCheck& request = requests_in_progress_[request_id]; if (request.in_progress_ids_.empty()) { VLOG(2) << "Finished update check " << request_id; if (!request.callback.is_null()) request.callback.Run(); requests_in_progress_.erase(request_id); } } } // namespace extensions