// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/extensions/user_script_master.h" #include #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" // Defined in extension.h. extern const char kExtensionURLScheme[]; extern const char kUserScriptURLScheme[]; // static void UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::ParseMetadataHeader( const StringPiece& script_text, std::vector *includes) { // http://wiki.greasespot.net/Metadata_block StringPiece line; size_t line_start = 0; size_t line_end = 0; bool in_metadata = false; static const StringPiece kUserScriptBegin("// ==UserScript=="); static const StringPiece kUserScriptEng("// ==/UserScript=="); static const StringPiece kIncludeDeclaration("// @include "); while (line_start < script_text.length()) { line_end = script_text.find('\n', line_start); // Handle the case where there is no trailing newline in the file. if (line_end == std::string::npos) { line_end = script_text.length() - 1; } line.set(script_text.data() + line_start, line_end - line_start); if (!in_metadata) { if (line.starts_with(kUserScriptBegin)) { in_metadata = true; } } else { if (line.starts_with(kUserScriptEng)) { break; } if (line.starts_with(kIncludeDeclaration)) { std::string pattern(line.data() + kIncludeDeclaration.length(), line.length() - kIncludeDeclaration.length()); std::string pattern_trimmed; TrimWhitespace(pattern, TRIM_ALL, &pattern_trimmed); includes->push_back(pattern_trimmed); } // TODO(aa): Handle more types of metadata. } line_start = line_end + 1; } // If no @include patterns were specified, default to @include *. // This is what Greasemonkey does. if (includes->size() == 0) { includes->push_back("*"); } } void UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::StartScan( MessageLoop* work_loop, const FilePath& script_dir, const UserScriptList& lone_scripts) { // Add a reference to ourselves to keep ourselves alive while we're running. // Balanced by NotifyMaster(). AddRef(); work_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::RunScan, script_dir, lone_scripts)); } void UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::NotifyMaster( base::SharedMemory* memory) { if (!master_) { // The master went away, so these new scripts aren't useful anymore. delete memory; } else { master_->NewScriptsAvailable(memory); } // Drop our self-reference. // Balances StartScan(). Release(); } void UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::RunScan( const FilePath script_dir, const UserScriptList lone_scripts) { base::SharedMemory* shared_memory = GetNewScripts(script_dir, lone_scripts); // Post the new scripts back to the master's message loop. master_message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::NotifyMaster, shared_memory)); } base::SharedMemory* UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::GetNewScripts( const FilePath& script_dir, const UserScriptList& lone_scripts) { UserScriptList all_scripts; // Find all the scripts in |script_dir|. if (!script_dir.value().empty()) { file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator(script_dir, false, file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("*.user.js")); for (FilePath file = enumerator.Next(); !file.value().empty(); file = enumerator.Next()) { all_scripts.push_back(UserScriptInfo()); UserScriptInfo& info = all_scripts.back(); info.url = GURL(std::string(kUserScriptURLScheme) + ":/" + net::FilePathToFileURL(file.ToWStringHack()).ExtractFileName()); info.path = file; } } if (all_scripts.empty() && lone_scripts.empty()) return NULL; // Add all the lone scripts. all_scripts.insert(all_scripts.end(), lone_scripts.begin(), lone_scripts.end()); // Load and pickle each script. Look for a metadata header if there are no // matches specified already. Pickle pickle; pickle.WriteSize(all_scripts.size()); for (UserScriptList::iterator iter = all_scripts.begin(); iter != all_scripts.end(); ++iter) { // TODO(aa): Support unicode script files. std::string contents; file_util::ReadFileToString(iter->path.ToWStringHack(), &contents); if (iter->matches.empty()) { // TODO(aa): Handle errors parsing header. ParseMetadataHeader(contents, &iter->matches); } PickleScriptData(*iter, contents, &pickle); } // Create the shared memory object. scoped_ptr shared_memory(new base::SharedMemory()); if (!shared_memory->Create(std::wstring(), // anonymous false, // read-only false, // open existing pickle.size())) { return NULL; } // Map into our process. if (!shared_memory->Map(pickle.size())) return NULL; // Copy the pickle to shared memory. memcpy(shared_memory->memory(), pickle.data(), pickle.size()); return shared_memory.release(); } void UserScriptMaster::ScriptReloader::PickleScriptData( const UserScriptInfo& script, const std::string& contents, Pickle* pickle) { // Write scripts as 'data' so that we can read it out in the slave without // allocating a new string. pickle->WriteData(script.url.spec().c_str(), script.url.spec().length()); pickle->WriteData(contents.c_str(), contents.length()); pickle->WriteSize(script.matches.size()); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = script.matches.begin(); iter != script.matches.end(); ++iter) { pickle->WriteString(*iter); } } UserScriptMaster::UserScriptMaster(MessageLoop* worker_loop, const FilePath& script_dir) : user_script_dir_(script_dir), worker_loop_(worker_loop), pending_scan_(false) { if (!user_script_dir_.value().empty()) AddWatchedPath(script_dir); } UserScriptMaster::~UserScriptMaster() { if (script_reloader_) script_reloader_->DisownMaster(); // TODO(aa): Enable this when DirectoryWatcher is implemented for linux and mac. #if defined(OS_WIN) STLDeleteElements(&dir_watchers_); #endif } void UserScriptMaster::AddWatchedPath(const FilePath& path) { // TODO(aa): Enable this when DirectoryWatcher is implemented for linux and mac. #if defined(OS_WIN) DirectoryWatcher* watcher = new DirectoryWatcher(); watcher->Watch(path, this); dir_watchers_.push_back(watcher); #endif } void UserScriptMaster::NewScriptsAvailable(base::SharedMemory* handle) { // Ensure handle is deleted or released. scoped_ptr handle_deleter(handle); if (pending_scan_) { // While we were scanning, there were further changes. Don't bother // notifying about these scripts and instead just immediately rescan. pending_scan_ = false; StartScan(); } else { // We're no longer scanning. script_reloader_ = NULL; // We've got scripts ready to go. shared_memory_.swap(handle_deleter); NotificationService::current()->Notify(NOTIFY_USER_SCRIPTS_LOADED, NotificationService::AllSources(), Details(handle)); } } void UserScriptMaster::OnDirectoryChanged(const FilePath& path) { if (script_reloader_.get()) { // We're already scanning for scripts. We note that we should rescan when // we get the chance. pending_scan_ = true; return; } StartScan(); } void UserScriptMaster::StartScan() { if (!script_reloader_) script_reloader_ = new ScriptReloader(this); script_reloader_->StartScan(worker_loop_, user_script_dir_, lone_scripts_); }