// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_WEBSTORE_STANDALONE_INSTALLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_WEBSTORE_STANDALONE_INSTALLER_H_ #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/active_install_data.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/webstore_data_fetcher_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/webstore_install_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/webstore_installer.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/webstore_install_result.h" #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" class GURL; namespace base { class DictionaryValue; } namespace net { class URLFetcher; } namespace extensions { class Extension; class WebstoreDataFetcher; // A a purely abstract base for concrete classes implementing various types of // standalone installs: // 1) Downloads and parses metadata from the webstore. // 2) Optionally shows an install dialog. // 3) Starts download once the user confirms (if confirmation was requested). // 4) Optionally shows a post-install UI. // Follows the Template Method pattern. Implementing subclasses must override // the primitive hooks in the corresponding section below. class WebstoreStandaloneInstaller : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe, public ExtensionInstallPrompt::Delegate, public WebstoreDataFetcherDelegate, public WebstoreInstaller::Delegate, public WebstoreInstallHelper::Delegate { public: // A callback for when the install process completes, successfully or not. If // there was a failure, |success| will be false and |error| may contain a // developer-readable error message about why it failed. typedef base::Callback Callback; WebstoreStandaloneInstaller(const std::string& webstore_item_id, Profile* profile, const Callback& callback); void BeginInstall(); protected: virtual ~WebstoreStandaloneInstaller(); // Runs the callback; primarily used for running a callback before it is // cleared in AbortInstall(). void RunCallback( bool success, const std::string& error, webstore_install::Result result); // Called when the install should be aborted. The callback is cleared. void AbortInstall(); // Checks InstallTracker and returns true if the same extension is not // currently being installed. Registers this install with the InstallTracker. bool EnsureUniqueInstall(webstore_install::Result* reason, std::string* error); // Called when the install is complete. virtual void CompleteInstall(webstore_install::Result result, const std::string& error); // Called when the installer should proceed to prompt the user. void ProceedWithInstallPrompt(); // Lazily creates a dummy extension for display from the parsed manifest. This // is safe to call from OnManifestParsed() onwards. The manifest may be // invalid, thus the caller must check that the return value is not NULL. scoped_refptr GetLocalizedExtensionForDisplay(); // Template Method's hooks to be implemented by subclasses. // Called when this install is about to be registered with the InstallTracker. // Allows subclasses to set properties of the install data. virtual void InitInstallData(ActiveInstallData* install_data) const; // Called at certain check points of the workflow to decide whether it makes // sense to proceed with installation. A requestor can be a website that // initiated an inline installation, or a command line option. virtual bool CheckRequestorAlive() const = 0; // Requestor's URL, if any. Should be an empty GURL if URL is meaningless // (e.g. for a command line option). virtual const GURL& GetRequestorURL() const = 0; // Should a new tab be opened after installation to show the newly installed // extension's icon? virtual bool ShouldShowPostInstallUI() const = 0; // Should pop up an "App installed" bubble after installation? virtual bool ShouldShowAppInstalledBubble() const = 0; // In the very least this should return a dummy WebContents (required // by some calls even when no prompt or other UI is shown). A non-dummy // WebContents is required if the prompt returned by CreateInstallPromt() // contains a navigable link(s). Returned WebContents should correspond // to |profile| passed into the constructor. virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() const = 0; // Should return an installation prompt with desired properties or NULL if // no prompt should be shown. virtual scoped_refptr CreateInstallPrompt() const = 0; // Perform all necessary checks to make sure inline install is permitted, // e.g. in the extension's properties in the store. The implementation may // choose to ignore such properties. virtual bool CheckInlineInstallPermitted( const base::DictionaryValue& webstore_data, std::string* error) const = 0; // Perform all necessary checks to make sure that requestor is allowed to // initiate this install (e.g. that the requestor's URL matches the verified // author's site specified in the extension's properties in the store). virtual bool CheckRequestorPermitted( const base::DictionaryValue& webstore_data, std::string* error) const = 0; // Will be called after the extension's manifest has been successfully parsed. // Subclasses can perform asynchronous checks at this point and call // ProceedWithInstallPrompt() to proceed with the install or otherwise call // CompleteInstall() with an error code. The default implementation calls // ProceedWithInstallPrompt(). virtual void OnManifestParsed(); // Returns an install UI to be shown. By default, this returns an install UI // that is a transient child of the host window for GetWebContents(). virtual scoped_ptr CreateInstallUI(); // Create an approval to pass installation parameters to the CrxInstaller. virtual scoped_ptr CreateApproval() const; // ExtensionInstallPrompt::Delegate interface implementation. virtual void InstallUIProceed() OVERRIDE; virtual void InstallUIAbort(bool user_initiated) OVERRIDE; // Accessors to be used by subclasses. bool show_user_count() const { return show_user_count_; } const std::string& localized_user_count() const { return localized_user_count_; } double average_rating() const { return average_rating_; } int rating_count() const { return rating_count_; } void set_install_source(WebstoreInstaller::InstallSource source) { install_source_ = source; } WebstoreInstaller::InstallSource install_source() const { return install_source_; } Profile* profile() const { return profile_; } const std::string& id() const { return id_; } const base::DictionaryValue* manifest() const { return manifest_.get(); } const Extension* localized_extension_for_display() const { return localized_extension_for_display_.get(); } private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebstoreStandaloneInstallerTest, DomainVerification); // Several delegate/client interface implementations follow. The normal flow // (for successful installs) is: // // 1. BeginInstall: starts the fetch of data from the webstore // 2. OnURLFetchComplete: starts the parsing of data from the webstore // 3. OnWebstoreResponseParseSuccess: starts the parsing of the manifest and // fetching of icon data. // 4. OnWebstoreParseSuccess: shows the install UI // 5. InstallUIProceed: initiates the .crx download/install // // All flows (whether successful or not) end up in CompleteInstall, which // informs our delegate of success/failure. // WebstoreDataFetcherDelegate interface implementation. virtual void OnWebstoreRequestFailure() OVERRIDE; virtual void OnWebstoreResponseParseSuccess( scoped_ptr webstore_data) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnWebstoreResponseParseFailure( const std::string& error) OVERRIDE; // WebstoreInstallHelper::Delegate interface implementation. virtual void OnWebstoreParseSuccess( const std::string& id, const SkBitmap& icon, base::DictionaryValue* parsed_manifest) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnWebstoreParseFailure( const std::string& id, InstallHelperResultCode result_code, const std::string& error_message) OVERRIDE; // WebstoreInstaller::Delegate interface implementation. virtual void OnExtensionInstallSuccess(const std::string& id) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnExtensionInstallFailure( const std::string& id, const std::string& error, WebstoreInstaller::FailureReason reason) OVERRIDE; void ShowInstallUI(); void OnWebStoreDataFetcherDone(); // Input configuration. std::string id_; Callback callback_; Profile* profile_; WebstoreInstaller::InstallSource install_source_; // Installation dialog and its underlying prompt. scoped_ptr install_ui_; scoped_refptr install_prompt_; // For fetching webstore JSON data. scoped_ptr webstore_data_fetcher_; // Extracted from the webstore JSON data response. std::string localized_name_; std::string localized_description_; bool show_user_count_; std::string localized_user_count_; double average_rating_; int rating_count_; scoped_ptr webstore_data_; scoped_ptr manifest_; SkBitmap icon_; // Active install registered with the InstallTracker. scoped_ptr scoped_active_install_; // Created by ShowInstallUI() when a prompt is shown (if // the implementor returns a non-NULL in CreateInstallPrompt()). scoped_refptr localized_extension_for_display_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(WebstoreStandaloneInstaller); }; } // namespace extensions #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_WEBSTORE_STANDALONE_INSTALLER_H_