// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/browser/external_tab_container.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents_container_view.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/win_util.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_view_container.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_messages.h" static const wchar_t kWindowObjectKey[] = L"ChromeWindowObject"; // TODO(sanjeevr): The external_accel_table_ and external_accel_entry_count_ // member variables are now obsolete and we don't use them. // We need to remove them. ExternalTabContainer::ExternalTabContainer( AutomationProvider* automation) : automation_(automation), root_view_(this), tab_contents_(NULL), external_accel_table_(NULL), external_accel_entry_count_(0), tab_contents_container_(NULL) { } ExternalTabContainer::~ExternalTabContainer() { } bool ExternalTabContainer::Init(Profile* profile) { if (IsWindow()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // First create the container window if (!Create(NULL)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // We don't ever remove the prop because the lifetime of this object // is the same as the lifetime of the window SetProp(*this, kWindowObjectKey, this); ChromeViews::SetRootViewForHWND(m_hWnd, &root_view_); // CreateFocusManager will subclass this window and delete the FocusManager // instance when this window goes away. ChromeViews::FocusManager* focus_manager = ChromeViews::FocusManager::CreateFocusManager(m_hWnd, GetRootView()); DCHECK(focus_manager); focus_manager->AddKeystrokeListener(this); tab_contents_ = TabContents::CreateWithType(TAB_CONTENTS_WEB, m_hWnd, profile, NULL); if (!tab_contents_) { NOTREACHED(); DestroyWindow(); return false; } tab_contents_->SetupController(profile); tab_contents_->set_delegate(this); // Create a TabContentsContainerView to handle focus cycling using Tab and // Shift-Tab. // TODO(sanjeevr): We need to create a dummy FocusTraversable object to // represent the frame of the external host. This will allow Tab and // Shift-Tab to cycle into the external frame. tab_contents_container_ = new TabContentsContainerView(); root_view_.AddChildView(tab_contents_container_); tab_contents_container_->SetTabContents(tab_contents_); NavigationController* controller = tab_contents_->controller(); DCHECK(controller); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_EXTERNAL_TAB_CREATED, Source<NavigationController>(controller), NotificationService::NoDetails()); ::ShowWindow(tab_contents_->GetContainerHWND(), SW_SHOW); return true; } void ExternalTabContainer::OnDestroy() { ChromeViews::FocusManager * focus_manager = ChromeViews::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(GetHWND()); if (focus_manager) { focus_manager->RemoveKeystrokeListener(this); } root_view_.RemoveAllChildViews(true); if (tab_contents_) { NavigationController* controller = tab_contents_->controller(); DCHECK(controller); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_EXTERNAL_TAB_CLOSED, Source<NavigationController>(controller), Details<ExternalTabContainer>(this)); tab_contents_->set_delegate(NULL); tab_contents_->CloseContents(); // WARNING: tab_contents_ has likely been deleted. tab_contents_ = NULL; } } void ExternalTabContainer::OnFinalMessage(HWND window) { delete this; } LRESULT ExternalTabContainer::OnSize(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, BOOL& handled) { if (tab_contents_) { RECT client_rect = {0}; GetClientRect(&client_rect); ::SetWindowPos(tab_contents_->GetContainerHWND(), NULL, client_rect.left, client_rect.top, client_rect.right - client_rect.left, client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top, SWP_NOZORDER); } return 0; } // TODO(sanjeevr): The implementation of the TabContentsDelegate interface // needs to be fully fleshed out based on the requirements of the // "Chrome tab in external browser" feature. void ExternalTabContainer::OpenURLFromTab(TabContents* source, const GURL& url, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, PageTransition::Type transition) { switch (disposition) { case CURRENT_TAB: case NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB: case NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB: case NEW_WINDOW: if (automation_) { automation_->Send(new AutomationMsg_OpenURL(0, url, disposition)); } break; default: break; } } void ExternalTabContainer::NavigationStateChanged(const TabContents* source, unsigned changed_flags) { if (automation_) { automation_->Send( new AutomationMsg_NavigationStateChanged(0,changed_flags)); } } void ExternalTabContainer::ReplaceContents(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents) { } void ExternalTabContainer::AddNewContents(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos, bool user_gesture) { } void ExternalTabContainer::StartDraggingDetachedContents( TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents, const gfx::Rect& contents_bounds, const gfx::Point& mouse_pt) { } void ExternalTabContainer::ActivateContents(TabContents* contents) { } void ExternalTabContainer::LoadingStateChanged(TabContents* source) { } void ExternalTabContainer::CloseContents(TabContents* source) { } void ExternalTabContainer::MoveContents(TabContents* source, const gfx::Rect& pos) { } bool ExternalTabContainer::IsPopup(TabContents* source) { return false; } void ExternalTabContainer::URLStarredChanged(TabContents* source, bool starred) { } void ExternalTabContainer::UpdateTargetURL(TabContents* source, const GURL& url) { if (automation_) { std::wstring url_string = CA2W(url.spec().c_str()); automation_->Send( new AutomationMsg_UpdateTargetUrl(0, url_string)); } } void ExternalTabContainer::ContentsZoomChange(bool zoom_in) { } void ExternalTabContainer::ToolbarSizeChanged(TabContents* source, bool finished) { } void ExternalTabContainer::DidNavigate(NavigationType nav_type, int relative_navigation_offet) { if (automation_) { automation_->Send( new AutomationMsg_DidNavigate(0, nav_type, relative_navigation_offet)); } } void ExternalTabContainer::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { } void ExternalTabContainer::GetBounds(CRect *out, bool including_frame) const { GetWindowRect(out); } void ExternalTabContainer::MoveToFront(bool should_activate) { } HWND ExternalTabContainer::GetHWND() const { return m_hWnd; } void ExternalTabContainer::PaintNow(const CRect& update_rect) { RedrawWindow(update_rect, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_NOERASE); } ChromeViews::RootView* ExternalTabContainer::GetRootView() { return const_cast<ChromeViews::RootView*>(&root_view_); } bool ExternalTabContainer::IsVisible() { return !!::IsWindowVisible(*this); } bool ExternalTabContainer::IsActive() { return win_util::IsWindowActive(*this); } bool ExternalTabContainer::ProcessKeyDown(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { if (!automation_) { return false; } if ((wparam == VK_TAB) && !win_util::IsCtrlPressed()) { // Tabs are handled separately (except if this is Ctrl-Tab or // Ctrl-Shift-Tab) return false; } int flags = HIWORD(lparam); if ((flags & KF_EXTENDED) || (flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || win_util::IsShiftPressed() || win_util::IsCtrlPressed()) { // If this is an extended key or if one or more of Alt, Shift and Control // are pressed, this might be an accelerator that the external host wants // to handle. If the host does not handle this accelerator, it will reflect // the accelerator back to us via the ProcessUnhandledAccelerator method. MSG msg = {0}; msg.hwnd = window; msg.message = message; msg.wParam = wparam; msg.lParam = lparam; automation_->Send(new AutomationMsg_HandleAccelerator(0, msg)); return true; } return false; } void ExternalTabContainer::SetAccelerators(HACCEL accel_table, int accel_table_entry_count) { external_accel_table_ = accel_table; external_accel_entry_count_ = accel_table_entry_count; } void ExternalTabContainer::ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(const MSG& msg) { // We just received an accelerator key that we had sent to external host // back. Since the external host was not interested in handling this, we // need to dispatch this message as if we had just peeked this out. (we // also need to call TranslateMessage to generate a WM_CHAR if needed). TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } // static bool ExternalTabContainer::IsExternalTabContainer(HWND window) { std::wstring class_name = win_util::GetClassName(window); return _wcsicmp(class_name.c_str(), chrome::kExternalTabWindowClass) == 0; } // static ExternalTabContainer* ExternalTabContainer::GetContainerForTab( HWND tab_window) { HWND parent_window = ::GetParent(tab_window); if (!::IsWindow(parent_window)) { return NULL; } if (!IsExternalTabContainer(parent_window)) { return NULL; } ExternalTabContainer* container = reinterpret_cast<ExternalTabContainer*>( GetProp(parent_window, kWindowObjectKey)); return container; }