// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_handler.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h" #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_util.h" #include "components/favicon_base/select_favicon_frames.h" #include "skia/ext/image_operations.h" #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image_util.h" using favicon::FaviconURL; namespace { // Size (along each axis) of a touch icon. This currently corresponds to // the apple touch icon for iPad. const int kTouchIconSize = 144; // Get the maximal icon size in pixels for a icon of type |icon_type| for the // current platform. int GetMaximalIconSize(favicon_base::IconType icon_type) { switch (icon_type) { case favicon_base::FAVICON: #if defined(OS_ANDROID) return 192; #else return gfx::ImageSkia::GetMaxSupportedScale() * gfx::kFaviconSize; #endif case favicon_base::TOUCH_ICON: case favicon_base::TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON: return kTouchIconSize; case favicon_base::INVALID_ICON: return 0; } NOTREACHED(); return 0; } bool DoUrlAndIconMatch(const FaviconURL& favicon_url, const GURL& url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) { return favicon_url.icon_url == url && favicon_url.icon_type == icon_type; } // Returns true if all of the icon URLs and icon types in |bitmap_results| are // identical and if they match the icon URL and icon type in |favicon_url|. // Returns false if |bitmap_results| is empty. bool DoUrlsAndIconsMatch( const FaviconURL& favicon_url, const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>& bitmap_results) { if (bitmap_results.empty()) return false; const favicon_base::IconType icon_type = favicon_url.icon_type; for (size_t i = 0; i < bitmap_results.size(); ++i) { if (favicon_url.icon_url != bitmap_results[i].icon_url || icon_type != bitmap_results[i].icon_type) { return false; } } return true; } std::string UrlWithoutFragment(const GURL& gurl) { GURL::Replacements replacements; replacements.ClearRef(); return gurl.ReplaceComponents(replacements).spec(); } bool UrlMatches(const GURL& gurl_a, const GURL& gurl_b) { return UrlWithoutFragment(gurl_a) == UrlWithoutFragment(gurl_b); } // Return true if |bitmap_result| is expired. bool IsExpired(const favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult& bitmap_result) { return bitmap_result.expired; } // Return true if |bitmap_result| is valid. bool IsValid(const favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult& bitmap_result) { return bitmap_result.is_valid(); } // Returns true if at least one of the bitmaps in |bitmap_results| is expired or // if |bitmap_results| is missing favicons for |desired_size_in_dip| and one of // the scale factors in FaviconUtil::GetFaviconScaleFactors(). bool HasExpiredOrIncompleteResult( int desired_size_in_dip, const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>& bitmap_results) { // Check if at least one of the bitmaps is expired. std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>::const_iterator it = std::find_if(bitmap_results.begin(), bitmap_results.end(), IsExpired); if (it != bitmap_results.end()) return true; // Any favicon size is good if the desired size is 0. if (desired_size_in_dip == 0) return false; // Check if the favicon for at least one of the scale factors is missing. // |bitmap_results| should always be complete for data inserted by // FaviconHandler as the FaviconHandler stores favicons resized to all // of FaviconUtil::GetFaviconScaleFactors() into the history backend. // Examples of when |bitmap_results| can be incomplete: // - Favicons inserted into the history backend by sync. // - Favicons for imported bookmarks. std::vector<gfx::Size> favicon_sizes; for (size_t i = 0; i < bitmap_results.size(); ++i) favicon_sizes.push_back(bitmap_results[i].pixel_size); std::vector<ui::ScaleFactor> scale_factors = FaviconUtil::GetFaviconScaleFactors(); for (size_t i = 0; i < scale_factors.size(); ++i) { int edge_size_in_pixel = floor( desired_size_in_dip * ui::GetScaleForScaleFactor(scale_factors[i])); std::vector<gfx::Size>::iterator it = std::find(favicon_sizes.begin(), favicon_sizes.end(), gfx::Size(edge_size_in_pixel, edge_size_in_pixel)); if (it == favicon_sizes.end()) return true; } return false; } // Returns true if at least one of |bitmap_results| is valid. bool HasValidResult( const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>& bitmap_results) { return std::find_if(bitmap_results.begin(), bitmap_results.end(), IsValid) != bitmap_results.end(); } // Returns the index of the entry with the largest area that is not larger than // |max_area|; -1 if there is no such match. int GetLargestSizeIndex(const std::vector<gfx::Size>& sizes, int max_area) { DCHECK(!sizes.empty()); int ret = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); ++i) { int area = sizes[i].GetArea(); if ((ret == -1 || sizes[ret].GetArea() < area) && area <= max_area) ret = i; } return ret; } // Return the index of a size which is same as the given |size|, -1 returned if // there is no such bitmap. int GetIndexBySize(const std::vector<gfx::Size>& sizes, const gfx::Size& size) { DCHECK(!sizes.empty()); std::vector<gfx::Size>::const_iterator i = std::find(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), size); if (i == sizes.end()) return -1; return static_cast<int>(i - sizes.begin()); } // Compare function used for std::stable_sort to sort as descend. bool CompareIconSize(const FaviconURL& b1, const FaviconURL& b2) { int area1 = 0; if (!b1.icon_sizes.empty()) area1 = b1.icon_sizes.front().GetArea(); int area2 = 0; if (!b2.icon_sizes.empty()) area2 = b2.icon_sizes.front().GetArea(); return area1 > area2; } } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FaviconHandler::DownloadRequest::DownloadRequest() : icon_type(favicon_base::INVALID_ICON) {} FaviconHandler::DownloadRequest::~DownloadRequest() { } FaviconHandler::DownloadRequest::DownloadRequest( const GURL& url, const GURL& image_url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) : url(url), image_url(image_url), icon_type(icon_type) {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FaviconHandler::FaviconCandidate::FaviconCandidate() : score(0), icon_type(favicon_base::INVALID_ICON) {} FaviconHandler::FaviconCandidate::~FaviconCandidate() { } FaviconHandler::FaviconCandidate::FaviconCandidate( const GURL& url, const GURL& image_url, const gfx::Image& image, float score, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) : url(url), image_url(image_url), image(image), score(score), icon_type(icon_type) {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FaviconHandler::FaviconHandler(FaviconClient* client, FaviconDriver* driver, Type icon_type, bool download_largest_icon) : got_favicon_from_history_(false), favicon_expired_or_incomplete_(false), icon_types_(icon_type == FAVICON ? favicon_base::FAVICON : favicon_base::TOUCH_ICON | favicon_base::TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON), download_largest_icon_(download_largest_icon), client_(client), driver_(driver) { DCHECK(driver_); } FaviconHandler::~FaviconHandler() { } void FaviconHandler::FetchFavicon(const GURL& url) { cancelable_task_tracker_.TryCancelAll(); url_ = url; favicon_expired_or_incomplete_ = got_favicon_from_history_ = false; image_urls_.clear(); // Request the favicon from the history service. In parallel to this the // renderer is going to notify us (well WebContents) when the favicon url is // available. if (client_->GetFaviconService()) { GetFaviconForURLFromFaviconService( url_, icon_types_, base::Bind( &FaviconHandler::OnFaviconDataForInitialURLFromFaviconService, base::Unretained(this)), &cancelable_task_tracker_); } } bool FaviconHandler::UpdateFaviconCandidate(const GURL& url, const GURL& image_url, const gfx::Image& image, float score, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) { bool replace_best_favicon_candidate = false; bool exact_match = false; if (download_largest_icon_) { replace_best_favicon_candidate = image.Size().GetArea() > best_favicon_candidate_.image.Size().GetArea(); gfx::Size largest = best_favicon_candidate_.image.Size(); if (replace_best_favicon_candidate) largest = image.Size(); // exact match (stop downloading next icon) only if // - current candidate is only candidate. // - next candidate doesn't have sizes attributes, in this case, the rest // candidates don't have sizes attribute either, stop downloading now, // otherwise, all favicon without sizes attribute are downloaded. // - next candidate has sizes attribute and it is not larger than largest. exact_match = image_urls_.size() == 1 || image_urls_[1].icon_sizes.empty() || image_urls_[1].icon_sizes[0].GetArea() < largest.GetArea(); } else { exact_match = score == 1 || preferred_icon_size() == 0; replace_best_favicon_candidate = exact_match || best_favicon_candidate_.icon_type == favicon_base::INVALID_ICON || score > best_favicon_candidate_.score; } if (replace_best_favicon_candidate) { best_favicon_candidate_ = FaviconCandidate( url, image_url, image, score, icon_type); } return exact_match; } void FaviconHandler::SetFavicon(const GURL& url, const GURL& icon_url, const gfx::Image& image, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) { if (client_->GetFaviconService() && ShouldSaveFavicon(url)) SetHistoryFavicons(url, icon_url, icon_type, image); if (UrlMatches(url, url_) && icon_type == favicon_base::FAVICON) { if (!PageChangedSinceFaviconWasRequested()) SetFaviconOnActivePage(icon_url, image); } } void FaviconHandler::SetFaviconOnActivePage(const std::vector< favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>& favicon_bitmap_results) { gfx::Image resized_image = FaviconUtil::SelectFaviconFramesFromPNGs( favicon_bitmap_results, FaviconUtil::GetFaviconScaleFactors(), preferred_icon_size()); // The history service sends back results for a single icon URL, so it does // not matter which result we get the |icon_url| from. const GURL icon_url = favicon_bitmap_results.empty() ? GURL() : favicon_bitmap_results[0].icon_url; SetFaviconOnActivePage(icon_url, resized_image); } void FaviconHandler::SetFaviconOnActivePage(const GURL& icon_url, const gfx::Image& image) { // No matter what happens, we need to mark the favicon as being set. driver_->SetActiveFaviconValidity(true); bool icon_url_changed = driver_->GetActiveFaviconURL() != icon_url; driver_->SetActiveFaviconURL(icon_url); if (image.IsEmpty()) return; gfx::Image image_with_adjusted_colorspace = image; FaviconUtil::SetFaviconColorSpace(&image_with_adjusted_colorspace); driver_->SetActiveFaviconImage(image_with_adjusted_colorspace); NotifyFaviconUpdated(icon_url_changed); } void FaviconHandler::OnUpdateFaviconURL( const std::vector<FaviconURL>& candidates) { image_urls_.clear(); best_favicon_candidate_ = FaviconCandidate(); for (std::vector<FaviconURL>::const_iterator i = candidates.begin(); i != candidates.end(); ++i) { if (!i->icon_url.is_empty() && (i->icon_type & icon_types_)) image_urls_.push_back(*i); } if (!client_->GetFaviconService()) return; if (download_largest_icon_) SortAndPruneImageUrls(); // TODO(davemoore) Should clear on empty url. Currently we ignore it. // This appears to be what FF does as well. if (!image_urls_.empty()) ProcessCurrentUrl(); } void FaviconHandler::ProcessCurrentUrl() { DCHECK(!image_urls_.empty()); // current_candidate() may return NULL if download_largest_icon_ is true and // all the sizes are larger than the max. if (PageChangedSinceFaviconWasRequested() || !current_candidate()) return; if (current_candidate()->icon_type == favicon_base::FAVICON) { if (!favicon_expired_or_incomplete_ && driver_->GetActiveFaviconValidity() && DoUrlAndIconMatch(*current_candidate(), driver_->GetActiveFaviconURL(), favicon_base::FAVICON)) return; } else if (!favicon_expired_or_incomplete_ && got_favicon_from_history_ && HasValidResult(history_results_) && DoUrlsAndIconsMatch(*current_candidate(), history_results_)) { return; } if (got_favicon_from_history_) DownloadFaviconOrAskFaviconService(driver_->GetActiveURL(), current_candidate()->icon_url, current_candidate()->icon_type); } void FaviconHandler::OnDidDownloadFavicon( int id, const GURL& image_url, const std::vector<SkBitmap>& bitmaps, const std::vector<gfx::Size>& original_bitmap_sizes) { DownloadRequests::iterator i = download_requests_.find(id); if (i == download_requests_.end()) { // Currently WebContents notifies us of ANY downloads so that it is // possible to get here. return; } if (current_candidate() && DoUrlAndIconMatch(*current_candidate(), image_url, i->second.icon_type)) { bool request_next_icon = true; float score = 0.0f; gfx::ImageSkia image_skia; if (download_largest_icon_ && !bitmaps.empty()) { int index = -1; int max_size = GetMaximalIconSize(i->second.icon_type); // Use the largest bitmap if FaviconURL doesn't have sizes attribute. if (current_candidate()->icon_sizes.empty()) { index = GetLargestSizeIndex(original_bitmap_sizes, max_size * max_size); } else { index = GetIndexBySize(original_bitmap_sizes, current_candidate()->icon_sizes[0]); // Find largest bitmap if there is no one exactly matched. if (index == -1) { index = GetLargestSizeIndex(original_bitmap_sizes, max_size * max_size); } } if (index != -1) image_skia = gfx::ImageSkia(gfx::ImageSkiaRep(bitmaps[index], 1)); } else { std::vector<ui::ScaleFactor> scale_factors = FaviconUtil::GetFaviconScaleFactors(); image_skia = SelectFaviconFrames(bitmaps, original_bitmap_sizes, scale_factors, preferred_icon_size(), &score); } if (!image_skia.isNull()) { gfx::Image image(image_skia); // The downloaded icon is still valid when there is no FaviconURL update // during the downloading. if (!bitmaps.empty()) { request_next_icon = !UpdateFaviconCandidate( i->second.url, image_url, image, score, i->second.icon_type); } } if (request_next_icon && !PageChangedSinceFaviconWasRequested() && image_urls_.size() > 1) { // Remove the first member of image_urls_ and process the remaining. image_urls_.erase(image_urls_.begin()); ProcessCurrentUrl(); } else if (best_favicon_candidate_.icon_type != favicon_base::INVALID_ICON) { // No more icons to request, set the favicon from the candidate. SetFavicon(best_favicon_candidate_.url, best_favicon_candidate_.image_url, best_favicon_candidate_.image, best_favicon_candidate_.icon_type); // Reset candidate. image_urls_.clear(); best_favicon_candidate_ = FaviconCandidate(); } } download_requests_.erase(i); } bool FaviconHandler::PageChangedSinceFaviconWasRequested() { if (UrlMatches(driver_->GetActiveURL(), url_) && url_.is_valid()) { return false; } // If the URL has changed out from under us (as will happen with redirects) // return true. return true; } int FaviconHandler::DownloadFavicon(const GURL& image_url, int max_bitmap_size) { if (!image_url.is_valid()) { NOTREACHED(); return 0; } return driver_->StartDownload(image_url, max_bitmap_size); } void FaviconHandler::UpdateFaviconMappingAndFetch( const GURL& page_url, const GURL& icon_url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type, const favicon_base::FaviconResultsCallback& callback, base::CancelableTaskTracker* tracker) { // TODO(pkotwicz): pass in all of |image_urls_| to // UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetch(). std::vector<GURL> icon_urls; icon_urls.push_back(icon_url); client_->GetFaviconService()->UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetch( page_url, icon_urls, icon_type, preferred_icon_size(), callback, tracker); } void FaviconHandler::GetFaviconFromFaviconService( const GURL& icon_url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type, const favicon_base::FaviconResultsCallback& callback, base::CancelableTaskTracker* tracker) { client_->GetFaviconService()->GetFavicon( icon_url, icon_type, preferred_icon_size(), callback, tracker); } void FaviconHandler::GetFaviconForURLFromFaviconService( const GURL& page_url, int icon_types, const favicon_base::FaviconResultsCallback& callback, base::CancelableTaskTracker* tracker) { client_->GetFaviconService()->GetFaviconForURL( FaviconService::FaviconForURLParams( page_url, icon_types, preferred_icon_size()), callback, tracker); } void FaviconHandler::SetHistoryFavicons(const GURL& page_url, const GURL& icon_url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type, const gfx::Image& image) { client_->GetFaviconService()->SetFavicons( page_url, icon_url, icon_type, image); } bool FaviconHandler::ShouldSaveFavicon(const GURL& url) { if (!driver_->IsOffTheRecord()) return true; // Otherwise store the favicon if the page is bookmarked. return client_->IsBookmarked(url); } void FaviconHandler::NotifyFaviconUpdated(bool icon_url_changed) { driver_->NotifyFaviconUpdated(icon_url_changed); } void FaviconHandler::OnFaviconDataForInitialURLFromFaviconService( const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>& favicon_bitmap_results) { if (PageChangedSinceFaviconWasRequested()) return; got_favicon_from_history_ = true; history_results_ = favicon_bitmap_results; bool has_results = !favicon_bitmap_results.empty(); favicon_expired_or_incomplete_ = has_results && HasExpiredOrIncompleteResult( preferred_icon_size(), favicon_bitmap_results); if (has_results && icon_types_ == favicon_base::FAVICON && !driver_->GetActiveFaviconValidity() && (!current_candidate() || DoUrlsAndIconsMatch(*current_candidate(), favicon_bitmap_results))) { if (HasValidResult(favicon_bitmap_results)) { // The db knows the favicon (although it may be out of date) and the entry // doesn't have an icon. Set the favicon now, and if the favicon turns out // to be expired (or the wrong url) we'll fetch later on. This way the // user doesn't see a flash of the default favicon. SetFaviconOnActivePage(favicon_bitmap_results); } else { // If |favicon_bitmap_results| does not have any valid results, treat the // favicon as if it's expired. // TODO(pkotwicz): Do something better. favicon_expired_or_incomplete_ = true; } } if (has_results && !favicon_expired_or_incomplete_) { if (current_candidate() && !DoUrlsAndIconsMatch(*current_candidate(), favicon_bitmap_results)) { // Mapping in the database is wrong. DownloadFavIconOrAskHistory will // update the mapping for this url and download the favicon if we don't // already have it. DownloadFaviconOrAskFaviconService(driver_->GetActiveURL(), current_candidate()->icon_url, current_candidate()->icon_type); } } else if (current_candidate()) { // We know the official url for the favicon, but either don't have the // favicon or it's expired. Continue on to DownloadFaviconOrAskHistory to // either download or check history again. DownloadFaviconOrAskFaviconService(driver_->GetActiveURL(), current_candidate()->icon_url, current_candidate()->icon_type); } // else we haven't got the icon url. When we get it we'll ask the // renderer to download the icon. } void FaviconHandler::DownloadFaviconOrAskFaviconService( const GURL& page_url, const GURL& icon_url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) { if (favicon_expired_or_incomplete_) { // We have the mapping, but the favicon is out of date. Download it now. ScheduleDownload(page_url, icon_url, icon_type); } else if (client_->GetFaviconService()) { // We don't know the favicon, but we may have previously downloaded the // favicon for another page that shares the same favicon. Ask for the // favicon given the favicon URL. if (driver_->IsOffTheRecord()) { GetFaviconFromFaviconService( icon_url, icon_type, base::Bind(&FaviconHandler::OnFaviconData, base::Unretained(this)), &cancelable_task_tracker_); } else { // Ask the history service for the icon. This does two things: // 1. Attempts to fetch the favicon data from the database. // 2. If the favicon exists in the database, this updates the database to // include the mapping between the page url and the favicon url. // This is asynchronous. The history service will call back when done. UpdateFaviconMappingAndFetch( page_url, icon_url, icon_type, base::Bind(&FaviconHandler::OnFaviconData, base::Unretained(this)), &cancelable_task_tracker_); } } } void FaviconHandler::OnFaviconData(const std::vector< favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult>& favicon_bitmap_results) { if (PageChangedSinceFaviconWasRequested()) return; bool has_results = !favicon_bitmap_results.empty(); bool has_expired_or_incomplete_result = HasExpiredOrIncompleteResult( preferred_icon_size(), favicon_bitmap_results); if (has_results && icon_types_ == favicon_base::FAVICON) { if (HasValidResult(favicon_bitmap_results)) { // There is a favicon, set it now. If expired we'll download the current // one again, but at least the user will get some icon instead of the // default and most likely the current one is fine anyway. SetFaviconOnActivePage(favicon_bitmap_results); } if (has_expired_or_incomplete_result) { // The favicon is out of date. Request the current one. ScheduleDownload(driver_->GetActiveURL(), driver_->GetActiveFaviconURL(), favicon_base::FAVICON); } } else if (current_candidate() && (!has_results || has_expired_or_incomplete_result || !(DoUrlsAndIconsMatch(*current_candidate(), favicon_bitmap_results)))) { // We don't know the favicon, it is out of date or its type is not same as // one got from page. Request the current one. ScheduleDownload(driver_->GetActiveURL(), current_candidate()->icon_url, current_candidate()->icon_type); } history_results_ = favicon_bitmap_results; } int FaviconHandler::ScheduleDownload(const GURL& url, const GURL& image_url, favicon_base::IconType icon_type) { // A max bitmap size is specified to avoid receiving huge bitmaps in // OnDidDownloadFavicon(). See FaviconDriver::StartDownload() // for more details about the max bitmap size. const int download_id = DownloadFavicon(image_url, GetMaximalIconSize(icon_type)); if (download_id) { // Download ids should be unique. DCHECK(download_requests_.find(download_id) == download_requests_.end()); download_requests_[download_id] = DownloadRequest(url, image_url, icon_type); } return download_id; } void FaviconHandler::SortAndPruneImageUrls() { for (std::vector<FaviconURL>::iterator i = image_urls_.begin(); i != image_urls_.end();) { if (i->icon_sizes.empty()) { ++i; continue; } int max_size = GetMaximalIconSize(i->icon_type); int index = GetLargestSizeIndex(i->icon_sizes, max_size * max_size); if (index == -1) { i = image_urls_.erase(i); } else { gfx::Size largest = i->icon_sizes[index]; i->icon_sizes.clear(); i->icon_sizes.push_back(largest); ++i; } } std::stable_sort(image_urls_.begin(), image_urls_.end(), CompareIconSize); }