// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/file_select_helper.h" #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/platform_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h" #include "content/common/notification_details.h" #include "content/common/notification_source.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" namespace { // There is only one file-selection happening at any given time, // so we allocate an enumeration ID for that purpose. All IDs from // the renderer must start at 0 and increase. static const int kFileSelectEnumerationId = -1; } struct FileSelectHelper::ActiveDirectoryEnumeration { ActiveDirectoryEnumeration() : rvh_(NULL) {} scoped_ptr delegate_; scoped_ptr lister_; RenderViewHost* rvh_; std::vector results_; }; FileSelectHelper::FileSelectHelper(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile), render_view_host_(NULL), select_file_dialog_(), dialog_type_(SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE) { } FileSelectHelper::~FileSelectHelper() { // There may be pending file dialogs, we need to tell them that we've gone // away so they don't try and call back to us. if (select_file_dialog_.get()) select_file_dialog_->ListenerDestroyed(); // Stop any pending directory enumeration, prevent a callback, and free // allocated memory. std::map::iterator iter; for (iter = directory_enumerations_.begin(); iter != directory_enumerations_.end(); ++iter) { iter->second->lister_.reset(); delete iter->second; } } void FileSelectHelper::FileSelected(const FilePath& path, int index, void* params) { if (!render_view_host_) return; profile_->set_last_selected_directory(path.DirName()); if (dialog_type_ == SelectFileDialog::SELECT_FOLDER) { StartNewEnumeration(path, kFileSelectEnumerationId, render_view_host_); return; } std::vector files; files.push_back(path); render_view_host_->FilesSelectedInChooser(files); // We are done with this showing of the dialog. render_view_host_ = NULL; // No members should be accessed from here on. delete this; } void FileSelectHelper::MultiFilesSelected(const std::vector& files, void* params) { if (!files.empty()) profile_->set_last_selected_directory(files[0].DirName()); if (!render_view_host_) return; render_view_host_->FilesSelectedInChooser(files); // We are done with this showing of the dialog. render_view_host_ = NULL; // No members should be accessed from here on. delete this; } void FileSelectHelper::FileSelectionCanceled(void* params) { if (!render_view_host_) return; // If the user cancels choosing a file to upload we pass back an // empty vector. render_view_host_->FilesSelectedInChooser(std::vector()); // We are done with this showing of the dialog. render_view_host_ = NULL; // No members should be accessed from here on. delete this; } void FileSelectHelper::StartNewEnumeration(const FilePath& path, int request_id, RenderViewHost* render_view_host) { scoped_ptr entry(new ActiveDirectoryEnumeration); entry->rvh_ = render_view_host; entry->delegate_.reset(new DirectoryListerDispatchDelegate(this, request_id)); entry->lister_.reset(new net::DirectoryLister(path, true, net::DirectoryLister::NO_SORT, entry->delegate_.get())); if (!entry->lister_->Start()) { if (request_id == kFileSelectEnumerationId) FileSelectionCanceled(NULL); else render_view_host->DirectoryEnumerationFinished(request_id, entry->results_); } else { directory_enumerations_[request_id] = entry.release(); } } void FileSelectHelper::OnListFile( int id, const net::DirectoryLister::DirectoryListerData& data) { ActiveDirectoryEnumeration* entry = directory_enumerations_[id]; // Directory upload returns directories via a "." file, so that // empty directories are included. This util call just checks // the flags in the structure; there's no file I/O going on. if (file_util::FileEnumerator::IsDirectory(data.info)) entry->results_.push_back(data.path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("."))); else entry->results_.push_back(data.path); } void FileSelectHelper::OnListDone(int id, int error) { // This entry needs to be cleaned up when this function is done. scoped_ptr entry(directory_enumerations_[id]); directory_enumerations_.erase(id); if (!entry->rvh_) return; if (error) { FileSelectionCanceled(NULL); return; } if (id == kFileSelectEnumerationId) entry->rvh_->FilesSelectedInChooser(entry->results_); else entry->rvh_->DirectoryEnumerationFinished(id, entry->results_); // No members should be accessed from here on. delete this; } SelectFileDialog::FileTypeInfo* FileSelectHelper::GetFileTypesFromAcceptType( const string16& accept_types) { if (accept_types.empty()) return NULL; // Split the accept-type string on commas. std::vector mime_types; base::SplitStringUsingSubstr(accept_types, ASCIIToUTF16(","), &mime_types); if (mime_types.empty()) return NULL; // Create FileTypeInfo and pre-allocate for the first extension list. scoped_ptr file_type( new SelectFileDialog::FileTypeInfo()); file_type->include_all_files = true; file_type->extensions.resize(1); std::vector* extensions = &file_type->extensions.back(); // Find the correspondinge extensions. int valid_type_count = 0; int description_id = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mime_types.size(); ++i) { string16 mime_type = mime_types[i]; std::string ascii_mime_type = StringToLowerASCII(UTF16ToASCII(mime_type)); TrimWhitespace(ascii_mime_type, TRIM_ALL, &ascii_mime_type); if (ascii_mime_type.empty()) continue; size_t old_extension_size = extensions->size(); if (ascii_mime_type == "image/*") { description_id = IDS_IMAGE_FILES; net::GetImageExtensions(extensions); } else if (ascii_mime_type == "audio/*") { description_id = IDS_AUDIO_FILES; net::GetAudioExtensions(extensions); } else if (ascii_mime_type == "video/*") { description_id = IDS_VIDEO_FILES; net::GetVideoExtensions(extensions); } else { net::GetExtensionsForMimeType(ascii_mime_type, extensions); } if (extensions->size() > old_extension_size) valid_type_count++; } // If no valid extension is added, bail out. if (valid_type_count == 0) return NULL; // Use a generic description "Custom Files" if either of the following is // true: // 1) There're multiple types specified, like "audio/*,video/*" // 2) There're multiple extensions for a MIME type without parameter, like // "ehtml,shtml,htm,html" for "text/html". On Windows, the select file // dialog uses the first extension in the list to form the description, // like "EHTML Files". This is not what we want. if (valid_type_count > 1 || (valid_type_count == 1 && description_id == 0 && extensions->size() > 1)) description_id = IDS_CUSTOM_FILES; if (description_id) { file_type->extension_description_overrides.push_back( l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(description_id)); } return file_type.release(); } void FileSelectHelper::RunFileChooser( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, TabContents* tab_contents, const ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params& params) { DCHECK(!render_view_host_); render_view_host_ = render_view_host; notification_registrar_.RemoveAll(); notification_registrar_.Add( this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED, Source(render_view_host)); if (!select_file_dialog_.get()) select_file_dialog_ = SelectFileDialog::Create(this); switch (params.mode) { case ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::Open: dialog_type_ = SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE; break; case ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::OpenMultiple: dialog_type_ = SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_MULTI_FILE; break; case ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::OpenFolder: dialog_type_ = SelectFileDialog::SELECT_FOLDER; break; case ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::Save: dialog_type_ = SelectFileDialog::SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE; break; default: dialog_type_ = SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE; // Prevent warning. NOTREACHED(); } scoped_ptr file_types( GetFileTypesFromAcceptType(params.accept_types)); FilePath default_file_name = params.default_file_name; if (default_file_name.empty()) default_file_name = profile_->last_selected_directory(); gfx::NativeWindow owning_window = platform_util::GetTopLevel(render_view_host_->view()->GetNativeView()); select_file_dialog_->SelectFile(dialog_type_, params.title, default_file_name, file_types.get(), file_types.get() ? 1 : 0, // 1-based index. FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), tab_contents, owning_window, NULL); } void FileSelectHelper::EnumerateDirectory(int request_id, RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const FilePath& path) { DCHECK_NE(kFileSelectEnumerationId, request_id); StartNewEnumeration(path, request_id, render_view_host); } void FileSelectHelper::Observe(int type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK(type == content::NOTIFICATION_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED); DCHECK(Source(source).ptr() == render_view_host_); render_view_host_ = NULL; }