// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/find_bar_controller.h" #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_bar.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_bar_state.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" // The minimum space between the FindInPage window and the search result. static const int kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection = 5; FindBarController::FindBarController(FindBar* find_bar) : find_bar_(find_bar), tab_contents_(NULL), last_reported_matchcount_(0) { } FindBarController::~FindBarController() { DCHECK(!tab_contents_); } void FindBarController::Show() { // Only show the animation if we're not already showing a find bar for the // selected TabContents. if (!tab_contents_->find_ui_active()) { MaybeSetPrepopulateText(); tab_contents_->set_find_ui_active(true); find_bar_->Show(true); } find_bar_->SetFocusAndSelection(); } void FindBarController::EndFindSession(SelectionAction action) { find_bar_->Hide(true); // |tab_contents_| can be NULL for a number of reasons, for example when the // tab is closing. We must guard against that case. See issue 8030. if (tab_contents_) { // When we hide the window, we need to notify the renderer that we are done // for now, so that we can abort the scoping effort and clear all the // tickmarks and highlighting. tab_contents_->StopFinding(action); find_bar_->ClearResults(tab_contents_->find_result()); // When we get dismissed we restore the focus to where it belongs. find_bar_->RestoreSavedFocus(); } } void FindBarController::ChangeTabContents(TabContents* contents) { if (tab_contents_) { registrar_.RemoveAll(); find_bar_->StopAnimation(); } tab_contents_ = contents; // Hide any visible find window from the previous tab if NULL |tab_contents| // is passed in or if the find UI is not active in the new tab. if (find_bar_->IsFindBarVisible() && (!tab_contents_ || !tab_contents_->find_ui_active())) { find_bar_->Hide(false); } if (!tab_contents_) return; registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::FIND_RESULT_AVAILABLE, Source<TabContents>(tab_contents_)); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED, Source<NavigationController>(&tab_contents_->controller())); MaybeSetPrepopulateText(); if (tab_contents_->find_ui_active()) { // A tab with a visible find bar just got selected and we need to show the // find bar but without animation since it was already animated into its // visible state. We also want to reset the window location so that // we don't surprise the user by popping up to the left for no apparent // reason. find_bar_->Show(false); } UpdateFindBarForCurrentResult(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindBarHost, NotificationObserver implementation: void FindBarController::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NotificationType::FIND_RESULT_AVAILABLE) { // Don't update for notifications from TabContentses other than the one we // are actively tracking. if (Source<TabContents>(source).ptr() == tab_contents_) { UpdateFindBarForCurrentResult(); if (tab_contents_->find_result().final_update() && tab_contents_->find_result().number_of_matches() == 0) { const string16& last_search = tab_contents_->previous_find_text(); const string16& current_search = tab_contents_->find_text(); if (last_search.find(current_search) != 0) find_bar_->AudibleAlert(); } } } else if (type == NotificationType::NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED) { NavigationController* source_controller = Source<NavigationController>(source).ptr(); if (source_controller == &tab_contents_->controller()) { NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails* commit_details = Details<NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails>(details).ptr(); PageTransition::Type transition_type = commit_details->entry->transition_type(); // We hide the FindInPage window when the user navigates away, except on // reload. if (find_bar_->IsFindBarVisible()) { if (PageTransition::StripQualifier(transition_type) != PageTransition::RELOAD) { EndFindSession(kKeepSelection); } else { // On Reload we want to make sure FindNext is converted to a full Find // to make sure highlights for inactive matches are repainted. tab_contents_->set_find_op_aborted(true); } } } } } // static gfx::Rect FindBarController::GetLocationForFindbarView( gfx::Rect view_location, const gfx::Rect& dialog_bounds, const gfx::Rect& avoid_overlapping_rect) { if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) { int boundary = dialog_bounds.width() - view_location.width(); view_location.set_x(std::min(view_location.x(), boundary)); } else { view_location.set_x(std::max(view_location.x(), dialog_bounds.x())); } gfx::Rect new_pos = view_location; // If the selection rectangle intersects the current position on screen then // we try to move our dialog to the left (right for RTL) of the selection // rectangle. if (!avoid_overlapping_rect.IsEmpty() && avoid_overlapping_rect.Intersects(new_pos)) { if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) { new_pos.set_x(avoid_overlapping_rect.x() + avoid_overlapping_rect.width() + (2 * kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection)); // If we moved it off-screen to the right, we won't move it at all. if (new_pos.x() + new_pos.width() > dialog_bounds.width()) new_pos = view_location; // Reset. } else { new_pos.set_x(avoid_overlapping_rect.x() - new_pos.width() - kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection); // If we moved it off-screen to the left, we won't move it at all. if (new_pos.x() < 0) new_pos = view_location; // Reset. } } return new_pos; } void FindBarController::UpdateFindBarForCurrentResult() { const FindNotificationDetails& find_result = tab_contents_->find_result(); // Avoid bug 894389: When a new search starts (and finds something) it reports // an interim match count result of 1 before the scoping effort starts. This // is to provide feedback as early as possible that we will find something. // As you add letters to the search term, this creates a flashing effect when // we briefly show "1 of 1" matches because there is a slight delay until // the scoping effort starts updating the match count. We avoid this flash by // ignoring interim results of 1 if we already have a positive number. if (find_result.number_of_matches() > -1) { if (last_reported_matchcount_ > 0 && find_result.number_of_matches() == 1 && !find_result.final_update()) return; // Don't let interim result override match count. last_reported_matchcount_ = find_result.number_of_matches(); } find_bar_->UpdateUIForFindResult(find_result, tab_contents_->find_text()); } void FindBarController::MaybeSetPrepopulateText() { #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) // Find out what we should show in the find text box. Usually, this will be // the last search in this tab, but if no search has been issued in this tab // we use the last search string (from any tab). string16 find_string = tab_contents_->find_text(); if (find_string.empty()) find_string = tab_contents_->previous_find_text(); if (find_string.empty()) { find_string = FindBarState::GetLastPrepopulateText(tab_contents_->profile()); } // Update the find bar with existing results and search text, regardless of // whether or not the find bar is visible, so that if it's subsequently // shown it is showing the right state for this tab. We update the find text // _first_ since the FindBarView checks its emptiness to see if it should // clear the result count display when there's nothing in the box. find_bar_->SetFindText(find_string); #else // Having a per-tab find_string is not compatible with OS X's find pasteboard, // so we always have the same find text in all find bars. This is done through // the find pasteboard mechanism, so don't set the text here. #endif }