// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/browser/find_in_page_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_in_page_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/views/external_focus_tracker.h" #include "chrome/views/focus_manager.h" #include "chrome/views/native_scroll_bar.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_view_container.h" #include "chrome/views/view_storage.h" int FindInPageController::request_id_counter_ = 0; // The minimum space between the FindInPage window and the search result. static const int kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection = 5; // The amount of space we expect the window border to take up. static const int kWindowBorderWidth = 3; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageController, public: FindInPageController::FindInPageController(TabContents* parent_tab, HWND parent_hwnd) : parent_tab_(parent_tab), current_request_id_(request_id_counter_++), parent_hwnd_(parent_hwnd), find_dialog_animation_offset_(0), show_on_tab_selection_(false), focus_manager_(NULL), old_accel_target_for_esc_(NULL) { // Start listening to focus changes, so we can register and unregister our // own handler for Escape. SetFocusChangeListener(parent_hwnd); // Don't let HWNDViewContainer manage our lifetime. We want our lifetime to // coincide with WebContents. HWNDViewContainer::set_delete_on_destroy(false); view_ = new FindInPageView(this); ChromeViews::FocusManager* focus_manager; focus_manager = ChromeViews::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(parent_hwnd_); DCHECK(focus_manager); // Stores the currently focused view, and tracks focus changes so that we can // restore focus when the find box is closed. focus_tracker_.reset(new ChromeViews::ExternalFocusTracker(view_, focus_manager)); // Figure out where to place the dialog, initialize and set the position. gfx::Rect find_dlg_rect = GetDialogPosition(gfx::Rect()); set_window_style(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); set_window_ex_style(WS_EX_TOPMOST); HWNDViewContainer::Init(parent_hwnd, find_dlg_rect, false); SetContentsView(view_); // Start the process of animating the opening of the window. animation_.reset(new SlideAnimation(this)); animation_->Show(); // We need to be notified about when results from a find operation are // available. NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_FIND_RESULT_AVAILABLE, Source<TabContents>(parent_tab)); } FindInPageController::~FindInPageController() { Close(); } // TODO(brettw) this should not be so complicated. The view should really be in // charge of these regions. CustomFrameWindow will do this for us. It will also // let us set a path for the window region which will avoid some logic here. void FindInPageController::UpdateWindowEdges(const gfx::Rect& new_pos) { int w = new_pos.width(); int h = new_pos.height(); // This polygon array represents the outline of the background image for the // dialog. Basically, it encompasses only the visible pixels of the // concatenated find_dlg_LMR_bg images (where LMR = [left | middle | right]). static const POINT polygon[] = { {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {2, 3}, {2, 29}, {4, 31}, {4, 32}, {w+0, 32}, {w+0, 31}, {w+1, 31}, {w+3, 29}, {w+3, 3}, {w+6, 0} }; // Find the largest x and y value in the polygon. int max_x = 0, max_y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(polygon); i++) { max_x = std::max(max_x, static_cast<int>(polygon[i].x)); max_y = std::max(max_y, static_cast<int>(polygon[i].y)); } // We then create the polygon and use SetWindowRgn to force the window to draw // only within that area. This region may get reduced in size below. HRGN region = CreatePolygonRgn(polygon, arraysize(polygon), ALTERNATE); // Are we animating? if (find_dialog_animation_offset_ > 0) { // The animation happens in two steps: First, we clip the window and then in // GetDialogPosition we offset the window position so that it still looks // attached to the toolbar as it grows. We clip the window by creating a // rectangle region (that gradually increases as the animation progresses) // and find the intersection between the two regions using CombineRgn. // |y| shrinks as the animation progresses from the height of the view down // to 0 (and reverses when closing). int y = find_dialog_animation_offset_; // |y| shrinking means the animation (visible) region gets larger. In other // words: the rectangle grows upward (when the dialog is opening). HRGN animation_region = CreateRectRgn(0, y, max_x, max_y); // |region| will contain the intersected parts after calling this function: CombineRgn(region, animation_region, region, RGN_AND); DeleteObject(animation_region); // Next, we need to increase the region a little bit to account for the // curved edges that the view will draw to make it look like grows out of // the toolbar. POINT left_curve[] = { {0, y+0}, {0, y+1}, {2, y+3}, {2, y+0}, {0, y+0} }; POINT right_curve[] = { {w+3, y+3}, {w+6, y+0}, {w+3, y+0}, {w+3, y+3} }; // Combine the region for the curve on the left with our main region. HRGN r = CreatePolygonRgn(left_curve, arraysize(left_curve), ALTERNATE); CombineRgn(region, r, region, RGN_OR); DeleteObject(r); // Combine the region for the curve on the right with our main region. r = CreatePolygonRgn(right_curve, arraysize(right_curve), ALTERNATE); CombineRgn(region, r, region, RGN_OR); DeleteObject(r); } // Now see if we need to truncate the region because parts of it obscures // the main window border. gfx::Rect dialog_bounds; GetDialogBounds(&dialog_bounds); // Calculate how much our current position overlaps our boundaries. If we // overlap, it means we have too little space to draw the whole dialog and // we allow overwriting the scrollbar before we start truncating our dialog. // // TODO(brettw) this constant is evil. This is the amount of room we've added // to the window size, when we set the region, it can change the size. static const int kAddedWidth = 14; int difference = (curr_pos_relative_.right() - kAddedWidth) - dialog_bounds.width() - ChromeViews::NativeScrollBar::GetVerticalScrollBarWidth() + 1; if (difference > 0) { POINT exclude[4]; exclude[0].x = max_x - difference; // Top left corner. exclude[0].y = 0; exclude[1].x = max_x; // Top right corner. exclude[1].y = 0; exclude[2].x = max_x; // Bottom right corner. exclude[2].y = max_y; exclude[3].x = max_x - difference; // Bottom left corner. exclude[3].y = max_y; // Subtract this region from the original region. HRGN exclude_rgn = CreatePolygonRgn(exclude, arraysize(exclude), ALTERNATE); int result = CombineRgn(region, region, exclude_rgn, RGN_DIFF); DeleteObject(exclude_rgn); } // The system now owns the region, so we do not delete it. SetWindowRgn(region, TRUE); // TRUE = Redraw. } void FindInPageController::Show() { // Note: This function is called when the user presses Ctrl+F or switches back // to the parent tab of the Find window (assuming the Find window has been // opened at least once). If the Find window is already visible, we should // just forward the command to the view so that it will select all text and // grab focus. If the window is not visible, however, there are two scenarios: if (!IsVisible() && !animation_->IsAnimating()) { if (show_on_tab_selection_) { // The tab just got re-selected and we need to show the window again // (without animation). We also want to reset the window location so that // we don't surprise the user by popping up to the left for no apparent // reason. gfx::Rect new_pos = GetDialogPosition(gfx::Rect()); SetDialogPosition(new_pos); } else { // The Find window was dismissed and we need to start the animation again. animation_->Show(); } } view_->OnShow(); } void FindInPageController::EndFindSession() { if (IsVisible()) { show_on_tab_selection_ = false; animation_->Hide(); // We reset the match count here so that we don't show old results when the // user has navigated to another page. We could alternatively achieve the // same effect by nulling the search string, but then the user looses the // last search that was entered, which can be frustrating if searching for // the same string on multiple pages. view_->ResetMatchCount(); // When we hide the window, we need to notify the renderer that we are done // for now, so that we can abort the scoping effort and clear all the // tick-marks and highlighting. StopFinding(false); // false = don't clear selection on page. // When we get dismissed we restore the focus to where it belongs. RestoreSavedFocus(); } } void FindInPageController::Close() { // We may already have been destroyed if the selection resulted in a tab // switch which will have reactivated the browser window and closed us, so // we need to check to see if we're still a window before trying to destroy // ourself. if (IsWindow()) DestroyWindow(); } void FindInPageController::DidBecomeSelected() { if (!IsVisible() && show_on_tab_selection_) { Show(); show_on_tab_selection_ = false; } } void FindInPageController::DidBecomeUnselected() { if (::IsWindow(GetHWND()) && IsVisible()) { // Finish any existing animations. if (animation_->IsAnimating()) { show_on_tab_selection_ = animation_->IsShowing(); animation_->End(); } else { show_on_tab_selection_ = true; } ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } } void FindInPageController::StartFinding(bool forward_direction) { if (find_string_.empty()) return; bool find_next = last_find_string_ == find_string_; if (!find_next) current_request_id_ = request_id_counter_++; last_find_string_ = find_string_; parent_tab_->StartFinding(current_request_id_, find_string_, forward_direction, false, // case sensitive find_next); } void FindInPageController::StopFinding(bool clear_selection) { last_find_string_ = L""; parent_tab_->StopFinding(clear_selection); } void FindInPageController::MoveWindowIfNecessary( const gfx::Rect& selection_rect) { gfx::Rect new_pos = GetDialogPosition(selection_rect); SetDialogPosition(new_pos); // May need to redraw our frame to accomodate bookmark bar // styles. view_->SchedulePaint(); } void FindInPageController::RespondToResize(const gfx::Size& new_size) { if (!IsVisible()) return; // We are only interested in changes to width. if (window_size_.width() == new_size.width()) return; // Save the new size so we can compare later and ignore future invocations // of RespondToResize. window_size_ = new_size; gfx::Rect new_pos = GetDialogPosition(gfx::Rect()); SetDialogPosition(new_pos); } void FindInPageController::SetParent(HWND new_parent) { DCHECK(new_parent); if (parent_hwnd_ != new_parent) { // Sync up the focus listener with the new focus manager. SetFocusChangeListener(new_parent); parent_hwnd_ = new_parent; ::SetParent(GetHWND(), new_parent); // The MSDN documentation specifies that you need to manually update the // UI state after changing the parent. ::SendMessage(new_parent, WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKEWPARAM(UIS_INITIALIZE, 0), 0); // We have a new focus manager now, so start tracking with that. focus_tracker_.reset(new ChromeViews::ExternalFocusTracker(view_, focus_manager_)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageController, ChromeViews::HWNDViewContainer implementation: void FindInPageController::OnFinalMessage(HWND window) { // We are exiting, so we no longer need to monitor focus changes. focus_manager_->RemoveFocusChangeListener(this); // Destroy the focus tracker now, otherwise by the time we're destroyed the // focus manager the focus tracker is referencing may have already been // destroyed resulting in the focus tracker trying to reference a deleted // focus manager. focus_tracker_.reset(NULL); NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_FIND_RESULT_AVAILABLE, Source<TabContents>(parent_tab_)); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageController, ChromeViews::FocusChangeListener implementation: void FindInPageController::FocusWillChange(ChromeViews::View* focused_before, ChromeViews::View* focused_now) { // First we need to determine if one or both of the views passed in are child // views of our view. bool our_view_before = focused_before && view_->IsParentOf(focused_before); bool our_view_now = focused_now && view_->IsParentOf(focused_now); // When both our_view_before and our_view_now are false, it means focus is // changing hands elsewhere in the application (and we shouldn't do anything). // Similarly, when both are true, focus is changing hands within the Find // window (and again, we should not do anything). We therefore only need to // look at when we gain initial focus and when we loose it. if (!our_view_before && our_view_now) { // We are gaining focus from outside the Find window so we must register // a handler for Escape. RegisterEscAccelerator(); } else if (our_view_before && !our_view_now) { // We are losing focus to something outside our window so we restore the // original handler for Escape. UnregisterEscAccelerator(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageController, ChromeViews::AcceleratorTarget implementation: bool FindInPageController::AcceleratorPressed( const ChromeViews::Accelerator& accelerator) { DCHECK(accelerator.GetKeyCode() == VK_ESCAPE); // We only expect Escape key. // This will end the Find session and hide the window, causing it to loose // focus and in the process unregister us as the handler for the Escape // accelerator through the FocusWillChange event. EndFindSession(); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageController, AnimationDelegate implementation: void FindInPageController::AnimationProgressed( const Animation* animation) { // First, we calculate how many pixels to slide the window. find_dialog_animation_offset_ = static_cast<int>((1.0 - animation_->GetCurrentValue()) * view_->GetHeight()); // This call makes sure it appears in the right location, the size and shape // is correct and that it slides in the right direction. gfx::Rect find_dlg_rect = GetDialogPosition(gfx::Rect()); SetDialogPosition(find_dlg_rect); // Let the view know if we are animating, and at which offset to draw the // edges. view_->animation_offset(find_dialog_animation_offset_); view_->SchedulePaint(); } void FindInPageController::AnimationEnded( const Animation* animation) { if (!animation_->IsShowing()) { // Animation has finished closing. find_dialog_animation_offset_ = 0; ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } else { // Animation has finished opening. } } void FindInPageController::GetDialogBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds) { DCHECK(bounds); // We need to find the View for the toolbar because we want to visually // extend it (draw our dialog slightly overlapping its border). ChromeViews::View* root_view = ChromeViews::GetRootViewForHWND(parent_hwnd_); ChromeViews::View* toolbar = NULL; BookmarkBarView* bookmark_bar = NULL; if (root_view) { toolbar = root_view->GetViewByID(VIEW_ID_TOOLBAR); bookmark_bar = static_cast<BookmarkBarView*>( root_view->GetViewByID(VIEW_ID_BOOKMARK_BAR)); } // To figure out what area we have to work with we need to know the rect for // the browser window and the page content area starts and get a pointer to // the toolbar to see where to draw the FindInPage dialog. If any of this // fails, we return an empty rect. CRect browser_client_rect, browser_window_rect, content_window_rect; if (!::IsWindow(parent_hwnd_) || !::GetWindowRect(parent_tab_->GetContentHWND(), &content_window_rect) || !::GetWindowRect(parent_hwnd_, &browser_window_rect) || !::GetClientRect(parent_hwnd_, &browser_client_rect) || !toolbar) { *bounds = gfx::Rect(); return; } // Start with browser's client rect, then change it below. *bounds = gfx::Rect(browser_client_rect); // Find the dimensions of the toolbar and the BookmarkBar. CRect toolbar_bounds, bookmark_bar_bounds; if (toolbar) { toolbar->GetBounds(&toolbar_bounds); // Need to convert toolbar bounds into ViewContainer coords because the // toolbar is the child of another view that isn't the top level view. // This is required to ensure correct positioning relative to the top,left // of the window. CPoint topleft(0, 0); ChromeViews::View::ConvertPointToViewContainer(toolbar, &topleft); toolbar_bounds.OffsetRect(topleft); } // If the bookmarks bar is available, we need to update our // position and paint accordingly if (bookmark_bar) { if (bookmark_bar->IsAlwaysShown()) { // If it's always on, don't try to blend with the toolbar. view_->SetToolbarBlend(false); } else { // Else it's on, but hidden (in which case we should try // to blend with the toolbar. view_->SetToolbarBlend(true); } // If we're not in the New Tab page style, align ourselves with // the bookmarks bar (this works even if the bar is hidden). if (!bookmark_bar->IsNewTabPage() || bookmark_bar->IsAlwaysShown()) { bookmark_bar->GetBounds(&bookmark_bar_bounds); } } else { view_->SetToolbarBlend(true); } // Figure out at which y coordinate to draw the FindInPage window. If we have // a toolbar (chrome) we want to overlap it by one pixel so that we look like // we are part of the chrome (which will also draw our window on top of any // info-bars, if present). If there is no chrome, then we have a constrained // window or a Chrome application so we want to draw at the top of the page // content (right beneath the title bar). int y_pos_offset = 0; if (!toolbar_bounds.IsRectEmpty()) { // We have a toolbar (chrome), so overlap it by one pixel. y_pos_offset = toolbar_bounds.BottomRight().y - 1; // If there is a bookmark bar attached to the toolbar we should appear // attached to it instead of the toolbar. if (!bookmark_bar_bounds.IsRectEmpty()) y_pos_offset += bookmark_bar_bounds.Height() - 1; } else { // There is no toolbar, so this is probably a constrained window or a Chrome // Application. This means we draw the Find window at the top of the page // content window. We subtract 1 to overlap the light-blue line that is part // of the title bar (so that we don't look detached by 1 pixel). WINDOWINFO wi; wi.cbSize = sizeof(WINDOWINFO); GetWindowInfo(parent_hwnd_, &wi); y_pos_offset = content_window_rect.TopLeft().y - wi.rcClient.top - 1; } bounds->Offset(0, y_pos_offset); // We also want to stay well within limits of the vertical scrollbar and not // draw on the window border (frame) itself either. int width = ChromeViews::NativeScrollBar::GetVerticalScrollBarWidth(); width += kWindowBorderWidth; bounds->set_x(bounds->x() + width); bounds->set_width(bounds->width() - (2 * width)); } gfx::Rect FindInPageController::GetDialogPosition( gfx::Rect avoid_overlapping_rect) { // Find the area we have to work with (after accounting for scrollbars, etc). gfx::Rect dialog_bounds; GetDialogBounds(&dialog_bounds); if (dialog_bounds.IsEmpty()) return gfx::Rect(); // Ask the view how large an area it needs to draw on. CSize prefsize; view_->GetPreferredSize(&prefsize); // Place the view in the top right corner of the dialog boundaries (top left // for RTL languages). gfx::Rect view_location; int x = view_->UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? dialog_bounds.x() : dialog_bounds.width() - prefsize.cx; int y = dialog_bounds.y(); view_location.SetRect(x, y, prefsize.cx, prefsize.cy); // Make sure we don't go out of bounds to the left (right in RTL) if the // window is too small to fit our dialog. if (view_->UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) { int boundary = dialog_bounds.width() - prefsize.cx; view_location.set_x(std::min(view_location.x(), boundary)); } else { view_location.set_x(std::max(view_location.x(), dialog_bounds.x())); } gfx::Rect new_pos = view_location; // When we get Find results back, we specify a selection rect, which we // should strive to avoid overlapping. But first, we need to offset the // selection rect (if one was provided). if (!avoid_overlapping_rect.IsEmpty()) { // For comparison (with the Intersects function below) we need to account // for the fact that we draw the Find dialog relative to the window, // whereas the selection rect is relative to the page. RECT frame_rect = {0}, webcontents_rect = {0}; ::GetWindowRect(parent_hwnd_, &frame_rect); ::GetWindowRect(parent_tab_->GetContainerHWND(), &webcontents_rect); avoid_overlapping_rect.Offset(0, webcontents_rect.top - frame_rect.top); } // If the selection rectangle intersects the current position on screen then // we try to move our dialog to the left (right for RTL) of the selection // rectangle. if (!avoid_overlapping_rect.IsEmpty() && avoid_overlapping_rect.Intersects(new_pos)) { if (view_->UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) { new_pos.set_x(avoid_overlapping_rect.x() + avoid_overlapping_rect.width() + (2 * kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection)); // If we moved it off-screen to the right, we won't move it at all. if (new_pos.x() + new_pos.width() > dialog_bounds.width()) new_pos = view_location; // Reset. } else { new_pos.set_x(avoid_overlapping_rect.x() - new_pos.width() - kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection); // If we moved it off-screen to the left, we won't move it at all. if (new_pos.x() < 0) new_pos = view_location; // Reset. } } // While we are animating, the Find window will grow bottoms up so we need to // re-position the dialog so that it appears to grow out of the toolbar. if (find_dialog_animation_offset_ > 0) new_pos.Offset(0, std::min(0, -find_dialog_animation_offset_)); return new_pos; } void FindInPageController::SetDialogPosition(const gfx::Rect& new_pos) { if (new_pos.IsEmpty()) return; // Make sure the window edges are clipped to just the visible region. We need // to do this before changing position, so that when we animate the closure // of it it doesn't look like the window crumbles into the toolbar. UpdateWindowEdges(new_pos); ::SetWindowPos(GetHWND(), HWND_TOP, new_pos.x(), new_pos.y(), new_pos.width(), new_pos.height(), SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); curr_pos_relative_ = new_pos; } void FindInPageController::SetFocusChangeListener(HWND parent_hwnd) { // When tabs get torn off the tab-strip they get a new window with a new // FocusManager, which means we need to clean up old listener and start a new // one with the new FocusManager. if (focus_manager_) { if (old_accel_target_for_esc_) UnregisterEscAccelerator(); focus_manager_->RemoveFocusChangeListener(this); } // Register as a listener with the new focus manager. focus_manager_ = ChromeViews::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(parent_hwnd); DCHECK(focus_manager_); focus_manager_->AddFocusChangeListener(this); } void FindInPageController::RestoreSavedFocus() { if (focus_tracker_.get() == NULL) parent_tab_->Focus(); else focus_tracker_->FocusLastFocusedExternalView(); } void FindInPageController::RegisterEscAccelerator() { ChromeViews::Accelerator escape(VK_ESCAPE, false, false, false); // TODO(finnur): Once we fix issue 1307173 we should not remember any old // accelerator targets and just Register and Unregister when needed. ChromeViews::AcceleratorTarget* old_target = focus_manager_->RegisterAccelerator(escape, this); if (!old_accel_target_for_esc_) old_accel_target_for_esc_ = old_target; } void FindInPageController::UnregisterEscAccelerator() { // TODO(finnur): Once we fix issue 1307173 we should not remember any old // accelerator targets and just Register and Unregister when needed. DCHECK(old_accel_target_for_esc_ != NULL); ChromeViews::Accelerator escape(VK_ESCAPE, false, false, false); ChromeViews::AcceleratorTarget* current_target = focus_manager_->GetTargetForAccelerator(escape); if (current_target == this) focus_manager_->RegisterAccelerator(escape, old_accel_target_for_esc_); } void FindInPageController::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_FIND_RESULT_AVAILABLE: { Details<FindNotificationDetails> find_details(details); // Ignore responses for requests other than the one we have most recently // issued. That way we won't act on stale results when the user has // already typed in another query. if (view_ && find_details->request_id() == current_request_id_) { view_->UpdateMatchCount(find_details->number_of_matches(), find_details->final_update()); view_->UpdateActiveMatchOrdinal(find_details->active_match_ordinal()); view_->UpdateResultLabel(); // We now need to check if the window is obscuring the search results. if (!find_details->selection_rect().IsEmpty()) MoveWindowIfNecessary(find_details->selection_rect()); // Once we find a match we no longer want to keep track of what had // focus. EndFindSession will then set the focus to the page content. if (find_details->number_of_matches() > 0) focus_tracker_.reset(NULL); } break; } default: NOTREACHED() << L"Notification not handled"; return; } }