// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/find_in_page_view.h" #include <algorithm> #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_in_page_controller.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/views/background.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_view_container.h" #include "chrome/views/label.h" #include "skia/include/SkGradientShader.h" #include "generated_resources.h" // The amount of whitespace to have before the find button. static const int kWhiteSpaceAfterMatchCountLabel = 3; // The margins around the search field and the close button. static const int kMarginLeftOfCloseButton = 5; static const int kMarginRightOfCloseButton = 5; static const int kMarginLeftOfFindTextField = 12; // The margins around the match count label (We add extra space so that the // background highlight extends beyond just the text). static const int kMatchCountExtraWidth = 9; // Minimum width for the match count label. static const int kMatchCountMinWidth = 30; // The text color for the match count label. static const SkColor kTextColorMatchCount = SkColorSetRGB(178, 178, 178); // The text color for the match count label when no matches are found. static const SkColor kTextColorNoMatch = SK_ColorBLACK; // The background color of the match count label when results are found. static const SkColor kBackgroundColorMatch = SkColorSetRGB(255, 255, 255); // The background color of the match count label when no results are found. static const SkColor kBackgroundColorNoMatch = SkColorSetRGB(255, 102, 102); // The background images for the dialog. They are split into a left, a middle // and a right part. The middle part determines the height of the dialog. The // middle part is stretched to fill any remaining part between the left and the // right image, after sizing the dialog to kWindowWidth. static const SkBitmap* kDlgBackground_left = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kDlgBackground_middle = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kDlgBackground_right = NULL; // These are versions of the above images but for use when the bookmarks bar // is extended (when toolbar_blend_ = false). static const SkBitmap* kDlgBackground_bb_left = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kDlgBackground_bb_middle = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kDlgBackground_bb_right = NULL; // When we are animating, we draw only the top part of the left and right // edges to give the illusion that the find dialog is attached to the // window during this animation; this is the height of the items we draw. static const int kAnimatingEdgeHeight = 5; // The background image for the Find text box, which we draw behind the Find box // to provide the Chrome look to the edge of the text box. static const SkBitmap* kBackground = NULL; // The rounded edge on the left side of the Find text box. static const SkBitmap* kBackground_left = NULL; // The default number of average characters that the text box will be. This // number brings the width on a "regular fonts" system to about 300px. static const int kDefaultCharWidth = 43; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageView, public: FindInPageView::FindInPageView(FindInPageController* controller) : controller_(controller), find_text_(NULL), match_count_text_(NULL), focus_forwarder_view_(NULL), find_previous_button_(NULL), find_next_button_(NULL), close_button_(NULL), animation_offset_(0), toolbar_blend_(true), match_count_(-1), active_match_ordinal_(-1) { ResourceBundle &rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); find_text_ = new ChromeViews::TextField(); find_text_->SetFont(rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont)); find_text_->set_default_width_in_chars(kDefaultCharWidth); AddChildView(find_text_); match_count_text_ = new ChromeViews::Label(); match_count_text_->SetFont(rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont)); match_count_text_->SetColor(kTextColorMatchCount); match_count_text_->SetHorizontalAlignment(ChromeViews::Label::ALIGN_CENTER); AddChildView(match_count_text_); // Create a focus forwarder view which sends focus to find_text_. focus_forwarder_view_ = new FocusForwarderView(find_text_); AddChildView(focus_forwarder_view_); find_previous_button_ = new ChromeViews::Button(); find_previous_button_->SetEnabled(false); find_previous_button_->SetFocusable(true); find_previous_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_NORMAL, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FINDINPAGE_PREV)); find_previous_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_HOT, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FINDINPAGE_PREV_H)); find_previous_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_DISABLED, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FINDINPAGE_PREV_P)); find_previous_button_->SetTooltipText( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FIND_IN_PAGE_PREVIOUS_TOOLTIP)); AddChildView(find_previous_button_); find_next_button_ = new ChromeViews::Button(); find_next_button_->SetEnabled(false); find_next_button_->SetFocusable(true); find_next_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_NORMAL, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FINDINPAGE_NEXT)); find_next_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_HOT, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FINDINPAGE_NEXT_H)); find_next_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_DISABLED, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FINDINPAGE_NEXT_P)); find_next_button_->SetTooltipText( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FIND_IN_PAGE_NEXT_TOOLTIP)); AddChildView(find_next_button_); close_button_ = new ChromeViews::Button(); close_button_->SetFocusable(true); close_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_NORMAL, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR)); close_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_HOT, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR_H)); close_button_->SetImage(ChromeViews::Button::BS_PUSHED, rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR_P)); close_button_->SetTooltipText( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FIND_IN_PAGE_CLOSE_TOOLTIP)); AddChildView(close_button_); if (kDlgBackground_left == NULL) { // Background images for the dialog. kDlgBackground_left = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_DLG_LEFT_BACKGROUND); kDlgBackground_middle = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_DLG_MIDDLE_BACKGROUND); kDlgBackground_right = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_DLG_RIGHT_BACKGROUND); kDlgBackground_bb_left = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_DLG_LEFT_BB_BACKGROUND); kDlgBackground_bb_middle = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_DLG_MIDDLE_BB_BACKGROUND); kDlgBackground_bb_right = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_DLG_RIGHT_BB_BACKGROUND); // Background images for the Find edit box. kBackground = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_BOX_BACKGROUND); if (UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) kBackground_left = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_BOX_BACKGROUND_LEFT_RTL); else kBackground_left = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FIND_BOX_BACKGROUND_LEFT); } } FindInPageView::~FindInPageView() { } void FindInPageView::ResetMatchCount() { match_count_text_->SetText(std::wstring()); ResetMatchCountBackground(); } void FindInPageView::ResetMatchCountBackground() { match_count_text_->SetBackground( ChromeViews::Background::CreateSolidBackground(kBackgroundColorMatch)); match_count_text_->SetColor(kTextColorMatchCount); } void FindInPageView::UpdateMatchCount(int number_of_matches, bool final_update) { if (number_of_matches < 0) // We ignore -1 sent during FindNext operations. return; // If we have previously recorded a match-count number we don't want to // overwrite it with a preliminary number of 1 (which the renderer sends when // it found one match and is about to start scoping to find more). This way // updates are smoother (as we don't flash '1' briefly after typing each // letter of a query). if (match_count_ > 0 && number_of_matches == 1 && !final_update) return; if (number_of_matches == 0) active_match_ordinal_ = 0; match_count_ = number_of_matches; if (find_text_->GetText().empty() || number_of_matches > 0) { ResetMatchCountBackground(); } else { match_count_text_->SetBackground( ChromeViews::Background::CreateSolidBackground(kBackgroundColorNoMatch)); match_count_text_->SetColor(kTextColorNoMatch); MessageBeep(MB_OK); } } void FindInPageView::UpdateActiveMatchOrdinal(int ordinal) { if (ordinal >= 0) active_match_ordinal_ = ordinal; } void FindInPageView::UpdateResultLabel() { std::wstring search_string = find_text_->GetText(); if (search_string.length() > 0) { match_count_text_->SetText( l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_FIND_IN_PAGE_COUNT, IntToWString(active_match_ordinal_), IntToWString(match_count_))); } else { ResetMatchCount(); } // Make sure Find Next and Find Previous are enabled if we found any matches. find_previous_button_->SetEnabled(match_count_ > 0); find_next_button_->SetEnabled(match_count_ > 0); Layout(); // The match_count label may have increased/decreased in size. } void FindInPageView::OnShow() { find_text_->RequestFocus(); find_text_->SelectAll(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageView, ChromeViews::View overrides: void FindInPageView::Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { SkPaint paint; // Get the local bounds so that we now how much to stretch the background. CRect lb; GetLocalBounds(&lb, true); // First, we draw the background image for the whole dialog (3 images: left, // middle and right). Note, that the window region has been set by the // controller, so the whitespace in the left and right background images is // actually outside the window region and is therefore not drawn. See // FindInPageController::CreateRoundedWindowEdges() for details. const SkBitmap *bg_left = toolbar_blend_ ? kDlgBackground_left : kDlgBackground_bb_left; const SkBitmap *bg_middle = toolbar_blend_ ? kDlgBackground_middle : kDlgBackground_bb_middle; const SkBitmap *bg_right = toolbar_blend_ ? kDlgBackground_right : kDlgBackground_bb_right; canvas->TileImageInt(*bg_left, 0, 0, bg_left->width(), bg_left->height()); // Stretch the middle background to cover all of the area between the two // other images. canvas->TileImageInt(*bg_middle, bg_left->width(), 0, lb.Width() - bg_left->width() - bg_right->width(), bg_middle->height()); canvas->TileImageInt(*bg_right, lb.right - bg_right->width(), 0, bg_right->width(), bg_right->height()); // Then we draw the background image for the Find TextField. We start by // calculating the position of background images for the Find text box. gfx::Rect find_text_rect; gfx::Rect back_button_rect; int x = 0; // x coordinate of the curved edge background image. int w = 0; // width of the background image for the text field. if (UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) { find_text_rect = find_text_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION); back_button_rect = find_previous_button_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION); x = find_text_rect.right(); w = find_text_rect.right() - back_button_rect.right(); } else { find_text_rect = find_text_->bounds(); back_button_rect = find_previous_button_->bounds(); x = find_text_rect.x() - kBackground_left->width(); w = back_button_rect.x() - find_text_rect.x(); } // Draw the image to the left that creates a curved left edge for the box // (drawn on the right for RTL languages). canvas->TileImageInt(*kBackground_left, x, back_button_rect.y(), kBackground_left->width(), kBackground_left->height()); // Draw the top and bottom border for whole text box (encompasses both the // find_text_ edit box and the match_count_text_ label). int background_height = kBackground->height(); canvas->TileImageInt(*kBackground, UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? back_button_rect.right() : find_text_rect.x(), back_button_rect.y(), w, background_height); if (animation_offset_ > 0) { // While animating we draw the curved edges at the point where the // controller told us the top of the window is: |animation_offset_|. canvas->TileImageInt(*bg_left, lb.TopLeft().x, animation_offset_, bg_left->width(), kAnimatingEdgeHeight); canvas->TileImageInt(*bg_right, lb.BottomRight().x - bg_right->width(), animation_offset_, bg_right->width(), kAnimatingEdgeHeight); } } void FindInPageView::Layout() { CSize panel_size, sz; GetPreferredSize(&panel_size); // First we draw the close button on the far right. close_button_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); close_button_->SetBounds(panel_size.cx - sz.cx - kMarginRightOfCloseButton, (height() - sz.cy) / 2, sz.cx, sz.cy); close_button_->SetListener(this, CLOSE_TAG); // Next, the FindNext button to the left the close button. find_next_button_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); find_next_button_->SetBounds(close_button_->x() - find_next_button_->width() - kMarginLeftOfCloseButton, (height() - sz.cy) / 2, sz.cx, sz.cy); find_next_button_->SetListener(this, FIND_NEXT_TAG); // Then, the FindPrevious button to the left the FindNext button. find_previous_button_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); find_previous_button_->SetBounds(find_next_button_->x() - find_previous_button_->width(), (height() - sz.cy) / 2, sz.cx, sz.cy); find_previous_button_->SetListener(this, FIND_PREVIOUS_TAG); // Then the label showing the match count number. match_count_text_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); // We extend the label bounds a bit to give the background highlighting a bit // of breathing room (margins around the text). sz.cx += kMatchCountExtraWidth; sz.cx = std::max(kMatchCountMinWidth, static_cast<int>(sz.cx)); match_count_text_->SetBounds(find_previous_button_->x() - kWhiteSpaceAfterMatchCountLabel - sz.cx, (height() - sz.cy) / 2 + 1, sz.cx, sz.cy); // And whatever space is left in between, gets filled up by the find edit box. find_text_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); sz.cx = match_count_text_->x() - kMarginLeftOfFindTextField; find_text_->SetBounds(match_count_text_->x() - sz.cx, (height() - sz.cy) / 2 + 1, sz.cx, sz.cy); find_text_->SetController(this); find_text_->RequestFocus(); // The focus forwarder view is a hidden view that should cover the area // between the find text box and the find button so that when the user clicks // in that area we focus on the find text box. int find_text_edge = find_text_->x() + find_text_->width(); focus_forwarder_view_->SetBounds(find_text_edge, find_previous_button_->y(), find_previous_button_->x() - find_text_edge, find_previous_button_->height()); } void FindInPageView::DidChangeBounds(const CRect& old_bounds, const CRect& new_bounds) { Layout(); } void FindInPageView::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View *parent, View *child) { if (is_add && child == this) { find_text_->SetHorizontalMargins(3, 3); // Left and Right margins. find_text_->RemoveBorder(); // We draw our own border (a background image). } } void FindInPageView::GetPreferredSize(CSize* out) { DCHECK(out); find_text_->GetPreferredSize(out); out->cy = kDlgBackground_middle->height(); // Add up all the preferred sizes and margins of the rest of the controls. out->cx += kMarginLeftOfCloseButton + kMarginRightOfCloseButton + kMarginLeftOfFindTextField; CSize sz; find_previous_button_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); out->cx += sz.cx; find_next_button_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); out->cx += sz.cx; close_button_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); out->cx += sz.cx; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageView, ChromeViews::BaseButton::ButtonListener implementation: void FindInPageView::ButtonPressed(ChromeViews::BaseButton* sender) { switch (sender->GetTag()) { case FIND_PREVIOUS_TAG: case FIND_NEXT_TAG: if (find_text_->GetText().length() > 0) { controller_->set_find_string(find_text_->GetText()); controller_->StartFinding(sender->GetTag() == FIND_NEXT_TAG); } break; case CLOSE_TAG: controller_->EndFindSession(); break; default: NOTREACHED() << L"Unknown button"; break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindInPageView, ChromeViews::TextField::Controller implementation: void FindInPageView::ContentsChanged(ChromeViews::TextField* sender, const std::wstring& new_contents) { // When the user changes something in the text box we check the contents and // if the textbox contains something we set it as the new search string and // initiate search (even though old searches might be in progress). if (new_contents.length() > 0) { controller_->set_find_string(new_contents); controller_->StartFinding(true); } else { // The textbox is empty so we reset. UpdateMatchCount(0, true); // true = final update. UpdateResultLabel(); controller_->StopFinding(true); // true = clear selection on page. controller_->set_find_string(std::wstring()); } } void FindInPageView::HandleKeystroke(ChromeViews::TextField* sender, UINT message, TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) { // If the dialog is not visible, there is no reason to process keyboard input. if (!controller_->IsVisible()) return; switch (key) { case VK_RETURN: { // Pressing Return/Enter starts the search (unless text box is empty). std::wstring find_string = find_text_->GetText(); if (find_string.length() > 0) { controller_->set_find_string(find_string); // Search forwards for enter, backwards for shift-enter. controller_->StartFinding(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0); } break; } } } bool FindInPageView::FocusForwarderView::OnMousePressed( const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& event) { if (view_to_focus_on_mousedown_) { view_to_focus_on_mousedown_->ClearSelection(); view_to_focus_on_mousedown_->RequestFocus(); } return true; }