// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_FIRST_RUN_FIRST_RUN_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_FIRST_RUN_FIRST_RUN_H_ #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" class CommandLine; class FilePath; class GURL; class Profile; class ProcessSingleton; // This namespace contains the chrome first-run installation actions needed to // fully test the custom installer. It also contains the opposite actions to // execute during uninstall. When the first run UI is ready we won't // do the actions unconditionally. Currently the only action is to create a // desktop shortcut. // // The way we detect first-run is by looking at a 'sentinel' file. // If it does not exist we understand that we need to do the first time // install work for this user. After that the sentinel file is created. namespace first_run { enum FirstRunBubbleMetric { FIRST_RUN_BUBBLE_SHOWN = 0, // The search engine bubble was shown. FIRST_RUN_BUBBLE_CHANGE_INVOKED, // The bubble's "Change" was invoked. NUM_FIRST_RUN_BUBBLE_METRICS }; enum ProcessMasterPreferencesResult { SHOW_FIRST_RUN = 0, // Should show the first run flow. SKIP_FIRST_RUN, // Should skip the first run flow. EULA_EXIT_NOW, // Should immediately exit due to EULA flow. }; // See ProcessMasterPreferences for more info about this structure. struct MasterPrefs { MasterPrefs(); ~MasterPrefs(); int ping_delay; bool homepage_defined; int do_import_items; int dont_import_items; bool make_chrome_default; bool suppress_first_run_default_browser_prompt; std::vector new_tabs; std::vector bookmarks; }; // Returns true if this is the first time chrome is run for this user. bool IsChromeFirstRun(); // Creates the sentinel file that signals that chrome has been configured. bool CreateSentinel(); // Removes the sentinel file created in ConfigDone(). Returns false if the // sentinel file could not be removed. bool RemoveSentinel(); // Sets the kShouldShowFirstRunBubble local state pref so that the browser // shows the bubble once the main message loop gets going (or refrains from // showing the bubble, if |show_bubble| is false). Returns false if the pref // could not be set. This function can be called multiple times, but only the // initial call will actually set the preference. bool SetShowFirstRunBubblePref(bool show_bubble); // Sets the kShouldShowWelcomePage local state pref so that the browser // loads the welcome tab once the message loop gets going. Returns false // if the pref could not be set. bool SetShowWelcomePagePref(); // Sets the kAutofillPersonalDataManagerFirstRun local state pref so that the // browser loads PersonalDataManager once the main message loop gets going. // Returns false if the pref could not be set. bool SetPersonalDataManagerFirstRunPref(); // Log a metric for the "FirstRun.SearchEngineBubble" histogram. void LogFirstRunMetric(FirstRunBubbleMetric metric); // -- Platform-specific functions -- // Automatically import history and home page (and search engine, if // ShouldShowSearchEngineDialog is true). void AutoImport(Profile* profile, bool homepage_defined, int import_items, int dont_import_items, bool make_chrome_default, ProcessSingleton* process_singleton); // Imports bookmarks and/or browser items (depending on platform support) // in this process. This function is paired with first_run::ImportSettings(). // This function might or might not show a visible UI depending on the // cmdline parameters. int ImportNow(Profile* profile, const CommandLine& cmdline); // Returns the path for the master preferences file. FilePath MasterPrefsPath(); // The master preferences is a JSON file with the same entries as the // 'Default\Preferences' file. This function locates this file from a standard // location and processes it so it becomes the default preferences in the // profile pointed to by |user_data_dir|. After processing the file, the // function returns a value from the ProcessMasterPreferencesResult enum, // indicating whether the first run flow should be shown, skipped, or whether // the browser should exit. // // This function destroys any existing prefs file and it is meant to be // invoked only on first run. // // See chrome/installer/util/master_preferences.h for a description of // 'master_preferences' file. ProcessMasterPreferencesResult ProcessMasterPreferences( const FilePath& user_data_dir, MasterPrefs* out_prefs); // Show the first run search engine bubble at the first appropriate opportunity. // This bubble may be delayed by other UI, like global errors and sync promos. class FirstRunBubbleLauncher : public content::NotificationObserver { public: // Show the bubble at the first appropriate opportunity. This function // instantiates a FirstRunBubbleLauncher, which manages its own lifetime. static void ShowFirstRunBubbleSoon(); private: FirstRunBubbleLauncher(); virtual ~FirstRunBubbleLauncher(); // content::NotificationObserver override: virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FirstRunBubbleLauncher); }; } // namespace first_run #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_FIRST_RUN_FIRST_RUN_H_