// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <windows.h>

class Browser;
class BrowserWindow;
namespace ChromeViews {
class AcceleratorTarget;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;

// Static helpers for frames. Basically shared code until Magic Browzr lands.
class FrameUtil {
  // Mark the frame such as it can be retrieved using GetChromeFrameForWindow()
  static void RegisterBrowserWindow(BrowserWindow* frame);

  // Return a ChromeFrame instance given an hwnd.
  static BrowserWindow* GetBrowserWindowForHWND(HWND hwnd);

  // Create a ChromeFrame for the given browser.
  static BrowserWindow* CreateBrowserWindow(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
                                            Browser* browser);

  // Initialize the accelerators for that frame.
  static bool LoadAccelerators(
      BrowserWindow* frame,
      HACCEL accelerator_table,
      ChromeViews::AcceleratorTarget* accelerator_target);

  // Activate any app modal dialog that might be present. Returns true if one
  // was present.
  static bool ActivateAppModalDialog(Browser* browser);

  // Invoked when windows is shutting down (or the user is logging off). When
  // this method returns windows is going to kill our process. As such, this
  // blocks until the shut-down has been marked as clean.
  static void EndSession();

#endif  // #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_FRAME_UTIL_H__