// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Defines a variant of libgps wrapper for use with the 2.38 release of the API. #include "chrome/browser/geolocation/libgps_wrapper_linux.h" // This lot needed for DataWaiting() #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include "base/logging.h" #include "chrome/common/geoposition.h" #include "third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h" class LibGpsV238 : public LibGps { public: explicit LibGpsV238(LibGpsLibraryWrapper* dl_wrapper) : LibGps(dl_wrapper) {} // LibGps virtual bool StartStreaming() { return library().query("w+x\n") == 0; } virtual bool DataWaiting() { // Unfortunately the 2.38 API has no public method for non-blocking test // for new data arrived, so we must contrive our own by doing a select() on // the underlying struct's socket fd. fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout = {0}; int fd = library().data().gps_fd; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); int ret = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (ret == -1) { LOG(WARNING) << "libgps socket select failed: " << ret; return false; } DCHECK_EQ(!!ret, !!FD_ISSET(fd, &fds)); return ret; } virtual bool GetPositionIfFixed(Geoposition* position) { // This function is duplicated between the library versions, however it // cannot be shared as each one must be strictly compiled against the // corresponding version of gps.h. DCHECK(position); const gps_data_t& gps_data = library().data(); if (gps_data.status == STATUS_NO_FIX) return false; position->latitude = gps_data.fix.latitude; position->longitude = gps_data.fix.longitude; position->accuracy = gps_data.fix.eph; position->altitude = gps_data.fix.altitude; position->altitude_accuracy = gps_data.fix.epv; position->heading = gps_data.fix.track; position->speed = gps_data.fix.speed; return true; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LibGpsV238); }; LibGps* LibGps::NewV238(LibGpsLibraryWrapper* dl_wrapper) { return new LibGpsV238(dl_wrapper); }