// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/geolocation/network_location_provider.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/geolocation/access_token_store.h" namespace { // The maximum period of time we'll wait for a complete set of device data // before sending the request. const int kDataCompleteWaitPeriod = 1000 * 2; // 2 seconds } // namespace // static const size_t NetworkLocationProvider::PositionCache::kMaximumSize = 10; NetworkLocationProvider::PositionCache::PositionCache() {} NetworkLocationProvider::PositionCache::~PositionCache() {} bool NetworkLocationProvider::PositionCache::CachePosition( const GatewayData& gateway_data, const WifiData& wifi_data, const Geoposition& position) { // Check that we can generate a valid key for the device data. string16 key; if (!MakeKey(gateway_data, wifi_data, &key)) { return false; } // If the cache is full, remove the oldest entry. if (cache_.size() == kMaximumSize) { DCHECK(cache_age_list_.size() == kMaximumSize); CacheAgeList::iterator oldest_entry = cache_age_list_.begin(); DCHECK(oldest_entry != cache_age_list_.end()); cache_.erase(*oldest_entry); cache_age_list_.erase(oldest_entry); } DCHECK_LT(cache_.size(), kMaximumSize); // Insert the position into the cache. std::pair<CacheMap::iterator, bool> result = cache_.insert(std::make_pair(key, position)); if (!result.second) { NOTREACHED(); // We never try to add the same key twice. CHECK_EQ(cache_.size(), cache_age_list_.size()); return false; } cache_age_list_.push_back(result.first); DCHECK_EQ(cache_.size(), cache_age_list_.size()); return true; } // Searches for a cached position response for the current set of cell ID and // WiFi data. Returns the cached position if available, NULL otherwise. const Geoposition* NetworkLocationProvider::PositionCache::FindPosition( const GatewayData& gateway_data, const WifiData& wifi_data) { string16 key; if (!MakeKey(gateway_data, wifi_data, &key)) { return NULL; } CacheMap::const_iterator iter = cache_.find(key); return iter == cache_.end() ? NULL : &iter->second; } // Makes the key for the map of cached positions, using a set of // device data. Returns true if a good key was generated, false otherwise. // // static bool NetworkLocationProvider::PositionCache::MakeKey( const GatewayData& gateway_data, const WifiData& wifi_data, string16* key) { // Currently we use only the WiFi data and gateway data, and base the // key only on the MAC addresses. // TODO(joth): Make use of radio_data. DCHECK(key); key->clear(); const size_t kCharsPerMacAddress = 6 * 3 + 1; // e.g. "11:22:33:44:55:66|" key->reserve(wifi_data.access_point_data.size() * kCharsPerMacAddress + gateway_data.router_data.size() * kCharsPerMacAddress); const string16 separator(ASCIIToUTF16("|")); for (GatewayData::RouterDataSet::const_iterator iter = gateway_data.router_data.begin(); iter != gateway_data.router_data.end(); iter++) { *key += separator; *key += iter->mac_address; *key += separator; } for (WifiData::AccessPointDataSet::const_iterator iter = wifi_data.access_point_data.begin(); iter != wifi_data.access_point_data.end(); iter++) { *key += separator; *key += iter->mac_address; *key += separator; } // If the key is the empty string, return false, as we don't want to cache a // position for such a set of device data. return !key->empty(); } // NetworkLocationProvider factory function LocationProviderBase* NewNetworkLocationProvider( AccessTokenStore* access_token_store, URLRequestContextGetter* context, const GURL& url, const string16& access_token) { return new NetworkLocationProvider( access_token_store, context, url, access_token); } // NetworkLocationProvider NetworkLocationProvider::NetworkLocationProvider( AccessTokenStore* access_token_store, URLRequestContextGetter* url_context_getter, const GURL& url, const string16& access_token) : access_token_store_(access_token_store), gateway_data_provider_(NULL), radio_data_provider_(NULL), wifi_data_provider_(NULL), is_gateway_data_complete_(false), is_radio_data_complete_(false), is_wifi_data_complete_(false), access_token_(access_token), is_new_data_available_(false), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(delayed_start_task_(this)) { // Create the position cache. position_cache_.reset(new PositionCache()); request_.reset(new NetworkLocationRequest(url_context_getter, url, this)); } NetworkLocationProvider::~NetworkLocationProvider() { StopProvider(); } // LocationProviderBase implementation void NetworkLocationProvider::GetPosition(Geoposition *position) { DCHECK(position); *position = position_; } void NetworkLocationProvider::UpdatePosition() { // TODO(joth): When called via the public (base class) interface, this should // poke each data provider to get them to expedite their next scan. // Whilst in the delayed start, only send request if all data is ready. if (delayed_start_task_.empty() || (is_gateway_data_complete_ && is_radio_data_complete_ && is_wifi_data_complete_)) { RequestPosition(); } } void NetworkLocationProvider::OnPermissionGranted( const GURL& requesting_frame) { const bool host_was_empty = most_recent_authorized_host_.empty(); most_recent_authorized_host_ = requesting_frame.host(); if (host_was_empty && !most_recent_authorized_host_.empty() && IsStarted()) { UpdatePosition(); } } // DeviceDataProviderInterface::ListenerInterface implementation. void NetworkLocationProvider::DeviceDataUpdateAvailable( GatewayDataProvider* provider) { DCHECK(provider == gateway_data_provider_); is_gateway_data_complete_ = gateway_data_provider_->GetData(&gateway_data_); OnDeviceDataUpdated(); } void NetworkLocationProvider::DeviceDataUpdateAvailable( RadioDataProvider* provider) { DCHECK(provider == radio_data_provider_); is_radio_data_complete_ = radio_data_provider_->GetData(&radio_data_); OnDeviceDataUpdated(); } void NetworkLocationProvider::DeviceDataUpdateAvailable( WifiDataProvider* provider) { DCHECK(provider == wifi_data_provider_); is_wifi_data_complete_ = wifi_data_provider_->GetData(&wifi_data_); OnDeviceDataUpdated(); } // NetworkLocationRequest::ListenerInterface implementation. void NetworkLocationProvider::LocationResponseAvailable( const Geoposition& position, bool server_error, const string16& access_token, const GatewayData& gateway_data, const RadioData& radio_data, const WifiData& wifi_data) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // Record the position and update our cache. position_ = position; if (position.IsValidFix()) { position_cache_->CachePosition(gateway_data, wifi_data, position); } // Record access_token if it's set. if (!access_token.empty() && access_token_ != access_token) { access_token_ = access_token; access_token_store_->SaveAccessToken(request_->url(), access_token); } // Let listeners know that we now have a position available. UpdateListeners(); } bool NetworkLocationProvider::StartProvider(bool high_accuracy) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (IsStarted()) return true; DCHECK(wifi_data_provider_ == NULL); if (!request_->url().is_valid()) { LOG(WARNING) << "StartProvider() : Failed, Bad URL: " << request_->url().possibly_invalid_spec(); return false; } // Get the device data providers. The first call to Register will create the // provider and it will be deleted by ref counting. gateway_data_provider_ = GatewayDataProvider::Register(this); radio_data_provider_ = RadioDataProvider::Register(this); wifi_data_provider_ = WifiDataProvider::Register(this); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, delayed_start_task_.NewRunnableMethod( &NetworkLocationProvider::RequestPosition), kDataCompleteWaitPeriod); // Get the device data. is_gateway_data_complete_ = gateway_data_provider_->GetData(&gateway_data_); is_radio_data_complete_ = radio_data_provider_->GetData(&radio_data_); is_wifi_data_complete_ = wifi_data_provider_->GetData(&wifi_data_); if (is_gateway_data_complete_ || is_radio_data_complete_ || is_wifi_data_complete_) OnDeviceDataUpdated(); return true; } void NetworkLocationProvider::StopProvider() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (IsStarted()) { gateway_data_provider_->Unregister(this); radio_data_provider_->Unregister(this); wifi_data_provider_->Unregister(this); } gateway_data_provider_ = NULL; radio_data_provider_ = NULL; wifi_data_provider_ = NULL; delayed_start_task_.RevokeAll(); } // Other methods void NetworkLocationProvider::RequestPosition() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (!is_new_data_available_) return; const Geoposition* cached_position = position_cache_->FindPosition(gateway_data_, wifi_data_); DCHECK(!device_data_updated_timestamp_.is_null()) << "Timestamp must be set before looking up position"; if (cached_position) { DCHECK(cached_position->IsValidFix()); // Record the position and update its timestamp. position_ = *cached_position; // The timestamp of a position fix is determined by the timestamp // of the source data update. (The value of position_.timestamp from // the cache could be from weeks ago!) position_.timestamp = device_data_updated_timestamp_; is_new_data_available_ = false; // Let listeners know that we now have a position available. UpdateListeners(); return; } // Don't send network requests until authorized. http://crbug.com/39171 if (most_recent_authorized_host_.empty()) return; delayed_start_task_.RevokeAll(); is_new_data_available_ = false; // TODO(joth): Rather than cancel pending requests, we should create a new // NetworkLocationRequest for each and hold a set of pending requests. if (request_->is_request_pending()) { DVLOG(1) << "NetworkLocationProvider - pre-empting pending network request " "with new data. Wifi APs: " << wifi_data_.access_point_data.size(); } // The hostname sent in the request is just to give a first-order // approximation of usage. We do not need to guarantee that this network // request was triggered by an API call from this specific host. request_->MakeRequest(most_recent_authorized_host_, access_token_, gateway_data_, radio_data_, wifi_data_, device_data_updated_timestamp_); } void NetworkLocationProvider::OnDeviceDataUpdated() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); device_data_updated_timestamp_ = base::Time::Now(); is_new_data_available_ = is_gateway_data_complete_ || is_radio_data_complete_ || is_wifi_data_complete_; UpdatePosition(); } bool NetworkLocationProvider::IsStarted() const { DCHECK_EQ(!!gateway_data_provider_, !!wifi_data_provider_); DCHECK_EQ(!!radio_data_provider_, !!wifi_data_provider_); return wifi_data_provider_ != NULL; }