// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/google/google_url_tracker.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_url_tracker_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_url_tracker_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_url_tracker_navigation_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/infobars/infobar_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" const char GoogleURLTracker::kDefaultGoogleHomepage[] = "http://www.google.com/"; const char GoogleURLTracker::kSearchDomainCheckURL[] = "https://www.google.com/searchdomaincheck?format=url&type=chrome"; GoogleURLTracker::GoogleURLTracker( Profile* profile, scoped_ptr<GoogleURLTrackerNavigationHelper> nav_helper, Mode mode) : profile_(profile), nav_helper_(nav_helper.Pass()), infobar_creator_(base::Bind(&GoogleURLTrackerInfoBarDelegate::Create)), google_url_(mode == UNIT_TEST_MODE ? kDefaultGoogleHomepage : profile->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kLastKnownGoogleURL)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_ptr_factory_(this)), fetcher_id_(0), in_startup_sleep_(true), already_fetched_(false), need_to_fetch_(false), need_to_prompt_(false), search_committed_(false) { net::NetworkChangeNotifier::AddIPAddressObserver(this); nav_helper_->SetGoogleURLTracker(this); // Because this function can be called during startup, when kicking off a URL // fetch can eat up 20 ms of time, we delay five seconds, which is hopefully // long enough to be after startup, but still get results back quickly. // Ideally, instead of this timer, we'd do something like "check if the // browser is starting up, and if so, come back later", but there is currently // no function to do this. // // In UNIT_TEST mode, where we want to explicitly control when the tracker // "wakes up", we do nothing at all. if (mode == NORMAL_MODE) { static const int kStartFetchDelayMS = 5000; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GoogleURLTracker::FinishSleep, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kStartFetchDelayMS)); } } GoogleURLTracker::~GoogleURLTracker() { // We should only reach here after any tabs and their infobars have been torn // down. DCHECK(entry_map_.empty()); } // static GURL GoogleURLTracker::GoogleURL(Profile* profile) { const GoogleURLTracker* tracker = GoogleURLTrackerFactory::GetForProfile(profile); return tracker ? tracker->google_url_ : GURL(kDefaultGoogleHomepage); } // static void GoogleURLTracker::RequestServerCheck(Profile* profile) { GoogleURLTracker* tracker = GoogleURLTrackerFactory::GetForProfile(profile); if (tracker) tracker->SetNeedToFetch(); } // static void GoogleURLTracker::GoogleURLSearchCommitted(Profile* profile) { GoogleURLTracker* tracker = GoogleURLTrackerFactory::GetForProfile(profile); if (tracker) tracker->SearchCommitted(); } void GoogleURLTracker::AcceptGoogleURL(bool redo_searches) { UpdatedDetails urls(google_url_, fetched_google_url_); google_url_ = fetched_google_url_; PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs(); prefs->SetString(prefs::kLastKnownGoogleURL, google_url_.spec()); prefs->SetString(prefs::kLastPromptedGoogleURL, google_url_.spec()); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_GOOGLE_URL_UPDATED, content::Source<Profile>(profile_), content::Details<UpdatedDetails>(&urls)); need_to_prompt_ = false; CloseAllEntries(redo_searches); } void GoogleURLTracker::CancelGoogleURL() { profile_->GetPrefs()->SetString(prefs::kLastPromptedGoogleURL, fetched_google_url_.spec()); need_to_prompt_ = false; CloseAllEntries(false); } void GoogleURLTracker::OnURLFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher* source) { // Delete the fetcher on this function's exit. scoped_ptr<net::URLFetcher> clean_up_fetcher(fetcher_.release()); // Don't update the URL if the request didn't succeed. if (!source->GetStatus().is_success() || (source->GetResponseCode() != 200)) { already_fetched_ = false; return; } // See if the response data was valid. It should be // "<scheme>://[www.]google.<TLD>/". std::string url_str; source->GetResponseAsString(&url_str); TrimWhitespace(url_str, TRIM_ALL, &url_str); GURL url(url_str); if (!url.is_valid() || (url.path().length() > 1) || url.has_query() || url.has_ref() || !google_util::IsGoogleDomainUrl(url.spec(), google_util::DISALLOW_SUBDOMAIN, google_util::DISALLOW_NON_STANDARD_PORTS)) return; std::swap(url, fetched_google_url_); GURL last_prompted_url( profile_->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kLastPromptedGoogleURL)); if (last_prompted_url.is_empty()) { // On the very first run of Chrome, when we've never looked up the URL at // all, we should just silently switch over to whatever we get immediately. AcceptGoogleURL(true); // Arg is irrelevant. return; } string16 fetched_host(net::StripWWWFromHost(fetched_google_url_)); if (fetched_google_url_ == google_url_) { // Either the user has continually been on this URL, or we prompted for a // different URL but have now changed back before they responded to any of // the prompts. In this latter case we want to close any infobars and stop // prompting. CancelGoogleURL(); } else if (fetched_host == net::StripWWWFromHost(google_url_)) { // Similar to the above case, but this time the new URL differs from the // existing one, probably due to switching between HTTP and HTTPS searching. // Like before we want to close any infobars and stop prompting; we also // want to silently accept the change in scheme. We don't redo open // searches so as to avoid suddenly changing a page the user might be // interacting with; it's enough to simply get future searches right. AcceptGoogleURL(false); } else if (fetched_host == net::StripWWWFromHost(last_prompted_url)) { // We've re-fetched a TLD the user previously turned down. Although the new // URL might have a different scheme than the old, we want to preserve the // user's decision. Note that it's possible that, like in the above two // cases, we fetched yet another different URL in the meantime, which we // have infobars prompting about; in this case, as in those above, we want // to go ahead and close the infobars and stop prompting, since we've // switched back away from that URL. CancelGoogleURL(); } else { // We've fetched a URL with a different TLD than the user is currently using // or was previously prompted about. This means we need to prompt again. need_to_prompt_ = true; // As in all the above cases, there could be infobars prompting about some // URL. If these URLs have the same TLD (e.g. for scheme changes), we can // simply leave the existing infobars open as their messages will still be // accurate. Otherwise we go ahead and close them because we need to // display a new message. // Note: |url| is the previous |fetched_google_url_|. if (url.is_valid() && (fetched_host != net::StripWWWFromHost(url))) CloseAllEntries(false); } } void GoogleURLTracker::OnIPAddressChanged() { already_fetched_ = false; StartFetchIfDesirable(); } void GoogleURLTracker::Shutdown() { nav_helper_.reset(); weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); fetcher_.reset(); net::NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveIPAddressObserver(this); } void GoogleURLTracker::DeleteMapEntryForService( const InfoBarService* infobar_service) { // WARNING: |infobar_service| may point to a deleted object. Do not // dereference it! See OnTabClosed(). EntryMap::iterator i(entry_map_.find(infobar_service)); DCHECK(i != entry_map_.end()); GoogleURLTrackerMapEntry* map_entry = i->second; UnregisterForEntrySpecificNotifications(*map_entry, false); entry_map_.erase(i); delete map_entry; } void GoogleURLTracker::SetNeedToFetch() { need_to_fetch_ = true; StartFetchIfDesirable(); } void GoogleURLTracker::FinishSleep() { in_startup_sleep_ = false; StartFetchIfDesirable(); } void GoogleURLTracker::StartFetchIfDesirable() { // Bail if a fetch isn't appropriate right now. This function will be called // again each time one of the preconditions changes, so we'll fetch // immediately once all of them are met. // // See comments in header on the class, on RequestServerCheck(), and on the // various members here for more detail on exactly what the conditions are. if (in_startup_sleep_ || already_fetched_ || !need_to_fetch_) return; if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kDisableBackgroundNetworking)) return; std::string fetch_url = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()-> GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kGoogleSearchDomainCheckURL); if (fetch_url.empty()) fetch_url = kSearchDomainCheckURL; already_fetched_ = true; fetcher_.reset(net::URLFetcher::Create(fetcher_id_, GURL(fetch_url), net::URLFetcher::GET, this)); ++fetcher_id_; // We don't want this fetch to set new entries in the cache or cookies, lest // we alarm the user. fetcher_->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE | net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES); fetcher_->SetRequestContext(profile_->GetRequestContext()); // Configure to max_retries at most kMaxRetries times for 5xx errors. static const int kMaxRetries = 5; fetcher_->SetMaxRetriesOn5xx(kMaxRetries); fetcher_->Start(); } void GoogleURLTracker::SearchCommitted() { if (need_to_prompt_) { search_committed_ = true; // These notifications will fire a bit later in the same call chain we're // currently in. if (!nav_helper_->IsListeningForNavigationStart()) nav_helper_->SetListeningForNavigationStart(true); } } void GoogleURLTracker::OnNavigationPending( content::NavigationController* navigation_controller, InfoBarService* infobar_service, int pending_id) { EntryMap::iterator i(entry_map_.find(infobar_service)); if (search_committed_) { search_committed_ = false; // Whether there's an existing infobar or not, we need to listen for the // load to commit, so we can show and/or update the infobar when it does. // (We may already be registered for this if there is an existing infobar // that had a previous pending search that hasn't yet committed.) if (!nav_helper_->IsListeningForNavigationCommit(navigation_controller)) { nav_helper_->SetListeningForNavigationCommit(navigation_controller, true); } if (i == entry_map_.end()) { // This is a search on a tab that doesn't have one of our infobars, so // prepare to add one. Note that we only listen for the tab's destruction // on this path; if there was already a map entry, then either it doesn't // yet have an infobar and we're already registered for this, or it has an // infobar and the infobar's owner will handle tearing it down when the // tab is destroyed. nav_helper_->SetListeningForTabDestruction(navigation_controller, true); entry_map_.insert(std::make_pair( infobar_service, new GoogleURLTrackerMapEntry(this, infobar_service, navigation_controller))); } else if (i->second->has_infobar()) { // This is a new search on a tab where we already have an infobar. i->second->infobar()->set_pending_id(pending_id); } } else if (i != entry_map_.end()){ if (i->second->has_infobar()) { // This is a non-search navigation on a tab with an infobar. If there was // a previous pending search on this tab, this means it won't commit, so // undo anything we did in response to seeing that. Note that if there // was no pending search on this tab, these statements are effectively a // no-op. // // If this navigation actually commits, that will trigger the infobar's // owner to expire the infobar if need be. If it doesn't commit, then // simply leaving the infobar as-is will have been the right thing. UnregisterForEntrySpecificNotifications(*i->second, false); i->second->infobar()->set_pending_id(0); } else { // Non-search navigation on a tab with an entry that has not yet created // an infobar. This means the original search won't commit, so delete the // entry. i->second->Close(false); } } else { // Non-search navigation on a tab without an infobars. This is irrelevant // to us. } } void GoogleURLTracker::OnNavigationCommitted(InfoBarService* infobar_service, const GURL& search_url) { EntryMap::iterator i(entry_map_.find(infobar_service)); DCHECK(i != entry_map_.end()); GoogleURLTrackerMapEntry* map_entry = i->second; DCHECK(search_url.is_valid()); UnregisterForEntrySpecificNotifications(*map_entry, true); if (map_entry->has_infobar()) { map_entry->infobar()->Update(search_url); } else { GoogleURLTrackerInfoBarDelegate* infobar_delegate = infobar_creator_.Run(infobar_service, this, search_url); if (infobar_delegate) map_entry->SetInfoBar(infobar_delegate); else map_entry->Close(false); } } void GoogleURLTracker::OnTabClosed( content::NavigationController* navigation_controller) { // Because InfoBarService tears itself down in on tab destruction, it may // or may not be possible to get a non-NULL InfoBarService pointer here, // depending on which order notifications fired in. Likewise, the pointer in // |entry_map_| (and in its associated MapEntry) may point to deleted memory. // Therefore, if we were to access to the InfoBarService* we have for this // tab, we'd need to ensure we just looked at the raw pointer value, and never // dereferenced it. This function doesn't need to do even that, but others in // the call chain from here might (and have comments pointing back here). for (EntryMap::iterator i(entry_map_.begin()); i != entry_map_.end(); ++i) { if (i->second->navigation_controller() == navigation_controller) { i->second->Close(false); return; } } NOTREACHED(); } void GoogleURLTracker::CloseAllEntries(bool redo_searches) { // Delete all entries, whether they have infobars or not. while (!entry_map_.empty()) entry_map_.begin()->second->Close(redo_searches); } void GoogleURLTracker::UnregisterForEntrySpecificNotifications( const GoogleURLTrackerMapEntry& map_entry, bool must_be_listening_for_commit) { // For tabs with map entries but no infobars, we should always be listening // for both these notifications. For tabs with infobars, we may be listening // for navigation commits if the user has performed a new search on this tab. if (nav_helper_->IsListeningForNavigationCommit( map_entry.navigation_controller())) { nav_helper_->SetListeningForNavigationCommit( map_entry.navigation_controller(), false); } else { DCHECK(!must_be_listening_for_commit); DCHECK(map_entry.has_infobar()); } const bool registered_for_tab_destruction = nav_helper_->IsListeningForTabDestruction( map_entry.navigation_controller()); DCHECK_NE(registered_for_tab_destruction, map_entry.has_infobar()); if (registered_for_tab_destruction) { nav_helper_->SetListeningForTabDestruction( map_entry.navigation_controller(), false); } // Our global listeners for these other notifications should be in place iff // we have any tabs still listening for commits. These tabs either have no // infobars or have received new pending searches atop existing infobars; in // either case we want to catch subsequent pending non-search navigations. // See the various cases inside OnNavigationPending(). for (EntryMap::const_iterator i(entry_map_.begin()); i != entry_map_.end(); ++i) { if (nav_helper_->IsListeningForNavigationCommit( i->second->navigation_controller())) { DCHECK(nav_helper_->IsListeningForNavigationStart()); return; } } if (nav_helper_->IsListeningForNavigationStart()) { DCHECK(!search_committed_); nav_helper_->SetListeningForNavigationStart(false); } }