// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/gtk/gtk_theme_provider.h" #include #include "app/gfx/color_utils.h" #include "base/gfx/gtk_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/metrics/user_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/gtk/cairo_cached_surface.h" #include "chrome/browser/gtk/gtk_chrome_button.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_details.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_source.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_type.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "skia/ext/skia_utils_gtk.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h" #include "grit/app_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" namespace { // The size of the rendered toolbar image. const int kToolbarImageWidth = 64; const int kToolbarImageHeight = 128; const color_utils::HSL kExactColor = { -1, -1, -1 }; const color_utils::HSL kDefaultFrameShift = { -1, -1, 0.4 }; // Values used as the new luminance and saturation values in the inactive tab // text color. const double kDarkInactiveLuminance = 0.85; const double kLightInactiveLuminance = 0.15; const double kHeavyInactiveSaturation = 0.7; const double kLightInactiveSaturation = 0.3; // Minimum difference between the toolbar and the button color before we try a // different color. const double kMinimumLuminanceDifference = 0.1; // Number of times that the background color should be counted when trying to // calculate the border color in GTK theme mode. const int kBgWeight = 3; // Converts a GdkColor to a SkColor. SkColor GdkToSkColor(GdkColor* color) { return SkColorSetRGB(color->red >> 8, color->green >> 8, color->blue >> 8); } } // namespace GtkWidget* GtkThemeProvider::icon_widget_ = NULL; GdkPixbuf* GtkThemeProvider::default_folder_icon_ = NULL; GdkPixbuf* GtkThemeProvider::default_bookmark_icon_ = NULL; // static GtkThemeProvider* GtkThemeProvider::GetFrom(Profile* profile) { return static_cast(profile->GetThemeProvider()); } GtkThemeProvider::GtkThemeProvider() : BrowserThemeProvider(), fake_window_(gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)) { fake_label_.Own(gtk_label_new("")); // Only realized widgets receive style-set notifications, which we need to // broadcast new theme images and colors. gtk_widget_realize(fake_window_); g_signal_connect(fake_window_, "style-set", G_CALLBACK(&OnStyleSet), this); } GtkThemeProvider::~GtkThemeProvider() { profile()->GetPrefs()->RemovePrefObserver(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme, this); gtk_widget_destroy(fake_window_); fake_label_.Destroy(); FreePerDisplaySurfaces(); // Disconnect from the destroy signal of any redisual widgets in // |chrome_buttons_|. for (std::vector::iterator it = chrome_buttons_.begin(); it != chrome_buttons_.end(); ++it) { gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data(GTK_OBJECT(*it), this); } } void GtkThemeProvider::Init(Profile* profile) { profile->GetPrefs()->AddPrefObserver(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme, this); use_gtk_ = profile->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme); BrowserThemeProvider::Init(profile); } void GtkThemeProvider::InitThemesFor(NotificationObserver* observer) { observer->Observe(NotificationType::BROWSER_THEME_CHANGED, Source(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void GtkThemeProvider::SetTheme(Extension* extension) { profile()->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme, false); BrowserThemeProvider::SetTheme(extension); } void GtkThemeProvider::UseDefaultTheme() { profile()->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme, false); BrowserThemeProvider::UseDefaultTheme(); } void GtkThemeProvider::SetNativeTheme() { profile()->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme, true); ClearAllThemeData(); LoadGtkValues(); NotifyThemeChanged(); } void GtkThemeProvider::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED) { std::wstring key = *Details(details).ptr(); if (key == prefs::kUsesSystemTheme) { use_gtk_ = profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme); } } } GtkWidget* GtkThemeProvider::BuildChromeButton() { GtkWidget* button = gtk_chrome_button_new(); gtk_chrome_button_set_use_gtk_rendering(GTK_CHROME_BUTTON(button), use_gtk_); chrome_buttons_.push_back(button); g_signal_connect(button, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(OnDestroyChromeButton), this); return button; } bool GtkThemeProvider::UseGtkTheme() { return use_gtk_; } GdkColor GtkThemeProvider::GetGdkColor(int id) { return skia::SkColorToGdkColor(GetColor(id)); } GdkColor GtkThemeProvider::GetBorderColor() { GtkStyle* style = gtk_rc_get_style(fake_window_); GdkColor text; GdkColor bg; if (use_gtk_) { text = style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]; bg = style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]; } else { text = GetGdkColor(COLOR_BOOKMARK_TEXT); bg = GetGdkColor(COLOR_TOOLBAR); } // Creates a weighted average between the text and base color where // the base color counts more than once. GdkColor color; color.pixel = 0; color.red = (text.red + (bg.red * kBgWeight)) / (1 + kBgWeight); color.green = (text.green + (bg.green * kBgWeight)) / (1 + kBgWeight); color.blue = (text.blue + (bg.blue * kBgWeight)) / (1 + kBgWeight); return color; } CairoCachedSurface* GtkThemeProvider::GetSurfaceNamed( int id, GtkWidget* widget_on_display) { GdkDisplay* display = gtk_widget_get_display(widget_on_display); CairoCachedSurfaceMap& surface_map = per_display_surfaces_[display]; // Check to see if we already have the pixbuf in the cache. CairoCachedSurfaceMap::const_iterator found = surface_map.find(id); if (found != surface_map.end()) return found->second; GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = GetPixbufNamed(id); CairoCachedSurface* surface = new CairoCachedSurface; surface->UsePixbuf(pixbuf); surface_map[id] = surface; return surface; } // static GdkPixbuf* GtkThemeProvider::GetFolderIcon(bool native) { if (native) { if (!icon_widget_) icon_widget_ = gtk_fixed_new(); // We never release our ref, so we will leak this on program shutdown. if (!default_folder_icon_) { default_folder_icon_ = gtk_widget_render_icon(icon_widget_, GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU, NULL); } if (default_folder_icon_) return default_folder_icon_; } ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); static GdkPixbuf* default_folder_icon_ = rb.GetPixbufNamed( IDR_BOOKMARK_BAR_FOLDER); return default_folder_icon_; } // static GdkPixbuf* GtkThemeProvider::GetDefaultFavicon(bool native) { if (native) { if (!icon_widget_) icon_widget_ = gtk_fixed_new(); // We never release our ref, so we will leak this on program shutdown. if (!default_bookmark_icon_) { default_bookmark_icon_ = gtk_widget_render_icon(icon_widget_, GTK_STOCK_FILE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU, NULL); } if (default_bookmark_icon_) return default_bookmark_icon_; } ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); static GdkPixbuf* default_bookmark_icon_ = rb.GetPixbufNamed( IDR_DEFAULT_FAVICON); return default_bookmark_icon_; } void GtkThemeProvider::LoadThemePrefs() { if (use_gtk_) { LoadGtkValues(); } else { BrowserThemeProvider::LoadThemePrefs(); } } void GtkThemeProvider::NotifyThemeChanged() { BrowserThemeProvider::NotifyThemeChanged(); // Notify all GtkChromeButtons of their new rendering mode: for (std::vector::iterator it = chrome_buttons_.begin(); it != chrome_buttons_.end(); ++it) { gtk_chrome_button_set_use_gtk_rendering( GTK_CHROME_BUTTON(*it), use_gtk_); } } SkBitmap* GtkThemeProvider::LoadThemeBitmap(int id) { if (use_gtk_) { if (id == IDR_THEME_TOOLBAR) { GtkStyle* style = gtk_rc_get_style(fake_window_); GdkColor* color = &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]; SkBitmap* bitmap = new SkBitmap; bitmap->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, kToolbarImageWidth, kToolbarImageHeight); bitmap->allocPixels(); bitmap->eraseRGB(color->red >> 8, color->green >> 8, color->blue >> 8); return bitmap; } else if ((id == IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND || id == IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_INCOGNITO)) { return GenerateTabBackgroundBitmapImpl(id); } } return BrowserThemeProvider::LoadThemeBitmap(id); } void GtkThemeProvider::SaveThemeBitmap(const std::string resource_name, int id) { if (!use_gtk_) { // Prevent us from writing out our mostly unused resources in gtk theme // mode. Simply preventing us from writing this data out in gtk mode isn't // the best design, but this would probably be a very invasive change on // all three platforms otherwise. BrowserThemeProvider::SaveThemeBitmap(resource_name, id); } } void GtkThemeProvider::FreePlatformCaches() { BrowserThemeProvider::FreePlatformCaches(); FreePerDisplaySurfaces(); } // static void GtkThemeProvider::OnStyleSet(GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle* previous_style, GtkThemeProvider* provider) { GdkPixbuf* default_folder_icon = default_folder_icon_; GdkPixbuf* default_bookmark_icon = default_bookmark_icon_; default_folder_icon_ = NULL; default_bookmark_icon_ = NULL; if (provider->profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kUsesSystemTheme)) { provider->ClearAllThemeData(); provider->LoadGtkValues(); provider->NotifyThemeChanged(); } // Free the old icons only after the theme change notification has gone // through. if (default_folder_icon) g_object_unref(default_folder_icon); if (default_bookmark_icon) g_object_unref(default_bookmark_icon); } void GtkThemeProvider::LoadGtkValues() { // Before we start setting images and values, we have to clear out old, stale // values. (If we don't do this, we'll regress startup time in the case where // someone installs a heavyweight theme, then goes back to GTK.) DictionaryValue* pref_images = profile()->GetPrefs()->GetMutableDictionary(prefs::kCurrentThemeImages); pref_images->Clear(); GtkStyle* window_style = gtk_rc_get_style(fake_window_); GtkStyle* label_style = gtk_rc_get_style(fake_label_.get()); GdkColor frame_color = window_style->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]; GdkColor inactive_frame_color = window_style->bg[GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE]; GdkColor toolbar_color = window_style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]; GdkColor button_color = window_style->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]; GdkColor label_color = label_style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]; GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); bool theme_has_frame_color = false; if (settings) { GHashTable* color_scheme = NULL; g_object_get(settings, "color-hash", &color_scheme, NULL); if (color_scheme) { // If we have a "gtk-color-scheme" set in this theme, mine it for hints // about what we should actually set the frame color to. GdkColor* color = NULL; if ((color = static_cast( g_hash_table_lookup(color_scheme, "frame_color")))) { frame_color = *color; theme_has_frame_color = true; } if ((color = static_cast( g_hash_table_lookup(color_scheme, "inactive_frame_color")))) { inactive_frame_color = *color; } } } if (!theme_has_frame_color) { // If the theme's gtkrc doesn't explicitly tell us to use a specific frame // color, change the luminosity of the frame color downwards to 80% of what // it currently is. This is in a futile attempt to match the default // metacity and xfwm themes. SkColor shifted = color_utils::HSLShift(GdkToSkColor(&frame_color), kDefaultFrameShift); frame_color.pixel = 0; frame_color.red = SkColorGetR(shifted) * kSkiaToGDKMultiplier; frame_color.green = SkColorGetG(shifted) * kSkiaToGDKMultiplier; frame_color.blue = SkColorGetB(shifted) * kSkiaToGDKMultiplier; } // By default, the button tint color is the background selection color. But // this can be unreadable in some dark themes, so we set a minimum contrast // between the button color and the toolbar color. color_utils::HSL button_hsl; color_utils::SkColorToHSL(GdkToSkColor(&button_color), &button_hsl); color_utils::HSL toolbar_hsl; color_utils::SkColorToHSL(GdkToSkColor(&toolbar_color), &toolbar_hsl); double hsl_difference = fabs(button_hsl.l - toolbar_hsl.l); if (hsl_difference <= kMinimumLuminanceDifference) { // Not enough contrast. Try the text color instead. color_utils::HSL label_hsl; color_utils::SkColorToHSL(GdkToSkColor(&label_color), &label_hsl); double label_difference = fabs(label_hsl.l - toolbar_hsl.l); if (label_difference >= kMinimumLuminanceDifference) { button_color = label_color; } } SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorFrame, &frame_color); // Skip COLOR_FRAME_INACTIVE and the incognito colors, as they will be // autogenerated from tints. SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorToolbar, &toolbar_color); SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorTabText, &label_color); SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorBookmarkText, &label_color); SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorControlBackground, &window_style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]); SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorButtonBackground, &window_style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]); SetThemeTintFromGtk(kTintButtons, &button_color, kDefaultTintButtons); SetThemeTintFromGtk(kTintFrame, &frame_color, kDefaultTintFrame); SetThemeTintFromGtk(kTintFrameIncognito, &frame_color, kDefaultTintFrameIncognito); SetThemeTintFromGtk(kTintBackgroundTab, &frame_color, kDefaultTintBackgroundTab); // The inactive frame color never occurs naturally in the theme, as it is a // tinted version of |frame_color|. We generate another color based on the // background tab color, with the lightness and saturation moved in the // opposite direction. (We don't touch the hue, since there should be subtle // hints of the color in the text.) color_utils::HSL inactive_tab_text_hsl = GetTint(TINT_BACKGROUND_TAB); if (inactive_tab_text_hsl.l < 0.5) inactive_tab_text_hsl.l = kDarkInactiveLuminance; else inactive_tab_text_hsl.l = kLightInactiveLuminance; if (inactive_tab_text_hsl.s < 0.5) inactive_tab_text_hsl.s = kHeavyInactiveSaturation; else inactive_tab_text_hsl.s = kLightInactiveSaturation; SetColor(kColorBackgroundTabText, color_utils::HSLToSkColor(inactive_tab_text_hsl, 255)); // The inactive color/tint is special: We *must* use the exact insensitive // color for all inactive windows, otherwise we end up neon pink half the // time. SetThemeColorFromGtk(kColorFrameInactive, &inactive_frame_color); SetThemeTintFromGtk(kTintFrameInactive, &inactive_frame_color, kExactColor); SetThemeTintFromGtk(kTintFrameIncognitoInactive, &inactive_frame_color, kExactColor); force_process_images(); GenerateFrameColors(); AutoLock lock(themed_image_cache_lock_); GenerateFrameImages(); } void GtkThemeProvider::SetThemeColorFromGtk(const char* id, GdkColor* color) { SetColor(id, GdkToSkColor(color)); } void GtkThemeProvider::SetThemeTintFromGtk( const char* id, GdkColor* color, const color_utils::HSL& default_tint) { color_utils::HSL hsl; color_utils::SkColorToHSL(GdkToSkColor(color), &hsl); if (default_tint.s != -1) hsl.s = default_tint.s; if (default_tint.l != -1) hsl.l = default_tint.l; SetTint(id, hsl); } void GtkThemeProvider::FreePerDisplaySurfaces() { for (PerDisplaySurfaceMap::iterator it = per_display_surfaces_.begin(); it != per_display_surfaces_.end(); ++it) { for (CairoCachedSurfaceMap::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); ++jt) { delete jt->second; } } per_display_surfaces_.clear(); } void GtkThemeProvider::OnDestroyChromeButton(GtkWidget* button, GtkThemeProvider* provider) { std::vector::iterator it = find(provider->chrome_buttons_.begin(), provider->chrome_buttons_.end(), button); if (it != provider->chrome_buttons_.end()) provider->chrome_buttons_.erase(it); }