// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/gtk/location_bar_view_gtk.h" #include #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/gfx/gtk_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/alternate_nav_url_fetcher.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view_gtk.h" #include "chrome/browser/command_updater.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/gtk_util.h" #include "chrome/common/page_transition_types.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h" namespace { // We are positioned with a little bit of extra space that we don't use now. const int kTopMargin = 1; const int kBottomMargin = 1; // We don't want to edit control's text to be right against the edge. const int kEditLeftRightPadding = 4; // We draw a border on the top and bottom (but not on left or right). const int kBorderThickness = 1; // Padding around the security icon. const int kSecurityIconPaddingLeft = 4; const int kSecurityIconPaddingRight = 2; // TODO(deanm): Eventually this should be painted with the background png // image, but for now we get pretty close by just drawing a solid border. const GdkColor kBorderColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xbe, 0xc8, 0xd4); } // namespace // static const GdkColor LocationBarViewGtk::kBackgroundColorByLevel[3] = { GDK_COLOR_RGB(255, 245, 195), // SecurityLevel SECURE: Yellow. GDK_COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255), // SecurityLevel NORMAL: White. GDK_COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255), // SecurityLevel INSECURE: White. }; LocationBarViewGtk::LocationBarViewGtk(CommandUpdater* command_updater, ToolbarModel* toolbar_model, AutocompletePopupPositioner* popup_positioner) : security_icon_(NULL), profile_(NULL), command_updater_(command_updater), toolbar_model_(toolbar_model), popup_positioner_(popup_positioner), disposition_(CURRENT_TAB), transition_(PageTransition::TYPED) { } LocationBarViewGtk::~LocationBarViewGtk() { // All of our widgets should have be children of / owned by the alignment. alignment_.Destroy(); } void LocationBarViewGtk::Init() { location_entry_.reset(new AutocompleteEditViewGtk(this, toolbar_model_, profile_, command_updater_, popup_positioner_)); location_entry_->Init(); alignment_.Own(gtk_alignment_new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)); UpdateAlignmentPadding(); // We will paint for the alignment, to paint the background and border. gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(alignment_.get(), TRUE); // Have GTK double buffer around the expose signal. gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(alignment_.get(), TRUE); // Redraw the whole location bar when it changes size (e.g., when toggling // the home button on/off. gtk_widget_set_redraw_on_allocate(alignment_.get(), TRUE); g_signal_connect(alignment_.get(), "expose-event", G_CALLBACK(&HandleExposeThunk), this); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(alignment_.get()), location_entry_->widget()); } void LocationBarViewGtk::SetProfile(Profile* profile) { profile_ = profile; } void LocationBarViewGtk::Update(const TabContents* contents) { SetSecurityIcon(toolbar_model_->GetIcon()); location_entry_->Update(contents); // The security level (background color) could have changed, etc. gtk_widget_queue_draw(alignment_.get()); } void LocationBarViewGtk::OnAutocompleteAccept(const GURL& url, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, PageTransition::Type transition, const GURL& alternate_nav_url) { if (!url.is_valid()) return; location_input_ = UTF8ToWide(url.spec()); disposition_ = disposition; transition_ = transition; if (!command_updater_) return; if (!alternate_nav_url.is_valid()) { command_updater_->ExecuteCommand(IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL); return; } scoped_ptr fetcher( new AlternateNavURLFetcher(alternate_nav_url)); // The AlternateNavURLFetcher will listen for the pending navigation // notification that will be issued as a result of the "open URL." It // will automatically install itself into that navigation controller. command_updater_->ExecuteCommand(IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL); if (fetcher->state() == AlternateNavURLFetcher::NOT_STARTED) { // I'm not sure this should be reachable, but I'm not also sure enough // that it shouldn't to stick in a NOTREACHED(). In any case, this is // harmless; we can simply let the fetcher get deleted here and it will // clean itself up properly. } else { fetcher.release(); // The navigation controller will delete the fetcher. } } void LocationBarViewGtk::OnChanged() { // TODO(deanm): Here is where we would do layout when we have things like // the keyword display, ssl icons, etc. } void LocationBarViewGtk::OnInputInProgress(bool in_progress) { // This is identical to the Windows code, except that we don't proxy the call // back through the Toolbar, and just access the model here. // The edit should make sure we're only notified when something changes. DCHECK(toolbar_model_->input_in_progress() != in_progress); toolbar_model_->set_input_in_progress(in_progress); Update(NULL); } SkBitmap LocationBarViewGtk::GetFavIcon() const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return SkBitmap(); } std::wstring LocationBarViewGtk::GetTitle() const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return std::wstring(); } void LocationBarViewGtk::ShowFirstRunBubble(bool use_OEM_bubble) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } std::wstring LocationBarViewGtk::GetInputString() const { return location_input_; } WindowOpenDisposition LocationBarViewGtk::GetWindowOpenDisposition() const { return disposition_; } PageTransition::Type LocationBarViewGtk::GetPageTransition() const { return transition_; } void LocationBarViewGtk::AcceptInput() { AcceptInputWithDisposition(CURRENT_TAB); } void LocationBarViewGtk::AcceptInputWithDisposition( WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { location_entry_->model()->AcceptInput(disposition, false); } void LocationBarViewGtk::FocusLocation() { location_entry_->SetFocus(); location_entry_->SelectAll(true); } void LocationBarViewGtk::FocusSearch() { location_entry_->SetFocus(); location_entry_->SetForcedQuery(); } void LocationBarViewGtk::UpdatePageActions() { // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=11973 } void LocationBarViewGtk::SaveStateToContents(TabContents* contents) { // http://crbug.com/9225 } void LocationBarViewGtk::Revert() { location_entry_->RevertAll(); } gboolean LocationBarViewGtk::HandleExpose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event) { GdkDrawable* drawable = GDK_DRAWABLE(event->window); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(drawable); GdkRectangle* alloc_rect = &alignment_->allocation; // The area outside of our margin, which includes the border. GdkRectangle inner_rect = { alloc_rect->x, alloc_rect->y + kTopMargin, alloc_rect->width, alloc_rect->height - kTopMargin - kBottomMargin}; // Some of our calculations are a bit sloppy. Since we draw on our parent // window, set a clip to make sure that we don't draw outside. gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(gc, &inner_rect); // Draw our 1px border. TODO(deanm): Maybe this would be cleaner as an // overdrawn stroked rect with a clip to the allocation? gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &kBorderColor); gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, TRUE, inner_rect.x, inner_rect.y, inner_rect.width, kBorderThickness); gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, TRUE, inner_rect.x, inner_rect.y + inner_rect.height - kBorderThickness, inner_rect.width, kBorderThickness); // Draw the background within the border. gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &kBackgroundColorByLevel[toolbar_model_->GetSchemeSecurityLevel()]); gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, TRUE, inner_rect.x, inner_rect.y + kBorderThickness, inner_rect.width, inner_rect.height - (kBorderThickness * 2)); // If we have an SSL icon, draw it vertically centered on the right side. if (security_icon_) { int icon_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(security_icon_); int icon_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(security_icon_); int icon_x = inner_rect.x + inner_rect.width - kBorderThickness - icon_width - kSecurityIconPaddingRight; int icon_y = inner_rect.y + ((inner_rect.height - icon_height) / 2); gdk_draw_pixbuf(drawable, gc, security_icon_, 0, 0, icon_x, icon_y, -1, -1, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0); } g_object_unref(gc); return FALSE; // Continue propagating the expose. } void LocationBarViewGtk::UpdateAlignmentPadding() { // When we have an icon, increase our right padding to make space for it. int right_padding = security_icon_ ? gdk_pixbuf_get_width(security_icon_) + kSecurityIconPaddingLeft + kSecurityIconPaddingRight : kEditLeftRightPadding; gtk_alignment_set_padding(GTK_ALIGNMENT(alignment_.get()), kTopMargin + kBorderThickness, kBottomMargin + kBorderThickness, kEditLeftRightPadding, right_padding); } void LocationBarViewGtk::SetSecurityIcon(ToolbarModel::Icon icon) { static ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); static GdkPixbuf* kLockIcon = rb.GetPixbufNamed(IDR_LOCK); static GdkPixbuf* kWarningIcon = rb.GetPixbufNamed(IDR_WARNING); switch (icon) { case ToolbarModel::LOCK_ICON: security_icon_ = kLockIcon; break; case ToolbarModel::WARNING_ICON: security_icon_ = kWarningIcon; break; case ToolbarModel::NO_ICON: security_icon_ = NULL; break; default: NOTREACHED(); security_icon_ = NULL; break; } // Make sure there is room for the icon. UpdateAlignmentPadding(); }