// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This is the Gtk implementation of the Cookie Manager dialog. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_GTK_OPTIONS_COOKIES_VIEW_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_GTK_OPTIONS_COOKIES_VIEW_H_ #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "chrome/browser/browsing_data_database_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/browsing_data_local_storage_helper.h" #include "chrome/common/gtk_tree.h" #include "net/base/cookie_monster.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h" class CookiesTreeModel; class CookiesViewTest; class Profile; // CookiesView is thread-hostile, and should only be called on the UI thread. // Usage: // CookiesView::Show(profile); // Once the CookiesView is shown, it is responsible for deleting itself when the // user closes the dialog. class CookiesView : public gtk_tree::TreeAdapter::Delegate { public: virtual ~CookiesView(); // Create (if necessary) and show the cookie manager window. static void Show( GtkWindow* parent, Profile* profile, BrowsingDataDatabaseHelper* browsing_data_database_helper, BrowsingDataLocalStorageHelper* browsing_data_local_storage_helper); // gtk_tree::TreeAdapter::Delegate implementation. virtual void OnAnyModelUpdateStart(); virtual void OnAnyModelUpdate(); private: CookiesView( GtkWindow* parent, Profile* profile, BrowsingDataDatabaseHelper* browsing_data_database_helper, BrowsingDataLocalStorageHelper* browsing_data_local_storage_helper); // Initialize the dialog contents and layout. void Init(GtkWindow* parent); // Initialize the widget styles and display the dialog. void InitStylesAndShow(); // Helper for initializing cookie / local storage details table. void InitDetailRow(int row, int label_id, GtkWidget* details_table, GtkWidget** display_label); // Set the initial selection and tree expanded state. void SetInitialTreeState(); // Set sensitivity of buttons based on selection and filter state. void EnableControls(); // Set sensitivity of cookie details. void SetCookieDetailsSensitivity(gboolean enabled); // Set sensitivity of database details. void SetDatabaseDetailsSensitivity(gboolean enabled); // Set sensitivity of local storage details. void SetLocalStorageDetailsSensitivity(gboolean enabled); // Show the details of the currently selected cookie. void PopulateCookieDetails(const std::string& domain, const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cookie); // Show the details of the currently selected database. void PopulateDatabaseDetails( const BrowsingDataDatabaseHelper::DatabaseInfo& database_info); // Show the details of the currently selected local storage. void PopulateLocalStorageDetails( const BrowsingDataLocalStorageHelper::LocalStorageInfo& local_storage_info); // Reset the cookie details display. void ClearCookieDetails(); // Remove any cookies that are currently selected. void RemoveSelectedItems(); // Callback for dialog buttons. static void OnResponse(GtkDialog* dialog, int response_id, CookiesView* window); // Callback for window destruction. static void OnWindowDestroy(GtkWidget* widget, CookiesView* window); // Callback for when user selects something in the table. static void OnSelectionChanged(GtkTreeSelection *selection, CookiesView* window); // Callback for when user presses a key with the table focused. static gboolean OnTreeViewKeyPress(GtkWidget* tree_view, GdkEventKey* key, CookiesView* window); // Callback when user expands a row in the table. static void OnTreeViewRowExpanded(GtkTreeView* tree_view, GtkTreeIter* iter, GtkTreePath* path, gpointer user_data); // Filter the list against the text in |filter_entry_|. void UpdateFilterResults(); // Sets which of the detailed info table is visible. void UpdateVisibleDetailedInfo(GtkWidget* table); // Callbacks for user actions filtering the list. static void OnFilterEntryActivated(GtkEntry* entry, CookiesView* window); static void OnFilterEntryChanged(GtkEditable* editable, CookiesView* window); static void OnFilterClearButtonClicked(GtkButton* button, CookiesView* window); // The parent widget. GtkWidget* dialog_; // Widgets of the dialog. GtkWidget* description_label_; GtkWidget* filter_entry_; GtkWidget* filter_clear_button_; GtkWidget* remove_button_; GtkWidget* remove_all_button_; // The table listing the cookies. GtkWidget* tree_; GtkTreeSelection* selection_; // The cookie details widgets. GtkWidget* cookie_details_table_; GtkWidget* cookie_name_entry_; GtkWidget* cookie_content_entry_; GtkWidget* cookie_domain_entry_; GtkWidget* cookie_path_entry_; GtkWidget* cookie_send_for_entry_; GtkWidget* cookie_created_entry_; GtkWidget* cookie_expires_entry_; // The database details widgets. GtkWidget* database_details_table_; GtkWidget* database_description_entry_; GtkWidget* database_size_entry_; GtkWidget* database_last_modified_entry_; // The local storage details widgets. GtkWidget* local_storage_details_table_; GtkWidget* local_storage_origin_entry_; GtkWidget* local_storage_size_entry_; GtkWidget* local_storage_last_modified_entry_; // The profile. Profile* profile_; // Database Helper. scoped_refptr browsing_data_database_helper_; // Local Storage Helper. scoped_refptr browsing_data_local_storage_helper_; // A factory to construct Runnable Methods so that we can be called back to // re-evaluate the model after the search query string changes. ScopedRunnableMethodFactory filter_update_factory_; // The Cookies Table model. scoped_ptr cookies_tree_model_; scoped_ptr cookies_tree_adapter_; friend class CookiesViewTest; FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, Empty); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, Noop); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, RemoveAll); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, RemoveAllWithDefaultSelected); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, Remove); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, RemoveCookiesByType); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, RemoveByDomain); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, RemoveDefaultSelection); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, Filter); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, FilterRemoveAll); FRIEND_TEST(CookiesViewTest, FilterRemove); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CookiesView); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_GTK_OPTIONS_COOKIES_VIEW_H_