// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_GTK_OPTIONS_GENERAL_PAGE_GTK_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_GTK_OPTIONS_GENERAL_PAGE_GTK_H_ #include #include #include #include "chrome/browser/cancelable_request.h" #include "chrome/browser/options_page_base.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/shell_integration.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_member.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" class Profile; class ListStoreFavIconLoader; class GeneralPageGtk : public OptionsPageBase, public TemplateURLModelObserver, public ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserObserver { public: explicit GeneralPageGtk(Profile* profile); ~GeneralPageGtk(); GtkWidget* get_page_widget() const { return page_; } private: // Overridden from OptionsPageBase virtual void NotifyPrefChanged(const std::wstring* pref_name); virtual void HighlightGroup(OptionsGroup highlight_group); // Initialize the option group widgets, return their container GtkWidget* InitStartupGroup(); GtkWidget* InitHomepageGroup(); GtkWidget* InitDefaultSearchGroup(); GtkWidget* InitDefaultBrowserGroup(); // Saves the startup preference from the values in the ui void SaveStartupPref(); // Fill the startup_custom_pages_model_ void PopulateCustomUrlList(const std::vector& urls); // Fill a single row in the startup_custom_pages_model_ void PopulateCustomUrlRow(const GURL& url, GtkTreeIter *iter); // Set the custom url list using the pages currently open void SetCustomUrlListFromCurrentPages(); // Callback from UrlPickerDialogGtk, for adding custom urls manually. // If a single row in the list is selected, the new url will be inserted // before that row. Otherwise the new row will be added to the end. void OnAddCustomUrl(const GURL& url); // Removes urls that are currently selected void RemoveSelectedCustomUrls(); // Retrieve entries from the startup_custom_pages_model_ std::vector GetCustomUrlList() const; // Overridden from TemplateURLModelObserver. // Populates the default search engine combobox from the model. virtual void OnTemplateURLModelChanged(); // Set the default search engine pref to the combo box active item. void SetDefaultSearchEngineFromComboBox(); // Set the default search engine combo box state. void EnableDefaultSearchEngineComboBox(bool enable); // Sets the home page preferences for kNewTabPageIsHomePage and kHomePage. // If a blank string is passed in we revert to using NewTab page as the Home // page. When setting the Home Page to NewTab page, we preserve the old value // of kHomePage (we don't overwrite it). void SetHomepage(const GURL& homepage); // Sets the home page pref using the value in the entry box void SetHomepageFromEntry(); // Callback for startup radio buttons static void OnStartupRadioToggled(GtkToggleButton* toggle_button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callbacks for custom url list buttons static void OnStartupAddCustomPageClicked(GtkButton* button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); static void OnStartupRemoveCustomPageClicked(GtkButton* button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); static void OnStartupUseCurrentPageClicked(GtkButton* button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for user selecting rows in custom pages list static void OnStartupPagesSelectionChanged(GtkTreeSelection *selection, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for new tab behavior radio buttons static void OnNewTabIsHomePageToggled(GtkToggleButton* toggle_button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for homepage URL entry static void OnHomepageUseUrlEntryChanged(GtkEditable* editable, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for Show Home Button option static void OnShowHomeButtonToggled(GtkToggleButton* toggle_button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for default search engine selection static void OnDefaultSearchEngineChanged(GtkComboBox* combo_box, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for manage search engines button static void OnDefaultSearchManageEnginesClicked(GtkButton* button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Callback for use as default browser button static void OnBrowserUseAsDefaultClicked(GtkButton* button, GeneralPageGtk* general_page); // Enables/Disables the controls associated with the custom start pages // option if that preference is not selected. void EnableCustomHomepagesControls(bool enable); // ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserObserver implementation. virtual void SetDefaultBrowserUIState( ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserUIState state); // Widgets of the startup group GtkWidget* startup_homepage_radio_; GtkWidget* startup_last_session_radio_; GtkWidget* startup_custom_radio_; GtkWidget* startup_custom_pages_tree_; GtkListStore* startup_custom_pages_model_; GtkTreeSelection* startup_custom_pages_selection_; GtkWidget* startup_add_custom_page_button_; GtkWidget* startup_remove_custom_page_button_; GtkWidget* startup_use_current_page_button_; // Widgets and prefs of the homepage group GtkWidget* homepage_use_newtab_radio_; GtkWidget* homepage_use_url_radio_; GtkWidget* homepage_use_url_entry_; GtkWidget* homepage_show_home_button_checkbox_; BooleanPrefMember new_tab_page_is_home_page_; StringPrefMember homepage_; BooleanPrefMember show_home_button_; // Widgets and data of the default search group GtkWidget* default_search_engine_combobox_; GtkListStore* default_search_engines_model_; GtkWidget* default_search_manage_engines_button_; TemplateURLModel* template_url_model_; // Widgets of the default browser group GtkWidget* default_browser_status_label_; GtkWidget* default_browser_use_as_default_button_; // The parent GtkTable widget GtkWidget* page_; // Flag to ignore gtk callbacks while we are populating default search urls. bool default_search_initializing_; // Flag to ignore gtk callbacks while we are loading prefs, to avoid // then turning around and saving them again. bool initializing_; // Used in loading favicons. CancelableRequestConsumer fav_icon_consumer_; // Helper to load the favicon pixbufs into the |startup_custom_pages_model_|. scoped_ptr favicon_loader_; // The helper object that performs default browser set/check tasks. scoped_refptr default_browser_worker_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GeneralPageGtk); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_GTK_OPTIONS_GENERAL_PAGE_GTK_H_