// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/gtk/tab_contents_container_gtk.h" #include "base/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/gtk/gtk_floating_container.h" #include "chrome/browser/gtk/status_bubble_gtk.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_gtk.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" namespace { // Allocates all normal tab contents views to the size of the passed in // |allocation|. void ResizeChildren(GtkWidget* widget, void* param) { GtkAllocation* allocation = reinterpret_cast<GtkAllocation*>(param); if (widget->allocation.width != allocation->width || widget->allocation.height != allocation->height) { gtk_widget_set_size_request(widget, allocation->width, allocation->height); } } } // namespace TabContentsContainerGtk::TabContentsContainerGtk(StatusBubbleGtk* status_bubble) : tab_contents_(NULL), status_bubble_(status_bubble) { Init(); } TabContentsContainerGtk::~TabContentsContainerGtk() { floating_.Destroy(); } void TabContentsContainerGtk::Init() { // A high level overview of the TabContentsContainer: // // +- GtkFloatingContainer |floating_| -------------------------------+ // |+- GtkFixedContainer |fixed_| -----------------------------------+| // || || // || || // || || // || || // |+- (StatusBubble) ------+ || // |+ + || // |+-----------------------+----------------------------------------+| // +------------------------------------------------------------------+ floating_.Own(gtk_floating_container_new()); fixed_ = gtk_fixed_new(); g_signal_connect(fixed_, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK(OnFixedSizeAllocate), this); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(floating_.get()), fixed_); gtk_floating_container_add_floating(GTK_FLOATING_CONTAINER(floating_.get()), status_bubble_->widget()); g_signal_connect(floating_.get(), "set-floating-position", G_CALLBACK(OnSetFloatingPosition), this); gtk_widget_show(fixed_); gtk_widget_show(floating_.get()); } void TabContentsContainerGtk::AddContainerToBox(GtkWidget* box) { gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), floating_.get(), TRUE, TRUE, 0); } void TabContentsContainerGtk::SetTabContents(TabContents* tab_contents) { if (tab_contents_) { gfx::NativeView widget = tab_contents_->GetNativeView(); if (widget) gtk_widget_hide(widget); tab_contents_->WasHidden(); registrar_.Remove(this, NotificationType::RENDER_VIEW_HOST_CHANGED, Source<NavigationController>(&tab_contents_->controller())); registrar_.Remove(this, NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, Source<TabContents>(tab_contents_)); } tab_contents_ = tab_contents; // When detaching the last tab of the browser SetTabContents is invoked // with NULL. Don't attempt to do anything in that case. if (tab_contents_) { // TabContents can change their RenderViewHost and hence the GtkWidget that // is shown. I'm not entirely sure that we need to observe this event under // GTK, but am putting a stub implementation and a comment saying that if // we crash after that NOTIMPLEMENTED(), we'll need it. registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::RENDER_VIEW_HOST_CHANGED, Source<NavigationController>(&tab_contents_->controller())); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, Source<TabContents>(tab_contents_)); gfx::NativeView widget = tab_contents_->GetNativeView(); if (widget) { if (widget->parent != fixed_) gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(fixed_), widget, 0, 0); gtk_widget_show(widget); } // We need to make sure that we are below the findbar. // Sometimes the content native view will be null. // TODO(estade): will this case ever cause findbar occlusion problems? if (tab_contents_->GetContentNativeView()) { GdkWindow* content_gdk_window = tab_contents_->GetContentNativeView()->window; if (content_gdk_window) gdk_window_lower(content_gdk_window); } } } void TabContentsContainerGtk::DetachTabContents(TabContents* tab_contents) { gfx::NativeView widget = tab_contents->GetNativeView(); // It is possible to detach an unrealized, unparented TabContents if you // slow things down enough in valgrind. Might happen in the real world, too. if (widget && widget->parent) { DCHECK_EQ(widget->parent, fixed_); gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(fixed_), widget); } } void TabContentsContainerGtk::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NotificationType::RENDER_VIEW_HOST_CHANGED) { RenderViewHostSwitchedDetails* switched_details = Details<RenderViewHostSwitchedDetails>(details).ptr(); RenderViewHostChanged(switched_details->old_host, switched_details->new_host); } else if (type == NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED) { TabContentsDestroyed(Source<TabContents>(source).ptr()); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } void TabContentsContainerGtk::RenderViewHostChanged(RenderViewHost* old_host, RenderViewHost* new_host) { // TODO(port): Remove this method and the logic where we subscribe to the // RENDER_VIEW_HOST_CHANGED notification. This was used on Windows for focus // issues, and I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't necessary. } void TabContentsContainerGtk::TabContentsDestroyed(TabContents* contents) { // Sometimes, a TabContents is destroyed before we know about it. This allows // us to clean up our state in case this happens. DCHECK(contents == tab_contents_); SetTabContents(NULL); } // static void TabContentsContainerGtk::OnFixedSizeAllocate( GtkWidget* fixed, GtkAllocation* allocation, TabContentsContainerGtk* container) { // Set all the tab contents GtkWidgets to the size of the allocation. gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(fixed), ResizeChildren, allocation); } // static void TabContentsContainerGtk::OnSetFloatingPosition( GtkFloatingContainer* floating_container, GtkAllocation* allocation, TabContentsContainerGtk* tab_contents_container) { GtkWidget* widget = tab_contents_container->status_bubble_->widget(); // Look at the size request of the status bubble and tell the // GtkFloatingContainer where we want it positioned. GtkRequisition requisition; gtk_widget_size_request(widget, &requisition); GValue value = { 0, }; g_value_init(&value, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_set_int(&value, 0); // TODO(erg): Since we're absolutely positioning stuff, we probably have to // do manual RTL right here. gtk_container_child_set_property(GTK_CONTAINER(floating_container), widget, "x", &value); int child_y = std::max( allocation->y + allocation->height - requisition.height, 0); g_value_set_int(&value, child_y); gtk_container_child_set_property(GTK_CONTAINER(floating_container), widget, "y", &value); g_value_unset(&value); }