// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_GUEST_VIEW_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_GUEST_VIEW_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_H_ #include #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_plugin_guest_manager.h" #include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" class GuestViewBase; class GuestWebContentsObserver; class GURL; namespace content { class BrowserContext; } // namespace content class GuestViewManager : public content::BrowserPluginGuestManager, public base::SupportsUserData::Data { public: explicit GuestViewManager(content::BrowserContext* context); virtual ~GuestViewManager(); static GuestViewManager* FromBrowserContext(content::BrowserContext* context); // Returns the guest WebContents associated with the given |guest_instance_id| // if the provided |embedder_render_process_id| is allowed to access it. // If the embedder is not allowed access, the embedder will be killed, and // this method will return NULL. If no WebContents exists with the given // instance ID, then NULL will also be returned. content::WebContents* GetGuestByInstanceIDSafely( int guest_instance_id, int embedder_render_process_id); // BrowserPluginGuestManager implementation. virtual content::WebContents* CreateGuest( content::SiteInstance* embedder_site_instance, int instance_id, scoped_ptr extra_params) OVERRIDE; virtual int GetNextInstanceID() OVERRIDE; virtual void MaybeGetGuestByInstanceIDOrKill( int guest_instance_id, int embedder_render_process_id, const GuestByInstanceIDCallback& callback) OVERRIDE; virtual bool ForEachGuest(content::WebContents* embedder_web_contents, const GuestCallback& callback) OVERRIDE; private: friend class GuestViewBase; friend class GuestWebContentsObserver; friend class TestGuestViewManager; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(GuestViewManagerTest, AddRemove); void AddGuest(int guest_instance_id, content::WebContents* guest_web_contents); void RemoveGuest(int guest_instance_id); content::SiteInstance* GetGuestSiteInstance( const GURL& guest_site); content::WebContents* GetGuestByInstanceID( int guest_instance_id, int embedder_render_process_id); bool CanEmbedderAccessInstanceIDMaybeKill( int embedder_render_process_id, int guest_instance_id); bool CanEmbedderAccessInstanceID(int embedder_render_process_id, int guest_instance_id); // Returns true if |guest_instance_id| can be used to add a new guest to this // manager. // We disallow adding new guest with instance IDs that were previously removed // from this manager using RemoveGuest. bool CanUseGuestInstanceID(int guest_instance_id); static bool CanEmbedderAccessGuest(int embedder_render_process_id, GuestViewBase* guest); // Contains guests' WebContents, mapping from their instance ids. typedef std::map GuestInstanceMap; GuestInstanceMap guest_web_contents_by_instance_id_; int current_instance_id_; // Any instance ID whose number not greater than this was removed via // RemoveGuest. // This is used so that we don't have store all removed instance IDs in // |removed_instance_ids_|. int last_instance_id_removed_; // The remaining instance IDs that are greater than // |last_instance_id_removed_| are kept here. std::set removed_instance_ids_; content::BrowserContext* context_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GuestViewManager); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_GUEST_VIEW_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_H_