// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/history/download_database.h" #include #include #include #include "base/debug/alias.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/download_row.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_interrupt_reasons.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_item.h" #include "sql/statement.h" using content::DownloadItem; namespace history { namespace { // Reason for dropping a particular record. enum DroppedReason { DROPPED_REASON_BAD_STATE = 0, DROPPED_REASON_BAD_DANGER_TYPE = 1, DROPPED_REASON_BAD_ID = 2, DROPPED_REASON_DUPLICATE_ID = 3, DROPPED_REASON_MAX }; static const char kSchema[] = "CREATE TABLE downloads (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," // Primary key. "current_path LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL," // Current disk location "target_path LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL," // Final disk location "start_time INTEGER NOT NULL," // When the download was started. "received_bytes INTEGER NOT NULL," // Total size downloaded. "total_bytes INTEGER NOT NULL," // Total size of the download. "state INTEGER NOT NULL," // 1=complete, 4=interrupted "danger_type INTEGER NOT NULL, " // Danger type, validated. "interrupt_reason INTEGER NOT NULL," // content::DownloadInterruptReason "end_time INTEGER NOT NULL," // When the download completed. "opened INTEGER NOT NULL," // 1 if it has ever been opened else 0 "referrer VARCHAR NOT NULL," // HTTP Referrer "by_ext_id VARCHAR NOT NULL," // ID of extension that started the // download "by_ext_name VARCHAR NOT NULL," // name of extension "etag VARCHAR NOT NULL," // ETag "last_modified VARCHAR NOT NULL)"; // Last-Modified header static const char kUrlChainSchema[] = "CREATE TABLE downloads_url_chains (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL," // downloads.id. "chain_index INTEGER NOT NULL," // Index of url in chain // 0 is initial target, // MAX is target after redirects. "url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL, " // URL. "PRIMARY KEY (id, chain_index) )"; #if defined(OS_POSIX) // Binds/reads the given file path to the given column of the given statement. void BindFilePath(sql::Statement& statement, const base::FilePath& path, int col) { statement.BindString(col, path.value()); } base::FilePath ColumnFilePath(sql::Statement& statement, int col) { return base::FilePath(statement.ColumnString(col)); } #else // See above. void BindFilePath(sql::Statement& statement, const base::FilePath& path, int col) { statement.BindString16(col, path.value()); } base::FilePath ColumnFilePath(sql::Statement& statement, int col) { return base::FilePath(statement.ColumnString16(col)); } #endif } // namespace // These constants and the transformation functions below are used to allow // DownloadItem::DownloadState and DownloadDangerType to change without // breaking the database schema. // They guarantee that the values of the |state| field in the database are one // of the values returned by StateToInt, and that the values of the |state| // field of the DownloadRows returned by QueryDownloads() are one of the values // returned by IntToState(). const int DownloadDatabase::kStateInvalid = -1; const int DownloadDatabase::kStateInProgress = 0; const int DownloadDatabase::kStateComplete = 1; const int DownloadDatabase::kStateCancelled = 2; const int DownloadDatabase::kStateBug140687 = 3; const int DownloadDatabase::kStateInterrupted = 4; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeInvalid = -1; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeNotDangerous = 0; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousFile = 1; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousUrl = 2; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousContent = 3; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeMaybeDangerousContent = 4; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeUncommonContent = 5; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeUserValidated = 6; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousHost = 7; const int DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypePotentiallyUnwanted = 8; int DownloadDatabase::StateToInt(DownloadItem::DownloadState state) { switch (state) { case DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS: return DownloadDatabase::kStateInProgress; case DownloadItem::COMPLETE: return DownloadDatabase::kStateComplete; case DownloadItem::CANCELLED: return DownloadDatabase::kStateCancelled; case DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED: return DownloadDatabase::kStateInterrupted; case DownloadItem::MAX_DOWNLOAD_STATE: NOTREACHED(); return DownloadDatabase::kStateInvalid; } NOTREACHED(); return DownloadDatabase::kStateInvalid; } DownloadItem::DownloadState DownloadDatabase::IntToState(int state) { switch (state) { case DownloadDatabase::kStateInProgress: return DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS; case DownloadDatabase::kStateComplete: return DownloadItem::COMPLETE; case DownloadDatabase::kStateCancelled: return DownloadItem::CANCELLED; // We should not need kStateBug140687 here because MigrateDownloadsState() // is called in HistoryDatabase::Init(). case DownloadDatabase::kStateInterrupted: return DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED; default: return DownloadItem::MAX_DOWNLOAD_STATE; } } int DownloadDatabase::DangerTypeToInt(content::DownloadDangerType danger_type) { switch (danger_type) { case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeNotDangerous; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_FILE: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousFile; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_URL: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousUrl; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_CONTENT: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousContent; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_MAYBE_DANGEROUS_CONTENT: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeMaybeDangerousContent; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_UNCOMMON_CONTENT: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeUncommonContent; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_USER_VALIDATED: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeUserValidated; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_HOST: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousHost; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED: return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypePotentiallyUnwanted; case content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_MAX: NOTREACHED(); return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeInvalid; } NOTREACHED(); return DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeInvalid; } content::DownloadDangerType DownloadDatabase::IntToDangerType(int danger_type) { switch (danger_type) { case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeNotDangerous: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousFile: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_FILE; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousUrl: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_URL; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousContent: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_CONTENT; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeMaybeDangerousContent: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_MAYBE_DANGEROUS_CONTENT; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeUncommonContent: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_UNCOMMON_CONTENT; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeUserValidated: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_USER_VALIDATED; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypeDangerousHost: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_HOST; case DownloadDatabase::kDangerTypePotentiallyUnwanted: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED; default: return content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_MAX; } } DownloadDatabase::DownloadDatabase() : owning_thread_set_(false), owning_thread_(0), in_progress_entry_cleanup_completed_(false) { } DownloadDatabase::~DownloadDatabase() { } bool DownloadDatabase::EnsureColumnExists( const std::string& name, const std::string& type) { std::string add_col = "ALTER TABLE downloads ADD COLUMN " + name + " " + type; return GetDB().DoesColumnExist("downloads", name.c_str()) || GetDB().Execute(add_col.c_str()); } bool DownloadDatabase::MigrateDownloadsState() { sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE downloads SET state=? WHERE state=?")); statement.BindInt(0, kStateInterrupted); statement.BindInt(1, kStateBug140687); return statement.Run(); } bool DownloadDatabase::MigrateDownloadsReasonPathsAndDangerType() { // We need to rename the table and copy back from it because SQLite // provides no way to rename or delete a column. if (!GetDB().Execute("ALTER TABLE downloads RENAME TO downloads_tmp")) return false; // Recreate main table. if (!GetDB().Execute(kSchema)) return false; // Populate it. As we do so, we transform the time values from time_t // (seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC), to our internal measure (microseconds // since the Windows Epoch). Note that this is dependent on the // internal representation of base::Time and needs to change if that changes. sql::Statement statement_populate(GetDB().GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO downloads " "( id, current_path, target_path, start_time, received_bytes, " " total_bytes, state, danger_type, interrupt_reason, end_time, opened, " " referrer, by_ext_id, by_ext_name, etag, last_modified ) " "SELECT id, full_path, full_path, " " CASE start_time WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE " " (start_time + 11644473600) * 1000000 END, " " received_bytes, total_bytes, " " state, ?, ?, " " CASE end_time WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE " " (end_time + 11644473600) * 1000000 END, " " opened, \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\" " "FROM downloads_tmp")); statement_populate.BindInt(0, content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_NONE); statement_populate.BindInt(1, kDangerTypeNotDangerous); if (!statement_populate.Run()) return false; // Create new chain table and populate it. if (!GetDB().Execute(kUrlChainSchema)) return false; if (!GetDB().Execute("INSERT INTO downloads_url_chains " " ( id, chain_index, url) " " SELECT id, 0, url from downloads_tmp")) return false; // Get rid of temporary table. if (!GetDB().Execute("DROP TABLE downloads_tmp")) return false; return true; } bool DownloadDatabase::MigrateReferrer() { return EnsureColumnExists("referrer", "VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\""); } bool DownloadDatabase::MigrateDownloadedByExtension() { return EnsureColumnExists("by_ext_id", "VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\"") && EnsureColumnExists("by_ext_name", "VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\""); } bool DownloadDatabase::MigrateDownloadValidators() { return EnsureColumnExists("etag", "VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\"") && EnsureColumnExists("last_modified", "VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\""); } bool DownloadDatabase::InitDownloadTable() { if (GetDB().DoesTableExist("downloads")) { return EnsureColumnExists("end_time", "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0") && EnsureColumnExists("opened", "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); } else { // If the "downloads" table doesn't exist, the downloads_url_chain // table better not. return (!GetDB().DoesTableExist("downloads_url_chain") && GetDB().Execute(kSchema) && GetDB().Execute(kUrlChainSchema)); } } uint32 DownloadDatabase::GetNextDownloadId() { sql::Statement select_max_id(GetDB().GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT max(id) FROM downloads")); bool result = select_max_id.Step(); DCHECK(result); // If there are zero records in the downloads table, then max(id) will return // 0 = kInvalidId, so GetNextDownloadId() will set *id = kInvalidId + 1. // If there is at least one record but all of the |id|s are <= kInvalidId, // then max(id) will return <= kInvalidId, so GetNextDownloadId should return // kInvalidId + 1. Note that any records with |id <= kInvalidId| will be // dropped in QueryDownloads() // SQLITE doesn't have unsigned integers. return 1 + static_cast(std::max( static_cast(content::DownloadItem::kInvalidId), select_max_id.ColumnInt64(0))); } bool DownloadDatabase::DropDownloadTable() { return GetDB().Execute("DROP TABLE downloads"); } void DownloadDatabase::QueryDownloads( std::vector* results) { EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp(); results->clear(); std::set ids; std::map info_map; sql::Statement statement_main(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT id, current_path, target_path, start_time, received_bytes, " "total_bytes, state, danger_type, interrupt_reason, end_time, opened, " "referrer, by_ext_id, by_ext_name, etag, last_modified " "FROM downloads ORDER BY start_time")); while (statement_main.Step()) { scoped_ptr info(new DownloadRow()); int column = 0; // SQLITE does not have unsigned integers, so explicitly handle negative // |id|s instead of casting them to very large uint32s, which would break // the max(id) logic in GetNextDownloadId(). int64 signed_id = statement_main.ColumnInt64(column++); info->id = static_cast(signed_id); info->current_path = ColumnFilePath(statement_main, column++); info->target_path = ColumnFilePath(statement_main, column++); info->start_time = base::Time::FromInternalValue( statement_main.ColumnInt64(column++)); info->received_bytes = statement_main.ColumnInt64(column++); info->total_bytes = statement_main.ColumnInt64(column++); int state = statement_main.ColumnInt(column++); info->state = IntToState(state); if (info->state == DownloadItem::MAX_DOWNLOAD_STATE) UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Download.DatabaseInvalidState", state); info->danger_type = IntToDangerType(statement_main.ColumnInt(column++)); info->interrupt_reason = static_cast( statement_main.ColumnInt(column++)); info->end_time = base::Time::FromInternalValue( statement_main.ColumnInt64(column++)); info->opened = statement_main.ColumnInt(column++) != 0; info->referrer_url = GURL(statement_main.ColumnString(column++)); info->by_ext_id = statement_main.ColumnString(column++); info->by_ext_name = statement_main.ColumnString(column++); info->etag = statement_main.ColumnString(column++); info->last_modified = statement_main.ColumnString(column++); // If the record is corrupted, note that and drop it. // http://crbug.com/251269 DroppedReason dropped_reason = DROPPED_REASON_MAX; if (signed_id <= static_cast(content::DownloadItem::kInvalidId)) { // SQLITE doesn't have unsigned integers. dropped_reason = DROPPED_REASON_BAD_ID; } else if (!ids.insert(info->id).second) { dropped_reason = DROPPED_REASON_DUPLICATE_ID; NOTREACHED() << info->id; } else if (info->state == DownloadItem::MAX_DOWNLOAD_STATE) { dropped_reason = DROPPED_REASON_BAD_STATE; } else if (info->danger_type == content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_MAX) { dropped_reason = DROPPED_REASON_BAD_DANGER_TYPE; } if (dropped_reason != DROPPED_REASON_MAX) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Download.DatabaseRecordDropped", dropped_reason, DROPPED_REASON_MAX + 1); } else { DCHECK(!ContainsKey(info_map, info->id)); uint32 id = info->id; info_map[id] = info.release(); } } sql::Statement statement_chain(GetDB().GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT id, chain_index, url FROM downloads_url_chains " "ORDER BY id, chain_index")); while (statement_chain.Step()) { int column = 0; // See the comment above about SQLITE lacking unsigned integers. int64 signed_id = statement_chain.ColumnInt64(column++); int chain_index = statement_chain.ColumnInt(column++); if (signed_id <= static_cast(content::DownloadItem::kInvalidId)) continue; uint32 id = static_cast(signed_id); // Note that these DCHECKs may trip as a result of corrupted databases. // We have them because in debug builds the chances are higher there's // an actual bug than that the database is corrupt, but we handle the // DB corruption case in production code. // Confirm the id has already been seen--if it hasn't, discard the // record. DCHECK(ContainsKey(info_map, id)); if (!ContainsKey(info_map, id)) continue; // Confirm all previous URLs in the chain have already been seen; // if not, fill in with null or discard record. int current_chain_size = info_map[id]->url_chain.size(); std::vector* url_chain(&info_map[id]->url_chain); DCHECK_EQ(chain_index, current_chain_size); while (current_chain_size < chain_index) { url_chain->push_back(GURL()); current_chain_size++; } if (current_chain_size > chain_index) continue; // Save the record. url_chain->push_back(GURL(statement_chain.ColumnString(2))); } for (std::map::iterator it = info_map.begin(); it != info_map.end(); ++it) { DownloadRow* row = it->second; bool empty_url_chain = row->url_chain.empty(); UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Download.DatabaseEmptyUrlChain", empty_url_chain); if (empty_url_chain) { RemoveDownload(row->id); } else { // Copy the contents of the stored info. results->push_back(*row); } delete row; it->second = NULL; } } bool DownloadDatabase::UpdateDownload(const DownloadRow& data) { EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp(); DCHECK_NE(content::DownloadItem::kInvalidId, data.id); int state = StateToInt(data.state); if (state == kStateInvalid) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } int danger_type = DangerTypeToInt(data.danger_type); if (danger_type == kDangerTypeInvalid) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE downloads " "SET current_path=?, target_path=?, received_bytes=?, state=?, " "danger_type=?, interrupt_reason=?, end_time=?, total_bytes=?, " "opened=?, by_ext_id=?, by_ext_name=?, etag=?, last_modified=? " "WHERE id=?")); int column = 0; BindFilePath(statement, data.current_path, column++); BindFilePath(statement, data.target_path, column++); statement.BindInt64(column++, data.received_bytes); statement.BindInt(column++, state); statement.BindInt(column++, danger_type); statement.BindInt(column++, static_cast(data.interrupt_reason)); statement.BindInt64(column++, data.end_time.ToInternalValue()); statement.BindInt64(column++, data.total_bytes); statement.BindInt(column++, (data.opened ? 1 : 0)); statement.BindString(column++, data.by_ext_id); statement.BindString(column++, data.by_ext_name); statement.BindString(column++, data.etag); statement.BindString(column++, data.last_modified); statement.BindInt(column++, data.id); return statement.Run(); } void DownloadDatabase::EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp() { if (in_progress_entry_cleanup_completed_) return; sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE downloads SET state=?, interrupt_reason=? WHERE state=?")); statement.BindInt(0, kStateInterrupted); statement.BindInt(1, content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_CRASH); statement.BindInt(2, kStateInProgress); statement.Run(); in_progress_entry_cleanup_completed_ = true; } bool DownloadDatabase::CreateDownload(const DownloadRow& info) { DCHECK_NE(content::DownloadItem::kInvalidId, info.id); EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp(); if (info.url_chain.empty()) return false; int state = StateToInt(info.state); if (state == kStateInvalid) return false; int danger_type = DangerTypeToInt(info.danger_type); if (danger_type == kDangerTypeInvalid) return false; { sql::Statement statement_insert(GetDB().GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO downloads " "(id, current_path, target_path, start_time, " " received_bytes, total_bytes, state, danger_type, interrupt_reason, " " end_time, opened, referrer, by_ext_id, by_ext_name, etag, " " last_modified) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")); int column = 0; statement_insert.BindInt(column++, info.id); BindFilePath(statement_insert, info.current_path, column++); BindFilePath(statement_insert, info.target_path, column++); statement_insert.BindInt64(column++, info.start_time.ToInternalValue()); statement_insert.BindInt64(column++, info.received_bytes); statement_insert.BindInt64(column++, info.total_bytes); statement_insert.BindInt(column++, state); statement_insert.BindInt(column++, danger_type); statement_insert.BindInt(column++, info.interrupt_reason); statement_insert.BindInt64(column++, info.end_time.ToInternalValue()); statement_insert.BindInt(column++, info.opened ? 1 : 0); statement_insert.BindString(column++, info.referrer_url.spec()); statement_insert.BindString(column++, info.by_ext_id); statement_insert.BindString(column++, info.by_ext_name); statement_insert.BindString(column++, info.etag); statement_insert.BindString(column++, info.last_modified); if (!statement_insert.Run()) { // GetErrorCode() returns a bitmask where the lower byte is a more general // code and the upper byte is a more specific code. In order to save // memory, take the general code, of which there are fewer than 50. See // also sql/connection.cc // http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort_rollback.html UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Download.DatabaseMainInsertError", GetDB().GetErrorCode() & 0xff, 50); return false; } } { sql::Statement count_urls(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT count(*) FROM downloads_url_chains WHERE id=?")); count_urls.BindInt(0, info.id); if (count_urls.Step()) { bool corrupt_urls = count_urls.ColumnInt(0) > 0; UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Download.DatabaseCorruptUrls", corrupt_urls); if (corrupt_urls) { // There should not be any URLs in downloads_url_chains for this // info.id. If there are, we don't want them to interfere with // inserting the correct URLs, so just remove them. RemoveDownloadURLs(info.id); } } } sql::Statement statement_insert_chain( GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO downloads_url_chains " "(id, chain_index, url) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)")); for (size_t i = 0; i < info.url_chain.size(); ++i) { statement_insert_chain.BindInt(0, info.id); statement_insert_chain.BindInt(1, i); statement_insert_chain.BindString(2, info.url_chain[i].spec()); if (!statement_insert_chain.Run()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Download.DatabaseURLChainInsertError", GetDB().GetErrorCode() & 0xff, 50); RemoveDownload(info.id); return false; } statement_insert_chain.Reset(true); } return true; } void DownloadDatabase::RemoveDownload(uint32 id) { EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp(); sql::Statement downloads_statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM downloads WHERE id=?")); downloads_statement.BindInt(0, id); if (!downloads_statement.Run()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Download.DatabaseMainDeleteError", GetDB().GetErrorCode() & 0xff, 50); return; } RemoveDownloadURLs(id); } void DownloadDatabase::RemoveDownloadURLs(uint32 id) { sql::Statement urlchain_statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM downloads_url_chains WHERE id=?")); urlchain_statement.BindInt(0, id); if (!urlchain_statement.Run()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Download.DatabaseURLChainDeleteError", GetDB().GetErrorCode() & 0xff, 50); } } size_t DownloadDatabase::CountDownloads() { EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp(); sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT count(*) from downloads")); statement.Step(); return statement.ColumnInt(0); } } // namespace history